Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Shuichi ( Chapter 1 )
Ryuichi's Love
Chapter #1: Shuichi
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
The room was dark, completely dark. Even when his eyes were open there was nothing he could see, at least nothing physical only imaginary. He had an incredible imagination, that was for sure, and this time though he was so lucky for having it. His eyes were focus on nothing since there wasn't much to look at in the ceiling- especially in the darkness- but in his mind he could see him: the bright pink hair, the slim small body, the white beautiful smile, and the purple shining orbs that capture his attention so badly.
"So beautiful…"
He was putting it all together so he could just see him there beside him and not being alone. Ryuichi loved the energy and enthusiasm he projected, but what he loved the most was his singing voice.
"Enchanting…" He sighed. "Breathtaking."
He played that small moment in his mind again and again, when he and Shindo shared the stage, and loved having company with him while he sung that night. He knew he just simply step there without being asked to, but also noticed that the boy didn't mind, on the contrary, he seemed happy to see him singing his song with him.
"We have to sing together again…will you Shindo-kun? Will you sing with me again…someday?" He closed his eyes sadly thinking that would probably never happen again, but at least his heart was filled with hope to see him soon. "He's an NG artist, so…we can see each other frequently, right? I can always ask Tohma…better not. I don't want him to know." His sadness was stronger than before, so he tried to sleep before depression took over him like many other nights.
Sakuma grabbed his bunny and squeezed it against his chest painfully. As much as he liked to see Kumagorou as his family, deep down in his heart he knew that in reality he was just lonely, completely lonely. "Good night Kuma-chan."
"Good night, Ryu-kun." He played his voice. "I love you."
"I love you too Kuma-chan." He wanted someone to say I love you to him, someone who can love him for who he was inside and not the artist in him. He wanted love, like everyone, he just couldn't find it. He never knew if someone really cared about him or just his fame and money. "I love you." His voice echoed in the emptiness of the room and minutes after his sobs were heard clearly in the silence.
Ryuichi overslept the morning after for having insomnia the night before but now was dressing nicely to go to the studio. "What should I wear, what should I wear what should I wear?" He threw away each piece as he picked them up from his bags without finding something he liked to wear that particular morning. "What do you think about this Kuma, you think Shindo would like?" But he was interrupted with a knock on the door. "Coming!" He ran to the door excited to have a visitor and turned chibi like as he open to greet whoever it was. "K!!" He jumped to grab the tall blond man, but he immediately pushed him away.
"Stop that. What is taking you so long; we have a meeting with Tohma in a few minutes." He lifted an eyebrow when he saw the mess in Ryuichi's room and then frowned. "Having trouble with your wardrobe?"
"I have nothing to wear!" He yelled frustrated. "This is the best I got." He turned around to show K his black jeans, a green and wine colored shirt and a brown jacket. "I need a black jacket, now."
"Let's go, you'll get the jacket later."
"You look fine, besides it's only Tohma- it's not like your singing now."
"I won't go! I need a black jacket." He pouts.
"I'll tell you what you need." Then K pointed his gun to the man's head. "Move!"
"Hai, hai!" But before he left, he took off the brown jacket and wore a black shirt instead.
Both arrived to the building and while they approached it he spotted the one he was wishing to see, but unfortunately he was crying for an unknown reason. 'What's wrong Shu-chan?' Sakuma though sadly when he heard the sobs, and then quickly step beside him to try cheer him up. "What's wrong Shuichi?" He smiled with his sweet boyish smile.
The boy who's being crying looked up when he heard a familiar voice. "Ryuichi?!" Shindo was surprised to see him there and most of all that he even remembered his name. Shuichi felt stupid to be crying in front of his idol, but now had no choice- he already saw him.
"Why you cry? You want something to cheer you up?" The boy nodded. "How about a bunny?" He gave a Kumagorou plushie to him, but still Shuichi was sad. "A Nittle Grasper special video?" Once again Shuichi took it but his face was still sad. "Candies?"
Ryuichi gave him most of the things he had on his pocket and had no idea how to cheer him up. 'This is not working…what does he need? I want to give him what he needs.' He was thoughtful for a few moments and then guessed it was probably something he couldn't give, or maybe he could. "Want to talk?" And finally Shuichi smiled and nodded. "Tell Tohma I'll be late." He ordered K and took Shindo-kun's hand to help him up. "Let's take a walk." He gave another smile to Shuichi and walked away with him.
The young men spend some time talking, more than Ryuichi ever dream to spend with the one who stole his heart with just the first glare, and it made him happy, so happy.
Sakuma-san was more than pleased to know he was able to help his new friend with his trauma, and that he decided to face this new destiny and the new member for Bad Luck.
"Then see you later, take care Shindo-kun." Ryuichi said with a smile and Shindo ran away cheerfully. "At least he seems happy now." It was then when sadness took over him; after Shuichi left he also left a hole in his heart. "Come back." His eyes got wet immediately and freed tears down his beautiful, but sad, face. "I already miss you."
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