Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ Untitled ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer:: Nope still don't own.

Chapter 8

"Where have you been all night? I got your message you wanted to talk. So here I am. I've been waiting for three hours!" Korin stood at the top of the steps outside Jenna's apartment.

Jenna brushed past her opening the apartment door and ushering Korin in before she woke up all the neighbors. Korin followed her as she walked toward the bedroom.

"So are you gonna tell me what all the messages were about? You said it was important."

Jenna turned to look at her, a grin spreading across her face. She pulled her dress up and off, tossing it to the floor of the closet. She took out a silk robe and slipped it on, turning to look at Korin, still grinning. Then she walked out of the bedroom, turning the light out as she went leaving Korin in the dark.

Korin followed her. "What is going on? You look like the cat that ate the canary. Come on Jen, spit it out. Where were you?"

Korin sat on the sofa opposite Jenna, who had sat in the chair pulling her legs up under her.

"I was on a date." Jenna stared at Korin as her eyes went wide and she opened her mouth but nothing came out. Jenna laughed.

Korin didn't believe her. Jenna would never go on a date, no matter how many times her and their other friends tried to fix her up she always refused.

"You. Went on. A date." Her disbelief resounded in her voice as she gave a slight laugh. "With who and where?"

Jenna's eyes glazed over. "Yes, and it was wonderful." Her mind went to him holding her when they danced. His hands so warm against her waist, the thudding of his heart as she laid her head against his shoulder. She let out a sigh.

Korin could not believe the expression on Jenna face. She had never seen her look so happy. "This guy must'a been really something. So what's his name?"

Jenna quickly looked over at Korin, I look of complete horror crossed her serene features.

"Oh my god, Korin! I don't know!" Jenna stood up walking to the window. "I never asked!" She put her hands to her face as the tears welled up.

Korin stood up walking to her. "What? You went on a date and didn't bother get his name? How did you meet him?"

Jenna wiped her tears and explained about bumping into him earlier in the day.

"Then he asked me to meet him for dinner."

Korin's eyebrows knitted themselves together as she sarcastically commented. "So it really wasn't a date, huh? He was just being nice to ya." She walked away before she saw the look of complete disappointment on Jenna's face. "So that's it? Well how nice. You went out with a complete stranger. What if he was an ax murderer or something? What the hell were you thinking anyway?"

Jenna turned back to the window, feeling the tears coming up again. `That's right. What she thinking?' Jenna thought as she stared out into the night. `He was just being nice and you read the whole thing completely wrong. I'm so stupid.' She sighed as she turned back to Korin, changing the subject.

"Remember those guys from the beach house? They were at the bar, they're friends of his." She wasn't going to tell her but on second thought, Korin might like to know that detail since she really liked the red head.

Korin turned to look at her. "What? What bar? Was Tasuki there?" She almost screamed at Jenna then looked down at her watch. She really wanted to see that guy. No, she had to see him again.

Jenna laughed. "I knew you might find that interesting and yes, Tasuki was there along with some other people. We were at Jack's."

Korin turned her back to Jenna. "Was he with. A woman?" She asked not really wanting to know if the answer was yes.

Jenna could have sworn she heard Korin's voice squeak as though she might let out a cry. "No. There was a woman, but she was with that Tama guy."

Korin turned back around. "Really?" Korin wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, smiling, and Jenna realized that Korin had been crying.

"I just left them not fifteen minutes ago. They're probably still there if you hurry." Jenna nodded to the door as if reading Korin's mind that she wanted to go and see him.

"Thanks Jen, I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? And I'll find out that guys name for you too." Korin waved as she turned to the door to leave.

"Korin, wait! There's something I need to tell you before you go!" Jenna called after her but Korin didn't stop. She ran down the steps, slamming the door behind her as she left the building.


The bar was dimly lit when Korin walked in. She looked around hoping to see Tasuki sitting there grinning just like when she had met him in Cape May. But he wasn't there. She sat down at the bar and ordered whiskey on the rocks, hoping that he was just using the restroom.

The bartender watched her as she sipped her drink looking around. "Just the regulars in here now, Missy." He leaned over speaking close to her ear. "Ya lookin' for the China guys, eh?" He winked at her.

Korin stared at him. She didn't know if she should be insulted or what. "Um, yeah. A red haired guy, you see him?"

The bartender stood up, reaching for the whiskey bottle to refill her glass. "Yup, ya just missed `em." He filled her glass. "They all left a while ago. But if ya come back tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be here." He turned away from her as a customer down the other side of the bar called to him.

Korin finished her whiskey, leaving the man a generous tip then stood up to go home. She was really disappointed that she had missed him. But she smiled to herself, the bartender sounded like he knew him so she'd be back tomorrow.


Jenna lay in her bed as the alarm clock went off at 4:30 in the morning. She reached over turning it off and she stood up stretching. She hadn't gotten a wink of sleep; she had just layed there all night thinking about that man.

Now she had to go to work. Aunt Betty had taken her suggestion to serving bagels and flavored coffee and has since started opening the restaurant at 6 AM to customers.

She quickly showered, dressed, and walked to the restaurant. Korin was already there, waiting for her, looking as tired as she felt.

"You look as bad as I feel, Korin." Jenna said smiling as she unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Yeah, but I think you look worse." Korin gave her wink. "And no, Tasuki wasn't there when I walked down to the bar last night."

Jenna laughed. "And I thought you looked that way because you were up partying all night with him." She waved and walked out to the kitchen to get the breakfast food ready.

Korin followed her. "Jen, I wondering. You looked so happy last night. Just what exactly happened with this date of yours?"

"Nothing really. He just held my hand and we danced." Jenna blushed remembering how his lips grazed hers in a small kiss and she looked away.

"Uh-huh?" Korin watched as Jenna turned her face away quickly and she grabbed her by the arm. "Yeah and what else? Out with it."

"Nothing I swear." Jenna pulled away and went back to pulling food out of the freezer, trying to act like there was nothing on her mind.

Korin watched her for a few moments, not believing her, before going to get the dining room ready for customers.


Jenna looked at the clock above the stove. It was 1:30 in the afternoon and she hadn't had a break since she'd gotten there. She glanced over at Aunt Betty who was standing by the safe counting up the receipts from the lunch crowd.

"Auntie." Jenna called over to her. "I haven't had a break all morning, do you think I can leave for a little while?"

Aunt Betty looked up at Jenna who was chopping vegetables for dinner. "I think you've done enough for today. Why don't you take the rest of the day off? You look like you're coming down with something."

Jenna normally would have argued with her but she was overcome with exhaustion from not being able to sleep the night before.

"Thanks Aunt Betty, I owe you one." She threw her apron in the hamper and headed for the back door.

Korin was outside putting garbage in the dumpster as she came out. "Just where do you think you're going?"

Jenna laughed. "I'm going home to bed." She waved at Korin as she headed down the alley toward her apartment.


Hotohori couldn't stand it. He had to see her again. He looked in the phone book trying to find her number but there was no listing for a Jenna McCoy.

He decided to take an early lunch and stood waiting across the street from the restaurant he had met her at the day before. He hoped that she would show up but after two hours of watching for her, he was about to give up.

"Whatcha doing, stalking somebody?" Tasuki had come up behind him, laughing.

"No, I am looking for someone." Hotohori responded coldly, not knowing why he bothered answering at all.

Tasuki laughed knowing that it was Jenna he was looking for. "Well if that's the case, why don't you just go in there and ask if anyone knows her?" He grinned at Hotohori who was acting a little odd in his opinion. "What's up with the two of you anyway?"

Hotohori sighed. "Nothing, I just want to see her again."

"Ya know when I met her and her friend Korin, I had the oddest feeling that I knew them." Tasuki spoke with a far away look on his face. "It's like we were friends before and I want to know her again." He shook his head suddenly. "Hey, why don't we go in and get somethin' to eat?"

Hotohori looked at Tasuki perplexed. What an odd comment, `He felt he knew them before.' Yes, he felt the same way about Jenna and he wanted to know why.

"Yes, something to eat." He was still in his thoughts as he started across the street towards the restaurant.


"Hey Korin, you've got customers!" Yelled the hostess that had just seated Hotohori and Tasuki. Korin came out of the back, picking up menus and a tray with a water pitcher and glasses.

"Number 6." The hostess nodded towards the back. "Warning, they are total hotties!" She giggled as she went to stand by the front door.

Korin headed in the direction of the table and saw the red head at once. She stopped in mid-stride staring at the man that was with Tasuki.

His beautiful brown hair hung in wisps around his face, the length being pulled back loosely in a ponytail which hung over his shoulder. His face, it was like that of a god… He was laughing at something Tasuki was saying…

Korin's eyes grew wide and she whispered. "Hotohori…" Then the room around her turned black.
