Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Broken Heart ( Chapter 2 )
Ryuichi's Love
Chapter #2: Broken Heart
By Kitty-kat =^.^=
There have been several days since the last time Sakuma-san saw the pretty boy with pink hair. Pink…he happens to love that color, it was Kuma-chan's color too. How much he wanted to see Shuichi. How much he wish to talk to him again, like the day in the park, but it hasn't been possible yet.
"Maybe I should really ask Tohma…but I'm not sure."
Ryuichi dressed up and headed to NG just to see if he was lucky enough to find Shu-chan. Kumagorou came along with him, as always, and he was traveling on top of his head making him look even more adorable than the usual.
After he got there he started looking for Bad Luck, if they were there, Shu-chan was too. As he looked around, a few people stopped him to say hi and others to ask for his autograph and he happily sign them blushing slightly as he did. Even when he was extremely famous, Ryuichi haven't lost his innocence and down to earth attitude toward his fans.
"Arigato!" He waved goodbye and then continued searching, until he saw a familiar face- it was Hiroshi. "Konnichiwa!" He smiled and so did Hiro. "Is Shuichi around?"
"Nah, he left already…something about needing to talk to Yuki…"
"Yuki? Yuki Eiri?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah, you know him?"
"Something like that…so, is Shuichi better?" He turned chibi with round cute eyes shining sweetly. "The other day he was…very sad."
"He got over it. Want to have some coffee with me? Suguro is obsessed with the music, Shuichi is obsessed with Yuki and I…I just want some coffee and a cigarette."
"Obsessed with Yuki??" He tried to control his shock and lower his voice. "So, is Shuichi in love with Yuki?" Even when the though hurt him; he needed to ask, to know in what position he was.
"Apparently…what a waste. Shuichi is so cute…I want him all for me." He giggled when he saw Ryuichi's frown. "It's only a joke, you know."
Ryuichi was mute; that news didn't made him happy. So after Hiro confirmed that Shuichi had feeling for the novelist, he just couldn't hear anything else but his heart beating incessantly. "I have to go…see ya Nakano-san!" He played with Kumagorou like he was the one talking to Hiro and then ran away acting like a baby just to hide his pain.
'It can't be…it's not true, Shu-Shuichi is not in love with that guy! He's not in love with anyone; with anyone…he must love me. I want him to love me…please love me Shu-chan…please.'
While he ran down the hallways, his tears begin to roll down endlessly and wasn't able to control them. Ryuichi Sakuma was, once again, broken- shattered.
'Why can't I find love? Why nobody loves me? Why is it so hard to love the man in me?'
He fell down when he bumped into someone and tried to clean his tears before looking up to the face that had his eye nailed on him surely questioning the reason for him to be running like that. When he lifted his face up, a smile waited.
"Tohma!" He felt the warmness on his cheeks- he was embarrassed to be seen crying.
"What's wrong Ryuichi? Did someone stole your Kumagorou, or did someone steal your crayons? Don't worry; I'll get you new ones."
Ryuichi tried to play along and smiled. "Would you, would you buy me new crayons?"
"And a notebook? I want to draw prettiness."
"Prettiness?" He chuckled and Ryu nodded. "Ryuichi…you're so adorable." And then he walked with him to his office. "So…" He sweatdropped when he noticed Ryuichi was now on the floor playing with Kuma-chan and the one stepping in front of him was the doll and not Ryuichi. "Ryuichi, will you stop playing for a moment?"
"Ryuichi is not here; he went to the market to buy me some carrots." He replied with Kuma-chan's voice.
"Will you ever stop avoiding things with your doll? What really happened?"
"Kumagorou got lost and Ryu-chan got upset…but he found me later." Silence surrounded them for a few minutes until he decides to tell. "Then…he found out he already has someone else."
"Who? Who has someone else?"
"Doesn't matter…Ryu-chan came too late into his life- He's already taken."
"So, Kuma, do you think Ryuichi will be ok? Would he talk it out with me?"
"No he won't talk…"
"Would he be alright?"
"Kumagorou is tired, bye, bye!"
After Kumagorou's last words, the door opened slowly and then closed again. "Ryuichi…"
It was only obvious what would happen, Ryuichi will try to forget about him. He always forgets about the ones he fell for- none ever corresponded him. The first time his heart was broken he shielded himself with his boyish personality and had continue to do so through the years to the extreme of almost forgetting what he was like before getting hurt. After that incident he adopted Kumagorou. His precious doll was a gift, a gift he treasured with all his heart. A friend gave it to him, an old friend he had in his teen years- the friend died and the only memory he had was this doll he once gave him.
"Kumagoru…do you think that at my age I could still find love? Maybe I'm just fooling myself."
Ryuichi jumped to his bed and turn on the TV changing from channel to channel without stopping to actually see anything, until an anime showed up.
"You want to see Kuma? Those animated shows are very cute…look that boy looks just like Shu-chan."
His eyes turned sad with only the though of the pink haired boy. The thorn Hiroshi's words nail through his heart was too recent and it was bleeding strongly.
"Shuichi…love me; love me like I love you. I don't know how or why, but I love you."
He kept watching the show and suddenly heard the main character say: "You have to fight for what you want. Things won't come to you, you must go to them."
It got through him, so he immediately sat up smiling. "That's right! I must go to him. I must go find Shu-chan! Then…I'll make him see me and love me. He doesn't know I love him; he doesn't even know me enough to love me…I'm just a fool for giving up so soon."
He quickly ran off to take a bath and dress up nicely and sexily to go seduce and flirt with the boy. Sakuma stepped in front of the mirror and smiled. "Beware Eiri Yuki, here comes Ryuichi sakuma." ^_~ And then he wink to his reflection.