Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Runs Thicker Than Water ❯ Confessional ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Losing control of a situation was something that never happened to Suguru Fujisaki. He was far too concerned about perfection to let it.
His mother and father were always so proud of him; always so proud of how responsible and well behaved he was.
His mother bragged about him to all the socialite chatterboxes she called her friends and his father raved about him to the stuffed shirts at the office when he was between meetings and business trips. Yes, Suguru was one of the perfect children, who was expected to do great things and take care of his parents in their old age. If only they knew the side of him that he kept a secret. The dark side that only he and his older cousin, Tohma, knew about.
What they shared together was something that was punishable by law, by society and by the gods, but somehow that just seemed to make it all the more enticing; More intoxicating.
Spiraling upwards together in the dark, only to bring each other crashing back down again, into the soft warmth of Tohma's king sized bed.
Yes, It was their little secret and they intended for it to stay that way.
It all began one cool winter night, and it was one that Suguru nor Tohma would ever forget.
“Mr. Seguchi, y-your wife is here to see you sir,” The intercom buzzed crisply as Tohma was looking over some contract files on his desk.
“Oh, please send her in Marisaki-san,” He replied as he stacked the papers and set them aside, mentally clearing work from his head so he could focus on his wife.
The large oak doors that opened on to the lobby outside the office swung open and Mika came barging through them, lips pursed and arms folded.
The minute Tohma set eyes on his wife, he knew he was in trouble. The elegant clothes she wore, her made up face and styled hair said only one thing to him: `You forgot again!'
The blonde stood quickly and started over to his wife, arms out tentatively in an apologetic fashion.
“Don't Tohma!” Mika said as he tried to put his arms around her, “ That won't work this time!”
“Mika-chan, I'm sorry. I truly am, I was so wrapped up in business that I--”
“Don't give me an excuse, Tohma!” Mika injected venomously, cutting her husband off, “It's our anniversary! We had dinner reservations and you still couldn't be bothered to make room for it- us, amongst your busy schedule! Aren`t I more important to you then that?” She gestured at the piles of papers on Tohma's desk and crossed her arms again.
“Mika please, you don't know how sorry I am!” The blonde said apologetically.
Mika took a step back and glared at him with the same piercing eyes that her family- mainly her younger brother Eiri- was famous for.
“No. I think it's you that doesn't know how sorry you are, Tohma. You really have no idea.”
And with that she turned and stormed back out of the office, leaving one very bewildered blonde standing alone in the middle of the room.
A full minute after she left, Tohma was still standing in the middle of his office, staring after her. He didn't know whether what his wife had said was a threat or a proclamation.
The blonde strode back to his desk and sat down hard in his leather chair. He stared at the papers littering the top of the desk and suddenly felt great hatred and loathing to any and everything NG related.
At that moment, he heard the tinkling midi version of Sleepless Beauty start playing from somewhere under the mess of papers. He sifted through them and picked up his cell phone. A glance at the display screen told him it was Sakano-san.
“This is Seguchi,” He said in his usual, pressed friendly tone.
“S-Sacho! This is Sakano--”
Tohma was starting to feel extremely irritated and wanted the call to end as soon as it could.
“I know who it is,” He said softly, interrupting the stuttering man.
“Oh! Yes of course you do, what was I thinking… Sacho I-I don't know how to tell you this, but there was a slight accident with one of your older keyboards, sir.”
“What!” Tohma cried out as he stood up reactively, “ Which one was it? What happened?”
“S-sir, please calm down! One of the bathrooms on the third floor flooded and the water dripped down through the ceiling of the second floor. The water fell directly into your private studio. Your PSR-292 was damaged by the water. The technicians are with it now and they said that there is a chance for it to be repaired, though there was some…permanent data loss.”
That was the last straw. With a furious cry Tohma hurled his cell phone against the far wall, shattering it to bits.
“….saki? Yoohoo, Fujisaki? Hey! FUJISAKi!”
The green haired teen snapped back to reality with a jump and found that Shuichi was staring him in the face. They were almost nose to nose with each other.
“What?! You don't have to yell like that!” he exclaimed irritatedly as he rubbed the ear Shuichi had hollered in.
“Well you weren't answering me!” Shuichi said, hands on his hips and a pout on his face, “ We need to talk to you about something very important and you were off prancing around in la la land!”
That was Shuichi for you, always needing to be the center of attention and god help you if you ignored him.
“You're one to talk,” the young man muttered under his breath as he stood up from his keyboard and walked around to bow appologetically, “ Now, what is it that is so important?”
“We're ordering an early supper and we need to know what toppings you want on your pizza!” Shuichi said happily as he started dancing around the room singing about pizza and cheese and things.
“That was what was so desperately important!?” Suguru cried, still in shock.
“Yah. We …weren't sure what to get you and so we had to wake you up,” Hiro stated plainly from his spot on his guitar stool, "Sorry man. It looked like you were having a pretty good dream by the look on your face!"
Fujisake blushed and told Hiro not to worry about it. He'd been having another one of those damn dreams again.
The keyboardist said that he wanted olives, mushrooms, pepperoni and egg plant on his pizza and then excused himself from the room.
`God they can be so annoying sometimes!' Fujisaki thought to himself as he walked down the hallway to the bathrooms.
On one hand, he was irritated that Shuichi had yelled in his ear and woken him up, but on the other hand he was somewhat thankful. He had been having another one of his day dreams again…and this one had been about Tohma. To be truthful, they were almost always about Tohma these days.
The young keyboardist always felt so dirty and wrong after having such dreams, especially when they happened at night and he woke up in the morning with sticky sheets.
Fujisaki turned into the bathroom and hung his head over the sink with his eyes closed. He finally worked up enough courage to look at his reflection in the mirror and what he saw sickened him. Looking back at him, was the face of someone who had erotic, incestual dreams about his own cousin. His own male cousin.
There were so many ways that it was wrong, and though he knew that they were only dreams, some small part of him wished that they were real. One dark, sick part of Suguru's brain hungered for his cousins touch, wanted to run his hands over that lean body and taste those smiling lips.
That same part of his brain also wished and hoped that Tohma felt the same way for him.
After several hours of staring off into space, getting angry and then staring again, Tohma decided that he needed to relax a bit. His clock said that it was almost 9:30 and his stomach told him that he needed to eat something. This wasn't the first time he had forgotten that he had dinner plans with his wife, and it probably wouldn't be the last time either. Mika would forgive him and things would all go back to the way they were supposed to be.
It was at that same moment that his office door opened and his young cousin, Fujisaki, came in.
Now here was something that could take Tohma's mind off of work; Off of anything at all really.
He knew that he would go to hell for thinking it, but Fujisaki was the most beautiful, luscious boy he had ever had the privilege to lay his eyes on. He was so pure and innocent, always rather shy around family members, but domineering and forceful at work. His virgin like qualities made him especially fun to watch and agonize over.
The green haired youth walked up to Tohma's desk and bowed.
“What are you still doing here Suguru-kun?“ Tohma asked curiously, “Didn't the rest of your band mates leave for home hours ago?”
“Yes they did, Seguchi-san,” He confirmed, “But I stayed late to work on a few arrangements that I wasn't quite happy with.”
“Did you let your parents know that you were staying late?” Tohma asked with mild concern, mostly because he knew exactly how his aunt acted when her precious baby boy wasn't home at exactly six sharp, but also because a faint whisper of an idea was forming inside his head.
“Hai, Seguchi-san. I called her when Nakano-san and Shindo-kun left.”
Tohma smiled and stood up from his desk. He walked around and put an arm around Fujisaki's shoulder, making the boy draw in a quick breath. However the arm was nothing more then a familial gesture as Tohma led his cousin away from the large black desk. They paused in the middle of the room, Tohma's smile fading slightly, his eyes gaining a hungry glint. The young keyboardists heart began racing as he thought of ways to make this seem like something other then what it apparently was. All of a sudden there was a growling sound and Tohma snapped out of it and backed off. Suguru's stomach had picked a very inopportune time to declare that it was hungry.
“Are you hungry, little cousin?” Tohma asked with a soft laugh, and they again started walking together towards the office door, “I haven't eaten dinner yet either. Would you like to join me?”
“Y-yes, actually I am,” Suguru confirmed as he gulped and tried to calm his racing heart, “ I would love to go out for dinner, Seguchi-san.”
“Excellent! I'll have my car brought around so we can leave then.”
After retrieving his car from the concierge, Tohma drove Suguru to one of his favorite restaurants, one that served Italian food.
There was hardly anyone in the restaurant and Tohma even managed to get Fujisake a couple of alcoholic drinks.
Dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by both men and as they were getting into the car, Tohma once again started to wonder where the evening would take them.
“Thank you for dinner Tohma-kun,” Fujisaki said as he got into the passengers side of the car and strapped on his seat belt.
“Your very welcome,” The blonde said as he backed up and drove out of the parking lot, signaling to turn right.
For more then two minutes, they both sat in silence, just thinking about whatever that was on their minds. Tohma was wondering what he should do with Suguru now that they had both eaten. Should he offer him a place to stay the night and a ride to work the next day? Or should he just take him home and leave it at that.
Fujisaki was thinking something similar to that of his cousin. He was wondering whether he should ask to spend the night or ask to be taken home. One part of him desperately wished he could spend the night with Tohma, the other part said that he was intoxicated and needed to think things through in the morning and make a decision then. Fujisaki wasn't sure which half to go with so he sat, stewing in his own inner turmoil.
After another minute, Tohma made up his mind. He would ask Fujisake if he wanted to spend the night. Even if nothing happened, He would be satisfied with the knowledge that his cousin would at least know that he was cared about, and that he always had a place to stay, should he need one.
“Time Please,” Tohma said to nobody in particular. The GPS unit in the dash came out of sleep mode and said out loud, “It is currently eleven twenty three P.M.”
“It's rather late, isn't it?” The blonde asked casually as he turned another corner.
Fujisaki looked at the dash board and wondered if that feature had been expensive to put in.
“Yes, I guess it is.” He said softly, the comfortable warm car and the two Tia Maria's he had drank were working together and starting to make him sleepy.
“Would you…like to come back to my house with me? Spend the night there and ride into work together tomorrow morning?” Tohma asked hopefully as he slowed to a stop for a red light, “ I'm sure Mika-chan won't mind.”
Suguru knew he wasn't thinking clearly, and he also knew that he had told his mother that he would be home by ten thirty at the latest, but that rebellious part of his brain was set free by the alcohol, and he told Tohma that he wanted to spend the night. It might do his mother good to worry about him a little.
The blonde was overjoyed that Suguru had said yes and he made an immediate change of course.
About fifteen minutes later, Tohma pulled his Mitsubishi Eclipse [1] into it's designated spot under the condo complex and both he and Suguru got out.
They walked together towards the far building, Tohma's arm once again around his cousins neck.
Suguru welcomed the touch this time around and even leaned in against Tohma's side.
The blonde was taken aback by the gesture and smiled as he guided them both up the stairs to the front door.
“Tohma?” Suguru said, an anxious quiver in his voice.
“Yes, my Suguru?” The blonde answered as he slid his key into the lock and then punched a code into a key pad next to it.
“I…I….uh….I need to…talk to you…about something.” Fujisaki stuttered as Tohma opened the front door and stepped into the dark condo.
Well, if you could even call it a condo. It seemed more like a mansion to Suguru.
“Alright, just let me check in on Mika first alright?” the blonde replied softly, “How about you go sit down in the living room.”
The green haired boy nodded in acknowledgment and traded his loafers for house slippers as Tohma padded sock footed down the dark hallway.
When the blonde got to the bedroom, Mika was not there. Instead, laying on her pillow was a note written on soft yellow stationary.
Tohma picked it up and read it.
I won't be coming back for a few days. I think we need some time apart right now. I don't want to say something to you that I might regret later. Please don't call my cell phone and don't come looking for me. I'm going back home to the temple to visit Tatsuha and my father.
This was not like Mika at all. She never left home after they fought.
“Maybe she really is….going to leave me.” Tohma mumbled under his breath as he set the note down on the night stand and went back out to the living room to see what Suguru wanted to talk about.
As he came around the corner he saw his young cousin sitting on the couch, looking at the various pieces of artwork that were scattered around the rooms walls. There were two Van Gogh prints and several other paintings that Tohma had picked up at various art galleries he had been to.
“Do you like them?” He asked as he leaned against the wall, Simply enjoying being allowed to gaze upon his cousins delicate features.
Suguru nodded. “They're beautiful.”
“I agree,” Tohma said softly as he moved to sit next to his cousin on the couch, “ Though the artwork isn't the only beautiful thing in this room right now.”
Fujisaki's breath caught in his throat and he froze as his cousin leaned in and started to place tiny, sucking kisses on the side of his neck.
“Ahh! W-what are you doing Tohma-kun?” He asked breathlessly, as he tried to pull away from his cousin.
“Shh,” The blonde breathed heavily against the boys neck, “ Don't you like it?”
The teenager wasn't sure what to think, or what to say. He wanted Tohma to stop, but that twisted part of his brain, the one that harbored lustful thoughts for his older cousin, told him to just let the blonde continue.
“Yes, Tohma," he whispered, as if saying such a thing out loud would condemn his soul. He reached his hand up to pull his cousin close to him, "Please…don't stop.”
Tohma took this as an okay signal, and started to suck harder on the boys neck as he gently pulled the snaps apart on his cousins blue shirt.
Fujisaki exhaled softly and stared up at the black and white patterns on the ceiling.
`What am I doing? I'm going to go to hell for this,' He thought to himself as his shirt was removed by skillful hands and tossed to the side with a soft rustle, ` He's my cousin. Flesh and blood! We're both guys, he's much older then me….ohh but it feels so good…”
Fujisaki could think of a million reasons that they shouldn't be doing this, but his mind was overrun with alcohol and lust and so many thoughts that it was impossible to think of any one thing. He let out a soft groan and placed a hand on Tohma's shoulder when he felt his cousins mouth trail down his smooth chest and latch onto one of his hardening nipples.
Tohma sucked and lathed back and forth over the dusky bud in his mouth, gently grating his teeth over it once or twice.
Fujisaki just sat their, his cock hardening in his pants.
Tohma noticed this as well and he soon had his hands undoing his cousins fly.
When a large hand wrapped itself firmly around his half erect cock, Fujisaki was jolted out of his cloud of lust, as if that were something that he knew for sure was wrong.
“Ahh! Tohma, no, don't…I…we can't…do this…Stop…please”
He whispered the last part of his plea almost to softly for Tohma to hear it. A single tear that was created out of confusion, stress, and conflictions between his heart and his morals rolled slowly down Fujisaki's cheek as Tohma ignored Suguru's pleas and wrapped his mouth around the tip of his cousins hard, drooling cock.
[1] Go here [ 01.web.jpg ] for a picture of Tohma's sweet ride ^_~ Man I wish I was a rockstar gazillion ire!
Ah…Yaoi-cest….I know I shouldn't have left it off there, but I really had too! I have to get to school and don't have time to finish it off, but don't worry I will! This one is going to be about four chapters, but I don't know if It will make it that far. I might choose to end it early., o keep going with it. I don't know! I hope you enjoyed it!