Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Runs Thicker Than Water ❯ There's a First Time For Everything... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The four hour trip on the Shinkansen was long and tiring, and when Mika finally walked through the door of her family home, she wanted nothing more then to go to her room and sleep. She had been through quite a lot.
After leaving NG and packing a small suitcase, Mika had headed for the bullet train. She had called her father on the train, letting him know what happened and also to let him know that she was coming to stay. He had assured her that he would take care of her room, so she didn't need to worry about unrolling and airing out a futon for herself when she got home.
“Tatsuha? Father?” She called as she slipped on her usual pair of house slippers and padded down the house towards her bedroom.
There was a muffled call from somewhere in the house, so she knew somebody had heard her. It was most likely her father since it was a Friday night and Tatsuha was usually out.
She placed her Louie Vuitton suitcase on the floor next to her dresser and sank down on her knees to open it. She had packed light, because she hadn't really planned on staying for very long. She wanted to pay her good friend Noriko Ukai a visit while she was still free to go, do and spend (she had Tohma's platinum card) as she pleased. She doubted her husband would actually come to Kyoto to get her so she really had no obligation to stay there.
She also knew for certain that he wouldn't care if she treated herself to some new Versace outfits or a few pairs of Dolce sunglasses on his credit card. She would leave him for sure if he wouldn't at least allow her to take out some of her anger and frustration on his bank account.
There was a light knock on the door just as Mika was braiding her hair for the night.
“Come in,” She said as she twisted and wrapped the pieces of hair over and around one another.
The door to her bedroom slid open and in walked Tatsuha.
“Tatsuha?,” The brunette exclaimed, “What are you doing here on a Friday night? Where`s father?”
Mika was shocked that her little brother was even in the same district as the temple at this time on a weekend night.
“He's sleeping. Didn't dad tell you what happened?” He said with a raised eyebrow, as he nonchalantly walked in and sat down next to his sister on the futon, “He's got me under house arrest this weekend!”
Mika wasn't sure she wanted to know what her brother had done this time to deserve such a punishment, but her curiosity was piqued by the fact that her father had refrained from saying anything to her about it and she simply had to ask.
“Why?' she started slowly, giving the teenager a sideways glance as she tied off her braid and swung it over her shoulder, “ What did you do this time Ta-kun?”
Tatsuha leaned back on his arms and looked up at the ceiling, smiling slightly as if remembering a fond childhood memory.
“I uh…well I should say he caught me making out behind the main house on Wednesday night.”
Mika was sure there was more to the story then that, because if their father had grounded him for every time he had been caught doing that he'd never be allowed to leave the house, weekend or not.
“That's all?” She asked inquisitively as she turned to look at her brother.
“…With another guy.” The black haired teenager said after only a short delay.
“Mhmmm….That would explain every- With a guy!”
Mika couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew her brother had hinted somewhat at being bi-sexual, but she hadn't really taken him seriously.
“You can't be serious Tatsuha! How much did you have to drink that night?”
The young monk rolled to his feet and stood in the door way.
“Actually, to be honest Aneke,[1] I was completely sober! I'm not too sure about him though…. Anyway, it doesn't' really matter, right?” He winked at her and left the room, sliding the door shut behind him.
Mika stared after him in bewilderment. What was her family coming to? She thought one brother was bad enough, but both of them?
She shook her head in disappointment as she changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed.
“Tohm- ahh! No…stop!” Suguru cried as he tried again to push his cousin away from his body, though it was of no use. The blonde just kept going, sucking harder and moving his tongue faster.
Suguru yearningly cried out and once again threaded his fingers through his cousins thick blonde hair, forgetting himself in the pleasure and starting to thrust lightly into the older mans warm, eager mouth.
Never in his young life had he felt anything like what he was experiencing at that very moment.
“Ohh…suck harder…” The young musician whispered shyly, his eyes shut tight with pleasure and mild embarrassment.
Tohma complied and did as he was told, reaching under to caress and fondle the boys balls at the same time.
Fujisaki groaned as he felt a hot, tingling sensation start to grow in his groin. It took his disoriented mind an extra second to realize and recognize the sensation, but suddenly it clicked and he knew what was about to happen.
The blonde looked up just as Suguru's sweet, warm cum started pumping into his waiting mouth in long spurts. To Tohma, there was nothing more beautiful then how his cousin looked at that moment, so deliciously caught up in passions stinging claws.
His gorgeous head tossed back, beautiful green eyes sparkling with distant intensity, the sweet mocking mouth that Tohma dreamed of and loved so much, open in a loose, passionate `o' as a thin sheen of sweat glistened over his naked, hairless chest.
Fujisaki, panting hard with exhaustion, let his head fall against the back of the beige couch, his eyes far away and distant as he let his body go limp against the warm cushions.
Tohma gave the softening cock in his mouth one final suck and swipe from his tongue before pulling away, causing the boy to convulse and moan in delicious agony as his hyper sensitive skin was stimulated.
The blonde chuckled softly at the boys naivety and slowly wiped the sides of his mouth and chin clean with a long slender finger, collecting the cooling mélange of saliva and salty pre-cum that had accumulated there.
He licked his hand and fingers clean and smiled deviously as he crawled up to sit next to Suguru on the sofa.
The slender boy shuddered as his older cousin leaned against him, protectively pulling him close.
Tohma wrapped a loose arm around the boy's bare shoulders and pulled him close, threading his fingers through thick, luxurious green hair as he cooed and whispered gentle praise and soft, sweet nothings into the boy's ear.
Fujisaki couldn't believe what had just happened. Not only had that been his first blowjob, his first sexual and homosexual experience all wrapped into one, but it had all come from his own cousin. These thoughts brought up very complicated feelings and emotions in him and he didn't know what or how to think.
Should he be disgusted? What he had just allowed Tohma to do to him was immoral and wrong in numerous ways, but it had felt so good and right. That was what confused him so much; That he had actually enjoyed and encouraged it. Did that make it his fault?
What would happen to them if his mother and father found out? If anyone found out?
His and Tohma's lives would be over for good. Tohma would go to jail, his family would disown them both and Suguru would be out on his own, totally alone.
The young keyboardist was filled to the brim with questions, concerns, worries, fears and assumptions and didn't know how to answer them or what to do about the conflicting emotions that he was feeling.
Tears started falling and he just wrapped his arms around Tohma and cried.
“Shhh, my Suguru,” The blonde cooed softly as he held his cousin close and patted his head, “ There's no need to cry. Everything's going to be alright. I promise.”
Fujisaki didn't know what to do. One part of his mind was telling him to get up and run; To get up and run as fast as he could away from Tohma and his anguish, but the rest of his brain just wanted to stay, wrapped in that strong, sheltering embrace.
The young musician just couldn't take it anymore. If he couldn't make up his mind for good and be completely happy at the same time, then he was just going to do whatever made him feel best for the moment. His life was far too structured, collaborated. The teenager felt that he owed it to himself to at least attempt to enjoy the inevitable.
Perhaps this was not something to be ashamed of after all.
Fujisaki wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffed, signaling that he was through crying.
“I'm sorry Tohma,” He said softly into his cousins chest.
Tohma was confused, but accepted Suguru's apology.
“It's alright,” He said softly, placing a kiss on top of the boys head, “ You have nothing to apologize for. This … is all my fault.”
Suguru wrapped his arm around his cousin's waist and hooked his fingers into the back of the mans acid washed jeans, which surprised and pleased him to no end.
“Yes…I do,” Suguru insisted, “This is all because of me… Because of me we just…you just…god I'm so confused.”
The keyboardist squeezed his eyes shut and fought back another wave of misplaced tears.
“We'll be in so much trouble if anyone finds out what happened,” He sobbed between gasps, “You'll go to jail and I'll…I don't even know what will happen to me. All because there's this part of my brain that keeps telling me that it`s alright. A part that keeps telling me I love you and that it's okay to love you.”
Tohma was touched. He never knew that his cousins feelings for him ran so deep. He certainly returned them and he had never known that something so wrong could feel so damn right.
“How long have you…felt this way for me, Suguru,” the blonde asked tentatively, stroking the soft green hair between his fingers.
“Well…” Fujisaki started slowly, thinking about how best to say what he really felt, “Ever since I started on with you at NG I guess. I can't really explain why, not even to myself.”
Tohma nodded, as if he understood exactly what his cousin meant.
Other then the fact that he was the most beautiful boy in all of Japan, He wasn't sure what it was about Suguru that attracted him so.
The boy shared his talent and ear for music, was mildly interested in politics just as he was and even possessed the same aggressive streak that Tohma was all to familiar with. They were almost exactly alike and it just didn't make sense to him at all.
Suddenly, a thought donned on him.
`It doesn't have to make sense. It's okay if it doesn't follow the rules, because there are no rules for something forbidden. That's why it's wrong in the first place, Practical rules could not be made for it and so it was set aside as taboo.'
In all his years, nothing had ever rang as true to him as what he had just thought. They could make the rules. It was he and Suguru's game and they could play it how they wanted, let the chips fall where they may. It was totally unexplored territory and they were Lewis and Clark, out together to conquer the new worlds that awaited them.
Tohma was now eager to proceed and test his new found insight, but he needed to know where to start. Like all great journeys, so must theirs begin with one single step.
“Suguru?” The blonde asked as he turned to look his young cousin in the eyes, “ Would it bother you if I asked you a rather personal question?”
The keyboardist sat up and shrugged his shoulders, suddenly realizing that he was getting a bit chilly sitting with his shirt off.
“No,” He said earnestly, shivering slightly as Tohma placed a hand over one of his own, “ What do you want to know?”
The older man took a breath and began.
“ Have you ever had sex with anyone before? With a man or a woman?”
Fujisaki blushed a deep crimson and shyly turned away.
This was something that he was not proud to admit, but he really never had.
“No,” He whispered softly as he continued to avert his gaze and stare at the floor, “ You were…That was the first time anyone ever…touched me.”
Upon hearing this, Tohma found that he better understood what was going through Suguru's mind. For him, that had been the first of a lot of things.
“I see. So…that was your first-”
“Mhmm,” The embarrassed young keyboardist interrupted, not really wanting Tohma to finish his sentence. It being the truth was bad enough, but they didn't need to go around saying it out loud.
“So, I`d be correct in assuming” The older blonde started as he stood up from his place on the couch, “That nobody has ever asked you to come to their bedroom with them before either?”
Fujisaki looked up, bewildered by all the inclinations of what Tohma had just said to him.
He had to think things through, and his cousin needed to know that.
“Tohma, I…I don't know what I want,' He stated softly, once again letting his demurral side take over, “Yes you're right, I've never been asked that before…by anyone…but that doesn't necessarily mean that I…want you to ask me…'
The blonde standing next to him reached out and took hold of his hand, pulling him to his feet.
Tohma leaned in and brushed his lips over Suguru's before trailing them back to his ear.
“How can you know what you want,” He whispered softly as he trailed a hand around to slip into the back side of the boys pants, “ If you've never had any of it before. You don't know how good it can be.”
Fujisaki could see his cousins point, but he also had another side to it that he figured Tohma needed to hear.
“But I also don't know how bad it can be Tohma-kun. I just…I'm nervous. I've never done anything…with anyone…and you're…well you'd be far more experienced then me at…at everything.”
The blonde smiled at his cousins forethought. Of course he wouldn't know what to do.
“I know that, and that is exactly why,” He said as he applied a light squeeze to the boys ass to start him moving forward, “ I am going to be more then happy to teach you.”
[1]Aneke is the same as Aniki. It means Honored Older sister, the same way a Aniki means Honored Older Brother, or Chichuei mean Honorable father. It just shows more respect to whomever you so happen to be speaking to.
See! I told you I'd have another chapter posted right away! I hope this one was a little bit better then the last one, grammar and spelling wise.
It is a little more In-depth mentally, I suppose. I was trying to really dig in and get inside their heads.
Thanks to all those that reviewed chapter one and offered me encouragement and things to correct.^_^
More things to cum in the next chapter! (sorry for the pun, but I HAD too!)