Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Chapter ( Chapter 3 )
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-kat =^.^=
Chapter 3
It was a beautiful afternoon, the birds were singing, the wind was fresh and blowing softly against the brunette's hair while he drove away smiling. He was going to look for his precious one, when he remembered one little detail- he had no idea where he was. He stopped the car suddenly and begins to yell in frustration. "I'm a moron! Kumagorou; why didn't you tell me?!" He started crying desperately thinking on what to do. "I have to see you Shu-chan."
Then, he smiled again. "Ahh! Ha, ha, ha, ha! I know!" Ryuichi quickly looked for his cellular phone and dial his dear friend Tohma.
The blonde saw the number on the screen and answered with smile. "Ryu-kun, what's up? You left something in my office?"
"No." He said seriously. "Can you give me Shindo Shuichi's phone number? I need to contact him."
"What for? And why are you so serious? It's not like the Sakuma I know."
"Just give me the number Seguchi."
Tohma was surprised and since his friend seemed so serious about it, he gave the number away but warned him something before hanging. "He's with Eiri now, you shouldn't call."
"I'm old enough to know what to do, don't you think? But thanks for the advice." He then turns chibi and all smiles. "I love you Tohma!! Arigato!!!!"
Tohma smiled and close the communication. "I knew he couldn't be serious."
After long minutes of thinking he decided to call. It was pretty late already, but not late enough to stop him from calling- so he dialed.
Shuichi was talking and talking and talking to a quiet Yuki when the phone rang and he smiled to the fact that someone remembered him. "Yes?"
"Shu-chan, is that you?" He asked cheerfully.
"Who is this?" He asked a little confused- if he wasn't wrong that voice was… "Sakuma-san??"
"So you do recognize me!" He was extremely happy about that little detail. The boy knew him enough o recognize his voice- even on the phone! "So, what are you doing now? Can we meet somewhere?"
"Meet? You and I?" He couldn't believe it.
"Yes, you and I. I want us to be friends, can we?"
"Friends??" Shuichi's face glowed with emotion and his eyes glittered with excitement. His all time hero was asking HIM to be his friend, him and no one else. It was a dream- a dream. "I-I-I-I.." He was speechless for a second. "Yes! I want us to be friends, I want so much to be your friend, and it was my dream. My entire life dream!"
"You're making me feel old."
"Oh, sorry Sakuma-san. I didn't mean it that way. I don't think you're old. So, where you want us to meet?"
"Where are you- I'll pick you up."
"I…I'm at Eiri Yuki's apartment. Do you know him? Do you know where he lives?"
"I do know him, but don't know where he lives. Just give me the address."
"K!" He did as Sakuma requested and give Yuki's address to the singer, and after hanging up the phone he started searching for something to wear very enthusiastically.
"You're leaving?" The cold voice asked while he lifted a brow and glare over his computer.
"I'm going to see Sakuma-san! He wants to be my friend, can you believe it? MY FRIEND!!" He jumped cheerfully all over the place while Yuki only stare annoyed with his usual upbeat personality.
"I won't be waiting." He coldly replied and the boy stopped jumping.
"Are you jealous Yuki?"
"Please. Why should I be jealous? I really do not care. You can go out with the devil if please."
"Yuki…" His eyes turned sad and then he jumped on the blonde's lap. "I know you'll miss me Yuki, so don't be so cold to me. Yuki is jealous and won't accept it - isn't it Yuki." *rub, rub* "You're jealous because Sakuma-san is very gorgeous and I like him, ke, ke, ke."
"Get out and let go of me! Stupid brat! How dare you jump into conclusions, just because we slept together a few times means something? Don't think so high of yourself."
"Yuki…" His eyes tear with the pain the words of the writer cause him, and then he ran out of the apartment to meet with Ryuichi.
Sakuma turned around here and there and end up in circles until he finally found his way and get to Yuki's apartment but only to find a crying Shuichi. "Shu-chan!" He cried when he saw the tears in his beloved's eyes and then quickly got out of the car to take care of him. "What happened?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does; that's why you're crying. Come on, let's go. Tell me what's wrong." He lead the pink haired boy to his car and helped him seat comfortably, and then they left. "You want to go to a quiet place? I mean, so we can talk and all. You look so sad."
"Is Yuki. Sometimes he's so gentle and some others he's just…so cruel."
"Was this my fault?" he asked shyly.
"NO! Well, he got upset about me going out with you, but he told me he didn't care, but I know he does. He just won't accept it. Sometimes I think he's just using me…just don't know for what."
Shuichi's cheeks turned into a high pink shade and the shook his head. "No, he says I'm a bad lover, so it can't be that."
"He says that? How can he say that?" Shuichi shrugged. "If I were him…I would never hurt you." His hands reached to the pink cheeks of the younger one to caress it softly. Shuichi let him hold his face since it felt so lovely and sweet, especially coming from someone like him.
"I never though you were so sweet. You're always like an overgrown kid."
Sakuma laughed childishly and then hugged Shuichi. "I know, but I can be sweet and serious too."
"And also the coolest!" Shuichi smiled. "You are the best Sakuma-san."
"Just call me Ryuichi." A lovely smile was shared between them and then they headed to an ice cream shop to enjoy some time together without thinking about bad things- only to be happy.
They entered a small shop and started looking at the multiple flavors they had. Both had their eyes shining with excitement and desire for the taste of the delicious looking desert. Shuichi wanted all the flavors and Ryuichi wanted the entire flavors twice, so they end up ordering a huge bowl with most of the flavors available for both of them.
"Yummy!" Shuichi exclaim with a smile. Both sat on a table with their spoons in hands and dig in. "Yum, yum, taste this one, is awesome!" Shuichi extended his spoon to give Ryu-kun a taste of the strawberry ice cream he already tasted and Ryuichi happily accepted it into his mouth. "Good, isn't it?"
"Uh hum." He nodded. "Very good, taste this one!" He also feed Shuichi with his spoon.
"Yum! What is it, chocolate?"
"Rocky Road!"
The two singers spend a long time eating and feeding each other and end up completely messed up. Their faces were filled with colors and very sticky and even their clothes were dirty.
"Look at you!" Ryuichi laughed while pointing at Shuichi's face.
"What about you? You look like a clown!" Ryuichi smiled and started acting like a clown. The younger boy almost pees on his pants for laughing so much with Ryu-kun's craziness and then he joined the guy on his act.
The seller was watching them amused by their personalities and couldn't stop laughing and clapping for the funny act. Even Kumagorou took part of the show and in a few minutes the place was packed with people just to see them perform.
The owner of the shop was happy because thanks to them the place sell a lot of ice creams that day and he enjoyed the work more than ever.
"Hey, Shu-chan, if we fail as singers, we have a career in the circus world." ^_~
"We sure do!" The two 'boys' bow to the audience and then took off quickly before the people started following them. "It's a good thing they didn't recognize us- well, you, he, he."
"Maybe they did."
It was already dark when they reached Ryuichi's car. The place was quiet, the sky was starry and the moon was glowing beautifully. The two singers sat on the top of the car and lay back to glare at the sky since it was so beautiful. The breeze was softly blowing against their hair moving it slowly to the sides. The older man rolled to the side so he could look at his dear Shu-chan's face and then nervously started reaching out for it. His fingers trembled slightly when he reached the small face beside him and the pink haired boy looked to the side when he felt the warmness against his cheek and smiled to him.
"Shu-chan…you are so beautiful."
Shuichi's cheek gave shades of pink all over but he didn't reply at all; he only stares back to the older man beside him. Their eyes never lose contact and Ryuichi got closer to him a little nervous to be rejected, but Shuichi waited and after their faces were closer than before he lift his hand to also hold the other man's face.
"You are very beautiful too Ryu-kun."
For the first time in a long time Sakuma felt really happy, not just imaginary happy, and replied the young man's words with a smile. Moments later their bodies cuddle together in the darkness of the night.
Nittle Grasper's lead singer was shivering with excitement in his heart. Someone was near him; someone he loved was near him and holding him back. His lips were quivering, desiring the touch of the soft lips before him. He lean down slowly and whispered to his ears. "Shuichi…I want you to love me." The boy looked up to his face a little surprised but didn't seem upset about the words he heard. There was a gleam in his eyes telling Ryuichi he wanted be loved too.
Those glitters gave courage to the brunette and finally lean down and pressed his lips with Shuichi's.
A dream comes true. Ryuichi though while his heart raced rapidly with joy and love.
Please review! =^.^=