Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ One Wish ❯ One Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hi everyone! yes this is my first fanfic(songfic) ever. I think that writing songfics is much eaiser than not. I like this song from Mario Ray J(i didn't even know who wrote it until i looked for the lyrics) that i've heard on the radio multiple times and i figured that I wanted to try and write a Ed and Winry fic with it. I think it helps if you know the song since I didn't try to make this fic fit in with how long the song goes or plays. You can play it in the background on a loop like I do when I read such fanfics. Or sing it as you get to the lyrics in the fic... like i also do!
** yes there may be some modifyed lyrics

Of course i don't own FMA! don't everyone wish they did?

One Wish

" AHHHHH...OOOOUUUCCCHH !!! " Another one of her infamous wrenches collides with my skull...

" So you completely destroyed my automail again MR. EDWARD ELRIC !!!" Winry ranted.

* eep...she used my whole name...-tremble-*
" uhh... not completey...heh...heh ..see?...it's still somewhat intact..." - sweat droops- ...uh heh heh...
I peered into Winry's enflamed crystal blue eyes in complete fear...

" I'm sorry Win... I just happened..." * sure it did* I winced expecting another blow from the now surprisingly hot enraged Winry...*wait...... what am I thinking?!*

" You're IMPOSSIBLE ED !! urggghh..." -sigh- " Come here, Let me see. "

I glanced over and once again found myself in awe of her ...beauty...

-- As a matter of fact I was the one who said I love you first,

**flashback** (cute lil kids!)

" Win, I love u! Would u marry me?!"
" ummm..No Ed your too short!"

Ed: - crushed-

-- It was about 8 years ago
Don't act like you don't know.
We were sitting at home in your granny's living room,
Cause, ( We couldn't be alone)
See your granny knew I was something else, she knew how I felt.
Back then we were in school,
And that's your favorite excuse,

--Growing up I was a fool,

" Win, I'm sorry for breaking your automail, thanks for fixing it....Now were off again..."

--And I can't lie, I'm missin' you
Listen and don't trip
I think I need a bottle with a genie in it.

--Here's my wish list,

--(First one), I would create a heart changing love
--(Second one), I'll take your heart and fill it all up
--(Third one), but I don't need a lot of wishes cause,
--I'll be okay if I get one

" Okay Ed, It's done. " -sigh-

" Thanks, Win. You're a great friend." -smile-

" At least one of us is..."-tear...walks away-



If I had one wish, we would be best friends
Love would never end,
It would just begin.
If I had one wish, you would be my boo,
Promise to love you,
Trust me, I'll trust you.
If I had one wish, we could run away
Making love all day,
Have us a baby.
If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life,
Can you be my wife?

**on the balcony**

- sniffle...sniffle...-

" Winry, I'm sorry..." I couldn't bear to see her cry like this...because of me...

- sucking it up with a forced smile- " It's...okay....Don't worry about it." -turn-

*It's not okay*
" No it's not. and I'll worry about it because I care deeply about you! I don't want to see you cry..."

--Make it right this time.

-Winry stands and glares with new drive- " How can you say that you care deeply about me when you run off, get hurt , use my services then run off again?!!" -tears brim her eyes-

- takes her and looks her in the eyes with his own sad ones...- " Win, you know why... I'm sorry, I know it's hard but I need to find away to get our old bodies back."

--If I had one wish,
--One wish, one wish, one wish.
--One wish, one wish, one wish.

I lift her head up with my automail arm and brush away her tears with the other.
" I wish Everything was good again so then I could be with you..."

--One wish, one wish, one wish.
--One wish, one wish, one wish.

--And tell me is this the only way I,
--Can get you right back in.
--If so, then searching I'll go,
--Then I can have you for sure.
--Then you'll be loving me,

Her crystal blue orbs widen and glisten once more. " What...Ed?"

" Hnn?"

" You'll really want to be with me?.."

-blush- and I smile... " Of course I would Winry..." * you have no idea how much I love you*

Winry smiles as her eyes light up. " Awww...- big hug- That's what I wanted to know...-smile-" * Ed, you have no idea how much I love you*

--Holding me,

Winry gives Ed a big kiss on the cheek. " Good night Ed"

I stand in awe as she leaves and I barely mumble..." ...Go..Good...night...Win.."

--Kissing me.

--So girl don't tell me what,
--I'm feeling is make believe.
--I swear if I lose,
--A second chance with you,
--I wouldn't know what to do,
--I'd probably check myself in,
--To some kind of clinic,
--I couldn't be alone because without you I'm sick

--Here's my wish list

--(First one), I would create a heart changing love
--(Second one), I'll take your heart and fill it all up
--(Third one), but I don't need a lot of wishes cause,
--I'll be okay if I get one

** the next day**

" C'mon Al, time to go!"

" Okay big brother" , turns to Winry, " Bye Winry."

With sad eyes. " Bye Al, Bye Ed..." ..." And DON'T FORGET TO WRITE OR CALL ONCE IN A WHILE!!" As Winry chunks another wrench at my head.

Clenching my teeth and forcing a smile through all this pain..." Sure thing Win..." ..." ye-Ouch!!"

Al has no idea why they are both smiling...

Ed: I wish we didn't have to leave.....

--If I had one wish, we would be best friends
Love would never end,
It would just begin.
If I had one wish, you would be my boo,
Promise to love you,
Trust me, I'll trust you.
If I had one wish, we could run away
Making love all day,
Have us a baby.
If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life,
Can you be my wife?
Make it right this time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well how was that as a first time fic? I thought it was cute. I had fun writing it! I didn't know how I should work the text differences and italics but I did my best. Review if you want...it makes no difference to me.