Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Fan Fiction ❯ Motoko Kidnapped ❯ The Major's Ex-Lover ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Chief just looked at him and yelled
''Sorry Chief we check all the floors but nobody was there. The Tacikoma was on the Major's orders to making sure nobody was coming in or out. Wait a second where was the Tacikoma'' and with that Batou and the Chief walk out of the office and went to the Tacikoma hanger. Went they got their everybody was their.Batou walk up to the Tacikoma and said''Where were you went the fire starts''.The Tacikoma was scared because of the tone in Batou voice''Well i came to see if you were all right but you were busy with the Major''.''What was the Major and Batou doing? ask the Chief.''Well the Major and Mr Batou were ummm... Kissing''.''THEY WERE WHAT''yelled the Chief. Everybody had a shock looked on their face.''Batou is this true''? Ishikawa ask.Batou didn't say anything. He’d just stared at everyone and walk out of the hanger.

Meanwhile the Major was coming to. She tried to move but she was tied to a bed. ''So you are awake''. ''Who are you? What do you want with me?''. ''Don't you remember me baby we use to make sweet love to each'' . ''Coal'' said the Major.''. I want you to make sweet love to me like you use to. Oh I all most forgot we have better tell lover boy where you are. He’d be so worried where you are''. He went to out of the room and went he came back in he had a video camera in his hand and turn it on. ''Motoko tell them. That you are scared and you what your lover boy to come and save you. You can cry it would make them come faster''. The Major look at him. He made sure the camera was on her.’ GO TO HELL YOU SICK BASTARD.LIKE I WOULD CRY OVER THE LIKES OF YOU ''yelled the Major
''Come on sweetheart you used to scream my name
Went your flat on your back . What don't remember?
Maybe I should do something to help you remember and we will keep the camera so lover boy can see ''Said Coal as he laugh

''Turn it off'' yelled the Chief once he heard that. He didn't wanted see or hear the Motoko getting raped. They where all in the Chief office. Well we know one thing he used to be one of the Major ex-lover's’’ ''Said Ishikawa. ''He'd must have watched Batou and the Major's kiss to call Batou her lover boy'' Said Togusa. ''Well for some reason he'd wanted the Major before he knew about Batou and the Major's kiss. It seems the kiss got really under his skin. That means the Major is in more danger'' Said Paz. They all look at Batou but he wasn't listening to their conversation. All he could think about was that bastard touching her smooth fair skin. All he wanted to do is kill that bastard. ''Batou are you listening?'' Ask Ishikawa. ''BATOU'' said the Chief.' 'Do we know were she is? Said Batou. ''Yes the Tacikoma found her at a banded werehouse''. ''Tacikoma give me the address''. ''Here it's Mr Batou''Said the Tacikoma. Batou headed for the door.' 'Batou Aim ordering you not to go''.Said the chief.Batou turn around and look at the Chief and said’ that’s an order I can't do''.Batou turn his back on the Chief and walk out. He ran down stairs to the carpark.Got into his car and went off.

''Your awake’ he got on top of her and kiss her.’ oh! Motoko I have forgot how go you are. You taste so delicious like strawberry and cream. Don’t try to move the. Drug I have put in your system has made it so you can't move. So don't waste your energy. Save it for lovemaking because soon you will wanted me all the time''.Little did he know Batou was outside the door. Listening the whole to the thing.''Get off me''Motoko moaned.Batou could see the whole thing. He was lying on top of her.Motoko clothes were ripped of her body. She was completely naked. To think of his body on top of Motoko's naked body made his blood boil.’ Why did you keeping looking at the door? You’re waiting for your lover boy? Maybe we should let your lover boy find us in bed together. Wouldn’t that be fun''.''Get off me please’ Begged Motoko in a weak voice.’ Your begging this is what I wanted to see’ then without warning he started to rape her again. She started to cry and wishing for Batou to save her. Then she looked at the door again to see.Batou standing their.

''BATOU’ Motoko cried out. Coal stop and got off Motoko and did up his pants. He’d turn around’ so lover boy has finally shown up. Sorry mate I had taste before you did. Of course you have seen the video. She a wild one. Just think how wild she would be. If she did it at her own free will.Motoko don't worry I’ll be back’ said coal.
Then with out warning he jump out of the window.Batou was about to chase him, But Motoko cried out ''Batou''.She was still lying on the bed.''Batou I can't move.Batou help me''.Batou put his jacket over her and picked her up. He carried her down the stairs of the banded werehouse.He help her into the back seat of his car. He’d looked at her face. She still had tears rolling down her checks. She had her eyes closed.

She was asleep the whole car ride. An hour later they were at the Major's place .The drug worn off by than. Batou picked her of the back seat of his car and help her into bed.''Batou the drug has worn off. You didn't have to put me in bed but Aim glad you did.Batou can you lie down next to me and hold me please''.Batou did what he was ask to do.''The Chief order me not to come, But I told him I couldn't do that''Said.Batou while rubbing his nose in her hair, it smell like rosés. The Major roll over on her back and said ''Batou kiss me''.
Batou looked down at her and kiss her. She kissed back and pulled him on top of her.Batou stop and looked at her. She knew what he was thinking.''It's alright Batou I want this. Don't you want it to? She said this with a worried look, on her face.''Of course I do but''.''Well don't keep me waiting any longer. Because I have waited so long. For you to touch me.Everytime you sat next to me at HQ. I would blush like a school girl''said the Major in a school girl's voice.

Then without warning their was a knock at the door it was the Chief.''I know your in there.I've seen Batou's car. Are you going to let me in?''. Batou want to get the door.But the Major grab hold of his shirt and shock her head.''Don't leave me aim scared.He might come back.Please don't leave me Batou''.Batou looked in her eyes.He can see how scared she was. He was scared because the Major wasn't scared of anything.Yet this guy scared her so much she was shivering.At the thought of Batou leaving her alone. ''I'll just be a minute ok''.''Ok Batou''. ''Went I was with him.All I could think about was. Am I going to see Batou again and that scared me the most''.''I love you Motoko,That's all I could thing about to.Was I going to see my Major again''. Batou walked at of the room and walked to the door to let the Chief in. ''How is she? Ask the Chief. ''What do you think? She's scared that he might come back again''Said Batou with an anger voice. ''She's scared,But the Major is not scared of anything''. ''I know that look.Don't tell her this but if she's scared. Then ami scared to'' said Batou in a low voice so she couldn't hear.

The chief walked into the room and walk over to the bed and sat down next to the Major.''Chief don't be mad at Batou. He was doing he's job.Don't fired him for it. If it wasn't for him being there at that time. I would be dead right now''.The chief put his hand up and she stop talking. ''Major iam not going to fired Batou for that. But if you two go on like this. One of you will have to go''. ''Like what?'' said the Major.''I wasn't born yesterday. I know what is going on. I have seen the way you look at each other at work''said the Chief. ''He was helping me into bed. That's all''said the Major

''If in someway Iam right. Keep your personal matters outside of work. I don't want the team to find out. So hands of each other. Went any team members are around. Not even one of them is to know or it's over got it. If you break up DON'T BRING IT TO WORK UNDERSTAND''Said the Chief. ''Ok if your right'' said the Major. Than without a word he got up and walk to the door.He turn around to say something. But just shook he's head and walkout. ''I feel like a teenage again. Getting bust with a girl in my room. Than getting told what to do with her by the old men and don't let the old girl find out''said Batou

''Batou I thing we just got the green light''.
''I think your right''.''Batou come here''. Batou walk over sat down next to the Major.Than the Major sat up and kiss the back of his neck. Pulled him on top of her and they looked at each other. ''I can't not take it anymore Motoko i need you. I want you and i can't wait any longer''said Batou and he start to kiss her neck. ''Oh Batou Batou''. Her saying his name aroused him even more. Then she pulled off his jacket and throw it on the floor. Batou pulled his clothers off. Their naked bodies were touching for the first time. They looked at each other. Major wrapped her legs around his legs. The Major scream out Batou's name the first time went in. Batou got turn on by this. He had never heard the Major scream. Before and he was glad it was over him.There bodies start to move in sync with each other. The chemistry was amazing. Then he move a little bit faster. The Major start to moan and call out Batou name.

Than the Major rolled over so that she could be on top. As she move up and down on him. Her breathing got heavy. As her breathing got hard she move faster. Than Batou grabbed her by her hips and rolled over again. So she was on her back again. Just the way he like it. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel him inside her and as she was think about him being inside her she scream his name again. He could feel her inside. Just thinking about that turn him on even more. Than at the same time they came. Than Batou fell on top of her. Then he looked at her to say I love you Motoko but she was already asleep. She looked so at peace that he rolled off her and put the blanket on the both of them,put his arms around her naked body and went to sleep next to her.