Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Tender Fragments ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#6 - Tender Fragments

Tenkai was quiescent and silent, vibrating with taciturnity and lying hidden in the cloak of the starless night; its dwellers hushed and asleep, still and unmoving in their blessed slumber, entranced and enchanted by whatever beautiful miracles that were haunting their dreams.

All the dwellers of Tenkai, at least, save one golden-haired deity.

Konzen Douji writhed and tossed over in his bed; trying and failing to sleep. For some particular reason, his tired and exhausted eyes remained stubbornly open, though it was clear that the first few waves of fatigue had touched the weary violet orbs. Mumbling something incoherent, he frowned as he cursed the gods for bringing this upon him, and how it had affected his ability to sleep.

'Aw, shucks.'

Lighting a candle, Konzen spent another few useless moments gazing at the lit wax, observing the flames as they leaped, flicking their fiery tongues in the air, as though the were savoring the delicious taste of it, the feel. Wincing at the brightness of the flame, Konzen averted his gaze to the huddled figure beside him.

And his mouth curved into a slow, but sure, smile.

With his eyes fluttered close, his silky dark hair covered his eyebrows, but revealing his eyelashes nonetheless. His cheeks were slightly flushed, his exquisite lips curved in a soft smile that portrayed his alluring features completely. The glowing light of the candle only added to his picturesque beauty, and his lovely face reflected the flames perfectly, the dancing blazes alighting his visage perfectly.

'Ch'! Saru.'

Frowning, Konzen closed his eyes, as he tried once again, in vain to fall into the realms of slumber. And failed. Miserably.

Konzen reached out and stroked one shivering finger on Goku's bronze cheek, feeling the delicate skin below him, and the soft breath that was Goku's.

'He doesn't deserve what the gods throw upon him...'

Sighing, Konzen shifted so that he was looking at the ceiling, and relaxed as he felt the blissful whispers of fatigue whisk him to siesta.

'And I don't deserve Goku.'


Goku woke up to the dazzling sunlight, and in Konzen's arms. Refusing to be brought to reality, he closed his eyes as tightly as possible, blocking out the rays of light that shone persistently on his face. The child sighed softly, and buried his head deeper in Konzen's chest, nuzzling the soft silken skin that was Konzen's.

'If only this could last forever...'

Surrendering to the brightness, Goku's eyes fluttered open, exposing his eyes, his ever-splendid golden eyes with a touch of hazel, and looked up. He found Konzen gazing at him, with those brilliant violet orbs being ever so beautiful. Goku was reminded once again how he came to fall in love with the gorgeous god.

Blushing ever so slightly, he looked down, but not before Goku felt a supple hand cupping his face, catching his parted lips in a passionate kiss.

****{Guys? Um...Lime? ^^;}****

Goku closed his eyes again, melting into Konzen's ravishing lips, and felt his sense dissolving in a swirl of sensations. Moaning into his guardian's mouth, Goku gripped his master's hair tightly, pulling him deeper into the kiss, taking pleasure in the tingly feeling that was now shivering down his spine. Feeling that masterful mouth leave his own, he moaned in protest, but shuddered in ecstasy as he felt those expertise lips placing teasing, tantalizing kisses down the nape of his neck, sucking a throbbing vein under his jawbone, before licking at his tender skin. Konzen smirked as he felt the child quake with pleasure under him. And smirked even more as Goku cried out Konzen's name. Loud.

Shivering again as Konzen's strong fingers stroked his skin, Goku felt he was on the verge of exploding. This was proven even further when Goku groaned softly while he felt Konzen's gentle lips trailing down his bare arm. Dammit, he couldn't wait anymore - did Konzen have to do this?

"Konzen..." Goku whispered softly, his voice a silent plea.

"What now?" Konzen murmured, his voice shaky with suppressed control, but his eyes betrayed him. His usually calm and composed eyes were now hazy with lust and desire, and they shone mischievously at they met Goku's eyes.

Whatever answer he was expecting, he sure as hell didn't expect a frenzied Goku jumping on him, lips crashing down on his, eyes blazing with lasciviousness so great, it startled Konzen. Shocked, Konzen fell back, letting Goku take control, and surrendered, allowing the younger one to feed on his mouth, Goku's hunger and intensity confirmed in the way he handled the kiss.

'Bloody hell! He's definitely earned some skill.' Konzen noticed in amazement, and took the courage to look into Goku's golden orbs. And was overwhelmed by the passion in them, shining so brightly like the gold eyes that were Goku's,

'I'm dead.' Konzen thought again, and started responding to the kiss, smirking as he saw Goku's face turn an innocent blush of crimson. 'But not before he gets a taste of his own medicine.'

That was the last thing he remembered before giving in to his libido.

****[SAFE ZONE!!! SAFE ZONE!! *gets hit by a crossing bus*]****

He was in a good mood.

A very good mood indeed. In fact, he had been wearing a rather silly grin since that morning, a wide smile that wouldn't leave his face no matter what he did. Normally, he would have been frowning, but today he let his features stay that way, flushed and happy.

Shuffling his documents, the golden-haired deity settled down to do another round of paperwork, and sighed, but immediately brightened up again at what was waiting for him after work...his good mood was still lingering around his person, until…

"Somebody looks very happy..." a drawling, nasal voice murmured from behind.

Konzen's silly smile was replaced with a frown.

"What the hell do you want now, damn hag?" he muttered, not in the mood for senseless bickering, and ignored the slight blush that was creeping across his face.

Noticing her nephew slowly turning red, Kanzeon shrugged. "What I want? To annoy you, I guess." Leaning down, she brushed some hair away from Konzen's neck, and tsked. "I would never have expected that from that child, na, Konzen?" she remarked, looking at the small red mark on the blonde's neck.

Konzen stared at her for a moment, oblivious of what she was saying, but not before he turned a brilliant shade of scarlet, his face warm as he realized that Kanzeon was talking about the hickey on the nape of his neck. Still blushing furiously, he slapped a gloved hand to the mark, looking up at his aunt with a tinge of embarrassment.

"Right - so what the hell do you want!?" he practically bellowed at the Goddess of Mercy, shocking her a for a few moments, before she calmed down again, a sly smirk on her face, and a glint of devilry in her eyes, hidden behind those dark bangs.

"Come to think of it, Konzen..." Kanzeon turned around, and found a string of clear purple beads on the cabinet. Fingering the delicate orbs, she held it up against the light, and marveled at the astounding beauty of them. "...Its been a while since you were in love. In fact, it's been a few years since you left"

Konzen glowered at her, but there was a flicker of sadness in his violet orbs as he regarded her words in grave seriousness, and sighed inwardly, as he remembered the smiling face of his ex.

'I wonder how he's doing now...'

The blonde groaned as he recalled the incidents between them - he had only met the man four times throughout their acquaintance - but every time he did, it meant everything to him...everything...he had felt love so deep, it was beyond boundaries.

Before the bastard crushed his life into pieces.


Once..." have such beautiful violet eyes..." 'he' murmured, his voice husky and low, and his dark hair covering his features as he fingered sixteen-year-old Konzen's smooth skin, shivering at the contact. "So beautiful..."

Twice...''He' grabbed his hand, and laughed happily as he led the golden-haired god over fields of blossoms. "Kirei na, Konzen?" The young man whispered, throwing his head back at the sky, and turned to look at his violet-eyed partner, looking deep into his eyes, losing themselves in each other's gaze...

Thrice...Konzen felt his lips captured in a heated kiss, and succumbed to his lover, letting his fingers stroke his face, his body... "I love you, Konzen." 'He' had muttered, his eyes ablaze with desire. "And I want you. Hard."

That was when he realized that the man only wanted sex from him. Konzen had realized this with fiery anger, and hurt so great, he had been broken for several weeks, drinking, his eyes lifeless, his usually sleek hair let loose, which made him look very un-Konzen-like. Everyone was worried about him...and then Tenpou had come and punched him in the face, saying that this wasn't like him...

And then it happened.

"But Konzen - I love you! Why are you doing this!?" 'He' was cut off as Konzen slapped 'him' across the face, a faint shimmer of tears in his eyes, but furious nonetheless. "You bloody bastard! You didn't even love me - all you wanted was fucking sex and being on top! That's it." Konzen was breathing hard. "You used me. Just fucking get out of my face. Now."

When 'he' hesitated, Konzen punched the side of his face, sending the raven-haired man across the room, hair flying askew. "GET OUT!" He yelled, blinking back the tears, refusing to let the son of a bitch see him crying. "OUT!" When the man finally left, Konzen collapsed against the wall, burying his face in his hands, tears flowing freely down his face, his heart broken with hatred and misery.

That was the last time they met...


Konzen sighed again, and closed his eyes.

"Yes, it's been a long time."

Opening them again, he saw Kanzeon smiling at him, her eyes hinting a touch of sympathy and warmth. "Are you still hurting over him?" she asked quietly, stroking her nephew's hair, and felt her hand being slapped away.

"Of course not, kuso baba," Konzen muttered coolly, his eyes devoid of anything, his person relaxed and composed again. But deep in his heart, he knew it was not true. A part of him was crying, another was struggling to keep himself, another was searching desperately for love...aching to be loved again. "Of course not."

"I've already found someone I could love," the blonde murmured, Goku's adoring face clear in his mind, full of warmth and affection, his golden eyes mirroring his gentle tenderness of his soul. He was also another broken soul, another one who longed to be loved...and he and Goku had found love in those shattered pieces of time together. And he was glad.

"Goku, na?"

"Yeah." Konzen's eyes darkened as he remembered the man who had misused his trust, used his body, and who betrayed his love. "I've definitely forgotten him..."



[A/N] AHAH! Didn't expect it to be Homura, did you? ~_^ Ha, ha, ha, ha...I just got myself volume 6,7,8, and 9 of Saiyuki! *squeals* YAAY!!! Rejoice! ^^ Sanzo looks so damn sexy, I'll give you that. Ho, ho, ho...and I've added another 2 Thesauruses to my growing collection. ^^ JOY!! They've helped me a lot in this fic. So yeah! See ya, everyone! I'll meet you again in the next chapter!