Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ One shot series! ❯ Havoc...and his lover ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Another one Shot of FMA! I know this might be a bit funny but I want to make a few of these before I make my big story. I wont give away the couple in the story or in my one shots but you will love them. Of course Jericho will be in my story like in all of them. Anyways I don't own FMA or anything except my Oc Jericho. Enjoy this new one shot.
It had been a week after everyone had seen Ed naked and wet. Everything seemed to have gotten back to normal except that Fuery and Ed were now dating and being together more often, which made Havoc sick to his stomach. It seemed everywhere he went people were dating or in love. He had been seeing a girl lately but was now finding himself more attracted to guys after seeing Ed naked. His slender physique had made him jump at attention so to speak and he couldn't stand it, him getting horny for a guy. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it quickly as he went walking to the flower shop where he could find that girl he was hitting on. He walked in only to stare at her making eyes to Roy who just brushed it off and bought a bouquet of flowers. He turned and left running down the street to talk to Fuery. It took him a while since he had stopped to gaze into an alleyway at someone then kept running. When he made it to Ed's hotel room he knocked on the door to be greeted by a half dressed Ed and Fuery. “Woah! I'm sorry maybe I should come back later…”He said blushing since he had never seen Fuery without any clothes on before. Usually he'd be without his jacket but would always have on an undershirt in the showers. But this was something else entirely as Ed helped Havoc in and shoved him in a chair. “Okay what do you want?” Ed said as Fuery sighed and pulled him down on the couch. “Well uh….why are you guys dating…and umm I uh..” He blushed and began to fiddle with his matches as Ed and Fuery smirked. “Let me guess Havoc you want to know if we do anything. Right?” Havoc nodded quickly watching them kiss. “Its simple….it just comes to you when you do it.” They both smiled making Havoc sigh. “Maybe…id have better luck with guys.” Fuery just got a sweat drop on his head as Ed chuckled. “Uh…maybe you would Havoc.” He said as he just left leaving them both alone to do whatever.
Havoc hit on 3 guys and 5 girls the rest of the day and gave up heading to the bar in his normal clothes. He sat at the bar drinking and smoking looking over the people. A lot of guys and girls in the room but none he wanted to try and hit on. He was just afraid of being slapped or beaten as he sighed again. Suddenly a person came walking in and sat next to Havoc. The person was a girl, and a very pretty one at that wearing an outfit that made him gulp. Skin tight leather pants, a tank top with a tattoo on her right arm and hair that was black as night. Dang pretty and he decided to hit on her as he tipped the bar tender to give her a drink on his behalf. The bartender nodded and set down a beer for the girl who looked at Havoc and smiled taking a sip. “That was very nice of you.” She said softly in a petite voice making Havoc flush. “Yes well when you're a guy like me….you should be sweet to girls like you.” The girl smiled and took another sip as he began to hit on her with any pickup line that came to mind. At least she was sweet and kind which he liked a lot. They spent about an hour drinking away at beer and whatever was put in front of them that they ordered. He never got her name but if everything went to plan he wouldn't have to know her name. Finally they left leaving the money for the drinks and went out for a walk, going down the market to Havoc's place. They made it there about 30 minutes later and she smiled as he shut the door behind him. He lived in a one story house, with all the things he wanted. He came close and smiled stroking her hair gently as he leaned close but hesitated. She smiled and ignited the kiss making Havoc closed his eyes at how it felt finally. He loved it, but then felt strange when the persons lips changed a bit and he opened his eyes. He gasped and shot back hitting the wall behind him ,in front of him stood a guy as tall as he was with long hair and skin tight clothes that showed off his legs and arms. It was Envy standing there smiling big. “What cant take kissing a guy?” Havoc just blushed and grabbed a cigarette dropping it. “What do you want?? I-I have n-no info on the military.” Envy shook his head and walked up kissing Havoc's neck gently getting out a tiny mew. “Look idiot…I fell for you and now I want you.” Envy said making Havoc blush crimson then turn away. “But…your trying to destroy the military….” Envy shook his head quickly. “I am not! If I was trying to do that I would have killed you all by now…then again, your too cute to kill.” Havoc smiled and kissed Envy on the lips making him growl at the feeling as he caressed his hips. “Promise you wont kill anyone and Ill go out with you. And you have to be in a women form when you go with me so no one tries to hurt you.” Envy growled in discontent and then pulled him real close. “Fine then…I promise to try and not kill anyone.” They then went at it on Havoc's couch making sure to enjoy every second of what was going on.
HA! You guys never saw that coming did ya?! HECK YA! No one would see Envy dating Havoc the pervert, O.o But oh its sooo cute! Anyways now that we have this one out of the way we shall go on to one more and then make other one shots.
Havoc: God he has a big..Mmph *has mouth covered by envy*
Envy: Shut up and lets just screw!!
Jericho: O.o Woah…they are like bunnies going at it…