Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Where Your Shadow Falls- Part 3: Forever is a Long Time to Love ❯ It's Starting To Blur ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 13: It's Starting to Blur
And sometimes I feel like I'm going to scream
If I don't soon wake up from this horrible dream
-Breaking Free
By: Natilie Sawada
She woke up screaming, the pain searing through her head. It was like someone was trying to claw their way out of her head; straight through her brain. She could faintly hear Haru's voice, and distantly feel his arms around her, but everything was overshadowed by the scorching pain in her skull. She screamed as if she could make it go away; force it out with the sound of her voice. But the pain continued. She couldn't see anything. Her eyes were filled with blinding darkness.
“HARU!” She screamed. Isuzu could feel hot tears streaming down her cheeks. “HELP ME!”
“Isuzu, Isuzu…Shh…it's all going to be okay…shh.” His voice was muffled and distant; like someone was talking to her through a piece of wool. She felt arms tighten around her. “I'm going to call Hatori, okay. He's going to figure out what's wrong. It's going to be all right. Just hold on.”
“It hurts so much!” She shrieked.
“I know, love, I know. Just hold on, okay. Hatori? You need to get down here. Something's wrong with Isuzu. Please. Yah, that's her screaming. Please, Hatori, please. Yah, okay. Get here as fast as you can.”
“Haru!” She whimpered.
“Hatori's on his way, it'll be all right.”
“Haru, please…don't leave me alone.”
“Don't worry, love,” he whispered soothingly, wrapping his arms around her, “I'll be right next to you.”
She still couldn't stop screaming. The pain wouldn't stop. It just kept chipping away at the inside of her skull, oblivious to the nerves it was hammering. It felt like hours until Hatori burst through the door, but it could have just been a matter of minutes.
“Isuzu!” She heard Hatori exclaim as he entered the bedroom.
“Look what you did, you son of a bitch. It's all your fault she's like this.”
“Haru, please!” Isuzu begged.
“Okay. I'm sorry, shh,” she felt cool fingers at her lips and forehead.
“What happened?” She heard Hatori ask.
“She woke up screaming today. She said it really hurt. Something's going wrong.”
“Did anything happen that might have triggered it?” Hatori inquired. Haru was silent while Isuzu bit her lip so hard that she could taste the copper of her blood in her mouth.
“We slept together,” Haru finally admitted softly.
“That would do it,” Hatori confirmed.
“Tori-nii, what's wrong with me!” Isuzu shrieked, her voice edging up a few octaves.
“I don't know yet. I think whatever is left of Rin inside you reacted when you slept with Haru. She's trying to desperately claw her way out before the pathway seals itself up.”
“I don't care how you do it,” she screamed, “just make it stop!!”
“We need to get her to a hospital where I can take care of her properly,” Hatori said.
“Tori-nii,” Isuzu cried, “can't you knock me out or something? Please!”
“Let me see,” Hatori muttered. She heard him open her doctor's bag and rummage through it. “This may sting a bit, but at least you'll be out until we can get you to the hospital and under a morphine drip.” She felt a faint stabbing pain in her arm.
“Haru…” she started, as the pain started to dull; her mind starting to slow.
“I know,” he whispered, his lips moving at her ear, “I'll be right here.”
“Thanksss,” she whispered lazily as the pain receded and she drifted into oblivion.
She opened her eyes slowly. A world of black swirled around her.
“Haru?” She whispered.
Silence echoed. The black void she was in writhed as if made of snakes, but was perfectly still at the same time.
“Haru?” She called. Where was she? Wasn't she supposed to be with Hatori? The searing pain in her head was numb now…but a hollow emptiness replaced it. It was as if the fissure she was in was a manifestation of the gap in her soul. It ached.
“Haru!” She cried out, desperate to reach him. He had to be here somewhere. Her feet stumbled over themselves as she ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to go. She had to find him.
It seemed like she ran forever…the dark void stretching farther and farther. She stopped to catch her breath, collapsing to her knees.
Where are you, Haru?She wondered. She drug herself to her feet, determined to go on.
“Haru!!” She screamed into the darkness. This time, a faint whispering returned to her. Unintelligible, barely audible whispering. It was coming from no where…yet everywhere at once. She looked around, turning in a circle, trying to locate the source. “HARU!”
“He's not here, girlie.” A harsh voice spat. The whispering ceased. Silence enveloped the space as she wheeled around. Iron bands were binding her to an invisible wall behind her; arms raised above her head. Dark eyes blinked back at her; as dark as the surroundings.
“Are you…are you…” The whispered words echoed in the still darkness for a moment. Then her liquid eyes flashed.
“Yah…I'm Rin.”
* * *
"and keep your eyes on her
keep don't look away
keep your eyes on her horizon
on her eyes
on her horizon"
By: Tori Amos
Haru paced nervously back and forth beside Isuzu's cot.
The heart monitor kept a steady stream to assure him she was still alive.
“Shouldn't she have woken up by now?” Haru asked edgily.
“It depends. Sometimes after someone's out, the drug has worn off, and the body says it's awake, but the mind doesn't want to wake up.”
“So she doesn't want to wake up…?” Haru wondered.
“I think the pain scared her. Rin trying to claw her way out so suddenly…that's bound to leave it's mark. I suppose subconsciously, she's just scared to go through that again.” Hatori's calm voice irritated him. How could he stand there and talk about all this as if it was scientific data…and not Rin's life…not Isuzu's life.
Haru couldn't think straight. Who was it he wanted? Rin had left him…but he still loved her. Oh, God, oh, God how he loved her. But Isuzu…she was so eager and cheerful…and loved him. And eight months with her had made him fall in love with her too.
In the end, he could only have one. Rin…the one he'd grown up with, had endured the torture of the curse with, loved and lost, but just couldn't let go. Isuzu…the one who'd needed him, who he helped, who was everything Rin could never be.
Who could he live with…
Who could he live without…
And most of all…after it was all said and done…
Could he live with himself?
Haru stopped at her bedside, brushing a stray hair from her still face. He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
“You really have no idea how beautiful you are…” he whispered, leaning in to press his lips softly to her forehead.
Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep
Haru gasped.
“She still there,” Hatori's calm voice informed him, “It shows she's aware of what happens here, even if on a subconscious level.”
She's still there…
Who's there?
“Hatori?” He asked softly, his eyes still locked on Rin's face.
“Yes?” The unruffled voice answered.
“Did you ever think of trying to bring Kana back?”
“Yes,” the answer was immediate, but his voice still stone smooth. Haru twitched. “But I never did anything but think. I knew it was better to let her go.”
Am I just supposed to let her go?!”
“If you really love her…
“Even though it caused you pain?”
“Rather I hurt than her.” He answered.
“But didn't you miss her?” Haru asked, brushing his fingertips across her lips.
“Immensely. If felt as if there was a hole inside of me.”
“Yah.” Haru said, feeling hot moisture form in his eyes.
“But I held on to the fact that someday she would be happy…even if I could never be.”
“Hatori…” Haru whispered.
“I've been so selfish.” Haru felt a hand on his shoulder as he blinked fiercely, trying to erase the liquid pain falling down his cheeks.
“It's always hard to lose someone you love.”
“But I tried to get her back. She was so broken, Hatori. So broken…”
“You were in pain.” Hatori reasoned
“But so was she. I should have let her go. But now I think I'm falling for Isuzu…but I'm not ready to let Rin go. Just the thought that she's still in there somewhere…”
“Could I be alone with her? Please?” He wiped his eyes in vain, trying to erase them.
“Of course,” Hatori said softly, turning and heading for the door.
It clicked shut almost silently.
“Don't leave me…” Haru whispered, not knowing who he was whispering to, stroking her soft eyelashes. “I can't live without you.”
“Will you kiss me?”
“Shh…no words with now…just you and me.”
“You have a strange logic, Haru,”
“I'm afraid that I'll lose you!”
“You don't have to sayit, Haru”
“Haru…I think I'm in love with you.”
“I promise,” he whispered to the beautiful black haired girl in the hospital bed, “I love you.”
End of Chapter 13:
It's Starting to Blur
A/n: Awwww! I wrote this listening to a piano solo…it's the end credit song to a 3 part anime called: “5 Centimeters Per Second” Anyone who loves a sad romance: SEE IT! I made me cry (and I normally don't cry during movies). And if you can get a hold of the end credit music, listen to it and read Haru's half of the chapter while listening to it. I almost cried writing it T_T
Haru: hopeless romantic
Rin: yay I got to talk!!
Me: ^_^u
(See ya next chapter! ^_^)
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Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North
America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work!