Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Teachers?! ❯ organizing chaos ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okami: yeahhh!!!!!! New chappy! I am so happy!
Jessica: We don't own anything but the OCs unfortunately so shut up about that already! Jeez!... you're all a bunch of meany butts!...
Okami: don't call the readers meany butts! You'll make them go away! Please forgive her!
Jessica: And your point would be what Okami?
Okami: be nice!! Or else they might flame! That would not be fun!
Jessica: And!? Who cares?!
Okami: shut up! Just give them the chapter already!!
Bianca and Jessica walked into the dorm lounge. With them they were dragging a very confused Winry.
“ now we just have to wait for every one else to show up. I can't wait to get those little brats that ruined my new shirt!!” Bianca was practically yelling now.
“Or we could just send the gang to round them all up….. but then not all of them would make it here alive…. Guess that won't work Huh?” Jessica answered flopping down on one of the couches.
“Gang?” Winry questioned.
“Yeah, me and Jess had a gang in our old school. Nothing to impressive.” Bianca waved the question off as if it were completely normal to have a gang.
“okay…” Winry said.
“hm? Did you think I was kidding over the announcements?” Jessica asked innocently.
Winry was about to answer when the doors to the dorm opened and all of the members walked in. They were all looking around as if expecting to be ambushed at any second.
“Alright!” Bianca screamed. “Lets get this competition underway!!”
“Yeah!.... wait” starts counting the people. “We're missing someone!”
“Where are those brats! They better not ditch us!” Winry yelled.
“Oh yeah, how are we going to pick the teams?” Sango asked.
“We are going to draw names out of a hat!” They both yelled
“speaking of which, the hat is ready girls!” Winry called holding up a big black hat.
“All right. Every one draws a name and that person is your pranking partner!” Bianca announced.
Sango carefully walked up to Winry and drew a name out of the hat. She read the name out loud, “Sesshomaru....”
When Sesshomaru heard his name called, he looked up to see Sango standing there awkwardly, not sure what to make of the situation. He was not happy about being paired up with a human...much less some female he didn't know. But he went along with it anyway. This sounded interesting, and he was always in control of situations.
“Okay! Since she drew the name that makes her the leader of her group! So who's next?!” Jessica yelled over the crowd.
Bianca swore she saw Sesshomaru's eye twitch at the mention of Sango being in charge, and had to suppress a giggle.
Yusuke walked up to Winry knocking his chair back with the force causing a great crash as it knocked kuwabara through the wall.... But no one noticed kuwabara at all...Any ways Yusuke strode up to Winry and drew a name from the hat as he said out loud cockily without even reading it before hand-
Jakotsu jumped up with joy. “Yes!! I got a the hot guy!! Oh boy, this is going to be so much fun!!! ...is my hair okay Bankotsu??”
“Holly Crap you freak! Get the hell away from me!” Yusuke yelled as he picked up the table and threw it at Jakotsu. “Can I get a redraw Damn it?!”
Bianca laughed evilly and said, “I guess you didn't know Jakotsu was gay!”
Jessica was on the floor at this point trying to breathe, and keep her dear half brother from finding out she had actually rigged it so he would end up with Jakotsu!
Jakotsu ran over to Yusuke and grabbed his arm and pulled him over to sit with him. “You can be my leader any day...now, lets start coming up with some pranks!” Jakotsu giggled girlishly and blushed.
Yusuke looked at him in horror trying to resist the urge to kill him... The toddler wouldn't like that.... “You freak! I have a FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!”
Jakotsu was on the verge of crying as he said, “okay.... I won't rape you then.....and I was so hoping you would be fun... I just love young men... I wanted to cut you up.” He sighed heavily and put his hands in his head, muttering something about fish.
Yusuke just continued staring at him in horror... I mean it isn't everyday your paired up with a gay rapist....for who knows how long...
“Next!!” Bianca yelled, thinking they had wasted time watching the whole thing. She actually did feel bad for Yusuke, but hey, this is war!!
Jessica just glared at her muttering about people always running her fun as she finally caught her breath and stood back up.
Inuyasha stomped up to Winry and pulled a name out. He read it outloud, not knowing who this person was...”kanna?”
The quiet girl walked up to him and grabbed his shirt and pulled him over to her sister, Kagura. She just sat there, waiting for Inuyasha to tell her what to do.
-And so it went!-
-Moving on a couple hours-
Jessica snuck out of her room and headed to the boys bathroom to meet Bianca.
Bianca was just getting back from the local pet store and had an octopus and our favorite meat eating fish. She hurried back into the building to meet Jessica in the boys bathroom.
“Did ya get everything without to many questions?” Jessica asked as she locked the door behind them.
“Yeah. I had our old gang members get the octopus cuz the pet store wouldn't sell it to me.....but the fish were no problem. So, how are we gonna do this?”
Jessica smirked evilly as she took one of the plastic bags the fish were in and walked into one of the stalls.
Bianca laughed and got a bucket, filled it with water, and placed the octopus inside. “Hey Jess, you got any string and some tape?”
Jessica steeped out of her latest victim's stall and threw some rope and tape in Bianca's way before moving on to the next stall and then the sinks...
Bianca tied the rope to the bucket, and placed it above the door, then took the tape and placed some octopus food above the bucket. Hopefully that will draw the thing out more....
“Beinks you ready to go?” Jessica asked after running out of fish...
“Yeah. Oh, and I think you'll like this. While I was out, I got some snails....i think we should hit the girls locker room since we don't have gym this semester.”
An evil smirk spread across her face. “Cool... I already let loose a few rodents down their this afternoon and let's just say.... Well the girls will be surprised that they can actually see into the boys locker room...”
“What did you do? You didn't blow anything up did you? Or break the wall down?”
“You'll just have to wait and see!”
“But I have the patience of a 5 year old!! No fair Jesse!!” Bianca whined.
“Trust me.. It'll be well worth it to see the look on those preps faces! I hooked up cameras and everything!”
“Do you have the boys bathroom wired too? I want to see them when they get their ass bit by some fish.”
“Of course! This is me we're talking about! The evilest of them all!”
-Next Morning-
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A blood curdling scream broke out waking everyone up at 5 a.m....... Man someone was going to pay.....
End of ch.2
Jessica- Hi people! Sorry for the long wait! It was all okami's fault!
Okami:......shut up. It was not!! Its not my fault I got hauled off to prison!
Jesssica- It's your fault you got caught you baka!!!
Okami- don't call me a baka you boob!!! And hey, when they caught me, they asked me some questions...thats why the fuzz has been all over us lately.
Jessica- So your the cause of that to... You dick.....
Okami- anywho.....i like fish. And you ppl should like fish too!!
Jessica- :Glares at okami: Shooshs! Don't give anything away you baka! :turns back to readers: anyway review! Because I refuse to update again until we get at least 3 reviews for this chapter! I worked hard! :hold injured hand: :puppy dog eyes: please....
Okami- yeah. Review! We only got 3 last time. So sad. We feel so unloved! *crawls into a corner* why are you readers so mean?
Jessica- :glares at readers through teary eyes: Be nice or i'll have to hunt ya down ya boobs!
Okami-yay!! Go Jessica-chan!!