Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ The Wedding ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 14: The Wedding
Disclaimer: Once again I tell you that I don't own nor will ever own Fruits Basket in all its glory.
Warning: There shouldn't be any real warnings in this chapter this is mostly mushy gushy stuff.
“Tohru come on!” yelled Ayame impatiently at the door as his foot tapped impatiently.
“I'm coming!” came the flustered reply from behind the dressing room door.
`Hmph I want to see my greatest creation yet, but she's taking so damn long!' Ayame snarled to himself his hands on his hips.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“About Damn…” Ayame trailed off as he caught sight of the vision in white.
`My Kami, she's beautiful!” he thought in awe.
Tohru's dress was pure white and flowed about her body, yet clung to her curves. The skirt portion had small rhinestones scattered about on it causing her to glitter beautifully. The hem had embroidered pink roses upon it giving it a delicate look.
The bodice was decorated with small rose-colored pearls that came together to form a large pink rose upon her chest. Her neck was decorated with a simple gold heart shaped locket that her mother had given her long ago. The sleeves lay off the shoulders slightly and showed off her creamy white shoulders. A sheer veil covered her face and embroidered upon it were small green leaves. It was held in place by a sparkling tiara. Her hair was put up elegantly except for the two strands that framed her face and were curled slightly. In her hands she held a amazing bouquet of blue roses.
“Tohru, you look amazing!” cried Arisa from behind the speechless Ayame.
“Yes you do!” cried Ayame at last after finally being startled out of him gaping.
“Thank you. You look good to you know.” Said Tohru shyly.
“Thanks although I don't think that pink is my color.” Hana said softly from her position behind Ayame.
The whole group had been shocked when Tohru had said that she wanted her bridesmaids to wear pink, especially when Hana wore nothing but black. They had expected that she would argue but she didn't. She just sighed, and went about her way in planning the wedding although none of them had missed the disgust in her face when she had seen the fluffy, puffy dress that Tohru had picked out.
“Ayame!” called a masculine voice from down the hallway, “Its time!”
“Coming Hatori!” Ayame called back exasperatedly.
`How am I supposed to know what to fix and what not to fix if I don't see the bride for more than ten seconds?' sighed Ayame silently, `then again I don't think anything needs to be fixed at all.'
Ayame smiled down at Tohru his eyes filled with pride and not just a little bit of brotherly love. He tenderly lifted her face towards his and nodded happily at her light blush.
“You look amazing,” he said softly, “Kyo doesn't know what kind of treasure he has.”
“Oh no,” stammered Tohru, “he is the greatest gift that I could ever ask for!”
“I don't know about that!” Yuki said amusedly from the door way behind his brother.
“Ayame, Kyo is waiting on you. You better hurry.” Ordered Yuki imperiously as he glared at his brother.
“Fine, I'm going.” Ayame replied as he flounced out of the room indigently.
Yuki sighed and rolled his eyes at his brothers flamboyant exit.
“Let me make sure that he makes it at least half way there.” Yuki said with a sigh.
Tohru nodded and waited until Yuki was out of sight before she walked over to the window that looked over the church courtyard. She looked up at the bright blue sky tears formed in her eyes as she thought of her mother.
`I hope that you're watching mom,' she thought sadly as she stared up at the bright sun light dappled sky.
This was how Yuki found her as he silently walked back inside. The sunlight made her even more beautiful, it seemed as though the sun was trying to infuse itself within the girl and make her glow even more beautifully. At least that's how it seemed to Yuki.
“Thinking of your mother?” asked Yuki hesitantly, as he saw the familiar expression on her face.
“Yeah,” replied Tohru as she turned to face him. “I was hoping that she was watching all this, both her and dad.”
“She is, look how beautiful it is,” Yuki replied softly. “She is very happy that you have found the one for you.”
“I know,” she said sadly, “I feel it here.” She said as she raised her hand to her heart.
“Come on it's almost time to go,” came Hatori's deep baritone voice from the doorway. “The bridesmaids are about to go in, then the four of us.”
“Coming Hatori,” Tohru said shyly.
“Where is the rabbit?” asked Yuki as he strained to see over Hatori's broad shoulder.
“He's waiting for us in front of the sanctuary.”
Yuki nodded as he offered his arm for Tohru to take, and smiled when she gently placed her arm on his. Hatori moved to her other side and did the same. Once Tohru was securely between the two men, they began making their way towards the sanctuary. They reached the heavy doors right as they closed behind the last bridesmaid, which happened to be Hana on the arm of Shishou (sp?).
`Kyo isn't going to like that arrangement!' snickered Tohru to herself.
“What are you laughing about?” asked Momitchi from his place in front of the doors.
“Just laughing at the last couple that went through.”
“Oh you mean Hana and Shishou?” grinned Momitchi mischievously.
“Did you have something to do with that?” asked Tohru with a smile on her face.
Momitchi just grinned and nodded his blonde head delightfully.
“I figured Kyo would need something to get his mind of his worries, and that seemed to be the perfect thing,” smiled Momitchi, “plus both parties were willing enough!”
`You rotten little rabbit! You know just what to do to get under Kyo's skin!' she thought amusedly.
Suddenly the music began and the butterflies that she had thought that she had banished returned and brought a few friends with them. Tohru took a deep breath and clutched her bouquet tightly in her hands. Momitchi threw open the doors and began to lead them inside his head held high as he walked in time to the music.
Tohru caught sight of her groom and all thoughts went out the proverbial window. Kyo was in black tux with a white vest and black tie that clashed beautifully with his flaming hair. His maroon colored eyes fixed hungrily on her and all she wanted to do was run into his arms and run her fingers through his somewhat tamed hair.
`He is so handsome, I wonder if Dad looked anything like this man here?' she wondered to herself.
As they reached the alter her eyes never left Kyo's, the preachers words barely registered in her mind as he began the ceremony, that is until the preacher asked who would give her away.
“Who will give this woman away?” asked the preacher as he looked at the three skeptically.
“We all will.” Hatori said firmly as his eyes pierced the preacher.
“You better take care of her Kyo,” whispered Momitchi as he walked towards his seat.
“I wish you happiness,” said Hatori as he placed the hand he held into Kyo's waiting hand and kissed Tohru in a fatherly way on her forehead.
“Don't hurt her,” growled Yuki as he passed the hand that he held into Kyo's other hand.
Kyo's eyes flashed angrily at Yuki's words but held back due to the fact that Tohru squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“Will you be alright?” asked Hatori as Yuki sat beside him, and the preacher began again.
“Yeah,” replied Yuki softly his eyes never left the couple at the alter, “I look at her with him and I see something in both their eyes that will never be directed at me, or at least not from them.”
“Do you have your own vows?” asked the preacher.
“Yes,” replied Tohru quietly.
“Then please say them now.”
“Kyo, In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.” Tohru said softly her voice soft but strong.
“Kyo do you have any vows of your own?” asked the preacher.
“I do but I don't think they will be nearly as good as hers.” Kyo laughed.
“I Kyo Soma take you Tohru Honda to be my lawfully wedded wife, the mother of my children, my lover. I will be yours in times of need and in times of wealth, in times of sickness and health, in the happy times and in the sad times, in times of triumph and sorrow. I promise to cherish, love, comfort, protect, encourage, and stay with you for all eternity.” Kyo said firmly, his voice carried over the room, his eyes never left hers.
“Do you have rings?”
“We do,” replied Kyo as he motioned for Hiro to come forward.
“Tohru take the male ring and place it on the ring finger of Kyo's left finger.” Instructed the preacher.
“Please repeat after me,” said the preacher imperiously, which earned him a glare from Kyo.
“With this ring,” started the preacher a little more kindly.
“With this ring,”
“I thee wed,”
“I thee wed,” repeated Tohru obediently.
“For eternity.” Finished the preacher.
“For eternity and beyond.” Tohru finished as she blushed slightly.
“Now Kyo take the female ring and repeat after me,”
“With this ring,”
“With this ring,” Kyo repeated, his baritone voice hitting places in Tohru that she didn't know she had.
“I thee wed,”
“I thee wed,”
“For eternity.” Finished the preacher happily.
“For eternity and beyond.” Finished Kyo with a slight frown in the preachers direction.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” The preacher said hastily.
Kyo gently reached up and lifted the sheer veil from Tohru's face and was taken aback by the sheer joy on her face. He leaned down and captured her mouth for a hot sweet kiss, and his heart felt like it would burst with joy. When it was over, they looked up and smiled joyously at the friends and family.
“I think that there is food to be had lets eat!” called Kyo happily.
At the reception:
“Kyo did you see Akito here?” asked Tohru hesitantly. She knew that Kyo didn't want him here but she felt the need to invite the head of the family, for some reason she felt that it was necessary.
“No I didn't see him here and I am glad.” Growled Kyo back.
Suddenly the doors opened and a tall male figure strode in. He was dressed in a black suit, his dark hair combed neatly. He seemed to be searching for someone as he surveyed the room, and then his eyes landed on the couple at the head of the table. He began to make his way towards the newly weds, his step indicated that he had a purpose and was determined to see it through.
“That is Akito!” whispered Tohru excitedly to Kyo, she had long since forgiven the man for what he had done to her, as was her nature.
“Great just what I didn't want!” growled Kyo angrily as he glared at the oncoming man. He had been denied his revenge when Tohru had told him that it would make her unhappy to see the man harmed, even if he was a evil bastard.
Akito came to a halt in front of the couple and much to their surprise he bowed before them.
“Tohru Honda Soma, I humbly come to ask for your forgiveness,” Akito said solemnly.
“What are you talking about?” asked Tohru as she stood and walked around the table to stand in front of the bowing man.
“I want your forgiveness for all the horrible things that I have done to you and yours.”
Tohru smiled and reached down to him, and gently took him by the arms, much to the displeasure of her husband. Akito looked up at her in shock, completely sure that she would shun him, as all others had.
“I forgave you long ago,” she said softly to him, her eyes soft and loving.
“How can you? After what I did?” he demanded.
“I just can.”
“Do you want to know how to free the rest of them?” asked Akito.
Tohru didn't even try to pretend not to know what he was talking about. “Yes.”
“All you have to do is wish for it with all your heart, and have my permission which you already have.”
“Why now?” demanded Kyo suspicious of Akito.
“She forgave the ultimate crime, and accepted me.” He replied simply his eyes suspiciously wet.
“I can understand that.” Kyo replied grudeingly.
Tohru smiled and closed her eyes as she let her mind wander to her dreams.
`I wish with all of my heart that the zodiac that I have come to love as my own family will be free so that they may know my children.” She wished reverently.
When she opened her eyes, she smiled at what she found. All around her the zodiac spririts were leaving the bodies of her family. As she watched she saw all of the spirits wave good-bye to her as they flew off towards their home. She laughed when she saw the looks of disbelief and joy come across their faces, and squealed when they all converged on her and hugged her.
“Thank you Tohru!” they all cried.
`Life is going to be so much more interesting now,' she thought happily as she hugged them all.
The end.
A/N: I think this will be the end of this story, although I may add a epilog (sp?). I know that it was really sudden but it just kind of came to me and that's how I wanted to end it. I am working on another story but I'm not sure if I'm getting any where. But I hope you like this and keep a look out for a epilog. Also let me know if you want a sequel, thanks.