Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Christmas Morning ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Notes: Hello here is my second chapter to make up for the shortness of the last one. But to warn you there isn't much but a little fluff and a LOT of lemon, so if you want to skip the lemon you can read through the fluff know they had sex and skip the rest. Only note here is the sleeping arrangements. Tohru and Kyo are living in Tohru's room on second floor. Kagura has Kyo's old room on the second floor. Yuki's room is on the first floor. Shigure and Hatori are sharing a room on the first floor (room not bed, there are two beds!). And thanks again to all who review! I appreciate it even if it's to say I need to get my mind out of the gutter and on with the story. Anyway think that's all. Enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

* * * Lemon Warning * * *

Chapter 19: "Christmas Morning"

Kagura had just let her head hit the pillow when she felt her eyes slowly opening. She yawned and rolled over before wondering why she was still awake but felt refreshed. She stretched a bit more feeling very refreshed before glancing at her clock that read 6:25 AM.

"Morning already?" She stretched and rolled around a few more times feeling very snug before deciding to see who else was up. She slowly pulled herself out of the very warm and comfortable bed to feel the cold floor beneath her but slowly made her way to the door and started her trek down the stairs. She wasn't sure if anyone would be up yet. At the main house either Momiji or Kisa always woke up rather early on Christmas, about now actually, and woke everyone else up. But she wasn't sure what to expect as she crept downstairs.

She was actually surprised to find no one up yet, not even Tohru who usually woke up early to make breakfast despite their protests that she relax a bit more on vacation. She quietly made her way to the downstairs bathroom and was once again rewarded with an ice-cold seat that thoroughly woke her up. She went to go back upstairs when she stopped outside Yuki's door, as it was partially open and peaked in on him. She smiled as she saw him snug in his own warm bed sleeping softly. She thought she saw something moving outside his window and softly crept in to look out.

She smiled as she saw once again the snow was laying in to them. It was coming down hard; making her wonder if the roads would be too bad to travel to the main house. She was startled out of her reverie as she heard a soft voice call to her.

"Kagura, what time is it," he asked drowsily. She smiled kneeling beside his bed to face him. She was surprised he woke up so calmly and didn't seem ready to attack.

"About six thirty in the morning." His eyebrows came together in concentration as he processed this information.

"What are you doing up at this time in the morning?"

"Old habits from the main house I guess," she said resting her head on the side of his bed. "Kisa or Momiji would be up by now getting everyone up to get presents. I thought they were the reason I got up so early but I guess they made it a habit for me." He smiled blinking sleep from his eyes as he adjusted to the darkness.

"But what are you doing here," he asked.

"Huh?" She then realized what was she doing in his room this early in the morning. "Oh I just peaked in on you after using the bathroom and saw something in your window."

"My window," he asked a bit confused sitting up. She felt the heat from under the covers that reminded her of her own bed probably growing cold right now.

"Yeah, look," she said moving back so he could go to the window. He cringed a bit as his feet touched the cold floor but went to the window. His eyes grew huge as he watched the winds carry drifts of snow across the sky to pile up on the layers already building up on the ground.

"When did it begin to snow so hard?"

"I guess while we were sleeping." She paused a moment before sitting on the edge of his bed and was rewarded by its warmth. "I was wondering if the weather was bad enough to block off the roads. Do you think we can still get to the main house?"

"No," he answered simply. "If it's this bad now in a few hours if this keeps up we won't even be able to open the doors to the porch. Even if it stops there's enough out there to keep the plows busy for two days and were over on the edge of town in the woods."

"We could always use our name," she said.

"Even then I don't think we'd make it today. Guess we're celebrating alone this year."

"We're not alone," she said taking his hand in hers as he turned to face her. "We have each other." She moved his hand up to the side of her face and held it there. "And we have love, that's more then I can say about last year."

"Kagura," he said softly taking in her insightful words. He slowly dipped his face down to meet hers in a soft kiss. Kagura responded to the kiss deepening it. She licked at his lips asking for entrance which she soon received as his lips parted for her. Their tongues began exploring each other's mouths as they both felt a heat growing within them. Kagura fell back on the bed and was rewarded with warmth that made her moan. Yuki lay on top of her pressing his body against hers as his tongue wandered from her mouth to her neck where he began to suckle her.

Kagura's hands began roaming over his body until they met the bottom of his shirt. Her hands slowly slid up on either side of his spine, her fingers dragging along lazily making him elicit a moan on her throat sending shivers down her neck. Once her hands arrived right below his neck she tugged on his shirt and Yuki had to pull away as she disposed of his nightshirt. Her hands then quickly retreated down his back to his remaining clothing, his boxers. One hand firmly latched onto his behind squeezing and pinching it while her other hand headed south.

Yuki felt her hand traveling lower on himself as his hands finally reached the last button on her top and finally parted the shirt revealing her magnificent mounds. Her small pink buds waiting for him as he slowly kissed his way down to her left breast and began suckling on it. She responded with a moan as his other hand finished peeling off her top and made its way to her bottoms, which joined the pile of clothing forming on his floor this morning.

His hand went down and slid her panties off her before following himself to kiss right below her belly button and then pulled away and started to kiss from her knee upward and right before he got to her center he pulled away and started at the other knee and began kissing up, teasing her. Her body rocked in agony wanting attention paid to her growing warmth. She cried out and arched her back as his tongue quickly darted inside for a taste of her juices. She spread her legs wider allowing better access.

Yuki dragged his tongue out slowly before letting it glide over her slit, nibbling and suckling on it as he went back to her warm center. His tongue swirling around her insides while his hands looked for another way to tease her. But in his position between her legs with her on her back it was hard. He slowly pulled out and she looked at him pleadingly but was soon pulled up and pulled above him. She went to sit on his waist even though his boxers were still on but he pulled her farther up until she was sitting on his face.

She was afraid of sitting too hard or hurting him but all thought were washed from her mind as his tongue once again entered and began probing her womanhood. His hands found their place on her breasts as one of his hands would knead her breast and the other would pinch and pull at her nipple and he would switch the roles back and forth. Her moans were becoming more frequent as he quickened his pace and probed deeper. His tongue went as deep as it could and continued dragging itself along her insides feeling her clench down. He started pinching and pulling at both nipples as he began to suckle on her lips while plunging deeper.

Kagura felt a wave of pleasure pass over her with the release of her built up tensions. She leaned over panting trying to just keep herself up was agony as her body stayed in blissful release and wanted nothing more then to stay in this contented state. But Kagura slowly rolled off of Yuki's face and lay panting before draping her arm over his body and leaning over to kiss him again. She could taste herself on his lips and probed deeper as her tongue explored his mouth.

Her hand once again went to his arousal and rubbed it through his boxers receiving a moan. Her hands didn't want to play with the material and quickly disposed of his boxers leaving them both fully naked. She was wet and even though foreplay was nice she didn't want to play. Now it was down to business as she slid her body over top of his and slid him into her already moist and ready depths. She wanted to wait a moment to let her body adjust but apparently Yuki wanted to get down to business too and as she sat down on him he raised his hips to meet her pushing in up to his hilt. She moaned in response as he immediately started taking over setting a fast pace for the two of them. He grabbed onto her legs holding her in place as he thrust up into her again and again.

She moaned over and over, having almost no control in this junction as Yuki continued thrusting into her. His hands went to her breasts and squeezed, she moaned, as they were still sore from his earlier assaults on them. His quick pace led her to an orgasm sooner then she would have liked and felt her body stiffen and heard herself moan his name as she clamped down on him. She sat there for what seemed like an eternity as she let the waves of pleasure wash over her. When she finally came back to earth she was amazed to find herself still being thrust into by Yuki. It was then she realized he still hadn't found his release. He looked up seeing she had finally come back from her second orgasm before pulling out of her and swiftly rolling her over on her back. Before she could speak he took his position above her and speared her again.

With him on top and in control he was even faster then before. Their bodies moved together as one as Yuki was in control now. He held onto her legs and hips and brought them up to meet his as he drove down into her. He was gliding in and out of her now, as she was slick from her two previous releases. And from her moaning he could tell she was fast approaching another. He wanted to slow down so she wouldn't go so soon but he couldn't help it. He felt the pressure building inside of him and it was driving him insane as he was on the edge of his release but couldn't quite get at it. He quickened his pace as he felt her clamp down again and moan his name. He drove through her orgasm hoping her tightened walls would help but they only added fuel for the fire as he looked down at her to see she was getting exhausted.

Kagura couldn't believe it as she once again came back from her worldly pleasure and saw Yuki hadn't yet reached the bliss she had experienced three times now. Yuki stopped and sat there panting unsure of what to do. Kagura quickly took the initiative and got on all fours facing away from him. "What the," Yuki said quietly. They had never really tried this before and even though they had had sex many times new things were still hard to approach for him.

"I heard that a woman is a bit tighter in this position," Kagura tried to say boldly but felt her cheeks heating in embarrassment anyway. Yuki nodded to himself before positioning himself behind her and with one quick thrust was inside her. He felt himself nearly go off with that first thrust, as she was right, she was much tighter from this position. He quickly set to his fast pace again feeling himself getting closer to his edge. He leaned forward a bit more, wanting to make this pleasurable for Kagura as well as his hands found her breasts and grabbed onto them kneading them and after a few more thrusts he grabbed on tighter and started using them as leverage for his thrusts. Kagura's moaning was making him even harder. Kagura felt herself coming to a quick release again and tried to prolong it but as his hands grabbed her breasts and started using them for leverage she knew she wouldn't last.

"Yuki," she moaned as she clamped down on him once again and was surprised to hear Yuki moaning her name as well as he held her tightly as he finally found his release. He slumped over onto her body as he tried to slow his racing heart and breathing. He could hear Kagura's heart as he laid his head on her back and her heart seemed to be racing faster then his. He slowly pulled out, sore from his efforts this morning. The warm bed felt even more comforting to the both as they lay back panting. Kagura leaned her head on his shoulder as she felt her fatigue overcoming her.

"What time is it," asked Yuki drowsily. Kagura tilted her head slightly to read his clock.

"Eight forty-five. Do you think they'll be up soon," she asked hoping for at least a quick nap after that.

"We have some time," he said as she snuggled into his shoulder and he brought the blankets around them.

Author's Note: Wow I didn't think it would be that long. It's still a short chapter but considering it's almost all lemon I think it's a good size. Anyway please review! Thanks!