GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ The Merry Month of Fuyuki Fanfic! ❯ Day 9: Better ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Better
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: Shido curses. Other than that, nothing happens. I guess g? PG?
Pairing: Shido + Juubei
Summery: Shido gets sick.
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: Shido curses. Other than that, nothing happens. I guess g? PG?
Pairing: Shido + Juubei
Summery: Shido gets sick.
Warnings: mwuahahahahaaa
Disclaimer: GetBackers isn't mine, I just like to borrow them and torture them for a bit.
“Shido, Raitei asked me to look you over because you were showing signs of being ill. Now, you can come out of there of your own will, or I can use extreme measures. Which shall it be?” Juubei knew from previous experience that Shido was …difficult to handle when he wasn't feeling well, but this was simply down right childish.
“No. Go away, I'll be fine if I just let it run its course,” Was the grumpy and rather congested reply, “I don't need to be stabbed by you.”
“I will treat you whether you are willing or not. Get out here.” Juubei scowled. “Must I get Emishi to drag you out of there? Or Masaki?”
&nb sp; The only answer Juubei received was a growl that soon dissolved into a coughing fit, which Juubei used to his advantage to land a paralyzing strike on Shido's neck. Nothing permanently damaging, but Shido wouldn't be able to fight Juubei off as he dragged the teen out of his hiding spot until he removed his tobari from the Beastmaster's neck. "Damn you, Juubei!"
&nb sp; The only answer Juubei received was a growl that soon dissolved into a coughing fit, which Juubei used to his advantage to land a paralyzing strike on Shido's neck. Nothing permanently damaging, but Shido wouldn't be able to fight Juubei off as he dragged the teen out of his hiding spot until he removed his tobari from the Beastmaster's neck. "Damn you, Juubei!"
“Ane-ja, could you come help me with Shido, please?”
“Of course Juubei.” Sakura knelt by Shido's head and stroked his hair. “We are worried about you Shido. I know you don't like needles, but please try to bear with it. Juubei is very good at what he does and it will be over in a few minutes.”
  ; Shido's response was only sulky silence, which the Kakei siblings took as an affirmative. Juubei removed the tobari from Shido's neck and began working, quickly and efficiently with his tobari, Shido flinching with each prick of the needles.
“There. How do you feel?”
Shido shifted slightly. “…Better.”
Juubei nodded, and Shido was glad that the man didn't act smug about it. “Have a good day, Shido.”
Shido crammed himself back into his hiding spot to finishing sleeping off whatever remained of his cold and both Kakei siblings sighed and shook their heads.