Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Unrequited Love Part 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Hello again. I really wanted to get another chapter out sooner, but I kept writing and writing, and the chapter I want got too long so I broke it in half and I'm working on the other half of it right now. But I don't know when I'll finish because I should be getting Fruits Basket DVD 4 in soon! Yay!!! Anyway I hope it's not too OOC and hope you enjoy. Oh and no lemon here but I plan on doing a LOT in the second part. And may have a second couple (and not shigure and ayame) get some action! Depends on if I can get in the mood! Anyway enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter Four: "Unrequited Love Part 1"

Yuki got out of Tohru's room as fast as he could before he let her see how he really felt. How did he really feel? He felt everything from pain, anger, betrayal, sorrow, and even a bit weary. 'When? How? Who?' These questions plagued his mind and held him until he got to his room to sit and logically think about this. 'Who could it be? Who? I mean she said him and the only men she's ever around is us…' His eyes grew dark and he looked ready to kill, as he pondered which one of his cousins wouldn't live much longer. 'Hiro…no. Ritsu…no. Momiji…no, even though the little perv would like it. Ayame…nah. Hatori…no. Shigure…he better not have…she's god knows how much younger then him! That perverted dog had better not have! Or worse, Haru, with his mood swings who knows what the hell would happen! Or worse…Kyo…' His blood boiled at the thought and he wanted desperately to take his anger out on him right now even if it wasn't him. But instead he settled for the wall by the window and left a nice dent in it.

He was breathing heavily as he finally collapsed on his bed, covered his face and finally let go of his anger. The tears coming of their own accord as he stifled his sobs. No matter how strong he was nothing had prepared him for the pain of heartache. 'Why? Why him? Why not me?' The last question echoed in his mind. He lay there for what seemed like hours before his breathing evened out and he let sleep take his exhausted form.

Kagura walked happily along, her cat backpack on her back where it belonged, her smile in place, her uniform clean. She hummed to herself as she walked down the long path leading to her cousins' house. She had been waiting for a chance like this almost all of her life. She had overheard Shigure when he had come by the main house earlier.

Shigure entered the house and announced his presence, " Hari, I'm home."

"Don't say things like that," said Hatori coming out from the other room to greet him. "What brings you here."

"I've been sneezing quite a bit lately and been feeling tired. I think I might be coming down with something." It was at this time Kagura had heard Shigure's voice and peeped through the doorway to see why he was visiting.

"You just wanted an excuse to visit," stated Hatori but took out one of those thermometers you put in your ear and took his temperature.

"If I just wanted to visit I would have brought some saki with me," he said smiling as usual. The thermometer beeped.

"99.2, a slight temperature. But you may want to take it easy tonight or it could turn into something else." It was just then that Ayame had entered the room and greeted Shigure as usual before asking, "So what brings you here?"

"I guess I have a temperature."

"A temperature! No, you must lie down! Come, you can take my bed!" And without further a due it was settled that Shigure was staying the night. Kagura had a huge grin plastered to her face. 'Kyo, home alone, no Shigure!'

She ran to her room and placed some cloths in her cat backpack. "I'm coming Kyo! Tonight will be our night," she said to herself as she left the main house.

So it was now that she was coming in sight of the house that she began jogging and looked to the roof for her fiancé. Luckily for Kyo he had spotted her before she had him and ducked into his room. "Shit, must hide, must hide!" He couldn't stay in his room, wasn't going near Yuki's room, he had heard him taking his anger out on the wall earlier. If he was caught in Tohru's room he'd be dead, so with that extremely quick thought process he dashed into Shigure's room and ducked into his closet. 'This is pathetic, I'm hiding from a girl.' But his thoughts of self-mockery were replaced by fear as he heard, "Kyo-kun!" Ringing from downstairs. He squished himself further back in the corner of the closet.

"Kagura-chan," called Tohru from her room as she heard Kagura enter and continued down the stairs to greet her.

"Hello Tohru-chan," she said with a smile on her face. "Have you seen Kyo-kun?"

"Hai, I believe he was on the roof."

"But he's not there anymore! Where has my kyo-kun gone?" With that she ran up the stairs and into his room turning things over and digging through his closet. It was about this time Tohru came up after her and peeked her head in the door only to almost have a fist run into it as Kagura ran out of Kyo's room and into her room.

"Kagura-chan? What are you doing," she asked following her into her room.

"I'm looking for Kyo-kun. He must be here somewhere!" After trashing that room she ran over to Yuki's and opened it to see Yuki sleeping and quietly closed the door. 'No way Kyo-kun would hide in there if Yun-kun is in there.' With that she went for the last room, Shigure's room. When she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Kagura-chan, you should really calm down. You looked flushed maybe you should have some tea." She emphasized this by putting a hand to Kagura's forehead and leading her to the table to sit. "I'll be right back, just try and calm down."

Kagura sat back and took a few deep breaths before she noticed how dark it had gotten outside. She looked up at the clock as it read 9:13. She looked back as Tohru entered the room with the tea and handed it to Kagura. She took a sip and held it as the bitter taste helped to sooth her heart which seemed to want to jump out of her chest and look for Kyo on it's own.

"So, what brings Kagura-chan out here? Do you know how Shigure-san is doing? He called earlier to say he'd be staying at the main house."

"I came because of that. I wanted to come tonight to stay the night with Kyo-kun." Tohru almost spit out her tea but just swallowed as she tried to keep herself calm. She clutched the mug a bit tighter but put on a smile and looked to Kagura.

"But I thought that you couldn't sleep with Kyo-kun."

"Yes, but there's no one here to say no. And I'm sure Kyo-kun wouldn't object." Tohru's grip on the mug tightened. But the mug was slick and as she tightened her grip it slipped and shattered on the floor.

"Gomen! Gomen!" She quickly got up and went to the kitchen to get a rag and came back to clean it up just as quickly. "Goodness," she said as she looked at the clock reading 9:30. With everyone coming home so late and such tonight I haven't made dinner. Would you excuse me while I prepare."

"I would very much like to help Tohru-chan," she said getting up enthusiastically. Remembering her last attempt to cook she was a little unsure but decided as long as she was there it couldn't go too wrong, right?

"Sure Kagura-chan." Kagura got up and followed Tohru into the kitchen and rinsed her cup out. "Can you put the rice in the cooker and set it while I get some water boiling."

"No problem!" With that they turned to their tasks and Tohru started getting pans out for dinner. 'Kyo-kun, earlier when he tried to tell me something, he never actually said he loved me. He's definitely shown me.' A blush crept across her face as she turned the burner on and let the water set to boil. 'But he's never actually…said it. I chose Yuki-kun over Kyo-kun, and it hurt so much. Could he, or would he do that to Kagura-chan?' She turned to see the girl playing with the rice cooker before turning to Tohru with a smile.

"Got it!"

"Arigato! Now for the main dish, I was thinking of some kind of sea food like some crab, and maybe some fried fish." She pulled out another pan for frying before going to the fridge and pulling out some fish and crab and a few vegetables to fry up with them. "Kagura could you get out that little steamer we have in the cupboard just to your left. Yes that one," she confirmed as Kagura pulled it out and plugged it in. Tohru went over and set it up for her, thoughts about Kyo and Kagura plaguing her mind. By the time they had finished dicing up the veggies and left the crab to boil, the fish to fry Tohru's nerves were about frayed. "Kagura, these shouldn't be much longer, I think I'll go tidy up quickly. The fish that are frying should be done in 2 more minutes, the vegetables in 5 and the crab in about 8. I'll be right back."

She ran up to her room on the verge of tears. She stepped inside her room and took a deep breath. 'Everything has just happened so fast, first we almost kissed this morning, then we kissed on the roof this afternoon, then after school…I don't even know what's really forming between us. But I want to know, and I want to be with him…always.' She then looked to her room that had been hit by Hurricane Kagura and set to picking it up. She tidied quickly with her few belongings and went over to Kyo's room to pick his up as well. He'd probably get mad at Kagura if he saw his room right now, which she didn't want at all. She had just finished picking things up and was in the process of doing her last task, hanging his cloths back up. She stopped as she picked up a shirt of his and held it up to breath the scent in deeply. The strongest smell was the laundry detergent, but underneath that was a stronger scent. The scent of Kyo, 'her' Kyo. She quickly put the cloths away and was about to step out the door when…

"Tohru, dinner's ready."

"I'll get Sohma-san." She went to Yuki's room but stopped from knocking on the door and continued to the next room, Shigure's room. She crept inside and closed the door. "Kyo-kun, it's ok. It's just me, Tohru." There was a bit of silence before she heard some shifting around in the closet before Kyo stumbled out.

"Is she gone?"

"Kagura-chan? No, she stayed and helped to cook dinner. And…she says she's staying the night," she said the last part with her head down a bit.

"Staying the night?" He didn't like the sound of that.

"Yes, she said she wanted to stay the night with Kyo-kun." She looked up at him smiling and blushing slightly wondering what it would be like to…and she stopped herself there, as she stood there alone with him in Shigure's room. He walked up to her slowly and placed a hand on the side of her face tilting it up for his lips to meet hers. He pulled away blushing as well. 'He's so cute when he's shy like this,' thought Tohru as she herself was blushing just as bad.

"You know that would never happen, I love you not her." Tohru couldn't help it, as he spoke those words she so desperately needed for reassurance she felt a tear crawl down her check. "Tohru? What did I say? Did I do something?" He started to look panicky.

"No, no. It's just, that's the first time you've actually said those words to me." He looked a bit shocked but thought back and realized she was right. He came in close again.

"I love you Tohru," he said softly capturing her lips once more when they were cut off by, "TOHRU, KYO, YUKI, DINNER, NOW!!!" They knew it was a threat, not an announcement and both turned to leave. Tohru stopped to get Yuki but Kyo stopped her.

"I'll get the damn rat." She didn't question, just nodded and continued towards the smell of the food.

Authors Note: Love it? Hate it? Want me to quit writing? Give me something to tell me if I'm heading in the right direction. Don't let me wander around lost like Haru not knowing where I'm supposed to go. Well right now I have to make sure I don't meet up with black Haru! Bye!