Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Things Heat Up ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Hi again, well here is my first attempt at really getting into some physical stuff. Hope it's not too bad; any comments on how to make something like this better would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 3: "Things Heat Up"

She sat in class trying to pay attention, but the tight warm feeling in her stomach wouldn't go away and only grew worse as she continued stealing glances at Kyo. 'That kiss earlier…it was so warm and soft and nice…. I just want more…just so much more.' She felt her face flare up and tried to keep 'certain' thoughts from her head. 'Maybe later but I can't be thinking things like that now. Not in school. I have to study!' With that thought she turned her attention back to the teacher only to have it fixed on a certain young man again not a minute later. 'This is going to be a long day.'

Kyo was smirking like the cat that ate the canary as he continued spacing out in class still tasting Tohru on his lips. 'If that damn Momiji wouldn't have come up…' Unlike Tohru he let those certain thought play in his head over and over and…it was about this time he noticed his pants were a bit too tight. He looked over to Tohru to catch her staring at him once again. He just smiled and tried not to smirk as he saw the blush creep up her checks as she gave a smile back.

"Ms. Honda," called the teacher gaining her attention. "Would you like to tell me what is more interesting then my lecture," he asked looking down at her. 'Sex,' was the first thing that popped into her mind but her mind decided to kick in at that point to keep her mouth from opening as her face flared up. She looked up hopelessly trying to find a way to respond when she was saved by the ding-dong-ding-dong signaling the end of school. She gave a sigh of relief. She nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt a hand clamp on her shoulder.

She looked up to meet violet eyes. "Sohma-kun?"

"Are you ok Honda-san? You seemed distracted today in class. I have to stay after school for a meeting but if you want I can walk you home."

"NO," she all but screamed startling Yuki. "I-I mean I will not interfere with Sohma-kun's presidential activities! I don't want to cause you trouble. And besides Kyo-kun will be with me."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you," he said totally ignoring her last statement. A fuming Kyo came up ready to start yet another fight.

"I'm going to be walking with her you damn rat! I'M NOT Shigure it's not like you can't trust me!" Back in his office Shigure sneezed.

"Really Sohma-kun we'll be fine," said Tohru coming in between them. "We'll just meet you at home."

"Whatever Honda-san thinks is best," he said giving her one of his best smiles. Kyo was trying not to fume by concentrating on Tohru. Or at least the back of Tohru as she was facing away from him. His gaze went from her back to her…'Damn you Shigure!' Shigure once again sneezed in his office.

"Could I be catching a cold," Shigure asked himself. He felt his forehead for a second. "Oh well at least it would give me an excuse to visit Hari," he said as he got up to leave a note on the table before leaving.

Kyo and Tohru walked in relative silence to the house. The silence became thicker with each step until Tohru felt she couldn't breath. They were almost to the house when Tohru stopped. Kyo took a few more steps before he noticed she was behind him and turned to her.

"Tohru?" Her face was down but he could still see her blush crawling across her face.

"Kyo-kun. What happened today…on the roof." She stopped trying to find the right words. "Did Kyo-kun mean it?" It was his turn for his face to flare.

"You mean did the kiss mean anything?" He took a second trying to calm himself. 'Come on you've wanted to tell her for god only knows how long. Now is your chance.' His mouth dried out as he fought with his words. Tohru waited and waited but was only met with silence. She felt her heart aching as she took a few steps forward and started walking past him tears slowly crawling across her cheek.

'Come on baka! Do something!' He grabbed her by the shoulder, spun her around and kissed her all in one quick fluid motion. He pulled away slowly his lips still close to her own, his thumb brushing away the tears on her cheeks. "Hai. It meant a lot to me." He turned his head away as he felt his face flush but kept his hand on her shoulder.

"Kyo-kun," she asked almost hesitantly.

"Tohru you know. You know I'm not good with words and all or saying what I really mean but…"

"I love you too Kyo-kun," she whispered. His head shot around to meet hers just before she put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. She dropped her bag as she leaned into his embrace feeling his arms wrap around her. She tilted her head and slowly opened her lips to allow him access to taste her. His tongue darted into her mouth exploring and tasting. She couldn't suppress the light moan that drifted up from within. The tight warm knot in her stomach got worse as she felt herself getting closer. Feeling her body rub against his and feeling…whoa now that was something new rubbing against her abdomen. She felt herself blush crimson but couldn't stop what her body screamed for her to do. There was a snap of a twig on the path behind them and they both pulled away, still in each other's arms, and looked back on the trail to find nothing. It was then that they turned back to each other, their red stained faces staring at each other.

"Come on, we shouldn't be doing things like this out here if we're going to keep it a secret," he said letting his arms drop from around her. Her arms also found their way back to her sides as she looked up at him.

"So this is also our secret," she said in an almost teasing voice. He looked down at her and smirked.

"Come on let's get back before Shigure starts singing about me being a pervert again." She smiled and picked up her bag taking her place beside him. She took his hand in her own as they walked to the house. They arrived to find Shigure had gone to the main house and not to do anything 'naughty.'

"Damn pervert," Kyo muttered taking his shoes off.

"I'll be right back I just want to put my bag away," said Tohru heading up the stairs. She walked into her room and put her bag down and sat on her bed. Her mind was still a haze after the last kiss and she craved more. 'When did I start thinking like this? Should I be thinking like this? Wait Kyo said we couldn't do that on the path but no we're here…alone.' She smacked herself up side the head trying to clear her mind. She sat up on her bed thinking before she decided on something.

"Kyo-kun," she called out tentively. "Kyo-kun," she called a bit bolder.

Kyo was in the kitchen getting a drink from the milk carton (again) when he heard Tohru call for him. He put the milk back and walked up the stairs to her room. For some reason he felt himself become nervous as he entered her room and saw her sitting on the edge of her bed. He took a few steps towards her standing in front of her.

"What's up Tohru?" She stood up and wrapper an arm around his neck, the other playing with his hair as her lips found his. He stiffened a second before he began responding to her. His hands fond their way around her shoulders, then her waist, then her back, and one hand ventured a bit further resting on her rear. Her hands were also exploring his anatomy. From his well toned shoulders to his back pulling him closer to her. Their tongues invaded each other's mouths as they fought to taste each other. Tohru then took a deep mental breath before slowly sitting down on her bed taking him down with her. She sat on the bed with him sitting next to her leaned over. With him leaning over she finally laid back on her bed pulling him down on top of her.

His hands found their way up the front of her school uniform and were playing with the bottom of her bra. He let his tongue leave her mouth to lick it's way down her neck where he began to suckle on her tender flesh, getting a soft gasp. His hand then found it's way under her bra to cup her breast. Her skin was so soft and warm, he wanted more of it. He found her nipple and began toying with it between his fingers. Pinching and rubbing it until he felt it harden under his touch.

Tohru's body was on fire. She didn't think the feelings she had right now were even possible to experience. His tongue on her through was driving her nuts but when he began playing with her breast her mind became a haze. She was so hot her body was burning up. She pulled away from him and saw the confused look in his eyes. That was until she pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped and threw her bra like it was nothing before plunging her tongue back into his mouth.

His hands were all over her hot skin. Her breast, her back, her curves, everywhere. She let a soft moan escape her lips as his mouth found a new place to suckle on her chest. She spread her legs on either side of his as she lay back in ecstasy. The things he was doing to her body were just unreal. She wanted to know if he felt the same. If he was feeling what she was. She got her answer as he leaned lower teasing her breast. She felt his erection brushing across the front of her skirt. Skirt? Why did she need a skirt? She moaned again as her body felt like it was burning up. She slipped the skirt to the ground without much of a hitch and leaned the lower part of her body up to brush against his member. She heard him stifle a moan against her chest as she did so.

He looked down at her to see what she was doing. He felt her again as she pushed her hips up to push against his. This time he couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips. He was about to start nibbling on her neck again when he felt himself being slowly pushed to the side. He looked up to see a look in Tohru's eye he had never seen before, lust. He let her roll him on his back and met her eyes once again before she leaned over to kiss where his neck met his shoulder. He felt himself grow weak as her kissing turned to suckling and nibbling.

She smiled as she heard the moans coming from his mouth and knew they were because of her. This was almost like a game. Finding his most sensitive areas and figuring what she could do to them to make him elicit these noises she loved so much. She kissed higher up on his neck and got a response she liked. She kissed higher and higher until she made her way to his ear. She took his earlobe in her mouth and suckled on it causing his member to twitch. She liked this. She let her tongue slowly explore his ear inside and out dragging it mercilessly across the soft flesh. She loved the way Kyo tasted. Time to have a little more fun.

Tohru straddled his hips sitting directly on top of his member; his pants still constricting him and Tohru's underwear still denying him access. Yet it looked painful for his pants to be holding him back like that. Her hand shyly went to his pants where she fumbled with the button before finally getting that out of the way and undoing his zipper to free him from such a small area. Torhu couldn't believe what she was doing as she rubbed her crotch against his arousal and got a moan from him. She didn't want more then this, not yet. But this could still be fun. She rubbed against him again liking her response and continued to rub him.

He couldn't take this. He was loosing control and fast. His hands reached out to cup her breast squeezing them and pinching and rubbing her nipples. She let out a gasp as one of his hands went down her waist to her panties. He began tugging at them but stopped as he felt her hand on his. "Not yet," she said in a raspy yet seductive voice. He leaned up to kiss her and as he did he flipped her back over on the bed holding her hands on either side of her body. His mouth coming down to claim her lips before they continued down her throat to her chest. She gasped as she felt his teeth playing with her nipple while his hand continued to fondle the other. His kissing and teasing were killing her. She wanted to hold him, grab him, anything, but he was in control. His lips strayed over her mound of flesh before continuing down her stomach to her bellybutton licking along the rim softly. He was ready to let his tongue continue its route south when, "Honda-san I'm home," came a call from downstairs. They both looked to her door, which was still partially opened as they heard Yuki walking in the front door.

They were both up and trying to get dressed as fast as they could. Well more like Tohru was trying to figure out how her clothing had disappeared. She quickly shut the door as she heard Yuki coming towards the stairs.

"Honda-san," he called again. "Are you home?" Tohru had found everything except for her elusive skirt. They were both looking for it when they heard him on the second floor landing walking towards the room. Tohru looked around frantically.

"Under the bed," she said quickly. Kyo didn't need to be told twice and ducked under the bed. Only to find the missing skirt and throw it to Tohru who put it on just as Yuki walked in the door.

"Here you are Honda-san. I was wondering where you were." She turned to him and smiled.

"Oh sorry Sohma-san I was just up here tidying up a bit and guess I didn't hear you." She was still panting a bit trying to calm her rapid heart.

"Honda-san, are you ok? You face is flushed and you're breathing a bit heavy," he said putting a hand on her forehead.

"No I'm fine! Really! I was just moving a lot of things around and I'm just a bit tired. N-nothing to worry about." Kyo was fuming under the bed. 'Not again! Damnit everything in this damn world is against me!'

"If you say so Honda-san." He turned to talk out the door as Tohru's heart tried to return to normal. "Oh and Honda-san," Yuki said turning back around causing Tohru's heart to jump in her throat. "Where is the baka neko?" Kyo felt himself bristle.

"Kyo-kun. Umm Kyo-kun…" she felt himself loosing it as she tried to desperately grasp for an excuse, any excuse. "Ahh! I think I heard Kyo-kun go out on the roof just a second ago. Maybe he saw you coming home," she said delivering the lie flawlessly.

"Baka neko. Anyway, he didn't give you any trouble did he," he asked taking a step closer. She felt her heart about to jump out of her throat. 'He couldn't know! Could he?!'

"N-no, n-no trouble at all Sohma-kun. I-in fact he was really nice to talk with on the way home today," she said trying not to stutter and failing. 'Shit she's loosing it,' Kyo thought.

"Actually Honda-san. There was something I wanted to ask you today." Kyo was ready to jump out and kick his ass at the first sign of Yuki trying to put the moves on 'his' girl!

"Yes, Sohma-san?" Tohru felt like her heart was going to explode. 'Please don't have him ask what I think he's going to ask.'

"I was wondering, if Honda-san wasn't working on Thursday if you would like to go to the movies?"

"Oh the movies," she said trying to pass it off as if it were just another everyday thing. "Who else is going? Do you think Momiji could sit through a movie?" Yuki walked up closer causing Tohru to fall back and sit on the bed.

"Just us Honda-san. Just you and me, as in a date." His face was so close to hers and was coming in fast. Kyo was going to kill him. Yuki was dead. Even if he couldn't beat him he was going to have them both change and eat his damn rat form!! Tohru dodged the kiss and looked away from him.

"Sohma-san, I'm sorry but I can't do that," she said softly. Both Kyo and Yuki were left stunned.

'She's actually turning down Yuki,' Kyo thought as he mentally celebrated.


"Because, I like Sohma-san as a friend, not in the way Sohma-san likes me" He put his hand on her chin and tilted it towards his face.

"How do you know if you do or not," he said bringing their faces close again.

"Because Sohma-san. I'm already in love." Yuki looked like Kagura had slapped him. "I love him very much and, even if he can't say it, I know he loves me very much," she said looking up at him with a red hue spread across her face. "I'm sorry Sohma-san," she said with real sorrow playing across her features. Yuki just stood up and smiled at her softly trying to hide the shock and pain.

"It's fine Honda-san. I hope you're both very happy," he said politely still smiling. And with that he turned and left. As soon as the door was shut Kyo was out from under the bed and standing between her and the door protectively.

"That damn rat," he muttered. He felt his anger die immediately as he felt Tohru's arms snake around his waist and hold him to her from behind.

"Don't be mad at him. You can't always help who you are in love with. I'm just lucky enough that Kyo-kun loves me as well." He turned around and held her to his chest.

"I'm the lucky one," he said barely above a whisper. She felt her cheeks flame as he brought her mouth up to meet his. Their lips met and brushed against each other softly just allowing for a tiny taste of the other. "I should head out to the roof so he won't know about the lie." Kyo looked down at her and smiled, the smile he only gave her, before turning to her window and climbing out on the roof.

Author's Note: Bad? Good? Couldn't figure out what the hell was happening? Even if the feedback is bad still would like to know someone is reading it. Even if it is your goldfish Jerry who is blind in one eye. X_0