GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ The Merry Month of Fuyuki Fanfic! ❯ Day 10: Thoughts ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Thoughts
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: uhhhhh R?
Pairing: Shido/Kazuki/Madoka
Summery: Shido was often plagued by thoughts
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: uhhhhh R?
Pairing: Shido/Kazuki/Madoka
Summery: Shido was often plagued by thoughts
Warnings: …..*innocent face*
Disclaimer: GetBackers isn't mine, I just like to borrow them and torture them for a bit.
Shido was often plagued with thoughts. He never voiced them, but they were always there, swirling in his mind. He became quieter and quieter as his thoughts raged louder and louder. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he could hear talking.
"Shido-san's very quiet lately… He looks like something's really bothering him."
&n bsp; "He used to be like this when we were younger. At first I thought it was 'cause he didn't want to talk to humans, and then I thought it was 'cause he just didn't have anything to say. Kazu-chan finally told me that it wasn't that Shido didn't have anything to say… it's that he has so much to say, and no idea how to say it. Kazu-chan's deep like that."
&n bsp; A rattle of teacups and a coffee mug… "Wow, I never knew Shido-san could be like that…"
&n bsp; "Shido's really awesome, once you get to know him…kinda like Ban-chan!"
&n bsp; "Don't compare me to that Monkey Trainer!"
&n bsp; Shut up. I can hear you, you know. I'm right here…
  ; Shido didn't know if he said the words aloud, but the three stopped as the door jingled with the arrival of a new costumer.
  ; "Ah! Kazuki-san! Welcome!" was Natsumi's cheerful greeting.
  ; "Hello, Natsumi-san… May I have a cup of tea, please?"
  ; "Coming right up! Master, Kazuki-san would like a cup of...-" Natsumi's voice trailed off as she darted to the back.
  ; Kazuki sat down next to Shido, shivering a little with the cold. "There you are. I've been looking for you. I haven't seen you since my birthday."
No words were spoken between the two men as they shared fever-hot kisses, tugging at each other's clothes until they were both naked and moving against each other, panting and soft, wordless moans the only noise between them other than the slick sounds of their lovemaking.
No words were spoken between the two men as they shared fever-hot kisses, tugging at each other's clothes until they were both naked and moving against each other, panting and soft, wordless moans the only noise between them other than the slick sounds of their lovemaking.
&n bsp; Shido left the next morning while Kazuki slept without a word, guilt threatening to choke him and eat him alive from the inside out.
&n bsp; Bastard. How could you do that to Madoka? She loves you. God only knows why she loves a selfish bastard like you…
  ; "Been busy," was Shido's low reply.
  ; "Shido…we need to talk."
  ; Shido turned to look at Kazuki, eyes burning with anger. "Here?"
  ; "Here, Madoka?"
&n bsp; "I can think of no better place, Shido-kun."
&n bsp; "But, Madoka…"
&n bsp; She silenced his words with a kiss, helped him remove her clothes, then his, and they moved together, her scent clinging to his skin and sheets and he held her as they moved and he tried so hard to be gentle and she still had bruises on her hips the following morning.
  ; "No. Not here. Let me finish my tea, and we'll go."
  ; I'm not going anywhere with you. It'll happen again if I go anywhere with you.
  ; A sharp, biting pain hit him.
  ; I trusted you… then again, you trusted me too, didn't you? Oh God…
  ; Shido couldn't breathe.
  ; He didn't realize it until just before he blacked out.
  ; "Oh my God, Shido!"
&n bsp; "Monkey Tamer! Monkey Tamer, look at me! Shit, he's not breathing."
&n bsp; "What's wrong with him?!"
&n bsp; "Call an ambulance!"
&n bsp; "Shido!"
&n bsp; "Shido-nii!"
&n bsp; "SHIDO!"
  ; He felt cold. Am I dead?
  ; "No, not dead. But we did almost lose you a few times."
  ; Shido's eyes slowly opened as he was met with the face of his mother. "What?"
  ; "Did you know you're allergic to spider bites?"
  ; Shido blinked at her. "…what are you talking about?"
  ; "You were bitten by a spider." She pointed to her neck. "Right here. Lucky you the thing was still stuck in your scarf when your friends brought you in or you really would be dead."
  ; "…Where am I?"
  ; "You're in the hospital, Fuyuki-san," the nurse said. She reminded Shido of his mother, or how his mother would be if she were still alive.
  ; "Why is it so cold?"
  ; "You have a very high fever, Fuyuki-san."
  ; Oh.
  ; "You should be more careful, Fuyuki-san. It seems as though you were making yourself sick long before the spider bit you."
  ; None of your business, you nosy bitch. Get out of here. I could kill you for sticking me in here….
  ; "Fuyuki-san?"
  ; "What?"
  ; "Did I wake you?"
  ; Huh? "We were just talking, how could you-"
  ; "No, Fuyuki-san. That was quite a few hours ago. You fell asleep. I wanted to know if you'd like to have some visitors…your friends are here to see you."
  ; I didn't know they let animals into the hospital….
  ; Soft laughter. "No, Fuyuki-san. They're human."
  ; How disappointing.
  ; "I'll send them in now."
  ; A soft jingle of bells and the faint smell of flowers and dog hair.
  ; "Madoka…Kazuki?"
  ; Madoka smiled at him, sitting in the chair next to his bed. "Shido-san…how are you feeling?"
  ; Kazuki chuckled and sat on the chair next to hers. "They have you on strong painkillers. That's probably why."
  ; They belong together. They look so natural together, side by side… neither of them need me, yet they both want me… I don't-
  ; "Kazuki-san told me what happened between you two on New Years. Is that what's been upsetting you, Shido? That you slept with Kazuki?"
  ; Shido's head was pounding. Not this…not now… "…Yes."
  ; "Shido-san…it's okay. Kazuki-san and I…we've reached an understanding."
  ; "…What? When?"
  ; "You were in a coma for two weeks, Shido." Kazuki reached out to take Shido's hand in his. "We've all been worried about you."
"Shido-san… we're not going to make you choose between us."
  ; "…You're suggesting a threesome to a man who can't actually do anything about it right now?"
  ; Kazuki and Madoka broke into a fit of giggles. "Obviously we're not going to start right now!" Madoka said, gasping for breath. "We'll wait until you're better, Shido."
  ; "No."
  ; "Hm?"
"You and two should get to know each other better," Shido said, voice getting raspy before he started coughing. Kazuki poured him a glass of water, which he took with gratitude and drank deeply from. "Don't wait for me before you two start…"
"You and two should get to know each other better," Shido said, voice getting raspy before he started coughing. Kazuki poured him a glass of water, which he took with gratitude and drank deeply from. "Don't wait for me before you two start…"
  ; Madoka smiled. "Alright…"
  ; Kazuki stood. "I'm going to go get the others… they wanted to throttle me for asking that Madoka and I see you privately before they come in and see you."
  ; Wow….everyone was concerned? I doubt it. It's probably just Ginji and that snake bastard is just tagging along.
  ; "Shido-kun?"
  ; "Hm?"
  ; "More people care about you than you realize, you know." She gently ran her hand up his arm and into his hair. "Kazuki-san and I just got lucky when you showed that you wanted us back."
Shido tilted his head a little into her hand. "I got lucky," he mumbled.
  ; "SHIDO-NII~" Ginji cried, nearly launching himself on top of Shido before Ban caught him. "I was so worried about you!" Little tare arms and legs flailed in midair as Ban held Ginji by the back of his shirt.
  ; "We all were," Hevn said, padding in with Paul and Natsumi in tow and behind them were Emishi and Juubei.
  ; Natsumi wrapped her arms around Shido as tightly and as carefully as she could. "Shido-san! Don't you ever worry us like that again!"
  ; Shido reached up to stroke her hair. "Sorry, Natsumi-chan…you'll just have to keep the spiders away, okay?"
  ; Natsumi nodded, face still buried in his shoulder. "You really scared me," she whispered. "You…you always seemed like you were indestructible, you know? I've never really seen you hurt before… and then, in the shop, when your face went pale and you stopped breathing…I got so scared, Shido…"
  ; Shido ran his fingers through her ponytail. "Hey, I'm okay now, alright?" Natsumi nodded. "So don't worry any more. Once I kick this thing I'll be back to being bullet proof, alright?"
  ; Natsumi chuckled and nodded before pulling away and letting Ginji hug Shido. "Shido-nii~"
  ; "Ginji, I'm fine…"
  ; "Why didn't you tell us you were getting sick?! Or that you were allergic to spiders?!"
  ; "Because I didn't know," Shido said softly. "I mean, I'm terrified of spiders, so normally I stay away from them, and as for getting sick… I had other things on my mind and wasn't paying attention to my body."
  ; Hevn nudged Ginji out of the way, and knelt down to press her lips to his forehead. "You still feel a little warm, sweetie…do you want us all to go so you can get more rest?"
  ; Shido blinked up at her. "No… not yet, anyway." A smile tugged on the corner of Hevn's lips as she hugged him. "I'm sorry I made you worry, Hevn."
  ; "You better be, I've been dealing with frantic calls from your usual clients, wondering where you were, and then I had to intercept floods of flower deliveries. You have quite a fan-following among those women, Shido."
  ; "…You should've kept the flowers for yourself. I would've ended up giving them to everyone anyway." Shido wrinkled his nose.
  ; Paul came over, and Shido was surprised that Emishi was waiting as patiently as he was, though it may have had something to do with Juubei holding a tobari against his back. "I just wanted you to know that the doctor is going to give you an epi-pen kit, and also that we're gonna have one in the shop, in case this happens again. Now you're gonna have to keep that thing with you at all times, you understand?"
  ; Shido rolled his eyes. "Yeah Dad, I get it. I'm an adult you know, I can take-"
  ; "Obviously you can't if you're in here, Monkey Tamer."
  ; Shido narrowed his eyes at Ban, growling before breaking into a coughing fit again.
  ; "Ban-kun! Don't harass Shido-kun, he's sick!" Hevn scolded.
  ; "I'm not harassing him, it's the truth! That spider that bit him wasn't native to Japan, did you know that?! How could that spider have gotten onto Shido?"
  ; "You're saying it's those Kiryuudo people, Ban-chan?"
  ; "That's exactly what I'm saying." Ban's eyes met Shido's through the purple lenses of his shades. "Look Monkey Tamer, I know you don't like the idea, but everyone's gonna be looking out for you for a while, so get used to it and graciously accept the help!"
  ; "And give you a great big fee for it, right?" Shido asked, deadpan.
  ; Ban blinked, and grinned. "Well, I wasn't gonna mention it now, since you're still in the hospital and all…"
  ; Everyone turned and was about to start scolding Ban again when they heard Shido start to laugh. "Shido-kun?"
  ; "Oh man….ow…" Shido was still chuckling. "Thanks, Snake Bastard, I needed that…ha ha…"
  ; "I was serious about the fee, you know," Ban said, his lips twitching.
  ; "Mmm, I know. How about I feed you guys once a week?"
  ; "Feed us?"
  ; "Yeah, take you out to lunch or something…" Shido yawned a little. "That would be nice…"
  ; Ban waved a hand. "We'll talk about it later, Monkey Tamer. Speaking of food, we should go get something to eat. Want us to bring you back anything, Monkey Tamer?"
  ; "No… I don't think I could stomach much right now."
  ; "Shido-kun, I'm going to go with them. I'll be right back, okay?"
  ; "Mm. Sure." Shido made a soft, happy noise as Madoka kissed his cheek softly.
  ; Ban nodded, and he, Ginji, Hevn, Natsumi, Paul and Madoka padded out.
  ; "Kaz, are you hungry?"
  ; "Not particularly."
  ; Emishi walked over and clenched his jaw before cracking a forced smile. "You're a jerk, Shido-kun."
  ; Shido only had time to blink before Emishi wrapped his arms around him tightly. "Ah, Emishi…"
  ; "Shut up. I was really worried about you, you know? I wasn't there for you when you needed me most…what kind of friend am I?"
  ; Later, Shido would blame it on the drugs, but he lifted his arms and retuned Emishi's hug. "A really good one, Haruki."
  ; Emishi blinked. "Eh?"
  ; "You're here now, aren't you?" Shido whispered. "It means a lot to me… that you're here."
  ; Emishi smiled at Shido as he pulled away. "Yeah, well, you're my best friend, Shido."
  ; Shido just gave him a tiny smile. "Lucky me."
  ; "Shido." Juubei stepped forward. "Both my sister and MakubeX send you their regards and well wishes. I am also going to be visiting you once a week to check up on your health."
  ; "Eh? Juubei, that's not really-"
  ; "These are my orders from Kazuki and MakubeX; I will not go against them."
  ; Shido scowled at the long haired man. "I knew it had to be your doing."
  ; "You make me sound like a criminal, Shido-kun," Kazuki said innocently, "Besides, it was MakubeX's idea originally, I just supported it."
  ; Shido just scowled.
  ; "Emishi and I should be going; we have to get back to Mugenjou."
  ; "Alright. Tell everyone I said hi, okay?"
  ; Juubei nodded, and he and Emishi walked out.