Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Broken Trust ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#8 - Broken Trust

Everything was swirling...spinning in a world of colours and resonating voices...his vision was drowning in black storms, his eyes fluttering shut, closing out the world around him...Damn him. Even though his sight was blurred and unclear, he could just barely make out Homura's silently mocking figure, his mouth curved in a taunting smirk. And in those few desperate seconds, he felt himself collapsing on the ground with a sickening thud.

'Why did you have to appear again...'

The last thing he remembered before blacking out was Goku's anxious voice, panicking, calling out to him, unable to reach him...




'But Konzen, I loved you! Why are you doing this to me!?'

The sound of footsteps, and a resounding slap...

'You bloody bastard, you didn't even love me! All you wanted was fucking sex and being on top!'

The echo of heavy breathing in his chest, and a soft sob.

"That's it."

'He' stepped forward, and cupped Konzen's face in his hands, and tried to kiss him. He flung his face away, and stepped back, blinking back his tears, and clenched his fist, his eyes wary and crowded with hatred and brokenness.

'I loved him...'

"Bloody hell, Konzen, just listen to me!"

'He used me...'

"I love you! With all my heart- "

'He lied to me...'

"Don't you believe me, Konzen!?"

'He lied.'

"Just fucking listen to me - "

That did it. That was the last straw. There was a cracking thud as the dark-haired deity was flung halfway across the room, and he landed on the floor silently, his eyes wide and shocked, not believing that his blonde-haired lover had punched him, and wiped away the trail of blood that was now trickling slowly down his neck from his mouth.

"You used me."

His voice was quiet, calm even, but beneath that cold surface was a trembling anger and seething fury, his eyes dull and expressionless, his face devoid of any emotion whatsoever.

"Konzen, you don't - "

"You fucking used me! GET OUT!"



His once lover looked at him with an unreadable mien, and stood up quietly, opened the door, and left his violet-eyed angel behind.

Sensing the leave of the other god, the angel, unable to control himself any longer, broke down and cried, tears of hurt and anger.




"Na, Konzen!"

'Leave me...'



"Shikarish'ro [be steady] Konzen!!"


"Konzen - "

'That's not him...'

His amethyst eyes fluttering open, he winced, and Konzen immediately wished he hadn't done so, for his eyesight betrayed him, revealing nothing but endless stretches of darkness, and blackness. Blinking, he sighed in relief as he felt everything swim in colours before him, before his vision finally revealed an anxious pair of panicked golden eyes.

Goku's eyes widened as he saw his master respond, and frantically waved to Tenpou and Kenren without looking at them. "Ten-chan! Ken-nii-chan! Konzen - Konzen is awake!"

Hearing no reply from the Marshal and his subordinate, Goku turned around, and what he saw made him flush bright red, and he placed his hands on his hips. Walking towards the busy couple, and his amused gaze averted to Kenren's hand which was now busy undoing Tenpou's shirt, and then on Tenpou's gentle lips locked firmly on the redhead's rough ones. Oblivious to the couple, he stepped up and tapped them both soundly.

"Wha - ?" They echoed, breaking apart from their intimate kiss by the window, blushing furiously at Goku, who in turn raised an eyebrow at them. Regaining themselves, they quickly rushed to Konzen's side, Tenpou all the while buttoning up his shirt.

"Oi, Konzen! Are you awake?" Kenren said anxiously, gripping the blonde's shoulders and shaking them lightly. "Oii!! Wake up!" His brunette lover sat down on the bed, fixing his glasses. "Maa, Kenren, you shouldn't do that..."

A flint of consciousness flickered in Konzen's eyes, and he slapped Kenren's arms away. "Ch', I don't need anyone to wake me up. And especially not a pair of horny lovers." Despite their hard efforts of trying not to blush, Kenren and Tenpou felt their faces slowly heating into a dark crimson. Staggering to his feet, Konzen grabbed the bed head for support, cursing his legs for betraying him now.

"Are you okay, Konzen?" Goku looked up at him, his eyes filled with worry. "Na, what happened?"

Flinching, Konzen presumed that the young Toushin was referring to his falling unconscious, and brushed it aside. " was nothing," he lied quickly. Sure, he loved Goku, but he didn't want Goku getting worried and angry over Homura, especially since that man -no, scratch that- bastard was his new master. And he didn't want Goku to go all concerned just over he, Konzen's, problems.

He already had enough.

Damn Tentei.

"Huh?" Goku gazed at him, disbelieving. He trusted Konzen's own words, but the way he put it was...disturbing. It just didn't seem right. His master was distracted, his eyes darting wildly around, flickering for a few seconds on the door, and then back around the secluded room, as though he was looking desperately for escape, or trying to hide from something.

But from what? Or who?

"Konzen?" Tenpou interrupted quietly. "What happened in the hall? You and Goku..."

The blonde looked to his other side, his face hiding shame and anger, his golden strands of hair clinging limply onto his face, the expression in his violet orbs unreadable. Reaching out his hands, he pulled Goku close to him, enveloping the young child in a quiet hug, and softly nuzzled Goku's neck.

Slightly surprised, he tensed, but then settled down again, moaning lightly at the gentle feeling those teasing lips were causing near his jawbone. Holding out one small hand, Goku placed one small hand on his master's cheek, and felt Konzen quiver at the contact, before burying his head into Konzen's chest reassuringly.

Tenpou raised an eyebrow. "Goku, you'd better go out for a moment."

"Huh? But Konzen..."

"Never mind," said latter murmured quietly, and placed a light kiss on Goku's temple, and the younger one blushed. "Just for a little while."

Goku nodded hesitantly, a symbol of agreement, before leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind him, his eyes shimmering.

'Why do they always leave me out of things?'

A crystalline tear rolled down his cheek.

'I only want to help...'

And he shivered as he recalled the god's conversation about him.

"After all the heretic is just trouble."

He clenched his fists tightly.

'Am I that useless?'

Leaning against the wall, he threw his head back and buried his face in his hands, before bursting into noisy tears.



Konzen looked up in alarm at the mention of the name, before calming down, clasping a tight hand on his chest. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his trembling voice betraying him.

"I asked you if it was Homura," Tenpou whispered, sitting down beside Konzen. His red-haired partner shook his head, before joining his lover, hooking an arm around the brunette's slender neck. "Konzen," Kenren muttered, placing one hand on Konzen's shaking shoulders. "I thought you've already gotten over that son of a bitch. You've even swore to Tenpou that you would rise again even without that bastard..."

Konzen slapped Kenren's hand away. "Ch'. What do you know?"

Tenpou tsked. "What, you haven't forgotten him?" And much to the jealousy of Kenren, Tenpou in turn, placed an arm around Konzen.

"But that can't be all that happened, ne, Konzen?" Tenpou murmured quietly.

Konzen looked down, but not before he punched the wall, wincing as he felt his skin graze painfully across the rough surface. "Those bastards made Goku the Toushin Taishi."

A reverberating silence followed these words, but not before Tenpou and Kenren stood up in outrage. "They what!?" Tenpou's eyes blazed with cold fury. "You're kidding me!" Kenren said in disbelief, his dark spikes doing little to mask the exasperation on his face.

Konzen snapped, and grabbed Kenren's collar. "Much as I'd like to say I am, the fact remains that they, the fucking bastards of heaven have made Goku the Toushin Taishi! And we can't deny that!"

"Konzen!" Tenpou cried, and tried desperately to release the blonde's grasp on the dark-haired god's, and succeeded. Kenren fell to the ground, breathing heavily, clutching his chest, before glaring up at Konzen. "But Goku's only twelve - " Tenpou began.

"I know he's a fucking twelve, damnit!" Konzen yelled, and proceeded to overturn the table. "He's a fucking kid, and he's bloody innocent! And the fucking gods have to choose him of all people and then make him the next killing puppet! Just because of his heritage," Konzen paused for breath, "just because he's what our fucking rulers call a heretic, they have to ruin a child's innocence just like that! All this bullshit about no killing is nonsense! He's a human nonetheless, and he deserves to live like we do! And he's a child." He collapsed on the bed. "A fucking child..."

Kenren shook his head, cursing the gods with a language that couldn't even be listed in a PG-13 fic. Tenpou sat down beside him, and stroked his hair in sympathy.

'Having to go through this again...'

Konzen gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists. "A child..."

'Out of us all, you might be one who suffered the most from love...'

"Oh, and that isn't all," Konzen said sarcastically, causing Tenpou to return to reality. "Since he's the new Toushin Taishi, and I'm his lover, Goku has got a new master." His voice was dry, but that tone betrayed nobody.

The white-clad brunette felt a surge of alarm shudder through him.

"And who might that be?" he asked cautiously, thinking, 'This is not good.'

The golden-haired god leaned back against the wall, folding his arms. "Who do you think?" Shaking his blonde locks back; he fisted a hand in his hair. "None other than our dear half-heretic raven-haired god."

Tenpou felt something inside him burst in shock. "What, Homura!?" Next to him, his ruby-eyed lover was experiencing similar surprise.

"That bastard with two different coloured eyes!?" the leather-clad god choked. His legs failing him, Kenren felt himself sitting down, his mind still reeling from amazement. "Why the fuck did they choose that son of a bitch to be Goku's master?"

Konzen shrugged. "I don't know! All these fucking gods have their own fucking minds; you can't expect me to know everything. The only reason they chose Goku as the Toushin Taishi over..." the blonde paused. "You don't need to use his name." Tenpou sighed. " because he's related to Tentei. They'd ruin a child's innocence for life just to save one of their kind. Proves just how selfish those bastards are, eh?"

Kenren just leaned back, while Tenpou just readjusted his glasses.

' there no way to help him now?'


Goku slumped onto the floor, his body curled up like a kitten's. His golden eyes fluttered shut, but not before he saw a figure looming over him, and he surrendered silently as he felt two watchful eyes watching him, warily but calmly.

Then, in the blur of fatigue, he felt himself being lifted up by two lean arms, and then being carried gently down the corridor. Giving in to sleep, Goku placed his head on the man's chest, oblivious to who he was - but just knowing...

Knowing that whoever he was, he'd be able to relieve him from pain.

But he was wildly mistaken.


Konzen felt an excruciating jolt of fear lurch through him, unsettling his nerves. Standing bolt upright, his bond with Goku immediately informed him that something was wrong.

Horribly wrong.

"Konzen?" Kenren asked, puzzled. "Oii, where're you going..." he continued, before Tenpou placed a warning hand on his shoulder, shaking his head.

The golden-haired god shot out of his room, his eyes darting wildly around the corridors for Goku. But there wasn't any sign anywhere of his golden-eyed lover - none at all. Unbeknownst to him, a silhouette was lurking behind him, curly dark locks covering a feminine face.

"Looking for something, Konzen?" that ever-familiar voice drawled.

"What now, old hag?" Konzen asked, his features clearly showing his frustration. "You can go irritate someone else, but not me, I'm in a fix!" She leaned up against him, and patted his head. "Well, ne...what if I told you I knew something about your pretty little brown-haired boyfriend, dear nephew?"

Konzen flushed, but regained himself. "What do you know? Where is he?"

"Ano..." she adverted her gaze to the side of the door. "I swear I saw him here a tad moment ago... crying his eyes out," she added, for dramatic effect. Konzen rolled his eyes. "I asked you where is he, not where was he, you old woman!"

"Well, saa, I don't know...gone somewhere?"


Vision blurred and hearing dimmed as everything around him started to spin. Underneath him, he felt smooth, silken sheets connecting with his own skin. Relishing the soft feel of the cloth, he snuggled closer to it, inhaling the sweet scent of light violets, and squinted his eyes at the bright light that was gathering from above the room.

Wait a minute.




Golden eyes fluttered open, taking in the unfamiliar yet view around the room. Sitting up, Goku blinked, looking all over.

'This isn't Konzen's room.'

"Are you awake, Son Goku?"

The said child's gaze immediately averted to the source of the voice and he brightened up instantly. "Homura-nii-chan!" he squealed, then leapt upon the black-haired man, enveloping him in a tight hug. [A/N: So damn innocent. -__-;; Goku, Goku...] "Good to see you!" The chocolate-haired kid giggled, and broke into a smile as Homura ruffled his hair affectionately. "Maa, maa, Goku..." he said softly, bending down, and a mixture of gold and sapphire met bright golden.

"You know I'll be your master from today, ne?" he asked quietly, his mismatched orbs glinting mysteriously with hidden objections.

Goku nodded nervously, feeling slightly uncomfortable under Homura's intent orbs.


"But then, that means you can't see Konzen-san anymore," Homura tsked sympathetically. The child flinched at his master's name, but agreed ambivalently.

'If I'm that useless to him, I might as well not see him if it troubles him.'

'But...I still love him...'

As though he had the uncanny ability to read minds, Homura placed a reassuring, though cold, hand on Goku's shoulder. "Now, Son Goku. I'm sure that Konzen loves you, no matter what happens. Should I bring him here to see you one last time?" He stressed the last three words on purpose, and he winked, malice embedded in his moves. "Na?"

Unfortunately, Goku knew nothing of Homura's intentions, and nodded, his eyes shining.


He didn't notice Homura smirking nastily in the background.

'Well, Konzen...'

'I will shatter your heart even more - even more than you shattered mine those years ago...and I will too shatter the heart of your little lover...'

'I swear I will.'


[A/N] I really wish I could write longer, but I'm kind of sick...gomen...-__- Sorry!! Anyways, yeah - thank you for reading up to here! ^^ *Glomps readers* Love ya all - by the way, this fic isn't going to stay sweet and innocent forever. *Cough* you know what I mean. ;) Okay, here's my opinion again: should I do a sequel to this? Well - should I? You isn't fun if they only get together in Gaiden...hehe...oh well, just tell me. *Shrug* Just asking. Ah, the song GAME by Sanzo's sei yuu Seki Toshihiko just rules! *Sips tea* I tell ya - Kazaa's the best!
