Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Fifth Acquaintance ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#7 - Fifth Acquaintance

"Your eyes are so beautiful, Konzen..." his ex murmured softly, his words ringing with a driven passion, those unmatched eyes glinting with desire. "So different...from mine..." Homura reached out a rough hand, feeling the side of Konzen's left cheek, and his mouth curved into an evil smile as he saw Konzen slap his hand away.

"Get away from me, you good-for-nothing bastard! I've no more to do with you!"

"No more?" Homura said softly, his golden eye shining with malice. "Konzen, you don't mean that..." his other blue eye glowed with an eerie light, and Konzen felt open, and so utterly exposed, he backed away from the shackled god.

"You know you want more. You know you don't want to fuck - you want to be fucked. Come on, Konzen...we'll have some little fun..."

"You know what I want?" Konzen laughed, his eyes filled with antagonism and loathing. "I want you to just fucking go straight to hell!" Reaching out a hand, he proceeded to push the dark-haired deity away from him, but not before he realized that he was in chains. "What the fuck!?"

"And you know what I want?" Homura whispered, his breath on Konzen's ear, and Konzen felt faint for a while as Homura bit Konzen's neck, leaving a trail of blood. Despite the situation, Konzen managed to spit in Homura's face, and caught the heretic off guard. "No, I don't know," Konzen said dryly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "And I don't think I want to know, you selfish son of a bitch!" Homura fell back, and wiped the spit off his face, his features contorted with anger.

"Well, I'll tell you." Homura reached for something behind him, and to Konzen's horror, pulled out a distinctively familiar looking figure. "I want this." And as he lifted the young one's head up, Konzen found himself looking into Goku's face.


Konzen awoke, panting heavily, beads of perspiration trickling down his face. Running a hand through his hair, he took a deep breath, wiping some of the sweat away from his frame. 'The dream seemed so fucking real.' Still in a state of shock, Konzen collapsed on the bed, his gaze averting to the window, focusing on the full moon.

'Well, I'll tell you. I want this,' Homura's voice replayed in his mind maliciously.

With a soft cry of outrage, the blonde's eyes fluttered open again, his indigo-tinted eyes alight with dull fury and his heart alive with fear and consternation, his soul shaking. 'He won't touch me. He won't hurt me again.'

Konzen felt warmth next to him, enveloping his body in a lazy hug. A smile on his face, Konzen turned back, and embraced the other figure just as tightly.

'And he won't touch you either.'

Konzen closed his eyes again, enclosing Goku in his arms, an uncanny feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness washing over him, and he welcomed it.

'He won't - not while I'm here.'


Tenpou lay sprawled across the floor, his peaceful face slicked with sweat, and his breathing harsh and rugged. His glasses lay ignored somewhere in the midst of his room. But he didn't care. Oh no, not at all. Not while he had a very exhausted Kenren on top of him, his skin against his own skin, bare chest against bare chest, face against face and...(blank) against (blank). [Can't say this here! *panics and runs*]

****>>[AAH!! Lemon! *points down* run~]>>****

Struggling for respiration, Tenpou tried to get up from under his lover's body, but not before a half-asleep Kenren dragged him back down on the floor, locking his lips against the brunette's with atrocious ferocity, feeding hungrily on his delicious mouth, tasting like he couldn't get enough.

"Kenren..." Tenpou moaned into his kiss, his hazy eyes fluttering shut as he sunk deeper into the realm of ecstasy, feeling the soft brush of scarlet spikes against his face, relishing in the scent of his lover in them. Digging his fingernails into the redhead's back, he threw his head back in euphoria, delighting in the swift feeling of shivering lust that was gripping his soul as the skilled hand of the General moved over his chest.

"I can't do this...I've got to fix breakfast...[1]" he murmured softly, his voice shaky and trembling with his yearning for Kenren.

"I've got a better idea for breakfast," said later murmured, his voice laced with desire, thick with wanting. "First thing on the menu - fresh and tasty monkey sex." Ripping away the shreds of what remained of his sane mind, Kenren surrendered to his passion, and tore off the meaning of morals embedded in his heart. "Not to mention wild and crazy." When his hand found what he was looking for, his mouth curved into a smirk as Tenpou let out a quivering sigh.

'Kami, it was going to be a long morning...'

****<<[Its over…When you're happy and you know it clap your hands...]<<****

[A/N: Sorry Ewen! Had to stop at the kissing parts again! ^^; And the others? Um - I thought we needed a break. ^^; You DID notice that those two were missing, ne?]


"Konzen..." Goku gulped.


"It's painful..."

"Yes, but have to endure."

"It's hot. Please...give it to"

Goku looked up at Konzen with his infamous innocent eyes, silent plea and desperation in them.

" really want it, don't you?" [1]

The lavender-clad god leaned closer to Goku's face, so close that they were almost nose-to-nose.

"Yes, please...quickly, or it'll get cold."

"You really want the pork bun that badly!?" Konzen groaned, slamming down his paperwork on the table. Goku nodded, looking like an anxious puppy, his eyes shining. Slapping his hand to his forehead, Konzen gave up, and threw the awaiting kid the said bun, and shook his head as he watched Goku engulf the bun with wild ferocity.

'Give yourself up to me, now. You are mine, Konzen...all mine. Ne?'

Konzen winced at the memory.


Oh well, he sighed, and felt himself frowning. The child was too pure, too innocent. And if Homura dare lay a finger on him...the blonde gritted his teeth, Homura would pay. Dearly.

Sitting down again, Konzen took out a novel that Tenpou had leant him, and preceded to flip through the pages. It was supposed to be a philosophical and masterful piece, knowing the Marshal - he snorted when he remembered Tenpou grinning naughtily at him, saying, "Just read it, it'll be good for you." Reading a few of the words on a page, he blinked. He hurriedly flipped back to the cover, and groaned.


And a piece of paper fell out of the book, right on cue. Curious, Konzen picked it up, and skimmed quickly through the words, and proceeded to curse Tenpou to hell.

[You know, Konzen, love isn't all about sex (but Kenren thinks that, though. All you horny semes are all the same.) Try some different techniques! Ha, ha... ;-) Tenpou 8-) ]

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT!? [You freaking uke!]" Konzen shrieked, tearing the paper into shreds, his face beet-red. Goku stared, wide-eyed at his master, his bun forgotten. "Konzen?"

Proceeding to burn the torn pieces of what remained of the letter, Konzen muttered something oddly like "horny bastards," breathing hard, his features flushed. Blinking, he turned around, only to find a very scared, and shocked Goku looking at him as though he'd gone insane.

As though able to read his mind, Konzen's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Yes, I'm perfectly all right, thank you very much," he said coolly, his gaze averting somewhere else. "If not for a certain horny brunette and his equally horny husband," he muttered exasperatingly after Goku was out of earshot.

"Did you say 'horny'?" Goku said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow, his eyes constricted with suspicion.

Embarrassed at being caught, Konzen waved him aside, his cheeks still stained with crimson. "Of course not! I'm not horny like the Marshal and the General of the West Army of Heaven! And I'm betting that they're screwing each other right now."

As if to prove his point, a scream of pleasure rattled through the corridor, and Konzen and Goku sweatdropped as they recognized the voice to be Tenpou's.

A ringing silence followed soon after.

"Um," Goku began, turning red. "I guess so." Konzen shrugged, and proceeded to keep the book in the hems of his robes. "What did I tell you?" His tone was expressionless, but Goku saw the naughty and mischievous grin on his face.

And smiled.

"Ah, hello," Kanzeon drawled, appearing at the doorway. Konzen's grin disappeared almost as immediately as it had appeared, only to be replaced with a frown. Oblivious to this, Kanzeon sat herself comfortably in front of the desk, and flicked through her nephew's paperwork, reading each document carefully. "You haven't finished the rest, Konzen."

Scowling, Konzen went to the papers and rearranged them. "Urusai, kuso baba. It was you who gave me all this work to do, anyway. And I doubt I'll be able to finish it if someone had unconsciously messed up my work." The last line was obviously directed at his aunt, but she chose to pretend to not have heard, and instead, folded her arms.

"You know there's a reason I'm here, don't you?" she asked quietly.

"What, to annoy me?" Konzen said coldly, his face unsmiling.

"No. Follow me to the Main Hall of Tenkai...Tentei wants to see you. You too, Goku."


"It's about Goku," Kanzeon said hurriedly as they went on their way through the corridors, Goku lagging behind from Konzen's orders. "You know that Nataku is the Toushin now, no?"

"What about it?" her nephew asked, his face solemn. "What does Nataku being Toushin have to do with Goku?"

"The general system is inactive," the Bodhisattva said further, her black locks doing naught to hide the worried look on her face. " [2] The army's the only part of Heaven that's actually still moving for everything associated with law in Tenkai and Gekai are getting worse. Even among those who rule Heaven, the army's the main thing that holds the most power. It's unavoidable." Kanzeon's breath was coming in short, ragged gasps. "But you know that Tenkai's motto is to not kill - said army is useless without the aforementioned Nataku being the only one allowed to slay.

"Nataku has been immobile lately, having being severely injured. [3] He might not be able to battle for the next few months - but then, he's the only one who is excepted from the rule of not killing. So if any chaos shows up in the world below, we can do naught about it, and if everything goes wrong, they will blame it on the gods..."

"Get to the point, old hag," Konzen snapped, his patience wearing thin.

"Shut up! I'm getting to it already," Kanzeon snapped back. "Basically, yes, there's nobody else whom is exempted from the motto - the point is," she frowned, glaring daggers at her nephew, "We need to have a new Toushin Taishi, or at least until Nataku recovers, which won't happen until much, much later. The highest chance is that the new Toushin Taishi will remain as the fighting God even if Nataku recovers his position, and therefore there might actually be two Toushins, or even more, the new Toushin might take over the position itself, and bear the responsibility of it all - "

"And what does that have to do with Goku?" Konzen interrupted.

"Told you to shut up, didn't I? Traditionally the Toushin is an itan or unclean 'thing' that was brought up from his youth and trained mercilessly to prepare for their position. They won't live long, they are only dirty things, and others shun them, avoid them, ignore them - for to them, the Toushin is naught but a killing how they treat Nataku. The Toushin's only purpose is to 'kill' and 'die.' Soon the next impure being will be chosen as successor - "

"You don't mean - you can't mean Goku!? The next Toushin!? "

"Indeed. Foreseeing the chaos that may land on Tenkai, Tentei had ordered for the heretic born from the hermetic rock to be brought to me, so that it may be under my attention, in case anything might happen to the current Toushin, Nataku. Since that his premonition had come true, even though he detests Goku even more so than Nataku, we have to make Goku the next Toushin for the sake of Heaven. You can see why he never permitted you to have a relationship with Goku in the first place." Kanzeon stopped, and sighed.

"He, as you say, is only one of those many gods who think for themselves, ignoring others and would let them die if it would mean their own safety. Tentei, in short...he's afraid that you're getting closer to Goku...because - if Goku does indeed become the future Toushin, you will be his keeper. And if you become his lover just as well...Let's just say this. You will be in control of Goku, giving you equal control of his position as Toushin. Which means you're in control of his power - "

"They're afraid I might use Goku to rebel against Heaven," Konzen said dryly. "Forget about correcting me, I know what you mean by that. Once they lose the Toushin, it's like losing control over the world below, for no one else is permitted to slay or commit massacres that are linked to youkai in one way or another like the Toushin does. So if I control Goku and convince him not to do otherwise, it might cause chaos. Because then, Goku already has immense and unlimited strength beyond our own boundaries. If he is given the permission to kill, he has the power that might actually destroy Tenkai...that is, if I ask him to, being his keeper."

Kanzeon nodded, her face alight with astonishment. "My, Konzen, you can read my mind," she said, a hint of amusement visible in her voice. "That was if you became his lover. But now," gazing at Konzen out of the corner of her eyes, "you are already his lover. Now, they are forced to make the ultimate decision..."

"And what is that?"

"You'll understand once we get there. But I have a feeling it's going to be unbearable for Goku..."

And Goku, still lingering behind, didn't hear them.

"And you, Konzen. Especially you."


"...I'm sure you understand about all the aforementioned, Konzen Douji," Tentei's deep voice rang through the hall. "Seiten Taisen Son Goku will be selected as the next Toushin Taishi. Any objections?" this question was obviously directed to Konzen.

"No, your honor," Konzen said, his voice laced with a tinge of sarcasm as he stretched the last word for effect. Being the type who didn't like calling others by using honorifics, he had used up a great deal of effort to spit out the one word. And for good reason, too.

"Good. However, I'm afraid that we must make a few changes." Konzen stiffened, and Goku looked up in shock from beside his master. Said guardian remained quiet, sure that this had to do with him and Goku being a couple. Goku however, was confused and surprised.

'What is this all about?'

'What about me and Nataku?'

'Toushin Taishi... What's that?'

'I don't understand anything...'

He looked desperately at Konzen for help, but the golden-haired god remained motionless, his face devoid of emotions.

"For one, your relationship with Son Goku, Konzen Douji," Tentei resumed talking, his words toneless and showing no sign of concern nor pity. "I'm afraid it will affect your position as keeper to the Toushin Taishi."

Konzen didn't remark or snap back, but merely nodded, his features strained as he did so, his fist clenched. "Yes, your honor."

"And for that, we, the gods that rule Heaven, have decided that..."

Konzen waited with bated breath, and there was a pang in his heart as he looked sideways at Goku, who was shivering and gazing at him with his eyes full of pleading confusion.

", Konzen Douji, will be exempted from being Son Goku's keeper."

"WHAT!?" Konzen burst out in outrage, unable to contain himself any longer as he stood up, his eyes filled with fresh fury and hatred. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

Tentei ignored him, and with a wave of his hand, sent his guards to grasp the hysterical Konzen in place. "I said you will be exempted from being Son Goku's keeper. As aforementioned, your relationship with the Toushin Taishi can affect the status of Heaven. You should understand that, being the nephew of Kanzeon Bosatsu." He looked sideways at the said goddess, who avoided his eyes and nodded nervously. "And we have reached the decision that we have all agreed on."

His struggle with the guard forgotten, Konzen calmed down enough to look up at Tentei.

"And what may that be?"

His cold eyes expressionless, Tentei looked down at Konzen with just as much loathing and hate as the blonde deity had shot at him earlier, but Konzen wasn't going to quail under his gaze. For one thing, Konzen Douji was no coward. For another, Konzen Douji did not respect any of the gods of the higher ruling class, and he wasn't going to be a coward, less in front of them.

"Son Goku will have a new keeper," Tentei said, his eyes bearing into Konzen's violet eyes. "And you will be exempted from everything to do with Son Goku, and you will forget about your relationship with the heretic." The last word was uttered with such malice, and such revulsion, Goku felt unwanted tears welling up in his golden eyes, and blinked them back, his face hidden beneath his chocolate hair. Konzen winced in sympathy as he glanced at the child, and feeling the sudden urge to go over and comfort him, cursed the gods silently in his heart for not allowing him to do so. "Who is it?" Konzen asked, his words wary and careful, but spiteful nonetheless.

Tentei waved his hand, and motioned to someone outside the door.

"Come in."

And as he turned around, Konzen's eyes widened in shock as he got a full view of Goku's new master, and fought the drive to collapse, unconscious, right on the very spot. Battling to stay conscious, he waved aside the feeling of dizziness, albeit he felt as though his world was suddenly swirling in a whirl of painful, hurting emotions, he didn't want the son of a bitch to see him fainting...not at the very sight of him, anyway. Oh no, there was many a time where he actually cried at the mere memory of him, but he didn't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing him collapse right before his very eyes. His breath catching in his chest, Konzen clasped a tight hand Taking in the shoulder-length hair and the ever-same eyes, and the lean, muscular build...he hadn't changed. Not one bit.

That bastard.

Konzen tried to force a smile on his gaping, shocked and obviously hurt face. Just the sight of him, the very sight of him, had managed to shatter the shell around his heart that Konzen had hid in for years, determined not to let him break it again.

But here he was.

Failing to keep steady, Konzen stumbled, and fell to his knees, placing a hand to his agonizing forehead that was buzzing with a thousand voices around him. Beside him, Goku ran to his side, a small and warm hand around his shoulders, holding him reassuringly. "Daijoubu ka, Konzen?" he asked worriedly, but then looked up into the face of his new master.

And his face broke into a smile.

"You are...that onii-chan!"

Konzen looked in shock at the younger one, his face clearly portraying his amazement, rendering him speechless. 'They've met!?'

Tentei ignored the scene that was happening before him, and his voice was dry.

"I hereby announce that Toushin Son Goku Taishi's keeper is now Homura."

Homura turned to smile at Konzen. A friendly smile - on the surface, for Konzen could just see as clearly as anything that his smile did not reach his mismatched eyes, which were currently blazing with hostility and open disdain. Despite having a golden eye and being a heretic, Konzen figured that the only reason that he wasn't the Toushin was because he was a member of God's family.

In just their fifth acquaintance, he had destroyed his life again.

And Konzen felt his world turn black.



[1] was taken from Shikkoubu (Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee) in the conversation between Kubota and Tokitoh. ^^ But Kubo-chan finally gave him an ice-cream in the end. *Screams* and I was hoping for something nice too. Na, Minekura-sensei, stop torturing us. ;___; I kinda prefer shounen-ai tho...

[2] Taken from the not yet novelized Saiyuki Gaiden. Hasn't been sorted into volumes yet. But it's true.


[A/N] Well, other than Living Lights and Melancholy Soul, I swear this is the longest chapter I've ever written. O.o Felt like it, I guess. Anyway, yeah. (Homura, you bastard!) Sorry again, zero-talent - *bows and grovels* - and thanks again for pointing it out. It's now 12.30 am *yawn* but yes, I'm a little tipsy and that's why this chapter is here. Hope it was okay, coz it was lame...ja ne.

NOTE: And does anybody want the front view drawing of Konzen hugging Goku? :) Or Kouryuu in leather with a gun? Oh well, just asking. ^^ Thanks for reading!!