Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ The Date ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7 "The Date"

Jenna looked down at her watch and sighed. It was almost eight o' clock; she had been sitting there for an hour and a half. She stood up reaching for her purse that was lying on the bar.

Hotohori had walked in and came to stand behind Jenna as she stood up. She turned around at the same time and walked right into him. He reached out grabbing her by the upper arms just as she was about to fall sideways.

She stared at him smiling. "Am I going to bump into you every time we meet?"

He smiled back at her. "I certainly hope so."

She began to laugh as he escorted her towards the back to a table opposite where his friends were. They sat down; Jenna picking up the menu that lay on the table. He watched her and feeling her face blush, she let out a giggle.

They sat in silence for fifteen minutes, occasionally looking up at one another, both thinking, `gee this is going good, say something.' A couple times, they began to speak only to do so at the same and then laughing became silent again.

Finally, the waitress coming to take their order broke the silence. "Yes, two orders of barbecue ribs and fries." Hotohori began to order for both of them but Jenna interrupted.

"Please, I would just like a salad." She said quickly not wanting him to know that she hated barbecue ribs.

The waitress took their orders and turned away to get the food and they went back to staring at each other in silence.

Slow music was playing in the back room and Hotohori saw Miaka and Tamahome get up to go dance. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked putting his hand out towards Jenna.

Jenna nodded standing up taking his hand. He led her through the crowd that was forming in front of the bar, to the dance floor.

He put his hands on her waist and she felt the heat of them through the thin dress she was wearing. She put her hands on his shoulders looking at his shirt collar, not wanting to meet his eyes at this close a distance. And they began to dance.

The closeness was intoxicating. He could smell the scent of lilacs coming from her hair and he guessed she wore the same sweet fragrance on her skin. He pulled her closer as another couple almost collided with them and she fell flush against his body. She was driving him crazy. He chastised himself for feeling such a way upon just meeting the woman but he had no control of his senses. It just felt right.

She glanced up to see him smiling at her with a far away look. She smiled back then rested her head against his shoulder. She could hear his heartbeat and every breath she took mimicked the beating of his heart.

Then something odd happened. Hotohori whispered in her ear.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Jenna was so lost in the sensations she was feeling, that all she could do was mumble. "Um, hmm." As she snuggled her face closer to his neck. He smiled down at her, tightening his grip around his waist.

They kept on dancing in this position until they were interrupted. "Hey, Hoto. Whatcha doin' man?" Tasuki's voice came over the P.A. system and Hotohori backed away from Jenna looking around.

Jenna in a daze looked around too. Everyone was now staring at them and they were the only ones on the dance floor. Then Tasuki's voice again. "There's no music, man." Then he began laughing as he jumped down from the stool he was standing on.

Jenna and Hotohori looked at each other, blushing. Hotohori led her back to the table where they sat down to their cold food. Jenna looked at her watch.

"Oh my god, it's almost ten o' clock." She laughed. "How long had we been dancing?"

Hoto looked at her, grinning. "Does it really matter? We were enjoying each other's company. That is all that matters." He picked up his fork and started pushing his food around. Jenna did the same.

"Would you like to go over and meet my friends?" Hoto asked her.

"Not really, I already met some of them. Unless you'd like to be with them?" Jenna answered as she looked up at him smiling.

"No, I'm fine right here. May I buy you another drink?" He tilted his head to the side waiting for her to answer.

"Yes, thank you, that would be nice. A lime margarita, please." She looked back down at her salad. Thinking, `yes, get me drunk please.'

Hotohori stood up, walking to the bar. He returned a few minutes later with two margaritas. Placing them on the table between them as the waitress came over.

"Is there something wrong with the food?" She questioned them looking at the plates that hadn't been eaten off.

Hotohori smiled shyly at her. "I am sorry. We appear to not be hungry anymore. You may take them away."

They waitress hurriedly took their plates, cursing herself that she couldn't get a guy that looked like him.

Once the waitress was gone, Hotohori reached over and took Jenna's hand that she was holding the stem of her glass with. He rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb.

"Your hands are so soft and lovely." He quickly looked up as he realized he had spoken the words out loud. Jenna was staring at him with a glazed looked.

She smiled but then pulled her hand back from his, putting her hands in her lap. He was doing things to her that she didn't understand. In all her twenty-one years of life she had never had a boyfriend, never held hands and never had been kissed.

It wasn't that no boy asked her out, or that she wasn't pretty enough, it was that she had been waiting, waiting for the man that sat before her now. She stared at him in awe. She had finally found him but did she really? He did ask if she believed in reincarnation but that could have just been a coincidence. He didn't necessarily have to be talking about what she was thinking. But then why did he ask?

Hotohori put his hands together as if in prayer. She had pulled away from him and just stared at him with those gorgeous violet eyes of hers. He didn't know what to say to her, although he wanted desperately to tell her that she was the girl he dreamed about. But he didn't want to sound like he was out of his mind, not now after just meeting her.

He just watched her face, she looked as though she was deep in thought but she never took her eyes from his. He watched as she picked up her drink and drank it down quickly still holding the glass in front of her. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"They make the best margaritas here." She opened her eyes looking at him and she blushed as she set her glass down.

He smiled and reached across the table with his hand again. "May I hold your hand?" He asked hopefully. When she nodded, he took her hand in both of his.

"I can not help but feel I have know you." He smiled at her as he caressed her hand. He loved the feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips.

Jenna just stared at him wide-eyed, the circular motion he was making with his thumb was sending tingly sensations up her arm to her whole body.

"Did I say something wrong?" He questioned her; concerned he was being a little too dramatic.

She giggled, averting her gaze. "No, I was just thinking that I feel like I've known you too." She brought her eyes back up to meet his and smiled.

He smiled back her, holding her hand as music began to play again. He glanced over toward the dance floor, then back to Jenna again.

"Would you like to dance with me again?"

Jenna smiled shyly and nodded her head. They stood up and this time he put his arm around her waist possessively as they walked to the dance floor.

She immediately placed her head on his shoulder with her face turned toward his neck. He reached his hand up under he chin, turning her face to look up at him. He smiled. "You are beautiful." Then he brushed his lips lightly across hers.

It was just a brief kiss but the sensations that coursed through her body were unbelievable. And she thought, `this man gives me the same feelings that I felt in my dream.'

He smiled down her, a look of bewilderment in her eyes. She looked away from him burying her face against his shoulder.

When the music was over, Jenna looked down at her watch. It was almost midnight. She looked up at him quickly. "I'm sorry I have to go." She didn't really want to but she had to be at work early in the morning. Not only that but the way he was making her feel… She had never felt this way before and she was scared.

She turned walking back to the table not waiting for him. He came up behind her as she picked up her purse. "May I drive you home?" She turned to him, smiling.

"No, that's okay. I just live down the street. I'll be fine." She turned walking toward the door.

"Well may I at least walk you home?" He asked as he followed behind her.

She turned as she reached for the door handle. "That's okay. I'm fine really. And you should go be with your friends, they've been watching us all night." She tilted her head towards the table where his friends were sitting all watching the interaction between them.

He turned to see them all staring at them. When he turned back, Jenna was gone. `Damn it!' He cursed himself.

He strode over to the table where his friends were and sat down. They all studied him. "What?" He said getting irritated by their stares.

"Well? What's her name?" Miaka asked. Hotohori jumped up out of his chair.

"Shit! I never asked her name!" He looked around wildly as his friends began to laugh.

"Well, I guess that means you didn't get her phone number either, did you?" Miaka said sarcastically then began to giggle as Hotohori ran to the door and out onto the street.

He frantically looked in both directions. `Shit, I know nothing about her!'

His friends walked out the door behind him, laughing. "Man, I can't believe he didn't even ask her name." "They sure looked comfortable with each other, you know." "Forgot to ask her name, how pathetic." "Yeah, I thought for sure they were going home together." They were all talking and laughing at his expense. "Hey, Jenna's not that kind of girl."

They all turned to stare at Chiriko. "What did you say?" Hotohori stood a breath away from his face.

Chiriko gulped, he had never seen his friend so upset before and he felt very threatened by the closeness of him. "We met her on vacation, Tasuki, Tamahome and I. Her name is Jenna McCoy. But that's all we know." He added quickly as he knew his friend was about to ask for more.

Hotohori swung around to glare at Tasuki and Tamahome. They both shrugged. "Hey, I was going to tell you. We were just having a little fun." Tama backed up, pulling Miaka to stand in front of him, laughing.

"Aw, come on." Tasuki started to back away too. "We saw the way ya were looking at her so we figured you were messing wit' us."

Hotohori turned away from them and looked down the street. `Jenna McCoy. I will find you again.'