Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: ladihouki 
4 months pass by since being at the beach house. Korin & Jen sort of went their seperate ways after Korin's dreams got worse.
Jen meets the man of her dreams...
Anime/Manga: Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Hentai |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 10.17.2003 |
Pages: 6 |
Words: 4.3K |
Visits: 217 |
Status: Work In Progress
Disclaimer:: Don't own, Don't sue.
A/N:: hopefully this chappy will be a little more interesting. Plz review, so I know whether or not to continue. I'm about ready to ditch the damn thing as I think it's boring & it sucks & there is no plot other than them all meeting & becoming friends again. Throw in the romance & that's it. Sorry, I have no imagination…
The two weeks went by quickly as Jenna and Korin had successfully erased their minds every night by getting drunk together. They stayed away from the guys, as they felt uncomfortable around them. They discussed their dreams and Jenna confirmed to Korin that she had also seen him as a man her dreams. Korin was not happy with the idea but in the end accepted it.
They also talked about the men they had just met, that they seemed familiar. Korin believed they were the men in her dreams that she fought side by side with to protect some girl but she wasn't quite sure what it all meant. Jenna knew they were familiar but she couldn't place them as her dreams focused only on one man. The one she loved that she desperately tried to erase from her mind.
Upon returning home, she was consumed by schoolwork and the dreams seemed to have disappeared for her. She focused all her thoughts on school, trying to forget the man.
Korin was still having problems though. She was haunted by nightmares that progressively had gotten worse after their arrival home. She was sure now that the men they met at the beach house were indeed the men of her dreams. And it bothered her. It bothered her more when she dreamt of her brutal death.
Korin was upset that after four months, Jenna had completely stopped having dreams but hers had gotten worse. They became distant from one another because of it, seeing each other only at work, they rarely spoke. Jenna was busy with school, she was in her final semester deciding what to do with her life and Korin was stuck, going no where, unable to find her true path in life.
It was her day off from work and Korin sat in her apartment drinking the whiskey straight from the bottle. Sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa, she banged her head it.
"Damn it!" She spoke aloud to herself. "What the hell does all this mean?"
Jenna woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the window. Looking at the clock, she jumped up from her bed.
"Oh shit!" She hurriedly put some clothes on, grabbing her purse and book bag, she ran out the apartment door and down the steps. She ran down the street, in a panic. She was going to be late for her final. As she passed the restaurant, her aunt waved to her through the wind and she stopped, going inside.
"You're late aren't you?" Aunt Betty smiled, handing her a container of food. "I thought you might be hungry on the way."
Jenna kissed Aunt Betty on the cheek as she took the container and headed for the door waving. "Thank you!"
She hurried out the door and as she turned the corner, she plowed right into someone. Her container of food burst opened as the person's briefcase flew open sending papers scattering to the ground.
"God Damn it! What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you watching where you are going?" The man yelled at her.
He bent down at the same time as Jenna and they bumped heads. "Damn, what the hell is the matter with you?" He stood up rubbing his forehead never looking at her.
Jenna was fuming as she scooped up his papers. "What the hell is the matter with me? What the hell is the matter with you!" She screamed back at him as she passed the papers up to him without looking up.
She looked over at his pants legs and then began to giggle. And giggle, and giggle. Until her face was turning red with laughter and began to water.
"Just what do you find so amusing, miss?" The man was staring down at her bent form, observing how her long brown hair hung in waves around her. He couldn't see her face but he mused that her hair was almost as beautiful as his, therefore she must have a beautiful face too.
Jenna couldn't control her laughter. She squeezed out one word. "Worms." Then went into another fit of laughter.
"Excuse me?" A bemused smile crossed the man's face. Her laughter was a like a waterfall, so beautiful to hear. He shook his head, `what the hell am I thinking?'
Jenna continued to laugh and shake her head as she tried to regain her composure. She stood up. "Worms. It looks like worms are crawling up you legs." She turned to look at him and the smile left her lips.
They stood there, staring at each other open-mouthed. Neither speaking, just staring into each others eyes. A thousand thoughts running through both their minds.
Jenna panicked, looking away from him. "I, I'm ss, sso sorry, I, I was in hurry." She began to stutter uncontrollably, unable to make eye contact with him again. Her heart beating so wildly she was afraid she might pass out.
She reached in her purse, pulling out some napkins she always carried, just incase. She bent down, flipping her hair to one side and began wiping at the noodles that clung to his pants legs.
The man began to laugh as he reached down to take the napkin from her hand. "It is okay. I can do that."
Their fingers brushed each other and they both quickly stood up, staring at each other again.
Jenna couldn't help it, her eyes moved over his face to his lips. Her gaze lingered there a little too long and she began to blush, turning her face away.
"I am sorry. I ruined your lunch." He reached for his wallet as he continued to speak. "I am late for a meeting. I will give you the money so you may buy more."
Jenna began shaking her head, her voice unsteady. "No, no, that's okay. It was my fault. I'm late for school. I have to hurry now." She bent down, picking up her book bag.
He grabbed her by the forearm. "Well please then, let me buy you dinner. Do you know a place calls Jack's Bar & Grill? It's just down the street there." He pointed down the street.
Jenna was unable to make eye contact. She stared at his hand on her arm, not bothering to look where he pointed. "Yes, I know it." She pulled her arm away. "Please, I am late." She turned to go.
"Will you meet me there around 6:30?" He stared at her bowed head, wishing she would look back up at him.
Jenna fidgeted; she didn't want to look at him again. She was so confused. Why now? Why did she have to meet him now when she had her final today?
She spoke hurriedly. "I will try." She quickly turned and walked away, leaving him standing there.
Jenna went to class and took her final on Physiology. She was unable to concentrate. All the dreams she had of the man flooding her mind. The man she bumped into, she was sure that was him.
Over the last few months, she had convinced herself that they were just dreams. But there he was. And he asked her to dinner? Yeah only because she spilled her lunch but still… Her mind raced.
Looking down at her exam, she tried to remember the path of a drop of blood through the heart. Left atrium to left ventricle through bicuspid valve? No, that's not right. She stared at her paper and the only thing her mind could see was that's man's beautiful hazel eyes staring back her.
She shook her head. `Damn it! Concentrate.' She looked at the exam again, knowing that this question was worth fifty extra points but unable to have any memory of it. She knew she didn't do well on the rest of the exam either even though they were multiple choice. She drew a blank on each one. When she fell asleep last night, she had known all the answers. This was her favorite class but now she felt completely stupid.
"Damn it." She whispered as she crumpled the paper in her hands. She looked up to see her instructor watching her and she quickly smoothed the creased the paper.
She had to concentrate, she began drawing a picture of the heart in the margin of her paper and labeling it. She had to pass this test.
She sat there; staring at her paper as a tear silently ran down her cheek. And she was overcome by the memory of the man lying dead. She thought, `You were only in my heart but now here you are flesh and blood. What am I going to do?'
She quickly stood up, knocking the chair out from under her. Her fellow classmates all turned to stare at her as she walked to the front of the class handing the instructor her exam paper then quickly walking out the door.
************************************************************* div>
Jenna sat at the bar sipping her margarita. She had already been sitting there for thirty minutes and he was a no show. She turned around as she heard some people coming in talking. When she saw the red head, she quickly turned back to the bar, hoping he hadn't seen her.
"Well, hello Miss McCoy. Remember me?" Jenna turned to see Chiriko smiling at her at.
"Hi, how have you been? I thought you went home to China?" She smiled back him, wishing she hadn't come.
"I did but my friends and I were invited to come back for celebration. One of our friends were transferred here to work and his father sent us along as a surprise for him." He pointed over to his friends that were now shifting tables around so they could sit together.
"Oh well that's nice. Well you all have a good time then." She turned back to her drink, totally uninterested.
"Thank you. Um, Miss McCoy would you like to join us?" He asked her in a quiet, shy voice.
Without looking back at him, she shook her head. "No, I'm meeting someone. But thanks anyway."
"Oh, okay. Maybe next time then." Chiriko bowed to her then walked away looking defeated.
Jenna had just finished her second drink. He wasn't coming; it was now seven o' clock, she decided she was going home. As she stood up, someone tapped her on the shoulder.
"Excuse me." Jenna turned to see a woman with auburn hair and big green eyes staring at her. She immediately took a dislike to her dainty appearance and childlike smile.
"Yes?" Jenna asked coldly and the woman took a step backwards.
"Um, this is going to sound silly." She looked down at feet, embarrassed. "My friend just called on my cell phone and asked me to give a woman a message. You're the only one here that matches her description so, he says he's going to be late, he got out of his meeting late and had to stop home to change his pants that had `worms' on them." She giggled then looked up at Jenna and was about to say something else when she saw Jenna grin.
The girl got a big smile on her face. "So you are the woman! Oh, I'm so happy. I thought I was going to make a fool of myself." The woman rushed the words out then reached out to take Jenna's hand but Jenna pulled away.
"Thank you." Jenna sat back down turning her back to the girl.
The girl sat down next to her. "Hi, I'm Miaka Yuki." She put her hand up; hoping the woman would shake her hand. "I'm here with some friends, would you like to join us while you wait?"
Jenna stared at the girl's hand. There was something she didn't like about the girl, maybe she a little too cheery but whatever it was she couldn't explain. She just didn't like her.
She looked up to the girl's eyes. "No thank you. I'm fine right here by myself." She hoped the girl would just go away. Thankfully, the girl stood up.
"Well it was nice meeting you. You have a good time tonight." She smiled at Jenna, who didn't smile back then walked away.
"Well that was weird." Miaka said as she sat back down at the table. "She looks really familiar. Does anyone know her?"
Tama leaned over and put his arm around her shoulders. "I don't think so." He looked over at Chiriko who cleared his throat.
"Yes, we know her. That's Miss McCoy, remember? We met her when we accompanied Tasuki on vacation." Chiriko glanced over at her.
"You're telling me that Hotohori comes to America and his first day here he meets the same woman that we met when we first came here?" Tamahome shook his head and looked over towards Jenna. "That's too much of a coincidence. What do you think Tasuki?"
Tasuki was immersed in his drink and looked up. "I think I wish she had her friend with her." He quickly looked around as everyone stared blankly at him. "I mean, her friend, um, we had fun, she beat me at arm wrestling. Aw, come on stop looking at me like that."
"Yeah, right. We had to go back to the same bar for a week `cause he was hoping she'd show up again." Tama laughed. "Tasuki really liked her."
"Oh get out. Tasuki don't like women, you know. Do you?" The man leaned on the table, scrutinizing his friend. Tasuki refused to meet the man's eyes.
Another man spoke up. "I think our Tasuki is changing his ways." The man said as he lifted his glass in a salute to Tasuki. "To women." They all started laughing as Tasuki's face turned red and he placed his arms across his chest, pouting.