Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ How to Eat a Reese's Cup ❯ Step 10 ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Step 10
A/n: Hey there. Me again. I want to thank all the reviewers who have R and R my story.
Envy: Your story?
Sakura: Yep!
Ed: We're the ones writing it?!
Sakura: Err. . .
Envy: Isn't there a homunculus labor law?
Ed: I don't know. Maybe we should look it up.
Envy: Hmm. yea, let's go.
Sakura: Envy?! Ed?! Get back here!
(Door shuts)
Sakura: I knew it. It's because Hughes is coming.
(Theme from Jaws starts to play)
Sakura: Oh, oh.
Hughes: Sakuraaaa! Look at Alicia! Isn't she just the cutest little thing on earth!!
Sakura: Works better than a gun. (Gets knocked out)
Hughes: She doesn't own us and defiantly not my little ray of sunshine!!
A man with short dark green walk through the hallways of Central and everywhere soldiers ducked out of his line of sight or hid in broom closets.
Who was this man that could strike fear in the hearts of war roughened soldiers? Was he a manic on the loose? An evil homunculus with an attitude and who was a sadist. A chibi alchemist with a temper and the ability to destroy anything that called him short.
Or a muscled man with boring lectures about family history and horrid pink sparkles. No, he was worse. He was Lieutenant Colonel Hughes and he had a stack of books containing the worse torture known to human kind as of yet.
In the books were baby pictures of his daughter Alicia. He whistled a soft tune as he made his way down to Colonel Mustang's office and entered without knocking. “Hey there, Roy! Look! A new fall edition of my precious little angel! I know you've been dieing to see them!” said Hughes cheerfully.
He blinked at the empty office and muttered. “I swear that secretary told me he was in his office. Maybe the cafeteria.”
What he didn't see was a terrified Colonel hiding under his desk. “I would rather have Armstrong and his sparkles than those pictures!” thought Mustang anxiously.
He heard the door close and gave a sigh of relief. “Thank god. He's gone. I take it back. Armstrong is worse.” He thought chuckling mentally.
“Roy! What are you doing down there!! Did you fall? Look at these cute pictures of Alicia!! She's eating a Reese's cup! It's her favorite candy! Did you know that? She could eat those all day and not get a single bit of chocolate on her! She's such a little lady!!” sighed Hughes happily.
A scream echoed through out the complex and later an unconscious Flame alchemist was found. He was taking to hospital where they put him in a room with Armstrong and a man named Gluttony.
“I know someone must hate me.” He thought when he woke up. Armstrong was arm wrestling Gluttony. “I'm in hell” was the only thought going through his mind.
In the mean time the cheerful man had chosen another target. Edward Elric the famous Fullmetal alchemist.
“Hey Ed! Look at what I have! I bet you can't guess!” He said. The flaxen haired teen gave him a deadpan look and said. “Pictures of Alicia” Shock went across green eyed man's face as he asked incredously. “How did you know?!”
Ed gave a shrug and said. “Took a wild guess.” Hughes beamed and opened a book. “Look at her here. Isn't she adorable?!” Ed prepared himself for the horror but a little voice interrupted him.
“Daddy?” Hughes blinked and looked down the hall where a little girl was running towards him with a Reese's cup in her hand. “Daddy!” She said happily hugging his waist. “How did you get down here my little angel? Is Mommy here too? Maybe with a apple pie for Daddy?” He asked smiling.
The little girl shook her head and replied. “I came here by myself. I wanted to see you, Daddy.” Ed blinked and thought. “She's really well spoken for a four year old. But then again so was Nina.”
Hughes turned to Ed and he swore his eyes had hearts in them. “Isn't she just the cutest thing ever?! She wanted to see her Daddy!” Ed gave a nervous grin and nodded. “Just Nod and smile and everything will be alright.” He thought.
Hughes looked down at the little girl in his arms and said sweetly. “Ok angel. Let's go get something to eat since you came all this way.” The little girl beamed as he turned and asked. “Coming Ed?”
Ed shook his head and replied. “Go ahead. I have to go and research something.” The answer must have appeased the Lieutenant because he smiled and nodded.
Ed was in the library when a shadow fell over him. He tensed ready for a fight only to see that it was Envy. He sighed and let himself relax. “The world must be coming to an end I'm actually relaxed around Envy and scared of Armstrong and Hughes.” He thought shaking his head mentally.
“Chibi - san? You're not researching anything. You're reading.” He said raising an eyebrow. Ed opened his mouth to retort but blinked. “Wait a minute?! How did you know that?!” He asked in shock.
Envy just gave him an evil grin and everything clicked in place.
In a broom closet the was a crying Lieutenant tied up with a Reese's cup in his mouth sitting next to a pile of ashes that had been books filled with photographs.
Sakura: There! Done!
Envy: (Whistles) So you do know how to write.
Sakura: Of course I do!! Looks like you're back.
Envy: Uh huh. Chibi - san was here too but he disappeared. Wonder where he went.
Sakura: I saw him go into that room over there.
Envy: Oh? (Walks over to door and enters room)
Sakura: (Locks the door and starts tossing the key up in the air.)
(If one listens carefully. They can here Hughes's voice going on and on and two moans of agony.)
Sakura: I love revenge.
Okay. So far the characters who want to be seen again are as following.
And for those of you who want to see Pride.
Yea - 10
Nah - 1
And characters who haven't had chapters but people want to see.
Please Read and Review and I might let Envy and Ed out.
~Lady Sakura