Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Living Lights ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#3 - Living Lights

Bright sunlight shone through the window, intruding the darkness and solemnity of the room. Mumbling something to do with the sun, Goku turned over, still fast asleep, but barely. The sun's rays were blinding; and the young child could feel the brightness on his eyes.

Letting out a groan, Goku buried his face into the nearest pillow he could feel, and blocked out the bright rays, which were disturbing his sleep. The pillow was surprisingly warm though...he didn't care. Goku welcomed the warmth, and hugged his pillow tightly, feeling the brush of fabric against his own skin. He winced as he felt soft blond hair tickle his cheek, but didn't bother to brush it away.

Hold on a sec...!!!

What the hell was blond hair doing here? Goku raised his eyes to slowly look up into the supposed "pillow's" face. He was in the arms of his beloved master's. Konzen was still thankfully asleep, and his face was blissfully angelic. His shining golden hair caught the sun's rays and made it, if even possible, shinier. The perfect frame for a perfect face. Goku felt a heated blush staining his cheeks, but he didn't know why. Konzen just looked...beautiful. But then, what had he expected? His sun was beautiful, looked beautiful and would always be beautiful to him, no matter what.

Somehow, that kiss yesterday had changed the way that Goku looked at Konzen...


Sighing, Goku stroked his finger down Konzen's smooth cheek, feeling the excruciating feel of his master. Taking a few strands of the soft, silky golden strands that had looked the sun to him into his hands, the young brown-haired child fingered the delicate strands gently, as though it was a piece of fragile glass. Releasing Konzen's hair, Goku placed a shivering finger on the elder one's lips. Pondering over his thoughts, Goku didn't notice the pair of violet eyes that fluttered open at the soft contact.

Goku was still looking at the beautiful sun-teased hair when a strong gloved hand gripped his own. Startled, Goku looked up, and in that magical instant, gold struck violet. Still shocked, Goku took a while to calm down. "Konzen..."

The said one didn't murmur anything in return, only gazed.

And Konzen felt himself losing himself in those golden eyes.

There was utter silence for a few minutes, or at least, it remained silent for those few minutes until Goku put on a chibi face, smiled mischievously, and suddenly hugged Konzen tight, spoiling the said oh-so-romantic mood. Konzen was about to scold the saru and punch him on the head, but forgot all about it as he embraced Goku back.

And for that quiet moment, none of them did nothing. They just lost themselves in each other's arms.


"Ooh. Gasp. Wow. Konzen Douji seems to be in a very good mood today. Wonder why..."

"Shut up, Kuso Baba [Old Hag]." Konzen was exceptionally cool as he said this, though his cheeks had turned pink when the said Old Hag had remarked at him.

Kanzeon raised an eyebrow. "I'm one of the five main gods who rule heaven, and I'm your aunt to boot. Show some respect."

Muttering something about hags and the bloody gods, Konzen turned away, and resumed to shuffling his documents. Kanzeon chose to ignore it, even though she couldn't hide the undeniable fact that a vein had, somehow, chosen to pop out on her forehead. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something purple on Konzen's desk. Turning around, she saw a small vase on his desk, and a bunch of the most beautiful and stunning violets she'd ever seen.

Entranced, Kanzeon moved closer to the desk and picked up a violet, twirling it around her thumb. Konzen looked up, and for a moment Kanzeon swore she had seen a smile on his face. However, as he shifted his gaze back to the boring old papers, she immediately accepted it as an illusion.

"They're very pretty," Kanzeon murmured, taking a whiff out of the dainty, delicate blossom. Konzen grunted in return. It was a scent of spring, a scent of sweetness... Her eyes widened, and her mouth broke into a huge grin. She whirled around to tease her favourite -and only- nephew.

Konzen, as though he could predict what was coming, looked up on cue, his deep violet eyes shining through his blonde hair.

"What do you want now, old hag?" he growled.

"Since when did you actually start to appreciate the bountiful blossoms of spring?" Kanzeon purred, leaning closer toward Konzen. "You swore once that you'd hate flowers for life." Amused, Kanzeon took up the vase, and held it mockingly before Konzen. "Yet, these amazing beauties are dwelling around few inches before your very eyes."

"Goku picked them," Konzen growled. He was going to kill the old hag if she raised any stupid questions.

And he meant kill.

"Ah, I thought so." Kanzeon took another violet from the vase, and waved it teasingly before Konzen's equally matching violet eyes. "And if I'm not mistaken, it must have been because your eyes matched the oh-so beautiful colours of the violets. Or am I wrong?" She raised her bemused eyes to another side of the office, where yet another bunch of flowers stood. Only difference was those flowers were deep crimson, the colour of wine.

"Your pet picked that a little while ago, didn't he?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"You actually have the patience to bear with the flowers in this room."

"Get to the point, hag."

"You've changed...Konzen."

Konzen snorted, and got up. "I haven't changed." But deep down in his heart, he knew what he said wasn't true. He had changed. A mere little saru with big golden eyes and a stunning smile had changed him.

And he hated it when people said he'd changed.

But he didn't feel that way anymore. In fact, he felt glad that he'd changed. That way, Goku was actually happier, braver and more willing to seek for Konzen every time something troubled him. And, much to Konzen's dismay, Konzen was happy about that. And he wasn't just happy about that, he wanted Goku to come to him in times of doubt and confusion. He wanted to be the one to comfort Goku, understand Goku, listen to Goku's worst fears...most of all...he wanted to be the one that loved Goku. And he wanted to be loved back.

Dammit, he wanted love.

He, Konzen Douji, wanted love with a capital W. It wasn't just lust or sexual needs. Konzen Douji wanted somebody to cherish, to care about, to understand, to listen, to care, to love... he wanted somebody to live his life with. Somebody to be there whenever he needed him.

And right at the moment, to Konzen's ultimate horror, he realized that the one person that he wanted to love more than any other living soul was none other than Son Goku.

His nerves wracked at the realization, and his head spun as he felt what remained of his common sense erupt and explode in flames. 'But this was impossible,' he reminded himself. 'He's supposed to be my pet, and I'm supposed to be his guardian! How can I fall in love with him?'

Konzen's mind cackled and rubbed its imaginary hands in glee, and another fierce war ensued.

Konzen Douji, loving!?

And you thought it was impossible.

He's too young.

So what if he's bloody young?

It's a sin to love a child.

I can change that. I swear to the goddamned Hell I'll bloody change that.

And he's a heretic. All will be against you if you love a heretic.

Fuck them to hell. I don't care.

You don't know what they might do if they find out, Konzen.

I'll kill them if they try anything.

His mind retreated to the back of his subconscious. 'We'll see.'

"I haven't changed. I'm still the same Konzen Douji I was before, and I will always be."

Kanzeon smiled, as though she understood the mental torment he was going through, and stepped closer towards him, still fingering the violets she had in her hand, and she passed one to him, deliberately waving it teasingly before him.

"Konzen, I'd like to see how you're going to work it out," she said, amused.

"What am I to you, a force of entertainment?" Konzen muttered dully, "My mind isn't the type to play around, you know."

"Well, yes," Kanzeon replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know as well as I do that Heaven's a stark boring place where nothing exciting happens." She lifted up Konzen's chins, and her dark eyes met her nephew's violet ones, the glint of amusement reflected within dark depths.

Konzen slapped her hand away, and proceeded to brush his chin, as though Kanzeon carried some kind of harmful genetic bacteria. The supposed Goddess of Mercy chose to ignore this, and turned to leave.

"You know what I mean. Nothing like a little romance to liven things up, Konzen. Do you want to bet?"

"Bet on what, Kuso Baba? [Old hag]" Konzen said dryly.

"The possibilities of rejection, ho, ho..."

A vein popped on Konzen's forehead, and his face became more than a little flustered. "GET OUT!!!" Konzen yelled. Kanzeon shrugged, and before leaving, hung around the door. "Oh, and good luck, I say you're gonna get dumped - "

Her words were cut off as Konzen slammed the door in her face.


"Do you think those two are going to make it?"

A brash voice murmured, followed with an impatient 'tuh' and the silent folding of arms. The tall, dark-clothed figure took out a cigarette, and lighted the ciggie, taking a pleasant whiff. His companion, a dark-haired man in white robes, shrugged, his emerald-green eyes glinting mischievously.

"What do you think, Kenren?"

The said redhead blinked, and grinned, looking up at the sky.

"You never know."

Tenpou smiled, and when they reached his room, he proceeded to close the door, shutting Kenren out. "Good day, I've got documents to attend to..." Tenpou muttered, but not before the cool redhead gripped his arm tightly.

"Stop avoiding me, Tenpou."

"Now, now, Kenren, I really have to tend to matters..."

He was silenced by Kenren's shattering mouth on his. Tenpou's glasses fell to the ground, forgotten


"" Tenpou murmured into Kenren's mouth, but Kenren refused to release the lip-lock. Instead, his lips still on Tenpou's, Kenren, by some sheer force of will, removed his shirt. The black piece of leather lay forgotten on the ground.

Tenpou didn't feel like stopping either, though his heart was yelling madly for him to let go of the man and push him away. But no, once they came, Kenren's kisses were unstoppable and irresistible, and heart-stoppingly aggressive.

And he, Tenpou Gensui, couldn't deny that he liked that about Kenren.

Admitting defeat, he closed his eyes, and responded to the kiss. Tenpou moaned softly as Kenren's touch sent shivers all over his body. The touch of the man always excited him, and his lips remained firmly locked on Kenren's even as Kenren pinned him to the ground, knocking over a pile of books.

Leaving his lips, Kenren's red eyes blazed with lust. Tenpou always fascinated him, no matter how many times he touched him. The said latter buried his soft hands into Kenren's fiery hair, and Tenpou purred as Kenren once again crushed his mouth on his.

"Tenpou, you're the most beautiful thing I've seen in my whole life." Kenren whispered, his voice laced with burning desire.

Tenpou just smiled up at him, his emerald-green eyes shimmering with mischief. "I know, and I plan to make you realize that." He removed his white robe.

Everything was ruined as the door slammed open, revealing a chibi saru.

"Ten-chan! Ken-nii-cha - oh."

Kenren rolled off Tenpou with an alarmed yell, and Tenpou hurriedly scrambled up and arranged his books, putting on his trademark white coat, and coughed. The redhead next to him hurriedly wore his jacket, and the latter looked at the child at the door with a nervous grin. Together, the both of them put on expressions of absolute innocence so fake you could sniff them out from Toronto. They deceived nobody - with the exception of Goku for now, of course.

Goku stared, his gaze shifting from the two to the knocked over pile of books that lay scattered on the floor.. "What was Ten-chan doing?" He asked sweetly, his eyes huge and innocent, surveying the should-be corrupted scene, which was, actually, right before his eyes.

"Umm...we call it the confession of love." Tenpou said hurriedly, beads of sweat trickling down his cheek. Kenren combed a little of his hair, and proceeded for the door, and gave Tenpou a sheepish grin. "I'll be going now..."

Tenpou's eyes shone darkly. 'I'm gonna kill Kenren.'

"Na, Ten-chan? You're all sweaty..."

Tenpou was jerked back to reality, and he sweat dropped, wondering what answer to give to Goku. "Um...pretty hot now, isn't it?" He muttered nervously, and fanned himself. Caught in the act!! What could be worse?

"Na, don't worry, Goku. It's just a hot spell." Looking frantically around, Tenpou looked desperately for a change of topic. His eyes softened as they fell on Goku. Putting an arm around Goku's shoulders, Tenpou sat Goku on his lap as he sat down.

"Goku, how are you and Konzen, uh...getting along?" he asked, a hint of mischief lurking in his voice.

"Konzen's okay." Goku smiled, and snuggled closer to Tenpou. 'But I...'

[A/N: Sorry, nothing going on between our dear Goku and Tenpou *scuttles off*]

Goku sighed, and his huge golden eyes met Tenpou's green orbs as he looked up.

"What's the matter, Goku?" Tenpou murmured softly, ruffling the child's silky brown hair in a brotherly way, his jade-coloured eyes filled with concern.

"Konzen kissed me."

Tenpou fell off the chair, and Goku with him. "What!?" Tenpou sputtered, clutching his chest. 'My God, I think I'm going to have a heart attack!!!' He calmed down, took a deep breath, and looked at Goku, an expression of utter disbelief on his face. Putting his glasses back on, Tenpou tried to steady his madly speeding heartbeats.

"Konzen kissed you!?"

'If Konzen actually kissed Goku, that only meant one thing...'

Goku was startled at the older man's outburst. Nodding awkwardly, Goku waved a hand in front of Tenpou's face. The man seemed to have zoned out. "No kidding!?" Tenpou suddenly burst out laughing, clutching his sides. Goku's eyes widened in shocked surprise, and shrank back in alarm, wondering if everyone was actually in a sane state of mind today. (Hey, it wasn't everyday you saw Tenpou Gensui, Marshal of the Western Army laughing his guts out, after all - ) "Are you okay, Ten-chan? What's funny about it?"

'It can only mean that Konzen Douji - of all people, honestly! - is in love.'

Tenpou took out his glasses and wiped his eyes, murmuring, "This is priceless..." Looking at Goku, Tenpou wore a face devoid of laughter, and put a hand on the kid's shoulder. "You don't understand." Standing up, Tenpou made a mental note to tell Kenren, and forgot all about killing the fiery red-haired man.

"I don't know what to do..." Goku pressed Tenpou's hand to his chest, and Tenpou could feel the hard and speeding heartbeat of the young teen. Tenpou looked up at Goku, and found himself reveling in the child's beautiful golden eyes. Tenpou groaned internally. Now he could understand how Konzen felt every time he stared at Goku. "Ten-chan...I'm so confused."

Tenpou brought Goku into a paternal embrace, and he sighed. "And?"

"I don't know…Ten-chan, every time I look at Konzen, my heart speeds up, really, really fast. And whenever I look into his eyes, I feel like looking away, but I can't. It's strange...and every time he touches me I feel something tingly." Goku closed his eyes, and a smile danced on his lips. "And sometimes when I look at him, I just tell myself I'm so proud that he's my master, and that I'll do anything for him, anything..." His eyes opened again. "Anything for him.

"Anything for him to love me."

Tenpou was surprised at the last few words. He felt his mouth curving into a grin, and he played with Goku's hair playfully. 'I see now. Goku is happily in love...' He smirked inwardly at the image of the so-called person the young child was in love with. ' love with an idiot called Konzen Douji who loves him too.

'Both in love, but it seems that Goku doesn't know how Konzen feels.'

For the first time in his life, a vein popped on Tenpou's forehead.

'Konzen no baka.'

Tenpou smiled down at Goku. "Don't worry about it, Goku. I'm very sure what's gonna happen." He said encouragingly.

Goku's eyes widened, hope reflected in those innocent eyes. "Really?"

"I'm not telling," Tenpou grinned, "It'll spoil the fun. Now, run along now, Goku."

Goku pouted. "Spoilsport." But he nodded, and left to go back to Konzen's office.

There was the sound of the door being closed and a distant click, as Goku left. Looking back, Goku sweatdropped as he heard insane hysterical laughter coming from inside the room he just left. 'Is Ten-chan really OK? O.o'

Tenpou leaned against the door, breathless and gasping for air, and still laughing. Picturing the golden-haired deity pressing lips against Goku was all too much, especially after seeing his stricken face when Goku had pinned him to the ground...Tenpou laughed even harder, and if possible, started to giggle like some gossiping schoolgirl.

Shaking his head, Tenpou sighed happily. Things were going to get interesting.

To be Continued


[A/N] Ack - another sucky chapter *buries head in pillow*Sorry!!! I can't ever make it up to you guys ;___; Anyways, please review. *looks around* It'll be weird if I'm one of the only writers who don't ask for review around Anyway, happy birthday, Sanzo-sama!! ^___^ Here's a nice Goku wrapped in a box for you -

Goku in box: *whimpers* Let me outta here!!!

Sanzo: *points gun at Gokugurl* Do you want to die that badly? I have no need for presents. Ch'.

[A/N] Gulps, and runs away with all her Saiyuki drawings, bullets following from behind. R&R ne!! You're gonna make a really freaky author very happy. :)