Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Pre-dinner Disasters ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: YOU CANT SUE MEEEE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! YOU CANT SUE MEEEE!!! *does tic-tac-toe on fans' faces*
Usagi(Momiji): Ehh…Yuki-sama… *whisper, whisper*
@_@ what do you mean they can sue me for that? I thought…
U-M: That's just for the story ^^;
._. Crap.
Last time:
All Tohru could manage to do was blush more. Hatori smirked, though keeping it to himself, noticing how cute she was looking. Wait…cute? What the heck am I thinking? Tohru is…she's a kid
Even as they got back to the car, Hatori continued chastising himself. “Hatori? Hatori…Ha'ari,” when Hatori came back to, he blinked, seeing Momiji right up in front of him, waving his hand in front of his face, and whining.
“What, Momiji?” Hatori groaned softly.
“You need to unlock the car so we can get in and go home,” Momiji grinned at the doctor's odd staring. “Was something distracting you, Hatori-san?” he smirked.
“No, nothing at all,” Hatori said quickly, glancing about then unlocking the car. “Nothing,” he repeated, although he sounded only as if he was trying to convince himself, “You can get in now. Let's go.”
“Right,” Momiji chuckled before jumping in, Tohru getting in the passenger seat once more. This time, though, she decided it may be best to lean against the window, as far away from the cursed driver as possible. They didn't want a repeat of what had happened just little over an hour ago; they would much rather keep their lives, and their sanity.
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Soon enough, the group had arrived at the Sohma Estate, pulling in through the gates and driving up to Hatori's home. “I haven't been here in a while.” Tohru smiled as she stood, getting out of the car. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and then reached back in the car for the grocery bags as the others got out of the car. Once Hatori got out, he took the bags from Tohru and began taking them inside. “A-ah, you didn't have to,” Tohru muttered softly, blushing nervously before following him. Momiji observed quietly, staying back for a moment prior to also following the `dragon' inside.
They situated themselves in the kitchen, helping unload all of the groceries so Tohru could have easy access to the ingredients that she needed to cook their dinner with. Hatori raised an eyebrow as he pulled a bag of gummy candies out of the bags of groceries, then peered at Momiji, wondering when he found time to sneak those in. Momiji seemed to have felt his gaze and turned to stare back at him, with a look that said `you were staring at Tohru'… or… was that the annoying love conscience that he had been repressing all these years? No, it was the bad tuna he ate last night for supper. That was it. Although he hadn't previously known digested tuna to speak to its host (A/N: I'm pretty sure that's not the part of Hatori's anatomy you want to get to know, so I'll stop there)
Tohru checked over everything to make sure they had gotten everything out and ready. “Well then… it seems everything is all set,” Tohru thought out loud. She then looked to the two men. “You two can go do whatever you wish for the next two hours or so,” she estimated, looking at the clock, “You can come back at seven for dinner.”
“Ah, can I help Tohru?” Momiji chirped happily.
“Ah, no, no, Momiji, I'm supposed to be doing this for you guys, remember?” Tohru smiled.
“Aw, but I want to!” He whined, true to his cute nature, putting on a cute, pleading expression.
“All right,” Tohru nodded; the smile still on her face.
“All right then, I'm going to go and work on some things,” Hatori murmured softly, leaving the room, missing Momiji's mischievous grin, thank goodness for the bunny.
Once he had left, Tohru looked to the younger boy. “So Momiji, where shall we start?” she asked.
“Udon, udon!” Momiji cried out happily, momentarily forgetting about everything else.
“Why do I get the idea that you didn't choose udon just for Hatori-san?” Tohru giggled softly.
“Because I didn't!” Momiji grinned widely.
“I see,” Tohru nodded, then grinned, “All right, we'll start with making the udon, then.”
“Yay!!!” Momiji yelled in joy, “We get to make yummy delicious noodles!”
“Yes, yes, we do,” Tohru nodded then pulled all the udon ingredients, putting them to one side, Momiji getting the large cooking pot.
Soon enough, the two had gotten themselves situated and had begun to cook their dinner. The inviting smells of a home cooked meal filled the house and Hatori found his stomach grumbling as he sat in his study. Looking at the clock, he decided he had time to shower before dinner would be served, and he'd much rather be clean than sit and eat with the grime from whatever happened today still on him. Yes, that would be much more pleasant. So, putting down the new novel he had gotten, the doctor headed to his bathroom.
“Momiji, could you check on the miso?” Tohru asked politely, mixing the sauce into the noodles of their udon.
“All right,” Momiji replied before hopping over to the pot and looking in, “It's about ready, want me to turn off the stove?”
“Yes, please,” Tohru nodded, before tossing in the sautéed vegetables into the noodles, mixing them. Momiji smiled brightly, turning off the stove as told. “Can you bring me the chicken?” She asked then, grabbing some spices to put into the udon.
“Ma'am, yes, ma'am!” Momiji giggled then got the tray with the seasoned chicken on it and brought it over to the onigiri. She smiled at him before putting it into the udon and mixing it in as well.
“Ah, there! All done!” She smiled brightly and unloaded the dish onto a large serving platter for them all before bringing it to the table and putting it down. “Oh! Momiji! Can you possibly set the table while I finish the miso and rice balls?”
“Of course,” he complied before starting his task. Tohru busied herself with pouring the miso into cups and getting the tea ready. Once those were on the table, she began working on the rice balls, working them into perfect shape in her hands before poking the plums into the back. “Yummy, those look great, Tohru!” Momiji complimented as he reentered the kitchen, done setting the dining table. Tohru was placing the rice balls onto a plate.
“Ah, thank you Momiji,” Tohru smiled, “Why don't you put these on the table, and I'll go get Hatori-san…”
“All right!” Momiji grinned.
As Momiji did that, Tohru ventured out towards where she believed Hatori's room to be…
In the meantime, Hatori was grumbling. I'm so used to being alone in this house I forgot to grab a towel or even clothes. Gods, that stupid dog is rubbing off on me… (Not like that, you nasty yaoi fan girls… >> though it does sound nice… >3 but just think of Hatori always running around naked, heh, heh) Well, they're probably still cooking. Better make a mad-dash for it.
Tohru meanwhile had found her way to the part of the house with his bedroom… and the bathroom… and somehow mistaking the bathroom for his room, she had her hand on the doorknob. “Hatori,” she called meekly.
But it was too late… Hatori had already quickly opened the door for his mad dash. And it certainly didn't help that she was leaning her weight against it. She once again found herself oddly against the stoic dragon in a very odd and disturbing position…in very, very illicit territory.
A scream rang through the house. Momiji's ears perked, but he smirked deviously. Of course he knew Hatori liked to shower before dinner. Of course he knew Hatori was actually a closet in-home nudist (oh god, don't drool, don't drool). Of course he wasn't going to let on to anyone that he knew this because he would get blamed for what just happened. Which he didn't know anything about, by the way.
“Oh god, Hatori, I'm so, so sorry… I didn't mean… I mean, I thought it was your room and dinner is ready so I came to get you so we could all eat but I accidentally… well you were there but I swear I didn't mean to and, ooh, please don't be mad…” Tohru spat out quickly in one breath, turned away. Having not actually embraced him, he was still normal, and in all his naked glory. He however, was blushing a bright red shade that one almost never saw on the doctor. Not that Tohru noticed, she was much to afraid to turn around and face Hatori again; literally (Well, does it matter if she's facing his face or…).
“E-eh… it's… its okay,” he managed to get out before making an excuse for a quick getaway, “I'm going to go put on my clothes now, bye.” And in a flash he was gone.
“O-okay,” Tohru muttered, distracted. She felt dizzy. My nose feels like it's going to start bleeding. Using the wall for support, she pushed herself up to stand then weakly walked downstairs. Momiji greeted her there.
“Is Hatori coming?” he asked brightly.
“Y-yeah,” Tohru felt her throat constrict and she swallowed instinctively, “Just changing.”
“Great!” Momiji bubbled, “Dinner will be fun.”
A/N: Ugh, okay, its 6 AM now, I can't write anymore, I'm going to get ready for the doom school. Anyways. Next chapter is the uncomfortable dinner. Bet you all can't wait. Right? HAHA, yeah, right. Anyways <3 stay tuned ^^;