Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Interference ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Oh god, I think it'd be easier to just own it (though I don't) so I wouldn't have to do this all over and over again. =_= its uber annoying. But still. I must. Since I don't. Oh bah…HUMBUG. I'm starting writing this at 8:42 AM on Friday January 21, 2005.
Last time:
“E-eh… it's… its okay,” he managed to get out before making an excuse for a quick getaway, “I'm going to go put on my clothes now, bye.” And in a flash he was gone.
“O-okay,” Tohru muttered, distracted. She felt dizzy. My nose feels like it's going to start bleeding. Using the wall for support, she pushed herself up to stand then weakly walked downstairs. Momiji greeted her there.
“Is Hatori coming?” he asked brightly.
“Y-yeah,” Tohru felt her throat constrict and she swallowed instinctively, “Just changing.”
“Great!” Momiji bubbled, “Dinner will be fun.”
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About ten minutes later, the two men were seated at the table, Tohru pouring tea into all the cups. An uncomfortable silence had settled in the room; even Momiji had calmed and not spoken. The only noise that could be heard in the room was the sloshing of green tea. Once Tohru was done with her task, she uneasily sat down across from Hatori. The silence deepened, as did everyone's obvious and newfound discomfort. Tohru could practically feel herself begin to sweat nervously. Finally, Hatori decided to try and stop the silence. He cleared his throat, ready to speak, and then—
The door burst open. “HAAAAAA'AAARIIII~” a voice sounded from the door merrily. Everyone looked over to see Ayame, standing there happily, cheering himself on, dressed in a cheerleading outfit, “Guess what? Our new line came out for the store!! How do I look?” He shook his pom-poms. Finally he took notice of the other people occupying the room. “Ah! Tohru! You're here as well? Wonderful! I think you'd fit perfectly into one of the new cheerleader outfits we have! I have more, if you want to try!” he grinned almost insanely.
“No, Ayame. We're about to sit down and eat dinner. Leave.” Hatori said quickly. Momiji pouted and glared over to Hatori.
“But, Ha'ari,” the rabbit whined, “Aya should stay! We have enough food!”
“Ah, could I?” Ayame smiled brightly, “I haven't had Tohru's wonderful cooking in much to long!”
“Well… I don't mind, if it's okay with Hatori-sama… it is his house, after all.” Tohru said slowly, and then smiled at Ayame. Hatori looked at the onigiri's now smiling face and heaved a sigh; a mental sigh of course, then looked to Ayame and nodded slightly, indicating he wouldn't mind if the snake stayed.
“Oh, yay!!” Ayame cheered (literally of course, although Hatori truly wish the skirt didn't do that when he jumped up and down).
“Calm down, Ayame,” Hatori ordered quietly.
“Okay” and Ayame immediately complied, calming down almost instantly. The only person he really listened to and obeyed happened to be Hatori; how useful in the current situation.
“Now, why don't you go change? You can borrow some of my clothes, in my room.” Hatori said with a blank stare, “And hurry up, we're all starving.”
“Okay, Hatori!” Ayame grinned then bounced up to Hatori's room to change. Hatori sighed, putting his head in his hands and shaking it. What more could go wrong today? He wasn't sure he wanted that question answered. With his luck he most likely just jinxed himself.
“Ah… Hatori-san, are you okay?” Tohru asked worriedly, looking at him in concern, most likely thinking his head hurt.
“I'm fine,” Hatori replied evenly, letting go of his head. He sighed once more then looked to Tohru. “So I suppose we should set another space at the table, ne, Tohru-chan?”
“I suppose s-” Tohru trailed off as she noticed the name he had called her. A blush rose into her cheeks and she began to stammer. “E-eh… yeah... I'll… I'll just go and set that spot. Yeah, set that spot… set that spot… and then Ayame can join us…” Momiji grinned meanwhile.
“Hey, I know… I'll set it up. You two talk,” he giggled then and bounced out of the room to get the placemat and dishes. Tohru looked to Hatori as soon as Momiji left then blushed softly once more. He let out an uncomfortable noise and looked away.
“Well then,” he began tightly. He looked back to Tohru again, and then blinked in surprise. She was blushing. Her face resembled a tomato. It was… so…
Tohru's eyes went wide then. Hatori, the stoic, calm, mature member of the Sohma family, had burst out laughing. She was in shock. Nothing like that had ever happened before, at least in her presence. Her face flamed brighter. He was laughing at her, she realized with horror. Of course her still reddening face made him laugh even harder. “A-ah…” She muttered, unsure of herself now.
“Ah… I'm s-s-sorry Tohru-kun, I just…your face...” He managed to get out in between laughs, “Its bright red! It's just so cute!”
All in the room went silent as both realized what he just said. “What?...” She looked up to him, wanting to make sure she heard right.
“Ah… Tohru, I-” Before he could get out anything more, Ayame bounded back to them, tackling Hatori in a gleeful hug, not noticing the new tension in the room. Momiji sighed poking his head back in, noticing there was an interruption again.
“Ah, well…” he muttered lightly, “I'll try again later…”
“Ah…why don't we go have some dinner? Tohru asked quietly.
“Right,” Hatori nodded, peeling the eager snake off of him.
“YAY! I get to eat Tohru's yummy cooking!” Ayame cheered again, “Come on, Ha'ari, let's go eat!!”
Hatori sighed and let Ayame drag him into the dining room, then sat beside him as Tohru and Momiji sat across from them. Tohru smiled brightly once more as she served some udon onto each plate, grinning happily as Momiji giggled in joy. “Tohru-kun!! You always make the best; I can't wait to taste this!!”
“Thank you, Momiji, you are so sweet,” she patted him on the head then served herself some as well.
“It smells great. Well, then. Shall we eat?” Ayame asked excitedly.
“Itakedimasu!” they all said brightly before starting to eat their dinners.
“This is delicious, Tohru-san,” Hatori complimented softly, looking to her. She blushed slightly and smiled.
“Thank you, Hatori-san. I'm glad you enjoy it.” She muttered shyly.
Ayame grinned wildly, “I love it too, Tohru-kun! You cook so well, you will make a great wife!” His grin turned wicked, “Hatori needs a wife as great as you.” His grin only widened seeing both mentioned people blush, Hatori only lightly, while Tohru once again was bright as a cherry. “I bet Tohru and Hatori would be the best couple I would have ever met.” He nodded his confirmation.
“Aya. Shut up.” Hatori commanded quickly, biting the inside of his cheek in order to stop himself from turning the shade Tohru had turned so quickly.
“Okay, Hatori!” the chipper snake gleamed then continued eating his meal.
The doctor sighed then took another bite of the delicious dinner. “Mmm… this is so great, Tohru! I love your food!” Momiji giggled. She smiled brightly at the rabbit.
“Thanks Momiji!!” she chirped.
Not too much later, the group finished eating their dinners and Tohru got up, getting the plates and bringing them into the kitchen to start washing them. “Ah, ah, ah, Tohru,” Ayame said quickly, then stood grabbing the plates from her, “You cooked; we'll get the dishes… Momiji and I, I mean. You and Ha'ari can sit and talk.”
“Right!” Momiji grinned, “Don't worry about it, Tohru; we've got the dishes covered!”
“Uh… o-okay, but only if you absolutely insist…” Tohru nodded.
“We do!” Ayame grinned. Then the two gathered the dishes and brought them to the kitchen.
Once the two hyper boys left, Hatori and Tohru were left alone. An uncomfortable silence settled over the two. “Uh… well… how has your work been going?” Tohru began after a few minutes of silence.
“It's been fine,” he replied shortly. Tohru grew more uncomfortable and shifted in her seat. Hatori sighed, sensing he had been a bit rude. “Sorry. Uh, how was your day at school?”
“It was all right. It was kind of funny because,” as she continued on, Hatori started to feel like a dirty old man. He had been having thoughts… wrong, very, very wrong thoughts of a girl who still was in school. In high school, nonetheless. He mentally smacked himself on the head and screamed `BAD HATORI, BAD BAD'. Once he stopped, Hatori noticed Tohru looking at him with a funny expression on her face. “Uh… Hatori… are you feeling okay? What do you mean `bad Hatori'? And you know, you shouldn't hit yourself…”
Hatori went wide-eyed. `I did that out loud? Shit'… He wanted to smack himself again but he already seemed crazy enough as it was.
“Maybe you have been working too much?” Tohru guessed, looking at the doctor in concern. “Do you want to lay down, Hatori?” She smiled softly in a motherly way.
“No… no, I'm fine Tohru, thank you,” He sighed, “Perhaps I have been overworking myself. It must be that.” `It must…'
“I'm not surprised. You always seem to work so hard.” Tohru said softly, “You're a good person, Hatori…” Hatori blinked… no one ever said that to him. Never. If anything, Akito always called him horrible. He felt heat rising to his cheeks. What was this? He was not some teen in puppy love! `I have to get a hold of myself!'
“Thank you Tohru, but I am not a good person,” Hatori replied stiffly after getting control of his burning face.
“Ah, but Hatori, you are. Whether you see it or not, you are a very good person. I mean… you even sacrificed your love to make Kana feel better…” she whispered.
Hatori froze at Kana's name. “Don't speak of her!” He said quickly, glaring at her unintentionally, his voice harsh and cold. He sighed, regaining himself, “…you should go home.” He muttered. “I can't drive you so I'll call Shigure to come pick you up…” The doctor stood and Tohru whimpered. She suddenly knew she should not have said anything that had to do with Kana.
Hatori though… he never would have been this angry about anyone else bringing her up, but this was Tohru… and she was so much like his lost love it sometimes hurt to see her cheery face.
Only twenty minutes later, Shigure arrived to escort her home. “Something bad happen?” He asked seeing how gloomy she was.
“Ah, ah… no, I just think I crossed a line that I shouldn't have…” She muttered.
“Oh? Really? What was it?” Shigure blinked, looking to the onigiri. She sighed softly.
“I really don't wish to speak of it right now, Shigure-san,” She muttered, “I want… to just go home, please.”
“All right, Tohru…you should get some sleep, anyways…” Shigure offered a soft smile.
“Thank you…” she whispered.
“No problem, little flower.”
Meanwhile, back in his home, Hatori was regretting how harsh he was with the girl. “It's not her fault… not her fault she's so like her…” He muttered staring out the window as it began to rain. “Please don't hate me,” he whispered to nothing.
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Ah. I really need to pay thanks to all my reviewers. So here goes >>
Nyuserra- I'm trying to make my chapters longer. @_@ I'll keep trying, really I will ><
Haritori- Don't worry. Hatori/Tohru all the way~<3 hehe, and yes, Hatori nude is a nice image, ne?
OtakuMom- I'm glad you were interested @_@
WarmTea- I made this for you ._. you know that.
Kakuraji- YOU MUST BE PSYCHIC!! >> I almost did an unintentional grope, but why do that when I can cause accidents? ^__^
Sunaru- thanks, I'm glad you like the idea I had for this story <3
I-luv-Spongebob- disturbing? ^_^ YAY!<3333
Not A Monkey- hehe, thank you<3 I'm glad you like it.
Hatori Obsesser- Don't worry, I plan on continuing <3