Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ Sweet Dreams ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer:: plz see previous chapters.

WARNING:: my first attempt at being lemony…

Chapter 10 "Sweet Dreams"

Hotohori caught Jenna as her eyes widened and she fell into his arms. He grinned, thinking to himself. `I always have this effect on women.'

He placed his arms behind her legs and scooped her up, walking towards his bedroom, with Tasuki and Korin following behind. Laying her down on his bed, he brushed the hair that had fallen over her face away with his hand.

He stared at her for a moment thinking how beautiful she was. Then he turned to Korin. "Is she ill?"

Korin began to laugh as she came to stand beside him. "Nah, it must be contagious." She remembered when she had fainted early that day at the shock of seeing him.

Hotohori didn't laugh. Two girls in one day fainting? What the hell was going on?

Korin patted his arm bringing him out of his thoughts. "Do you have a T-shirt or something I can change her into? I think maybe she's just hot in all that leather." She grinned at him.

He hadn't taken his eyes of Jenna's face, she was so familiar to him and he felt such care build inside him when she had fainted. "Of course." He slowly turned, not wanting to leave her side. He quickly walked to the closet and returned carrying a white silk shirt.

Korin took it from him and grinned as she rubbed the fabric between her fingers. "Oh, only the finest for his highness." She gave a silly laugh at her little rhyme and watched as Hotohori's face turned to a shocked expression.

He turned his gaze to Tasuki but spoke to Korin. "I see. Your boyfriend has told you all about me." Tasuki stared at him realizing what Hotohori was implying.

"Hey, wait a min…" Tasuki began but Korin cut him off.

"Why don't you guys take your little spat to the other room while I get her out of these hot clothes." Korin pointed to the door.

They both stared at her for a moment before turning to leave. Hotohori paused at the door and looked back just as Korin was unzipping Jenna's outfit. Korin sensed him still there and turned a glaring look at him.

"Out!" She said and he quickly turned, blushing as he left the room.

Korin quickly peeled the steamy leather off Jenna, noting that indeed the poor thing was sweating to death in it. She put her arm under Jenna's shoulders, leaning her forward as she laid the shirt around her.

Laying her back down she gently put her arms in the sleeves and wrapped it around her buttoning it. She stared down at her friend with love in her heart, wondering why she had not woken up yet.

Korin sighed. "I guess the shock was just too much for ya, huh?" She spoke aloud just as Hotohori entered the room.

"What shock? What are you babbling about?" Hotohori's voice seemed to echo in the quiet room and caused Korin to jump. She turned, not looking at him as she made her way towards the door.

"I'm going to get a cold cloth." Then she hurriedly left the room.

He watched her retreat and thought to himself. `Does she know who I am? Does she know that I'm the next emperor after my father?'

He had briefly questioned Tasuki who had assured him he hadn't spoken to her about him. He believed his friend Tasuki, they had known each other many years, and he'd never lied to him before.

He shrugged looking back down at Jenna then turned, walking to the closet to change his clothes. He quickly undressed, putting on a pair of black jeans and a white silk shirt similar to the one Jenna now wore.

Korin walked in as he was buttoning his shirt and he turned to look at her. Korin's face turned red in embarrassment as her eyes involuntarily wandered over his chest and abs. Then she averted her eyes looking down at Jenna.

Hotohori was quickly beside her, taking the damp rag from her hands.

"Leave us." He whispered.

Korin's eyes shot to his in question then she smiled. "Yes, I know you'll be a gentleman." Then she quickly turned to leave.

Hotohori sat on the edge of the bed and patted Jenna's head with the rag. Then watched, as Jenna appeared to be dreaming. He was most surprised when he thought he heard her mumble his name.


She looked up into his hazel eyes as they stood hand in hand beneath the moonlight on the bank of the pond. He looked down at her, his eyes taking in every inch of her face then coming to land on her lips.

He watched as her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips. The motion entranced him. He slowly lowered his face to hers, their lips meeting. His tongue slowly flickered over her lower lip, her lips parting giving him access to the sweetness within. He buried his hands in her hair as he tilted her head deepening the kiss.

Her hands quickly shot from her sides to roam his back, being disappointed by the thick velvet that they came in contact with.

He felt her kiss falter and knew why. She hated the customary robes of the court but his advisors insisted he wear them. He broke the kiss and looked down at her smiling as he reached behind his neck to unbutton the robe.

She smiled up at him and batted her eyelashes at him. It sent chills through his entire being and he reached for her again, reining kisses down her neck to her cleavage.

She put her head back to give him more access and moaned as he slipped his tongue between her breast. He stood back and grinned at her. She grinned back then bent down, grabbing the hem of his robe.

He laughed as she pulled it up over his head. Grabbing her hands, he let the robe slip to the ground and once again caught her lips in his. Her hands came up between them to unbutton his silk shirt, breaking the kiss momentarily to reach the last few buttons around his neck.

She slowly slipped her hands to his chest and caressed the hard muscles as he pulled her close once again to capture her lips. His hands slipped to her shoulders and reached behind her for the buttons on the dress. He slowly unbuttoned each one as her hands slipped to abdomen.

He gasped as he grabbed her hands breaking the kiss. He stood back, holding her hands and stared at her in the moonlight. He face was flushed with desire for him. She removed one hand from his and slowly pulled her dress down.

His eyes grew wide and his passion flared as it slowly fell to the ground, revealing her naked body beneath. He smiled at her, knowing she had prepared for this moment. She always knew how to please him after a long day of dealing with his royal duties.

He slowly bent down and spread his robe out for her to lie down. He took her hand in his as they slowly bent together, their eyes never leaving each other.

He was about to lay her back when she pushed against his chest causing him to fall sideways. He looked up at her as she straddled him. His shock shown upon his face and she giggled at him as she lowered her lips to his chest.

Her tongue shot out to lick his hot skin and she circled each of his nipples taking care to give them equal attention. She felt his passion rise as his hardness throbbed against her abdomen. She leaned back, rocking against him as she closed her eyes.

His hands reached out gripping her hips trying to pull her forward but she placed her hands on his abdomen in resistance. She moved again to straddle him as she slowly untied the string that held his pants on.

He let out a groan as she slowly pulled his pants off then straddled him again, teasing him by putting her moistness to the tip of his shaft.

He grabbed her arms pulling her down to meet his lips as his hips raised up trying to reach her. But she pulled away staring at him with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

She then raised up on her knees and gripped his manhood with both hands as she slowly guided him within her. She closed her eyes as she felt the length of him enter her and she heard his deep sigh as his hands pulled her even closer.

She paused for a moment, savoring the feel of his throbbing member within. Then he began to rock beneath her, his hands on her waist urging her to continue what she started.

She slowly raised up off him only to come slowly back down upon him, again and again all the while fighting the urge to go too quickly.

He held her hips, stopping her motion, feeling himself loosing control. He called her name. She opened her eyes to see him smiling up at her. His face reddened by passion and the moonlight from above, twinkling in his eyes.

She let out a moan as she flung her head forward to his chest, kissing him and whispering over and over again. "I love you."

With his hands on her hips and he raised her slightly as he bucked up to meet her. She responded in turn by coming down upon him driving him deeper and deeper.

He couldn't take much more and gripping one of her legs he quickly rolled so that he was atop her. He looked down at her as his hair spilled from its bounds and cascaded down around them.

He closed his eyes as his passion overwhelmed him and he plunged forward to finish what she started. Their groans and muttered words were lost to the night as their passion was subdued by release.

He pulled her close as he rolled to his side then reaching behind her; he pulled his shirt around her as he kissed her forehead. She snuggled closely to him, resting her head against his chest.


In an attempt to comfort her, Hotohori had laid down beside her, thinking that she was having a nightmare. He lay there and watched her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

Jenna felt his hand thinking she was still in her dream. Her head made contact with something warm and hard, she smiled, reaching her hand out to touch his shoulder. Then she ran her hand down the length of his body.

She rubbed her forehead against his chest as her hand slipped to caress the warm skin of his abdomen through his shirt.

Hotohori gasped as he reflexively grabbed her wrist. With sudden realization, it dawned on him just what kind of dream she was having and he smiled, remembering hearing her call his name.

Jenna slowly opened her eyes sensing, `this is not a dream.' She quickly sat up pulling her legs up and hugging them tightly to herself as she hid her face in shame.