Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Where Your Shadow Falls- Part 3: Forever is a Long Time to Love ❯ When Love Wasn't So Hard ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 12: When Love Wasn't So Hard
"If everything is just the way it should be
Why am I
why am I still hungry?"

-Be Like Water By: Sarah Fimm
I think that was the moment it all started. The moment when I finally came to terms with it and told him. I came out and said:
“Haru…I think I'm in love you.”
It all happened so fast. Before she knew it, Haru had taken control back and she had ended up spun with her back roughly shoved against the wall; pinned beneath Haru. He was so warm. More so than she would have thought. She felt his hands running along her sides; exploring. She couldn't breathe. She—herself; Isuzu—had never felt any of this before. But Haru seemed to know exactly how to handle everything.
The only sound in the room was his husky breathing, and her quick gasps. So swept away in the things Haru was making her feel, she boldly curved to push her hips against his. She felt like something was taking control of her body…or someone…someone who had done this before. She abruptly jumped sideways, sliding along the wall out of Haru's grasp.
They both stood there, panting for a minute.
“Isuzu, I…” Haru trailed off. She couldn't blame him for not knowing what to say. Her hair fell around her in dark curtains, frizzy from the friction against the wall it had just experienced.
“What happened?” She whispered.
“I…” Haru tried. “I don't know what happened. I-I'm sorry. That was out of line. I shouldn't have been pressuring you into something, I—” She put a finger to his lips.
“I—It wasn't you're fault,” she said, “I liked it. It felt really good. But…I was just scared, that was all.” The excuse hung in the air between them for a moment.
“Scared of what?” Haru asked.
“That Rin would come back if I did anything with you.” Haru's eyes widened.
“Haru, I…the truth is…” this was going to be hard, “I know you loved Rin very much, and that you want her to come back, but…these past months I've spent with you have let me get to know you. And I think I can understand why Rin loved you so much. And I'm just so scared of having her come back, because then—” she sniffed, her voice caught in her throat, “I'm afraid that I'll lose you.”
“Oh, Isuzu,” he said, wrapping his arms loosely around her. “I don't want you to leave either, but who knows what will happen when Rin comes back. I—I love her. But I guess…in a way…” she held her breath. Was he going to say he loved her? “I really don't know…”
“It's okay,” she said, untangling herself from his arms, trying to blink back the tears. “I'm not Rin. I'm just the shell that carries Rin until you can coax her out again.”
I don't mean anything to him…
“That is not true,” Haru's voice had an edge in it that scared her. “You don't get it. I've lived without Rin before. It was torture; it was hell, but she was still there, so I lived. But now she's out of my reach. And there you are, every day. You remind me of Rin so much, but there are things about you that have nothing to do with Rin.”
“I don't get it, Haru,” she said, glancing at him. His eyes were dark. Uh-oh. He'd warned her about this. Black Haru.
“You say you're so confused about not existing until eight months ago but how do you think I feel?” She'd never thought about that. “I loved Rin, and now she's gone. But the only person who has the chance of getting her back is you. She's inside your head, Isuzu. But if she comes out, you'll disappear, and when I think about that…” Haru grabbed his head like he was in physical pain.
“Haru…” she whispered, reaching out a hand to stroke his face; to calm him.
“Don't touch me, Isuzu!” He shouted, and she jumped back, startled.
“Its okay, Haru.”
“I don't want to hurt you,” he growled through clenched teeth.
“Haru…I…you don't get it!” She exclaimed. “I understand that I can never compare to what Rin was to you. I get that!” Tears stung her eyes.
Haru quickly closed the space and kissed her with a rough urgency. His hand tangled in her hair to keep her mouth placed firmly on his own. After what seemed like hours they broke away, and Isuzu could see Black Haru fading from his eyes.
“Isuzu…” he whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. She leaned into the touch, closing her eyes, an expression of pain and hopelessness clear on her face. “I think I'm in love with you too.”
* * *
Before we lost hope
When we still touched
And love wasn't so hard
Be still
I already know"
-Be Still
By: Kelly Clarkson
I think that was the moment it all started. The moment when I finally came to terms with it and told her. I came out and said:
“Isuzu… I think I'm in love with you too.”
It took them both by surprise, at first, but the recovery seemed almost too easy. Haru leaned forward his lips pressing roughly over hers as he pinned her to the wall. Isuzu gasped as he pulled away tracing down her throat. His tongue tracing circles on her skin.
Isuzu gasped. Nothing could compare to this…to what she felt inside. The burning passion that was boiling in her stomach. Haru's hands crawled slowly down her stomach, giving her time to pull back if she changed her mind. Isuzu, on the other hand, had no intentions of changing her mind.
Haru's hands traced around her hips and up her spine stopping as they reached the clasp of her bra. Slowly he pulled each clasp apart and yanked the bra free from her skin. Isuzu arched up as Haru's mouth trailed gently over her breast, and then his teeth bit down roughly on her skin.
Isuzu's fingers threaded into his hair pulling him closer to her, urging him to take as much of her as he could. He obeyed the silent demand, opening his mouth further and skimming his tongue over her burning skin. Isuzu gasped, her knees growing weak. Haru felt her trembling beneath him and wrapped an arm securely around her waist to hold her up.
“I-I can't stand up…much longer,” Isuzu gasped. Haru chuckled. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her over to the bed dropping her onto the mattress. He ripped at the shorts she was wearing. He pulled them over her hips and let them fall to the floor.
“Haru…” she gasped, trying to form a complete sentence, “what are we doing—?”
“Shh,” he shushed, placing a long finger over her lips, “does it need to have a definition?” Isuzu's mouth opened to reply but Haru placed his lips over hers, quieting the statement. Isuzu melted easily into his lips, forgetting what it was she had wanted to say. Slowly Haru kissed the tip of her chin then moved down her chest.
The open mouth kisses causing goosebumps to rise on Isuzu's skin. With another impatient tug he pulled her underwear free and tossed them across the room. His fingers traced over her heated skin. Isuzu shuddered involuntarily, as his mouth clamped over her, his tongue rolling across and then entering her.
Her moan came out in a struggled scream. Haru smiled, pulling back slightly and breathing against her skin. He pulled back up straddling her waist. He stared down at her, her black eyes foggy and unfocused. He slowed down some, afraid of breaking her, entering her as gently as he could manage.
Isuzu instinctively reared up against him. As he moved faster Isuzu's eyes shut tightly. Haru pressed his weight against her.
“Look at me…Dammit, Isuzu, I said look at me,” Haru growled. Isuzu trembled, her eyes slowly opening, and locking with his. He thrust into her harder, moaning her name as he did so. With a great deal of effort Isuzu kept her eyes locked with his. Pleasure and just a hint of fear showing behind the fog filling her eyes.
He felt her clamp tightly around him as she reached her peak, simultaneously with him. Haru fell on her with a soft cry as he released. He could hear Isuzu's heart thudding loudly in her chest. Her breaths coming in rapid gasps when they came at all as Haru now lay beside her.
They lay in silence for a moment as thoughts pushed through the lazy fog over their minds. Haru looked over at her and smiled at the expression on her face.
“Haru—” she started.
“Shh,” he hushed, “Don't talk. No words right now, okay? Just me and you.” Isuzu looked like she was about the cry.
“It's just I'm so confused and everything is so complicated, and so mixed up.”
“I know, I know,” he comforted, stroking her hair, “but we'll leave the thinking until tomorrow, okay.” Her eyes looked so scared. “Do whatever makes you feel good right now,” he whispered, “and beat yourself up for it tomorrow.” Isuzu kissed him unexpectedly, her lips moving softly against his. It was a sweet, almost innocent kiss.
“There,” she murmured, laying her head down against his shoulder. Haru slid an arm around her as if he could protect her from the world.
“Now go to sleep, lovely girl,” he whispered, kissing her forehead softly, only to find she already had.
End of Chapter 12:
When Love Wasn't So Hard
A/n: Yay! I finished my Hentai scene! Actually, my friend Bri helped me out with it. She's really good at writing those things, so she gets the credit for this chapter…or the second half scene. ^_^
Haru: *sigh* man was that fun
Rin: *glaring daggers*
Haru: Oh, leave me alone, Rin
Rin: F*** you
Haru: You already did!
Me: *sigh*
Me: ^_^u
(See ya next chapter! ^_^)
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Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North
America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work!