Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Why Taka ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer - All ownership belongs to Yuu Watase. Lucky Lady! Just a little note: In this chapter, Hotohori was never married to Hoki, so that means that he never had Boshin, his baby boy (cry). So for anyone who may be shocked, Hotohori is not married and not cheating on Hoki with Miaka.

The symbol ~ denotes thoughts of a character! ENJOY! :D

Chapter 4- Revenge

Miaka woke up the next morning to be greeted by Chichiri's chibi form. "MIAKAAAAAAA!" Screamed a happy Chichiri, "good morning ya know!" Miaka's eyes got wide as she jumped from the bed, shocked and surprised.

"Ch-Chichiri, Good Morning."

Chichiri smiled and turned into his normal size. "Are you ready? Let's go! Taits-Kun has food!"

"Let's go!" said Miaka running out of the room.


Miaka entered and noticed Tasuki, Nyan-Nyan, and Taits-Kun talking. Miaka bowed in respect. Miaka caught sight with Tasuki and blushed. "Good Morning everybody" said Miaka with one of the biggest smiles she had given anyone within half a year.

"Good Morning Miaka. Would you please sit down so we may explain what this day holds for you. Between Chichiri," Taits- kun glanced at Tasuki," and flameboy here." Tasuki shoot an icy glare upon Taits-Kun and then looked back at a giggling Miaka. Miaka headed for the open chair in between Tasuki and Chichiri, sat down and looked at The Creator with curious eyes. "First, I must tell you what Suzaku sees in your future" The Creator closed her eyes and folded her hands in front of her face as if casting a spell. She recognized this movement from a move Chichiri had done. Taits-Kun nodded and agreed. He stood up and without a word, walked out of the room. Miaka looked at Chichiri then Tasuki.

"Chichiri, where did-" Chichiri held up his hand as to silence her. He did the same motion as The Creator and mumbled a spell and with some arm movements a red light filled the room and swallowed Miaka. It was Tasuki's turn to freak out. "CHICHIRI WHAT THE F-"

" Calm down Tasuki, Miaka is on the way to see Suzaku, the beast god, ya know. She is safe."


Miaka was screaming as she was falling through the red light. The colors turned to harmless flames that licked at her body as she continued falling. Miaka came in contact with ground. The room appeared and Miaka was frantically looking around.

"Do not be afraid Priestess, for I am here and there is no reason to fret. All six members of the Suzaku Seven are able to hear and see this discussion that we are having, so nothing will be hidden from them. You will be able to reunite with them as soon as today."

"I'm sorry Suzaku, but you said 'All six members of the Suzaku Seven'. Who is being left out?" Miaka looked at Suzaku. The flames around him grew and shrank down when he looked deep into Miaka's eyes. He continued.

" As you know, Tamahome, now known as Taka in your world, is involved in this."

Miaka looked down as she told Suzaku what happened. "I don't understand it Suzaku, things where going fine. I mean Taka wasn't accepting his new fate. I am afraid he still thinks I see him as Tamahome and not as whom he is, Taka. Its making things hard and I feel guilty when I happen to mention Chichiri, Mitsukake, Nuriko, Chiriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, and Tamahome." Miaka felt her eyes get misty and she was forced to look away from Suzaku. Miaka heard Taits-kun and Chichiri's voice in unison chanting a spell.

"Priestess, please understand that I have some matters to attend to. Chichiri and Tasuki will keep you safe until we talk again. It seems that someone has broken the barrier between this world and yours. Remember when you are in desperate need of help...or love...just summon me and I will be there for you. Always. Please excuse me." Suzaku leaned down, gave Miaka a swift kiss on the lips and his flames grew as she was again falling through the red light.

~ Someone had broken the barrier? Could it be Taka? ~ After a moment's pause, she froze ~ Could he be after me? ~


Miaka hit the ground and then little by little, Tasuki, Chichiri, Taits-Kun came into view. Tasuki looked Miaka in the eyes and he felt her pain. He realized then and there--he loved her more than ever. Miaka was looking in his eyes and she found herself unable to look away. Chichiri noticed this and he smiled, deep down, very deep down, he felt jealousy. "Hotohori and Nuriko are waiting for us over at the capital, ya know. Hotohori was most excited when he was alerted of your coming." Said Chichiri with a big, happy smile.

Miaka's eyes got wide as memories of Hotohori and the other flowed through her mind. She smiled as she remembered the time they met when she thought that Hotohori was a young and beautiful woman.

"Are ya ready Miaka? Miaka? Hello?" said Tasuki staring at Miaka. Miaka looked at Tasuki and smiled. "Yes, I have never been more ready to see them in my whole life."

"At the capital, you will see Nuriko and Hotohori. Mitsukake and the others will be on the way later today or early tomorrow, ya know." Chichiri raised his hands and touched Miaka's face where her injuries where sending a surge of jealousy through Tasuki. "When Mitsukake arrives, I will personally make sure he attends to you, ya know."

" Thanks, I'm ready whenever you are." Miaka looked at Taits-Kun, " I appreciate everything you have done." Taits-Kun nodded and started casting a spell to send them to the capital where Nuriko and Hotohori were. A red light swallowed them. After what felt like a million years, Miaka, Tasuki, and Chichiri-currently in Chibi form for easier travel--landed on the ground in the Shrine. The statue of Suzaku was a glowing red and if protecting them. Miaka looked around and saw the familiar purple, caring eyes and purple hair in the distance. Miaka's mouth split into a grinning smile.

"NURIKO!!!" screamed Miaka. "MIAKA!!!!" Nuriko screamed back. Miaka and Nuriko ran into each other at sight. Miaka remembered that it has been over a year since she left. And flew into his arms and gave the biggest hug she could muster. Miaka and Nuriko had always been close after the announcement that he was not a girl but indeed a male. "MIAKA!!! YAY!" Nuriko was probably the happiest with everything that was going on. Miaka thought that he was being strong for everyone, and that made her smile.

"What is it Miaka? Why are you smiling?" Asked Nuriko.

"Nothing. I just didn't realize how much I missed you all!" Smiled Miaka. Miaka was looking around at everyone. "Where is Hotohori?"

"Hotohori is in his chamber hall scribing some important information down. You can see him if you please. He will-"

"THANKS NURIKO!" Interrupted Miaka, running to the hall.

Tasuki felt a twinge of jealousy when she saw Nuriko and Miaka hug, but he thought it was worse when he saw how fast she ran for Hotohori.


Miaka was running and she passed a room that she had slept in while she was here the last time. Being curious she walked into the room and saw her old backpack. She looked around the room and realized that she missed everything. She was looking around when she heard a voice in the background. Miaka's heart lifted her up off the ground 20 feet! It was Hotohori! Miaka ran with all her might to reach his voice. She heard him laugh and compliment himself. She came around the corner and there he was. His hair was a little bit longer but he hasn't changed much. Miaka made eye contact with him when he turned around. His guards and servants recognized her right away and they gasped with amusement.

"Priestess! Priestess of Suzaku! You have returned!" They said, bowing. Miaka still hadn't taken her eyes off Hotohori, and he found he couldn't look away. He loved her so much, how could he look away from those green eyes. He slowly walked towards her as if he moved to fast, she would disappear. He touched her face and frowned. "How could Tamahome do such a thing?" he asked with a frown. He slowly lowered his body to be equal with hers. He looked at her lips and saw they where trembling. He lowered his lips to hers, to try and stop the shaking, and kissed her. He was holding back his pain and love for Miaka ever since she left and all he wanted to do was be with her, and only her.

"Miaka, I have a question. After all this is over, I know I am being selfish asking this of you, will you marr-"

"Hotohori, there is a problem. It seems as if someone has broken the barrier and somehow made it back to this world." Tasuki interrupted with a dirty look.

"What do you mean by that Tasuki?"

"Well, it seems to me and Chichiri that Tamahome has found a way to come to this world." said Tasuki.


"I think Tamahome has found a way to come without the use of medium. That is not impossible, but it takes extreme emotions and an extreme goal to come here. So if he has come over, he has to be after one thing, ya know." Chichiri looked at Miaka. Miaka was looking down and not making eye contact with anyone.

"He's after me." She whispered. Miaka looked up at everyone and then she starting poking at her food. She was not in the mood to eat; all she wanted to do was go to bed. She stood up and excused herself. She headed to her old room next to Hotohori's and Tasuki's rooms. Arriving at her door she opened it slowly, and there sitting on her bed was Taka. "I knew you would be here. It was only obvious those bastards would bring you here. You should have just stayed at Taits- Kun's, you where safer there." he said, his voice sounding so different, so cold. Miaka froze at the words and she stared hard at the cold eyes of Taka.

"T-Taka. What are you d-doing here!" she managed to spit out. Taka stood up and walked over to Miaka, who backed up and came in contact with the wall. She was trapped and even if she could, she would not be able to escape.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you back. Your mine." He said coolly. He reached out for Miaka and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. He lowered his head and captured her lips in a rough, possessive kiss. Miaka fought back, knowing she couldn't escape. She was struggling with all her might to set herself free, screaming in her head. Taka picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He dropped her down on the bed and was over her holding her wrists. She was pinned to the bed but still she struggled.

"TASUKI!" Taka narrowed his eyes dangerously before covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming anymore. Miaka was throwing her head from side to side trying to get his hand off. She kicked her feet and tried to hit him with her free hand, but he quickly caught it, holding both her wrists in one hand.

"TASUKI! HOTOHORI!" screamed Miaka. "HELP!"

Tasuki, having heard Miaka's cries, burst into the room and lunged at Taka, trying to pull him off her. Taka held on to Miaka and pulled her up with him. Tasuki grabbed Miaka away from him and Tasuki stood protectively in front of Miaka.

"REKKA SHIEN!" yelled Tasuki, aiming for Taka. Taka skillfully dodged the flames and ran out of the room. Tasuki raced after him and locked Miaka in the room.

"TAMAHOME!" Tasuki caught up with him and pulled him down. Taka turned his body to face Tasuki. He smirked as he repeatedly threw punches at Tasuki. Taka yanked Tasuki up and started kicking him in the stomach, causing Tasuki to be thrown to the floor.

Tasuki heard Chichiri and the others come running into the courtyard.Nuriko ran behind Taka and held him back, his bracelets glowing as they transformed, giving him more strength than 20 men. Taka was being held and he knew he was stuck for good when Nuriko had grabbed him. Nuriko let him go but still had a strong hold on his shirt. Taka yanked away from Nuriko's grasp and took off in a run. Miaka, who somehow got out, came running to Nuriko who was chasing after Taka.

"NO LET HIM GO NURIKO! PLEASE" Begged Miaka being dragged by Nuriko who was in a rage. Nuriko stopped and looked at Miaka's tear stricken face, the bracelets he owned turned back. Miaka and Nuriko ran over to Tasuki, and Nuriko picked him up as gently as possible and carried him back to his room.

Hotohori looked over at Chichiri. "I think this is the time to call Mitsukake." He said. Chichiri nodded and left.