GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ The Merry Month of Fuyuki Fanfic! ❯ Day 7: Marital Bliss ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Marital Bliss
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: Family Fluffiness
Pairing: Shido/Madoka
Summery: A typical morning in the Fuyuki household
Warnings: Future AU! Complete with kids! Oh God, I am such a sap. Oh, more Het, btw. And I totally pulled the names for Shido's and Madoka's mothers out of my ass. Hidden yaoi and some crackiness, but other than that, nothing too bad, I think.
Disclaimer: GetBackers isn't mine, I just like to borrow them and torture them for a bit.
Shido was often the first person awake in the mornings, and it was with years of practice that he managed to slide out of bed without waking his wife. A glance at the clock let him know that he had to get breakfast started, as the kids would be leaving for school in a little over an hour and he wanted to make sure they ate beforehand. Shido headed downstairs, past the twins' rooms and his youngest daughter's room with a smile on his face. When he was younger, he never expected to live to see the age of 41, much less be married and have three kids by that time.
After feeding the animals, he set about making eggs.  Raiji, his son, liked his fried and runny in the middle. Rangiku, his twin sister, liked hers hard boiled and Sumire liked hers scrambled. Then was a thud from upstairs and a shout of "Damn it, Rai, it's my turn to use the bathroom first!" Ah. The twins were awake.
"Morning, Papa," a soft voice said from the doorway to the kitchen. Shido turned to look at his youngest daughter. At five years old, Sumire (who was named after Madoka's mother) looked much like Madoka did at that age (according to the pictures he had found in the attic, at least) and was shy and quiet, acting much more like he had at that age than her older siblings did.
"Good morning, Sumire. You hungry?"
Sumire nodded, clutching her stuffed rabbit to her chest. "Papa made eggs?" She asked, climbing into her seat, still in her PJs. Sumire always ate before getting dressed, while Raiji and Rangiku preferred eating afterwards.
"Mmmhmm. Did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah. Bunny-san kept me safe from bed monsters."
"Bed monsters?" Shido set down a plate of eggs in front of his daughter and sat next to her. "Were they scary?"
A nod. "Bunny-san says he wants you to make sure they don't come back tonight. He was really scared."
Shido smiled. "Yeah, I'll take care of those bed monsters for you, and afterwards, I'll read you a story, how's that?"
A tiny, shy smile crept onto his daughter's face at that. "From the book that Uncle Ban gave us?" Story time was Shido's favorite time with his daughter.
"Sure." Shido kissed her temple. "Eat up; you still have to get ready for school."
Sumire nodded and began to eat her eggs as Raiji strolled in yawning, the tie to his school uniform hanging undone around his neck and his uniform jacket hanging over one shoulder. Raiji's hair spiked up like Shido's did, only he had two clumps of hair that Rangiku affectionately called his 'ear tufts', which had the odd tendency to reflect Raiji's mood like a cat's ears would. "Mornin' Pops."
Shido grinned. "Sleep well, Rai?"
"Yeah, actually."
"You ready for the meet today?" Shido asked, setting down Raiji's food as well as a plate of toast. Raiji was on the track team and had quickly earned the reputation of being the fastest runner in school. Or, as his friends had started calling him, 'The Fuyuki Flash', a rather lame street name in Shido's opinion, but he didn't have the heart to say it as Raiji seemed so proud of the title.
Shido had named his son after the man he respected most, Raitei, Amano Ginji. Ginji had burst into tears when Shido asked him if he could name his son after him, Shido at first thought that Ginji was upset about having Raitei even be apart of the name, but it had turned out that Ginji was so honored and happy to have Shido ask him that. Ginji also had a large impact on Raiji's personality, as the boy was much more social than his father was, able to make friends with anyone and everyone. Unfortunately, Ban also had his influence on Raiji and the boy was a rather incorrigible flirt, with an easy grin and a smirk that apparently was a perfect replication of Shido's own.
"Yup! They're all gonna eat my dust," Raiji grinned, "I'm undefeated, Pops, you know that."
Shido took all the credit for Raiji's arrogance, though, as he had been just as arrogant when he was 16.
"Watch your ego, little brother, or you'll trip over it during the match," Rangiku said, shoving her brother's head forward as she walked past him to kiss Shido on the cheek. "Good morning, Daddy." Rangiku, named for Shido's mother, had her long hair swept up into a high ponytail and her long bangs tucked behind her ears and, thankfully to Shido, had inherited Madoka's petite nose. She was Raiji's fraternal twin, and she was born three seconds before Raiji and never let him forget it.
"Morning Ran. How'd you sleep?"
"Eh, alright, considering how loudly Raiji was snoring." Rangiku's room was right next to Raiji's and their beds shared the same wall. "Are you working today?"
"Not sure yet, why, what's up?"
"I was wondering if you could pick me up from band practice." All of his and Madoka's children had inherited their mother's musical ear and talent, but Rangiku was the only one to bring it into her school life. She played the drums in the band, which Shido liked as when he was little his own people has used old logs as drums. The songs of his people sounded very different when played on Rangiku's drum set and Raiji's electric guitar. Sumire was the only one of his children who showed interest in learning how to play the violin.
"I don't see why not." Shido handed his daughter her plate of eggs.
Rangiku grinned. "Thanks, Dad."
Shido leaned against the counter, watching his children eat, Rangiku and Raiji fighting over the last piece of toast while trying to defend their plates from thieving cats, before loudly protesting when they noticed Sumire had taken it without them noticing. The twins had inherited Shido's temper, but Sumire hadn't. In its place, she had gotten her mother's calm and more pacifist nature, which became even more evident when Shido was training with them on how to use Beast Mimicry and the Beast Whistle. Rangiku incorporated more gymnastics into her fighting, where-as Raiji relied more on his speed than his strength. Sumire, while learning the techniques, hadn't expressed an interest in fighting, though Shido believed that was because his youngest daughter was blind in one eye. Most people didn't notice, as she tended to wear her hair so that it covered it, but Sumire was still very self conscious about it, which made her siblings fiercely protective of their little sister.
Shido was glad that the siblings were all so close. Growing up, he had been the only child in his village not to have a sibling. He often wondered if he would've turned out differently if perhaps he had a brother or sister to share secrets with.
When Sumire dashed off to get dressed for school Shido sat down at the table. "Raiji, do have any plans for after school?" Raiji's track meet was going to be during his gym class, and because of the meet, the club wasn't going to be meeting after school like they usually did.
"Not really. Maybe hit the arcade, why?"
"I was going to ask if you could pick up Sumire from school on your way home and take her to the Honky Tonk. It'll be a nice treat for her, and Rangiku and I can meet you two there."
"Sure! Maybe I can convince Uncle Ban to do my math homework for me. Not that's it's ever worked before, but it can never hurt to try." Raiji grinned before his face fell at the sight of the clock on the wall. "Oh no, we're gonna be late!" He dashed to the stairs. "SUMIRE, HURRY UP!"
"I'm hurrying, Raiji-nii, but I'm stuck!"
"Rangiku, go help your sister, would you?"
Rangiku was about to stand to go help Sumire with her clothes when Madoka came downstairs holding Sumire's hand. "It's alright, Shido, she just needs to put on her shoes."
"Morning Mom." Raiji kissed Madoka's cheek before taking Sumire from her and helping her put on her shoes. "We're gonna be sooo late if we don't hurry, 'Mire-chan."
"I'm sorry, Raiji-nii, but my uniform tried to eat me!"
"Don't forget your lunches!" Madoka called, perching herself in Shido's lap.
The three left for school with a slam of the front door. Shido sighed. "I tell them not to slam the door, but do they listen? No."
Madoka kissed him. "You wouldn't want them any other way," she smiled as she stole his mug of coffee.
Shido purred, burying his face in his wife's hair. "Mmm, wifesmell."
Madoka laughed. All in all, Shido thought it was a good beginning to a day as any.