Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ One Wish ❯ One Wish (color version) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone! Hi everyone! yes this is my first fanfic(songfic) ever. I think that writing songfics is much eaiser than not. I like this song from Mario Ray J(i didn't even know who wrote it until i looked for the lyrics) that i've heard on the radio multiple times and i figured that I wanted to try and write a Ed and Winry fic with it. I think it helps if you know the song since I didn't try to make this fic fit in with how long the song goes or plays. You can play it in the background on a loop like I do when I read such fanfics. Or sing it as you get to the lyrics in the fic... like i also do!
** yes there may be some modifyed lyrics
Of course I don't own FMA! Don't everyone wish they did?
One Wish
AHHHHH…OOOUUCCHH!!! ” Another one of her infamous wrenches collides with my skull…
“ So you completely destroyed my automail again MR. EDWARD ELRIC!!!”, Winry Ranted.
*eep…she used my whole name…-tremble-*
“ uhh… not completely…heh…heh…see? …it's still somewhat intact…”-sweat droops-….uh…heh…heh…
I peered into Winry's enflamed crystal blue eyes in complete terror…
“ I'm sorry Win… I just happened…”*sure it did* winced expecting another blow from the enraged and now surprisingly hot Winry…
*wait…-blush-…what am I thinking?!*
“ You're IMPOSSIBLE ED!! urggghh…” -sigh- “ Come here, Let me see.”
I glanced over and once again found myself in awe of her…her beauty…
As a matter of fact I was the one who said I love you first,
***flashback***(cute `lil kids)
“ Win, I love u! Would u marry me?!”
“ummm…-blush- No, Ed ur too short!!”
Ed: -crushed-
It was about 8 years ago
Don't act like you don't know.
We were sitting at home in your granny's living room, **
Cause, (We couldn't be alone)
See your granny knew I was something else, she knew how I felt **
Back then we were in school,
And that's your favorite excuse,
Growing up I was a fool,
" Win, I'm sorry for breaking your automail, thanks for fixing it....
Now were off again..."
And I can't lie, I'm missin' you
Listen and don't trip
I think a need a bottle with a genie in it.
Here's my wish list,
(First one), I would create a heart changing love
(Second one), I'll take your heart and fill it all up
(Third one), but I don't need a lot of wishes cause,
I'll be okay if I get one
“ Okay Ed, It's done.” -sigh-
“ Thanks, Win. You're a great friend.” -smile-
“ At least one of us is…” -tear and walks away-
If I had one wish, we would be best friends
Love would never end,
It would just begin.
If I had one wish, you would be my boo,
Promise to love you,
Trust me, I'll trust you.
If I had one wish, we could run away
Making love all day,
Have us a baby.
If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life,
Can you be my wife?
***on the balcony***
- sniffle...sniffle...-
" Winry, I'm sorry..."
I couldn't bear to see her cry like this...because of me...
- Winsucking it up with a forced smile-
" It's...okay....Don't worry about it."
-turns head away-
*It's not okay* " No it's not. and I'll worry about it because I care deeply about you! I don't want to see you cry..."
Make it right this time.
-Winry stands and glares with new drive-
" How can you say that you care deeply about me when you run off, get hurt , use my services then run off again?!!" -tears brim her eyes-
-takes her and looks her in the eyes with his own sad ones...-
" Win, you know why... I'm sorry, I know it's hard but I need to find away to get our old bodies back."
If I had one wish,
One wish, one wish, one wish.
One wish, one wish, one wish.
I lift her head up with my automail arm and brush away her tears with the other.
" I wish Everything was good again so then I could be with you..."
One wish, one wish, one wish.
One wish, one wish, one wish.
And tell me is this the only way I,
Can get you right back in.
If so, then searching I'll go,
Then I can have you for sure.
Then you'll be loving me,
Her crystal blue orbs widen and glisten once more. " What...Ed?"
" Hnn?"
" You'll really want to be with me?.."
-blush- and I smile... " Of course I would Winry..."
* you have no idea how much I love you*
Holding me,
Winry smiles as her eyes light up.
" Awww...- big hug- That's what I wanted to know...-smile-"
* Ed, you have no idea how much I love you*
Kissing me.
Winry gives Ed a big kiss on the cheek. " Good night Ed"
-SUPER blush-
I stand in awe as she leaves and I barely mumble..." ...Go..Good...night...Win.."
So girl don't tell me what,
I'm feeling is make believe.
I swear if I lose,
A second chance with you,
I wouldn't know what to do,
I'd probably check myself in,
To some kind of clinic,
I couldn't be alone because without you I'm sick
Here's my wish list,
(First one), I would create a heart changing love
(Second one), I'll take your heart and fill it all up
(Third one), but I don't need a lot of wishes cause,
I'll be okay if I get one
** the next day**
" C'mon Al, time to go!"
" Okay big brother" , turns to Winry, " Bye Winry."
With sad eyes. " Bye Al, Bye Ed..." ...
As Winry chunks another wrench at my head.
Clenching my teeth and forcing a smile through all of this pain...
" Sure thing Win..." ......
" ye-Ouch!! It HURTS!!!
Al has no idea why they are both smiling...
Ed: I wish we didn't have to leave.....
If I had one wish, we would be best friends
Love would never end,
It would just begin.
If I had one wish, you would be my boo,
Promise to love you,
Trust me, I'll trust you.
If I had one wish, we could run away
Making love all day,
Have us a baby.
If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life,
Can you be my wife?
Make it right this time.
Well how was that as a first time fic? I thought it was cute. I had fun writing it! I didn't know how I should work the text differences and italics but I did my best. Review if you want...it makes no difference to me.