Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Days Go By ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
C Title: Days Go By
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: #10
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Days Go By” and the selected lyrics I’ve chosen from it are property of Lifehouse.
Spoiler warning ahead!!

~So don't sit back and watch the days go by~

Though Kureno had made that desicion, to visit Yuki and confront the boy, he found himself finding excuses not to. All the next day Akito hadn't shown any sign of getting better. For a while she had screamed about there being things in the ceiling trying to get her, though after an hour she had calmed down and fallen asleep. Kureno couldn't bring himself to pull away from her, running his fingers through Akito's hair, in which her head lay peacefully for the moment in his lap. Her fever was still raging, though she was curled tightly and surely in many blankets and sheets to keep her body warm. Only when Hatori laid a hand on his shoulder and gave him a stern look, did Kureno stir and move on to at least eat some lunch. He had this habit of worrying himself into an immobile state, not wanting to do anything until whatever was bothering him was better. Kureno was even worse when it came to Akito. Though there were those few times one could catch Kureno with a blank expression as if nothing was touching him. Hatori noted Kureno had taken on that face while he stared at his half eaten food. Hatori could tell there was a lot going on in that compassionate mind that was far from kind or considerate.

~Are you ever gonna live before you die?~

Kureno blinked, staring up at Hatori as the man sat across from him, and Kureno could tell immediantly he wanted to talk about something. "You need to relax a little, what is it that is bothering you so much?" It wasn't Hatori's way to ask questions or snoop, but all this current drama swirling around between Akito and her three 'playmates' was frustrating him. Kureno blinked, taken aback by this unexpected behaviour. "Ah... I don't know... I was thinking about talking to Yuki-kun... but I'm a little uneasy and unsure about what to talk with him about. I'm not much of an initiator." Hatori smiled slightly and nodded. "I know. Yuki might not be ready to answer the questions you have. It appears to me that he is very confused, just as you. I think it is best that Yuki refrain from contact with Akito. Their relationship is on the.... unhealthy side." Kureno sighed, he knew without even asking Yuki that wasn't what the boy wanted. "No relationship with Akito-san is healthy, I don't think." He knew that one from experience.

~And when things fall apart, the world has come undone~

Yuki was a mess, he couldn't concentrate. It was his luck that his mind was so disheveled and he was being called on repeatidly in class without being able to answer. He knew everyone was worried, but he just tossed it off as his being tired and sick. Yuki ended up being sent home early with a fever and wishes from his classmates to get better soon. When he opened the door, Yuki was of course unhappy to see Shigure stuffing his face with the fridge wide open. "You waste electricity when you do that." Yuki set his bookbag on the table and walked on past Shigure to retrieve some cold medicine. "It's my fridge, I'll waste all the electricity I please. It's not like you pay for it. Maybe I should make you start paying rent..." He stroked his chin in thought, a cocky smirk on his face. "Then I suppose I'll have to drop out of school and get a full time job because you're a cheap skate and would make me pay you a small fortune." Shigure's smirk grew, the game they were now playing was fun to him. "There are other ways to pay me." His smile had taken a hint of perversion, causing Yuki to scowl at him. "My body isn't on the market, I wouldn't ever have sex with a pervert like you." Shigure seemed greatly amused by this comment. "But you'll sleep with Akito? Aren't you just the little masochist?"

~Leave it all behind~

That bit of courage that had grown in Yuki raised it's head and he turned around with a very cold glare toward Shigure. "I would mind you to watch what you say to me. Do not forget that what Akito did to me was rape, and I would hope you'd have more consideration to that fact." Yuki moved past Shigure once more, not even bothering to look at him, moving up the stairs to his room. This shook Shigure's resolve a little and he followed after until he came to the bottom of the stairs and then stopped. "You don't think I'll let you have her, just because you're her sad little victim, do you?" Yuki stopped on the top stair, his body frozen in silent anger and he turned the most wicked of glares toward Shigure that caused the man to back up a step. "When did I say I wanted her? I'm glad to be rid of her. So deal with your issues yourself, you dumb jealous dog." There was a slam of Yuki's door and Shigure barely managed to keep himself from growling. The sound of Shigure's door slamming echoed the first and rattled the windows.

~Leave the lonliness alone~

When Akito woke she found herself horribly alone in her room, which now seemed so large. It was funny how secluded and yet gigantic a place could seem when you desperately craved company. Her body shook, cold yet sweating, and she tried to curl tighter into her cacoon of blankets. When too much time had passed for Akito and no one had come to check on her, despite the shiver that ran down to her bones, she unfolded herself from the warmth she was tucked away in and wandered from her room. When visiting Hatori's empty office brought her no comfort, Akito continued down the hall. She suddenly wished Kureno's quarters were a bit closer, maybe she would have him change rooms. She didn't like him being so far away from everyone if it made it this difficult to visit him. Making a turn, Akito ran into an unexpected face and suddenly wished she had stayed in bed. Akito took a step back, and Ren stopped dead in her tracks. "Well, look who it is. You look terrible, is it that you are finally dying? That would be a relief." Akito's face twisted at Ren's words and a mask slipped into place despite feeling ill. "You would like that, but I'm afraid fate mocks you for I am not dying." Yet rang through Akito's mind and she was sure that was the word on Ren's wicked tongue, but Akito turned and walked away before her mother could utter another word of disgrace.

~You wait forever blind~

Her body shuddered as she walked down the hall. Akito was no longer going in the direction of Kureno, or even Hatori, she just wanted to put as much distance between her and Ren as she could. Pushing through a door and out into the yard, Akito squinted her eyes at the harsh sunlight. Her body slumping slightly as whatever illness was attacking her set back in, Akito continued on down the rock-lined path through the rest of the estate. There was a point along her journey when she heard the sound of music playing. She almost mistook it for a song on the radio before a sharp, out of tune note was hit. Curiously Akito walked in the direction of the instrument, regestering as she came closer it was a violin. As if it were something to be sneaky about, Akito peered around the corner and blinked at what she saw. She hadn't even know Momiji was interested in instruments, let alone could play one. There was a slight ache within her to see such a pleasant smile on his face, and somewhere else inside her she wanted to slap that expression off. Instead her fever hit her once more and she slid down the wall to a sitting position, letting the calming music lull her into a light sleep.

~So come on and leave the years behind~

"Sohma...kun?" Tohru knocked on Yuki's door lightly, almost unheard, a little nervous. She was horribly worried about him, Yuki having pretty much locked himself in his room ever since he had arrived home. Shigure had told her not to bother with him, though how he had said it had been less than pleasant. Tohru wondered if and what the two might be fighting about. Yuki moved his hand from it's position of resting over his eyes, staring at the door. "You may come in, Honda-san." Yuki sat up, smiling the best he could, to greet her. "Is dinner ready; this early?" Tohru shook her head at his question, asking with her expressions if she could sit down once she'd closed the door behind her. Yuki nodded and pushed himself over to one side of the bed. "Y-you've been very... uhm..." Tohru struggled for the right word for a moment before Yuki found one for her. "Unsociable?" Tohru blinked and then nodded, a little shyly. "Is something the matter?" Yuki sighed, he didn't really want to explain what he couldn't even understand himself. He didn't want her to know the disgusting things he had done with Akito. Nor explain any of the things he may or may not be feeling. There was no way he could explain all this, and yet, there was no way he could really lie to her either.

~When you watched the days go by~

There was silence between the two of them for a while, Tohru not pressing as it wasn't her nature and it seemed as though Yuki was determining what he wanted to say. Yuki's mouth opened and closed a few times, though he couldn't manage to get anything other than 'I' out. He sighed in defeat, slumping over. "I can't tell you... anyone.. just's shameful." Tohru blinked, not quite understanding, but she smiled anyway, resting her hand on his shoulder. "That's okay, Sohma-kun. I'll be here to listen when you're ready. You still need to eat though, or you won't get better." She felt his forehead to emphasis her point. He was still a little feverish. Tohru smiled and stood, pushing the wrinkles from her uniform and moving toward the door. "I will make soup tonight, so you come down and join us and eats lots, okay?" There was a slight giggle on the corner of her smile and she rushed downstairs. Yuki returned the smile and nodded, a whisper escaping his lips shortly after. "Thank you, Honda-san." Yuki sat, staring at the floor until Tohru's chimming voice called his name for dinner. He'd decided to join them, no matter what reaction Shigure gave him.

~Come on and leave the fears~

When Momiji turned the corner to return to his home he was startled to see Akito sitting just around the building. He swallowed a sudden knot in his throat, trying to determine if he should wake Akito or leave him there and sneak away. Momiji's kind heart got the better of him and he kneeled down, setting his violin carefully beside him on the grass. His touch on Akito's shoulder was light, slightly frightened as he called her name. "A...Akito-san..." Momiji swallowed again, putting just a tiny bit more pressure into his shaking hand. Akito's eyes opened slightly, not really registering who was there or remembering where she had wandered off to. Her eyes slid closed and she mumbled something just barely out of ear shot. "Hmm..I'm tired Yuki, leave me alone." Momiji's body shot back in surprise. Why had that named slipped Akito's lips? He didn't dare wake Akito now, noting finally how sick he looked. Abandoning his violin, Momiji took off down the same path Akito had come by, searching for anyone who could help. His mind was whirling, determining if this was something to ask Yuki about or not. Akito was a perfect reason for the way Yuki had been acting lately.

~That you were afraid to find~

Akito's eyes fluttered open while her body registered the slow rocking as someone carried her. She blinked, looking up at Kureno, who was surely walking with her back toward her room. He smiled softly and Akito suddenly felt sick with the action. "You should really stop doing this, Akito. You're going to make your illness worse." Kureno blinked, turning his attention to the curious boy peeking from around him. "Akito-san is all right, you can go back now, Momiji-kun." This exchange brought a series of blinks from Akito, staring over Kureno's shoulder at the blonde boy who did appear at least slightly worried. That almost caring look faided away quickly as Momiji caught Akito's intense gaze and his head fell, his hands wringing nervously in the fabric of his shirt. "I hope you get better soon, Akito-san." Momiji's voice was high-pitched, more than a little frightened at what she might do about his generous caring. Akito snorted, settling back comfortably in Kureno's arms. This action caused Kureno to smile a little more. That was just her way of accepting feelings.

~Cause while you wait inside~

When Akito was once again fast asleep, hearing the whispers of a name across her dreary lips, Kureno decided it was time to quite procrastinating and confront this entire issue with Yuki. Calling a maid to keep an eye on the sleeping Akito, Kureno left for Shigure's with a purpose. When he arrived he was met with surprised looks and an ever welcoming Tohru. "I wish to speak with Yuki-kun, is he not in?" Kureno looked around curiously, noting he had interrupted their dinner. Tohru smiled, looking at the staircase. "Sohma-kun is upstairs in his room." She left it at that, sitting back down with the others. Maybe Kureno could help Yuki out of his current bad spell.

~The days go by~

uki was silently sick of people knocking on his door and pestering him, so with a slighty annoyed tone he asked who was there. Yuki blinked when Kureno's voice answered and sighed in releif. Finally someone that wouldn't pressure him into talking. Wait, what WAS Kureno doing here of all places, visiting HIM of all people. If Kureno was here, instead of catering to Akito, he most definately wanted to talk. "Have a seat if you'd like." Yuki extended his hand toward the empty bed, his own position sitting before his small work table; he had been trying to do homework. There was an awkward silence between them, as if both were trying to find the courage to say something. Kureno cleared his throat and finally dared to speak. "I wanted to ask you..." he was cut off quickly by yuki's hasty reply. "If it's about Akito-san, I prefer not to answer any questions." This quieted Kureno immediantly. It was obvious the boy was silently suffering.

~So all the memories fade~

hat uncomfortable silence returned again, Kureno staring around the orderly room. He noticed a picture of a much younger Yuki and tried to lighten the mood with it. "Ah...I remember when you were that little. You used to visit the estate frequently, it seemed you rather enjoyed it." Yuki blinked, not remembering any happy thoughts connected to that place. "I did?" Kureno shifted awkwardly, perhaps he shouldn't have said that, but Yuki's curious eyes begged him to continue. "I thought so, you visited quite often, playing all manners of games with Akito-san..." Kureno thought he might be able to use this conversation to his advantage.If he mildly introduced the idea of Akito this way he might be able to get Yuki to express his feelings easier.

~Forget the lonely yesterdays in mind~

Yuki seemed trapped in a memoring, staring ahead as if the present time was not even there. Flashed of the past danced along his lashes. "Okay, you count to the number ten and then come find me!" Akito giggled, pressing a younger Yuki's hands to his eyes. "No peeking!" With that she raced off and Yuki did as he was told, counting and then searching until it was almost dusk. She was an excellent hider. When he had finally found her, she had tackled him and they had rolled around in the grass and dirt until they were too exhausted to continue laughing. No, that wasn't how it had happened. Their fun had been ruined by some woman. A devilish looking woman with long raven colored hair and a sharp tongue. She had yelled at them, yanking Akito away by her arm. His mother had heard about it later, more likely been yelled at about it, and had slapped him across the face while she told him to behave himself. Akito had slowly become cruel to him after that.

~I know it's never going to be the way you like~

Yuki shook his head, noting that Kureno had been calling his name. yuki stared at Kureno, a bit lost. "Were you remembering something?" Kureno tilted his head with the question and yuki nodded. "What was it you wanted to ask me, Kureno-san?" This was a bit of a surprise to Kureno, if he asked his questions would yuki really answer them? "It is about Akito-san... if you don't..." Yuki cut him off again. "just ask, I don't want to play games." Kureno swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat and nodded. "What happened between you two?" There was a slightly visible twitch that ran down one side of Yuki's body, as if it were remembering the touch of that wicked woman. "Now is it really what happened between Akito and I, or how I feel about her that you want to know?" Yuki's eyes had taken on an unpleasant coldness, staring at Kureno as if he was as much an annoyance as Shigure. "I'd like to know both actually." There was an uncomfortable shuffle of Kureno's feet and he folded his hands upon his lap.

~I know you don't want to think about the endlessness you find~
"So did she take you by force like me, or were you willing to her perversion?" Kureno's eyes widdened at yuki's words, so that's what had happened. The boy's blank expression was almost more heartbreaking than if Yuki had shown some sign of despair. "No, she cried and asked me to take her... I was her first. though it was all just to keep me by her side, I'm sure." Yuki wouldn't have guessed Kureno would have been able to beat Shigure in anything, especially crusades of the flesh. "But you're free! Yet you stay with her? You're stupid." Kureno frowned, standing slowly. "Yes, but so are you. Even if it isn't romance, you love her too." those words were like a whip to Yuki's senses, that he desperately wished to get rid of. "You're better than he is. I think I can beleive that you were right about his personality and desires. But not her. I can never beleive you are right about her. That she is something terrible and wicked."
~You wait forever blind~
Yuki blinked in confusion before coming to a rapuid conclusion of his own. "No... not terrible or wicked... just broken..." Kureno nodded, that he could agree with. "I beleive if anyone, you can patch some of those deep wounds of hers." the door shut after his words, Kureno descending the staircase and bidding his farewell. Staring at the shut door, Yuki felt the tickle of tears run down his face. Kureno had just told him in his own way that he beleived in Yuki. The weight of his feelings for Akito had never felt more crushing.