Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ To Be Loved ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Disclaimer:: Yup, wish I did… See previous chapters…

A big thanks to Amyfushigiyugi!!!! She helped with the lemon! Yay Amy! She really knows how to make them sound more, uh sexy…

Chapter 17

"To Be Loved"

~ Jenna's Dream ~

She was walking along the bank of the lake picking wildflowers and humming to her self. Hotohori had told her he'd meet her there when he was done meeting with his counselors. It was a beautiful fall evening with the stars shining overhead. A crisp breeze blowing every so often causing a multitude of leaves in every color of the rainbow to cascaded down upon the landscape. She turned, looking up at the palace and watched the flicker of candles being lit in various rooms. It was so peaceful and quiet.

She felt strong arms come around her waist and lips touch her neck and she sighed. "Hotohori." She snuggled closely up against him as he ran his hands across her abdomen and whispered her name into her hair. She slowly turned in his arms and their eyes met, holding for just an instant before his lips crushed hers in a demanding kiss.

She moaned, arching her body to meet his as his hands came to rest on her hips, pulling her closer to his aching arousal. He groaned and broke the kiss. She stared up into his hazel eyes and sensed something was wrong. He looked older and worried. She wanted to ask what was wrong but he tilted his head back down to hers demanding more.

They made love by the lake and she whispered his name over and over again…

~ End Dream ~


Jenna moaned in her sleep and whispered his name again. He stared at her in fascination, wishing he could be in the dream, to see what she was seeing and feeling. She had greatly aroused him, the tone of her voice sounded so sensual as she whispered his name. He wished she were awake and moaning like that in his arms.

He gently shook her and watched as her eyes opened to his. He smiled down at her as her face slowly took on a pretty blush. "We're home." He whispered huskily to her as she slowly leaned forward bringing her hands to cover her face.

She pushed him away. "Was I talking in my sleep again?" She was afraid to look at him. She was so embarrassed. Her whole body was on fire from the dream and here he was in real life, staring at her.

Gods she just wanted to reach out and kiss him and let him make love to her right now. She didn't care at the moment about anything. All she knew was that she wanted him, desperately. To feel him running his hands across her body, to run her hands across his body, to see and touch of every inch of him.

And then he laughed. She glared at him. "What?" He laughed some more. She suddenly felt dirty and she shoved him away, undoing her seat belt and opening the door. He obviously saw the emotions that crossed her face, not only that he probably heard her moaning in her sleep. 'Why me?' She thought to herself as she unlocked the door to her apartment.

She threw her purse down on the desk and kicked her shoes off. "You want a coke?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen.

"Yes." He watched her hips sway as she walked and he followed her, putting the food down on the coffee table as he walked past. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen and watched as she tiptoed to reach the glasses. He couldn't help what he was feeling. She really turned him on and her moaning in the car about drove him over the edge.

He kept telling himself that he couldn't make a move on her. He had only just met her less than a week ago yet he felt he knew her forever. Throw in the dreams he had of her, and he was sure it was her and he couldn't resist.

She giggled to herself as at last, she was able to reach the glass and she turned. "Do you want any…" She walked right into him. And he grabbed the glasses from her hands, sitting them on the counter. He stared at her, passion filling him beyond anything he had ever felt in his life. He stared into her violet eyes and she shyly glanced down at his lips then quickly brought her gaze back to his and smiled. She was irresistible. He quickly brought his lips down on hers in a passionate and demanding kiss. And she responded. Kissing him back, she wanted more.

Jenna brought her hands up to his neck, pulling him closer. She had never been with a man but she knew the feelings she felt for him couldn't be denied. Whether this relationship went somewhere or not, he was going to be her first. And now. She needed him so bad; her whole body ached with need.

Hotohori was surprised as she deepened the kiss. All his senses screamed out with his need to possess her. One hand slowly crept down her back gripping her thigh, pulling her closer so she could feel his arousal. Then she moaned and he lost all thought of consequence. He broke the kiss and slowly lifted her into his arms and walked to the bedroom.

Kicking the door open with one foot, he carried her to the bed and gentle laid her down. He quickly took his jacket off, letting it fall to the floor and laid down beside her, brushing away some stray hair that had fallen onto her face. He reached up releasing the clips that held her bun in place and smoothed her hair across the pillow. She was so beautiful.

Jenna never took his eyes off his face. His eyes held all the passion that she felt inside. And his cheeks were as flushed as hers were, she was sure. She brought her hand up to his shoulder and gripped his shirt. "Hotohori." She whispered. His eyes returned to hers and in a bruising kiss his lips came down upon hers. She moaned and he took the opportunity to dip his tongue into her mouth.

Flashes of her dreams came at her violently. A myriad of images and feelings danced across her mind. Heating the passion she already was feeling.

Hotohori moaned as images from his dreams cascaded into his memory. She felt so right. Regardless of what these dreams meant, if they were past life memories, it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was the woman in his arms right now.

Slowly he brought his hand down to her hip and held her steady as he rubbed his throbbing member against her. She let out another moan as her hands went to his chest, pulling at the buttons on his shirt. He released her lips and leaned back, staring at her. She made quick work of the buttons on his shirt and placed her hands on his chest. He closed his eyes and let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding as she ran her hands over his nipples down to his abdomen.

Her hands were like white-hot coals racking over his chest. The feeling was incredible. She whispered his name again and he brought his lips down to her neck, leaving a hot trail to her cleavage. He stopped, panting for air. He was so close to loosing it. He tugged at her dress and she sat up a little reaching for the zipper on the back.

He smiled at her as she desperately tugged at the zipper that refused to budge for her. Bringing his hand around he slowly pulled it down, his eyes never leaving hers. His hands went to her shoulders and slowly pulled the dress down over them, she wasn't wearing a bra so her breasts were in full view.

He moaned as he leaned down and took one in his mouth, sucking it gently into a hard peak. She arched her back up to him as his other hand massaged the neglected breast. Her hands were now on his back under his shirt and they traveled down until the reached the waistband of his pants. She ran her fingers along the edge as far as she could until he raised his hips giving her access to his zipper.

She slowly felt his throbbing member through the thin cloth of his slacks before finding the button and unzipping them. He moaned and pushed off her as his hard on was partially released from it prison.

He quickly took his clothes off as she stared at him in awe. He was like a god standing next to her bed. His hair had come loose from its tie and was hanging over his shoulders in a wave of pure silk. His body, tanned and not overly muscular pulsed with every move as he pulled his slacks off and tossed them to the floor. He stared down at her; his cheeks flushed and body quivering with need.

He bent over her and slowly pulled the dress down off her body as his eyes took in the creamy flesh. She was wearing bright orange bikini underwear, which made his eyes flash up to hers in question. She smiled shyly and shrugged her shoulders. A movement that made her breasts rise up and down with the motion. He couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly pulled her panties off and positioned himself above her again, resting on his elbows as he stared into her eyes. "Are you sure you want this?" Jenna nodded, panting hard. She had never wanted anything as much as she wanted him.

Using one knee, he wedged his leg between hers and she complied by moving her legs wider. He kissed her eyes, her nose and descended upon her lips with passion as one hand moved lower to explore between her legs. She was wet with her need. Something he noticed immediately as she bucked her hips up to meet his hand.

He shifted his body as he eased one finger into her center and she gasped at the feelings that quickly coursed through her body. He slowly made circles with his finger before adding a second and then a third. He broke the kiss and brought his lips to her neck where he slowly nipped at her. She moaned and bucked her hips up to his hand again and again, as her need grew more intense.

Jenna didn't know exactly what she was feeling but she knew she needed something more. She whispered against his hair. "Hotohori, please." She could feel the liquid heat in her veins and the raw ache that was spreading in her lower regions.

"Mmm." He pulled his hand away and moaned as her fingers dug into his back. The sensations on heightening his own need. He positioned him self at her center feeling her hot flesh against the tip of his. Unable to hold back he entered her quickly. He was ready to pound into her when he felt her barrier tear. He stopped, pulling out slightly. His whole body tensed and shuttered as he restrained himself from plunging into her again.

Hotohori's eyes widening as he stared down at her seeing a shocked frown crossed her features. He hadn't known she was a virgin and he felt guilty for the pain he inflicted through his hasty action. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was smiling, he was her first and hopefully he would be her only lover if he had anything to do about it.

He kissed her, gently trailing kisses down her neck leaving a path of fire in its wake in an effort to give her time to recover. One hand massaged her hip as he fought the urge to pound into her. He was in physical pain with the effort and he rested his head against her forehead, whispering. "I am so sorry Jenna. I love you so much." The words were breathy even to his ears.

Jenna heard the pain and sincerity in his voice and she kissed his nose as she moved her hips against him. She wanted to feel him inside of her. She wanted to feel every inch of him. The pain had vanished almost as quickly as it had come and now all she felt was an aching need she knew he could fill. She brought one hand up to the side of his face and he opened his eyes to look into hers. She smiled and her free hand reached down to his hip pulling him closer as she bucked up against him, meeting him.

That one movement was all he needed. Hotohori looked into her eyes then found her lips again. He kissed her passionately making love to her mouth as he began to move inside her slowly. She brought her hips up to meet his every thrust sending him deep with aching-ly slow but hard thrusts.

Something was building inside her. She could feel it reaching its peak and she found it hard to keep up with the rhythm he had set. She couldn't hold back the gasps and whimpers as she clung to him. She wanted more. She bucked up to him and wrapped one leg around his waist forcing him to give her more. He began going faster and she lost the ability to keep up as she moaned, shaking her head from side to side. All she could do was hold on as he gave her all she wanted.

Hotohori pounded into her deeper and faster until he felt her slipping over the edge. He couldn't take much more himself as he felt her contract around his swollen member. She threw her head back and screamed his name as he dove deeply into her one more time, pouring his seed into her. His whole body shuttering with his climax ripping a groan from him. Never had be felt anything, even remotely this powerful as he watched her face flush in ecstasy.

Her body twitched with the after effects as he rolled to his side with her. Her hand going to his chest as they breathed heavily. He wrapped his arms around her possessively and she rested her check against his chest listening to the erratic pace of his heartbeat as it tried to calm.

As his breathing became regular, he felt sleep trying to take hold. He didn't want to be one of those guys that fell asleep after sex and he tried desperately not to be overcome but he hadn't sleep but a couple hours the night before. He was slowly drifting away when Jenna suddenly jumped up.

"The food!" She exclaimed as she ran to the livingroom to retrieve the bag. While she was out there she poured the soda and carried the glasses and bag of food into the bedroom. She looked down at him, sprawled on the bed and smiled.

"You're not really asleep are you?" She asked and when she got no response, she sighed and layed down next to him, putting her arm around his waist. He automatically rolled toward her, putting a leg between hers and his arm around her waist and gave a little snore. Jenna smiled, snuggling against his chest and giving him a feather-light kiss, she closed her eyes and joined him in dreamland…