Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Finally continuing on with my Nakago fanfic. I'm sorry it took so long to update! I've plugged out about six chapters of my new Inuyasha fic, and it was well received, so I decided to continue on that note. I haven't forgotten Naisen, or Saito or Asakura.
And please review if you read and liked this! I like to email the kind people who do review me, so include emails if you want.
“My Dreams Aren't as Empty” chapter five
Naisen stumbled home one day after school, looking for all the world that he didn't want to be there, walking, existing, or living. His father had made him go back to the office last night. Naisen remembered not knowing what they wanted from him, and it would get a whole lot worse than a whole better. It had definitely gotten worse and the skinny boy fairly limped through school.
His teacher asked him questions, which he ignored. When he was brought into Hongo-sensei's office for a brief appointment, he hung his head and let his eyes glaze over as his lips spoke some semblance of offhand answers he didn't care about. He didn't notice Yui's worried expression or her desperate attempt to get him to stay longer and talk.
And he certainly didn't notice when he was finally let free that she pulled Miaka by the arm back into her office.
It was rare for a child of eight, but Naisen had a few thoughts recently about where he would go if he were to die now. He knew his mother's God hated him, and the heavens had no room for him. The only thing that made him feel these past few days was a steady burning of rage that would lead to his taking his revenge on those that had wronged him. These slow burning would fuel his apparently vacant expression, and push him on to grow stronger.
Hiroshi had asked him to play again at recess, and he took the opportunity to run and catch and throw that stupid ball, because it would strengthen his body. Naisen knew he would need all the strength he could draw on to grow to be the strongest of all.
* * * *
Yui hadn't had to tell Miaka her discovery of her Seiryuu seishi Nakago being Shindou Naisen. From Miaka's brief appointment, she had deduced that all on her own, so the two jumped right into their own questions regarding him, and what he was going through.
“What are we going to do, Yui?” Miaka wailed, pressing her hands together. “He's so hurt! He's too young….” She thought of her own son, Hiroshi, and the direct age the two boys shared and she was angry for Naisen's care.
Yui pressed her hand to her brow. “I don't know, Miaka…. All we can do is keep our appointments and try and get him out of his shell. If he can admit examples of abuse, maybe we can call in the authorities. Get his life straightened out! But…”
“He won't tell us anything out of the ordinary,” Miaka groaned, shaking her head. “He can open up to me eventually…but I don't' want him to get hurt in the meantime! I just wish his god would send him a guardian angel to help him until we can.”
Yui smiled weakly. “That would be ideal, but I hope Seiryuu would do that.” A tall man in blue scaled dragon armour and piercing unworldly eyes filled her head. She supposed it was a god's right to be the first to be inside her body and take her virginity while she was his priestess, but it wasn't something a boyfriend wanted to hear. (Imagine her embarrassment that Tetsuya had been co-reading THAT at the time)
Miaka smiled and patted her arm. “Just pray to him, and he may hear you. Often I feel Suzaku hovering over my shoulder.”
Yui smiled askew at her best friend. “I hope he doesn't do that while you're alone with Taka!” Both women laughed, trying to ease the worry of their situation.
“Miaka…there's something I want to talk to you about besides Naisen….” Yui said seriously. Miaka tilted her head to the side.
“What is it, Yui-chan?”
“Do you remember that place, Dragon Scales?” Yui asked. Miaka nodded. “There's a young man who works there…he says he saw you and your family a few times…”
“The twins?” Miaka laughed. “Asakura always tosses dough up to the ceiling when I bring in Hiroshi! He loves it.”
“Well he and his brother….did you get a feel from them?” Yui asked, leaning close. Miaka looked thoughtful, then met Yui's eyes.
“Amiboshi and Suboshi.”
Yui nodded, her eyes intense. “Suboshi is Saito….and he asked me for a date.”
Miaka sighed, hugging Yui. “Oh, Yui…” She knew her unresolved feelings towards her Seiryuu guardian, despite his youthful misintentions and how hard it must be for him to be reborn here, now for her.
“I can't help it, Miaka! I want to help him… and I missed him!” Yui sniffed, pressing her face to Miaka's comforting shoulder. Miaka patted her back/
“Of course it's natural to want to be involved with them, when they come back! It's only a miracle they are able to be reborn here, with us…. whenever I look at Taka, I know I am so lucky the he found his way back to me,” Miaka said. Yui shook against her, crying.
“I love Tetsuya, I do, but when I saw him again….happy and with the brother I never got to meet, it made me….want to hold him.” Yui confessed. Miaka patted her longer hair and smiled.
“So go on this date. It all depends on what you do, really, but just have fun with him! You shouldn't shut off a friendship with him because you're with Tetsuya,” Miaka said. Yui smiled and wiped her eyes.
“Thanks Miaka…I'm going to get ready to meet him. Say hello to Hiroshi for me, I haven't had a chance to see him today!” she said.
Miaka smiled and nodded. “You should eat dinner with us sometime! Tetsuya's going to be gone for a week you know.”
Yui nodded. “ I know….” Which was partly why she had agreed to Saito's offer. She wanted to see him again, and she wouldn't feel so guilty for being alone with him
Yui tidied her office, said goodbye to Principal Sumiyoshi and Taka, and walked the blocks to her apartment.
* * * *
Yui had to admit, she felt plain guilty making herself pretty for another man besides her lover. The bathroom still smelled like his aftershave and cologne despite his being gone a day already, and it coiled her stomach in knots to think of him. Tetsuya was a likeable man, well off financially, kind and supportive to her studies and a loving boyfriend. Why she would put that aside for an instant to meet a eighteen-year old boy while he was out of town made her feel stupid.
The once priestess of Seiryuu smoothed her hands over her dress and dabbed on the right amount of perfume. Again, a favorite of Tetsuya's, making her stomach hurt. Maybe she should call Saito, tell him she couldn't meet him. There was still time to do the right thing.
But her feet, encased in slim heels, carried her out of her apartment, downtown to Chez Louis' and toward a familiar young man with sandy hair. He cut quite the figure of a man in his gray suit, broad shouldered and tall. His suit jacket was open, showing off the slimness of his stomach behind his belt, and he moved as lightly on his feet as in the pizza parlor. He laughed and greeted Yui as she stared at him a daze, seeing Suboshi at her side.
“Oh I almost forgot!” Saito stammered, and presented her with a single rose. It was colored white, so as not to scare her with the passion represented in a red one. He knew he made the right decision when she smiled and rubbed the petals against her cheek. Yui looked stunning. It was all he could do to not to stutter like a love-struck teenager, or drool at the sight of her bare shoulders and cleavage.
`I thought she had a boyfriend,' Saito thought, but decided not to worry about that. He felt strangely at ease, and relieved to be alone with Yui, intimate setting or not. He could not place these strange feelings that cropped up concerning her since he met her at work It was like he was remembering an old friend that he loved and she was welcoming him home.
Yui smiled and murmured a thanks as Saito held her chair for her. He was as earnest as he was a lifetime ago, but more courtly. She remembered her first kiss at his hands, but it was a shock for he had captured it unwillingly from her. Saito was the picture of youthful elegance and she fairly blushed, taking in his strong hands and the sharp angle of his jaw. Suboshi had never gotten to the age of eighteen, and it was a relief to see Saito older than she remembered him.
“Yui-san, you haven't touched your meal…” Saito murmured, surprised at her studying him throughout their conversation.
“Saito….you can just call me Yui,” She said. Saito blushed and nodded.
* * * *
Not wanting to be apart from him so soon after the dinner, Yui agreed for a walk through a nearby park with Saito. She had drunk a couple of glasses wine so she leaned against his arm, blushing at the feel of thin but strong muscles through the suit jacket.
Saito escorted her as befitting a gentleman, though he was unsure how the course of the evening would go. His youthful hormones were in a rage, wanting to take her home to his bed, but she had a boyfriend, and she was an older woman. Suppose she didn't want him that way? But a friend doesn't make herself up for you this way, his mind chided. She is interested in some way….and its' good to know her again.
There were those thoughts again! How could he turn off these confusing past and present tenses of knowing Yui. Feeling her curves pressed against his side tamed Saito's rambling thoughts and he exhaled slowly. He sat her on a park bench and sprawled next to her, his long legs spread as he leaned back.
Yui giggled and touched his cheek. “Do you not have a limit for wine?” she asked curiously. He flushed and laughed.
“I suppose I don't….but you were drinking it, so I thought it was fine,” Saito said. Yui leaned against him and looked up at the night sky.
“Up there, Yui…. Those stars are familiar. But I cant' remember the name of constellations for them,” he mused. Yui stared at him. He had pointed out the Stars of Seiryuu. He couldn't tell why Yui was staring at him for saying that, or why his shoulder tingled sharply. He reached to rub the spot and Yui covered his hand with hers.
“The constellations are the Stars of Seiryuu,” she heard herself saying, heart pounding. Saito looked at her hand covering his, and lifted it, kissing the back of it. Pleasure thudded through Yui and she sighed.
“Seiryuu?” Saito murmured. He seemed to remember Yui standing naked before a blue cloud, becoming one with it…. Yui nodded, tracing his cheek with her other hand.
“Saito…it is so good to see you again,” she confessed. Saito blushed.
“We only met the other day,” he whispered. Yui nodded. “But it's been longer hasn't it?” Why was he saying this? She was going to think he was strange and making something up to get her interested.
He wasn't ready for her lips near his. “Yes, it was a lot longer…..” And she kissed him. Saito wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close against his chest.
* * * *
“Mama, the stars are shining brightly!” Hiroshi called from their family's apartment. Miaka peeked out with her son and giggled.
“They are, aren't they? Not the ones of Suzaku, hmm?” she inquired. Hiroshi bounced on his heels and shook his head. His mother always talked about that strange name quite often, and it made his father smile sadly. Maybe it had something to do with the framed pictures in their bedroom he wasn't allowed to study.
“No, mama. It's the stars to the east of it!” Hiroshi was proud to point out. Miaka knelt and wrapped her arms around her thin eight year old, looking up at the stars winking at them.
* * * *
Naisen stepped out of his family's apartment with the evening's trash in his hand. He ignored the neighbor's nice cat and went to throw it out. His father wanted him to `dress up' and get ready for the office again tonight. It was so nauseating a thought to process Naisen couldn't eat dinner half the nights. He stood on his tiptoes to throw the bag into the dumpster downstairs, and trudges his way back inside.
There were screams and shouts coming from next door. A new family had moved in last week, and it seemed all the parents did was argue and scream. It was almost the direct opposite of his own parents, for they didn't to scream anymore. They just lived, and existed. And he existed to further his father's business status.
Naisen put his hand on his apartment door as the one next door opened, omitting a skinny girl with her hair done up in circle buns. She looked seven or right and she was crying. Naisen sighed, feeling the world on his thin shoulders and looked annoyed at her.
“Oh! I'm sorry…” the girl sniffled, rubbing her eyes. “Didn't see you there. You live next door?”
Naisen nodded silently.
“I'm Takeuchi Sadako. I live here….hey maybe we can play,” she offered, smiling in promise. Naisen's heart thudded and went still. She was familiar…. And he didn't know why.
End for now
And Soi makes her appearance. I promise I didn't want to name her after the Japanese Ringu girl, but I could for the life of me not think of another Japanese girl's name that started with an `S'. And the more I tried not to think of Sadako, the more it asserted itself to Soi! Poor Soi…
And if you've seen the FY ovas Oni, you can tell I took Hiroshi's little line about the stars directly from the Fushigi Akugi. Don't hurt me please!
What do you think of Saito and Yui? Tell me what you think. Will Naisen get help? Stay tuned, and please, review!
Penpaninu 9/09/05