Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Teachers?! ❯ ....I like Black and blue, She likes black and red... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: we own nothing but our Ocs and I think the plot....
Okami: its my bra!!!
Jessica: YAY! ^_^
Okami: ummm....don't be mean to us or else the potato ninja will get you..... >.<
Jessica: I'm an assassin! And I think someone snuck some drugs into my food..... -_-;
Okami: shhh!! Thats a secret!!! ...should we give them the chapter now? Or make them suffer?
Jessica: :is thinking carefully: hm... I like the sound of making them suffer..... Hey wait a sec you snuck the drugs into my food didn't you?!
Okami: umm....ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!! *runs away*
Jessica: :takes out weapons and chains and a gaint machine gun: GET BACK HERE YOU BOOBISH ASS!
Chapter 3!
Jessica shot out of bed falling onto the floor. “What the hell is going on?!”
Bianca lazily woke up and looked around dazed and confused. “Wha? How the hell should I know?...sounds like its coming from the locker rooms though....”
Jessica looked over at her in confusion for a second before realization hit her and she shot up from the floor and ran over to the huge flat screen tv that popped out of the wall when we pressed the button under their lamp. It was in section showing everything that was going on in the whole school but they were only focused on to two spots the boys bathroom and the girls/boys dressing room.
“Holy shit!! Hahaha!! Look at Sesshomaru!! Oh my god thats funny!!” Bianca was rolling around on her bed almost crying as she watched the screen.
An evil smirk spread across Jessica's face as she looked over to the other tv. “Look at the girls! Oh my god those preps are looking ready to kill themselves!”
:in the boy bathroom:
Sesshomaru stood sopping wet with a huge red octopus on his head. He was frightfully still as he glared ahead of him at nothing and twitched slightly as the thing on his head moved around. He grabbed the octopus and threw it in the nearest toilet and stormed out of the bathroom to his room. He was so mad, you could practically see the anger rolling off him in waves. Who ever did this is going to pay dearly.
:a few minutes later:
Kuwabara came waltzing into the bathroom in his usual stupid way that he thought made him look SO cool....
He walked over to the toilet that the octopus had earlier been thrown into not noticing the very little that remained of it or the little fishies with teeth swimming around in it....
He unzipped his pants to take a leek....and well our favorite favorite little fishy of all saw his dick and decided it was dinner time! And well it jumped out and bit it clear off......
:back with the girls:
More silence...
“....pft......pft...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAAHAHA!!!!!! !!” Both girls broke out laughing.
“I don't know ha ha whether to haha be horrified ha hahahaha or what! Hahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahha!” Jessica said in between bouts of laughter
“Oh my haha god!! We are hahahaha, so evil!!” Bianca held her stomach as she continued to roll around laughing.
“Haha YEAH! Hahaha! We should get our hair hahahaha changed to match!”
“Hehe, good idea! Haha I've always wanted haha black hair...or red...”
“Hahahah! I'd rather hahaha have black haha or blue”
:in the girl's locker room:
Meanwhile the preps were taking their shower in the girl locker room not noticing the huge hole in the wall.... Or that it was fucking five in the morning!
And just like robots they all finished at the same time and grabbed their towl walking in a line infront of the hole that led to the boys locker room where they all halted looking over to see all the guys from athletics staring at them wide eyed....
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” The girlish scream ripped through the air as they all started running around many dropping their towels in the process of getting away....And they forgot where the door was....
Then one by one they started tripping on snails and flashing the guys in many sexual positions....
“HOLY SHIT!” The guys all yelled as they continued to watch the show....
:with the girls again...:
“Ok. Shall we release the mutated black rats?” Jessica asked with the button already in hand a twisted smirk playing across her face.
“Deploy rats ma'am!!” Bianca said with glee.
“Ai ai captain!”
:back in the locker room:
And with that the rats surrounded the now all naked girly preps...
“Oh my fucking god!! Those are like totally rats!!” The leader prep said.
The follower preps all started screaming “oh my god! Your like right!!! Eww! They're are gonna eat us!!” A bunch of girls broke out crying as the rats got closer.
Evil laughter erupted from the mutated rats as they snarled at the preps standing on their hind legs before giving chase!
“Ahhh!” The preps ran with tears in their eyes to the only place they could. They ran straight past the guys into their locker room.
The evil rats quickly went to phase 2 of their plan and started building back the wall trapping the preps with the now very horny guys....they even locked the door and built a brick wall over it!
:back with the girls:
“HOLLY CRAP! THAT WAS GOOD!” Jessica exclaimed before she burst into laughter!
Bianca seemed to be having trouble breathing as she flopped around on the bed and then fell off still laughing.
“Hey let's go to sleep since those dumbasses woke us up!” Jessica muttered as she climbed back in bed.... After breaking her alarm clock so it wouldn't wake her up later....
Bianca crawled back into bed after getting off the floor, too tired and still trying to breathe to argue.
:with Yusuke and jakotsu on the roof:
“Let's get the girls!” Yusuke suddenly exclaimed with that perverted grin of his..
“Umm...why?” Jakotsu asked. “I wanted to go get some hot guy...like Sesshomaru....”Jakatsu pouted.
“But I'm the leader! So I know what's best!” Yusuke argued arrogantly.
Jakotsu thought about it for a moment. “Oh! I get it! You want to prank them since they are like the ring leades! Great idea!” Jakotsu smiled happily unaware that was far from the truth.
Yusuke just gave him a weird look. “Riiight.... That's it!”
Jakotsu sat thinking for a while, then yelled, “I got it! We can dye their hair! A girls hair is their most prized possesion.....we should dye it black, blue and red! Hahaha! I can do that. I used to work at a salon.”
“Ok then! Let's go!” And with that Yusuke grabbed his arm and took off in the direction of the girl dorms.
:at the girls dorm:
Bianca and Jessica were sleeping soundly as Yusuke and Jakotsu snuck into their room.
Jakotsu walked over to Jessicas bed and took out the box of MidnightBlack and SapphireBlue hair dye. He took out the bottle of dye and began working it into her hair, careful not wake her. Once he was done with the black, he put some in some blue. He let the dye sit as he moved to Bianca and began to dye her hair as well.
Yusuke being his perverted self went over to Jessica's bed side `to inspect Jakotsu's work' though his gaze was a bit lower than it should have been.....
As he reached out to poke her boobs she turned over grabbing his arm in a death grip....
(Okami is having an orgasm....-_-......)
`...she has nice boobs... Holly shit if she wakes I'm gonna loose my arm... Ack! I can't move my arm any more she's killing the circulation!'
Bianca slowly woke up and looked to Jessica. “Hm? Jessica....there's some guy on your-oh, wait, i'm probably having one of those dreams again......hey, he's pretty cute...i should seduce him some time....I think I will....”
Jakotsu started freaking out as he watched Bianca get up and walk to Yusuke.
Bianca sauntered over and grabbed Yusuke's arm and hugged it against her seductively. Stilll half asleep, she tried dragging him back to her bed.
Jessica pulled down on yusuke's arm thinking that someone was trying to take her gun away...
Bianca frowned as Yusuke wouldn't follow her and began mumbling something about ungrateful bastards. She pulled harder.
Jessica snarled in her sleep as someone tried to yank her gaint machine gun away from her and started muttering about stupid preps and teachers always getting in the way as she yanked down harder again..
Bianca pouted at hearing Jessica snarl at her and threw Yusuke's arm at him and stormed back to her bed, but not before yelling, “you just missed the best time of your life!!”
“Is someone there?” Jessica muttered still half asleep yanking Yusuke up into the position she usually had her gaint machine gun in... She pulled the `trigger' ..but when nothing happened sjhe threw it out the window. “Stupid gun out of amo... That will teach it to be out of amo around me!” She muttered going back to sleep not noticing Jakotsu's horrified form at all....
Jakotsu watched the girls for a whlie, making sure they were really asleep, and then proceded to wash the dye out of their hair. Once he was finished, he ran out of the room to make sure Yusuke was still alive.
Jessica was the first one to wake up for once in her life.... And walked into the bathroom that use to be a room but they had gotten rid of the ones who lived there and had gotten it redone as the coolest bathroom ever! Walking over to the mirror she picked up her brush and started brushing through her midnight black hair...wait a sec... “WHAT THE HELL?!”
Bianca jumped out of bed at hearing Jessica yell. She ran over to the bathroom and began to ask what was wrong, but stopped as she noticed Jessica's hair. “Whoa. That wasn't like that when we woke up this morning....am I dreaming again?”
Turning around Jessica just gave her a weird stare... “ No your not dreaming... And what do you mean again?!”
“Um, never mind...but still, who the fuck messed with our hair?!”
“Hm... Maybe it has something to do with your dream... Was it anyone we know?”
“Hey! As a matter of fact, it was! It was that pervy, arrogant Yusuke!....damnit...I tried to seduce him....holy shit! That wasn't a dream!”
“Ok we'll pretend we don't know about that last part...but whether we like this or not they tried to prank us so they'll have to pay!”
“Hmm....” Bianca studied her hair in the mirror. She now had midnight black hair, instead of her normal plain black and it now had a redish tint to it, and crimson in the front. It looked pretty good. It complimented her purple eyes. She brushed some crimson hair behind a pointed ear and said, “its not so bad....it makes my eyes look more purple. Its kinda cute.”
“True...” Jessica herself now had midnight black hair with a bluish tint and her bangs were now a beautiful sparkling sapphire as well as the shorter layers of hair that framed her face...(oh yeah and if you want to know how she looks read my other story Death by Glare on my other account...)
A sudden ideal hit Jessica as she quickly walked over to a odd box with chains and locks all over it... She made quick work of the locks and pulled out a black lacy bra... “This should do nicely. Neh?”
“What are you thinking? We're not really going to use that, are we?...more importantly, who are we going to use it on?” Bianca smiled evily. That bra was one of her favorite items.
Jessica just smiled evilly and gave her a look that said it all.
End of chapter 3!
Jessica: yeah... I forgot to tell you what story has how I look sorry.... I was high!
Okami: and I just forgot I had black hair to begin with....silly me...>.> too many stories....and rp's ......yeah..but now its more shiny! And red! So don't gimme none of your crap!
Jessica: I like shiny....and sparkly...and wait a sec you only have two stories and only one that i'm not part of you boob!
Okami: stories...rp....whats the difference? Hehe...anyway....don't call me a boob!! You penis head!!
Jessica: :glares and takes out machine gun: You wanna start something when your just gonna lose?!
Okami: no, i'm smarter then that. If I want to even think about starting something, i'm gonna hire me some macho help.....
Jessice:......sure.... Help in bed!
Okami: so? I happen to like some of those guys!! Especially my “angel”
Anywho, i'm so mad! My ex wrote about me in this stupid journal, online, so now every one who has gaia can read about me and that personal shit! He has no right to write about me like that! I didn't do that!! >.< he made me sound like the worst girlfriend ever, then acted all emo about it!! He sure didn't give a shit when I dumped him.
Jessica: And all of it was a load of bullshit! I mean he wasn't even upset when she broke up with him! All he said was “ok” so he can't even talk to her face! I swear I should bitch slap him! But Beinks here is to nice to let me beat the shit out of him! He's such a jerk!
Okami: grr...just thinking about it I get all mad.......anyway...um..please review? Cuz we love you? We only got 2 last time...so depressing!!!
Jessica: And if okami wasn't so damn nice we wouldn't have even updated because I don't update until we get three reviews so you better thank her! Or i'll hunt you down so otherwise
Don't review=i hunt you down
Don't say thanks to okami=i hunt you down!
Love ya'll!