Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart is Gone ❯ Discovering Love ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

This is the Toriru I promised Mona-chan just before her birthday. It's a bit late...okay it's REALLY late...but better late than never. =P A story in four parts, all told from Hatori's POV. Things are starting to look up. Lemon warning. Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Part Three - Discovering Love

Rain poured from the sky on the day of the funeral. The storm had seemingly rolled in overnight and simply refused to leave. The raindrops felt harsh, pelting and cruel. Just as he had been. Standing before his coffin as they lowered him into the ground, I accepted the abuse much like I had everything else in life...with an eerie, serene calm.

Akito's death was all my fault. I failed in my duty as a doctor. I failed in the oath I had taken. To some degree, I felt like I had also failed as a man.

I killed Akito. It was easy too. Using the same method in which he harmed -- and nearly killed -- Yuki and Kyo. I poisoned his food. I slacked off on his medications. He was truly none the wiser. I watched his health decline rapidly. The drug caused a chemical reaction too quick to stop. And when I came to my senses, he was dead. I felt a bit of regret over his death, a bit of remorse, but only for my own personal shortcomings.

Kureno planned everything, from the viewing to the burial. I wanted no hand in it. I had already done enough. More than enough. In the week that followed his death, before his funeral, the only solace I found was in reprimanding myself, loathing myself. Even when I should've been rejoicing with the rest of my family, I couldn't help but feel disgust for what I had done. In the end, I had become that which I hated most. I had stooped to his level.

Suddenly winning didn't feel very good.

But Tohru stayed by my side through it all. She should've been moved to Kagura's house the day we learned of Akito's passing. I argued with her...a good old-fashioned argument. It stunned me the amount of maturity she had when she refused, yet nothing about her had really changed.

"Hatori-san is always looking out for the family," she said. "But no one looks after him. So I will have to do it."

Her health suddenly seemed very improved, although the exhaustion was still clear in her eyes. Yuki and Kyo were recovering nicely, regaining most of the energy -- and appetite -- they had lost during their ordeal. I was most pleased to see them recovering so. Little by little, the wrong I had done seemed right. They visited Tohru almost every day, and helped to move her things into my home. Shigure made light of the situation, whining that his flower was being taken away. But Tohru squelched many of his complaints simply by frowning or lightly reprimanding him. And she never apologized for when she accidentally broke a plate in the kitchen. I ordered dinner out that night and told her to rest.

"Hatori-san needs his rest too."

"I still have some paperwork left to do. And Kureno wanted to discuss something with me--"



But there were no words to describe what happened next. Saying nothing, she reached down and took my hands in hers. With a tug, she pulled me up from the couch. I allowed my body to move without argument. I was tired, my mind in a haze. And the young woman before me mesmerized me. She smiled at me, leading me back towards my bedroom. It truly didn't occur to me there may be an ulterior motive. How could there have been? I was the one in love with Tohru. I had a sudden urge to tell her how I felt, but words simply escaped me. When we reached the room, she walked me over to the bed, told me to sit and then moved to close the door.

"Lie down, Hatori-san."


"Shhh," she said, pushing on my chest so I'd lie down. Once again, my body moved without argument. She carefully moved a piece of hair from my left eye and continued, "Take a nap."


"But what?"

"You don't have to stay with me while I take a nap," I told her, my stomach fluttering.

"I'm going to make sure you sleep," she said.

I gave that some thought. "In that case, may I ask a favor?"

"Of course."

"Do you remember your first night here?"

She nodded, blushing slightly. "Hai. Hatori-san fell asleep in bed beside me."

"Would you mind...." Kami I was out of my mind for asking! "Would you mind if we lay like that again? I think I would sleep much better. And you could rest as well."

I waited for Tohru to shake her head or back away. Instead she moved closer, trying to crawl onto the bed without disturbing me. I moved my body more to my left so she could lie on my right. I turned on my side and she did the same. We looked at each other for a brief moment and I knew my cheeks were burning as badly as hers. Grasping her hand in mine, I brought her knuckles up to my lips, kissing them ever so lightly. Then I placed our joined hands between us and closed my eyes.

For the first time in what seemed like years, I had a dream. Something I will remember for the rest of my life. It was beautiful. And it was of Tohru and I. Shigure would find it amusing that I was fantasizing about "his precious flower". And I think I had done so before, but the images were blurred the face unclear. Even the voice was muffled.

She smelled of strawberries, I remember. Her skin felt like cream, smooth and flawless. I was touching her. Yes, very lightly so. She responded too. Her hands touched me lightly and I felt myself respond. Her innocent hands on my bare skin were causing all logical thought to cease. Wait...bare skin? Yes, I wasn't wearing a shirt. Why wasn't I wearing a shirt? And her skin felt warm to my touch, to my kiss.

It was wrong. So very wrong to touch her. I'm not Shigure. I'm not a pervert. But this...this longing I felt could not be ignored. My heart lurched into my throat as she gasped, as her body writhed beneath me.


My eyes snapped open. The sound of my name seemed all too real. Then I realized where I was. My room. In bed. With Tohru. She was moaning in her sleep. Was she distressed?

Then I realized something else. I had taken off my shirt. I could barely see it on the floor. What time was it? It was almost dark. I also realized something starkly important. Tohru was close. Very close. And she was moving as if agitated.

Of course, I don't think my hands, which were lightly caressing her exposed waist and hip through the pajamas she was wearing earlier, had anything to do with it.


Oh by the gods! It wasn't a dream!

"Tohru, I--"


As if possessed I leaned forward and kissed her. Hard. Logical thought was gone from my mind. I only felt. Warmth. Heat. Love. I love Tohru, I really do. Is that why the longing hurt so much? Is that why the kiss felt great? Better than great? A small voice of reason tries to scream at me but the animal in me now unleashed squashes it completely.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at Tohru, "Do you understand what you're asking Tohru? Do you understand that if we continue, I won't be able to stop?"

Her eyes opened slowly, heavy lidded with passion. "But I don't want you to stop."

"Do you understand--?"

"I understand. I thought I'd have to wait for Hatori-san for a long time." She giggled. Her hands span my shoulders, move down my chest and further still. I can feel her fingers on the waistband of my pants. She grabs on tightly but makes no other move. "I guess I don't have to wait long after all."

Her voice sounded so erotic. Was she on some kind of drug? Was I? "Tohru, are you sure?" My breath left me when I felt her lips on my shoulder. I grasped her waist to help support her, to help keep her at a safe distance. It hurt to breath! Kami, it hurt!!

She answered me with her hands, careful as they undid the button of my pants. Her fingers were walking flames, licking at my skin. Her innocent fingertips trailed over my hips, tugging my pants downward. I had to maneuver to help her. I was hard and ready, as my pants were taken, thrown somewhere in the room.

She responded with her body, wrapping one leg around mine. Her hips moved closer and I was almost in the right position to feel her heat. The size difference was great, but I adjusted us to that as well. Grasping her leg I pushed my hips into hers so that my erection rubbed over her cotton-covered sex.

She told me with her lips, breathing fire as they trailed pecking kisses across my shoulder, my chest. It was at that moment where the dragon in me completely unfurled. Not that little seahorse I turn into, but a fire-breathing, raging dragon. I felt my body tighten, felt my body temperature rise with our growing passion. I wasted no time in divesting her of the pajamas she was wearing, or the underwear that barred me from the greatest of pleasures.

My fingers tested her readiness and when I found her hot and wet, I rolled myself over her. Her leg remained wrapped around me, the other rising to join it. I sat up, grasping her thighs and slowly caressed my way to her hips. I pulled her closer, spreading her legs a little wider. My intrusion was going to be quick, without preamble. I glanced at her once before lifting her and positioning myself.

Her groan of pain caused me to stop as I thrust inside her for the first time. This was probably more brutal than it needed to be, more animalistic. But I couldn't stop myself. I waited, murmuring words of encouragement, words of love. The monster in me wanted to move NOW! But if nothing else, I could make this somewhat comfortable for her.

She whispered my name, began pushing upward into my grasp and I answered her silent plea by moving in a slow, unhurried rhythm. But that wasn't enough. The monster in me demanded more. I gave in easily, enjoying the feel of her tight walls around my cock. The pleasure washed over me, through me and I moved even faster. I had to be deeper. I had to be inside of her. I had to--!

My release came far too quick. Tohru came just seconds after me, screaming my name into the darkness of the room. I waited until her breathing returned to normal before beginning anew. I took my time, exploring her body, memorizing those places that made her gasp and those that made her cry out in ecstasy. When she reached her final peak, I gladly went with her into the light. Happily spent and sated.

It was morning when we awoke again. We blushed at each other, embarrassed by our behavior the night before. The discussion was at length, and I cancelled my first two appointments to make sure everything was okay between us. I told I loved her. She told me that she loved me. We decided that we give our relationship a try, and I did my best to separate the doctor in me from the man, but it wasn't always easy.

Kyo's and Yuki's constant visits to my office, my home, to see Tohru practically lit her face. She was so happy to see them doing all right. So was I. It seemed that all traces of the drug were gone. And with the changes that awaited now because of Akito's death, things could only get better.

But they didn't.

Tohru's health continued to be a touchy subject. One week she would be fine and the next I would have to practically chain her to the bed. I ran numerous blood tests, took several skin samples. Her body appeared healthy, her heart rate, blood sugar and cholesterol all checked out at normal. She should've been in the prime of her health.

Around the New Year, Tohru seemed to be in the best of health since she moved into the Honke. Perhaps the celebration is what brought up her spirits. Did she need to be cheered up?

I know the bright smile on her face when I presented her with a diamond ring couldn't have possibly been any brighter.

"Tohru, will you marry me?"

She giggled at everyone's encouragements and heckles. Her head nodded her assent just before she hugged me. POOF! I cared little that I had transformed, although I would've preferred to be doing things other than planning my wedding when I changed back into a human.

Things were looking up and over the next few weeks, her health improved even more. She was more active, smiled more. It was like a tornado had been unleashed in the Honke.

Still, it was not to last.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^