Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ The Finale! Taking Flight! ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Finale!
Track Twenty
Taking Flight

No one was quite as upset as Tatsuha, for his love was now married to his back-stabbing brother and was therefore unattainable. The scene of Yuki kissing his supposed husband on what was to be his wedding day, was just too much to bare, Tatsuha had long ago left the temple to avoid hearing the repeats of words and Shuichi saying 'I do'. he now sat moping in all of his self-pity along the front steps.

"Aww Tatsu-chan has the gloomies." Ryuichi moaned sadly to his pink bunny he had brought dressed up as well to the wedding with him. Tatsuha sighed, he'd prefer to be alone while sulking but he knew that would be too much to ask of the dark, green haired singer.

"I'm not gloomy." Tatsuha lied to protect what little dignity he had salvaged after being dumped at his own wedding.

"Then why are your eyes like this?" Ryuichi asked, pulling his bottom eyelids down and making a corpse-like expression to imitate Tatsuha's pathetic demeanor.

Tatsuha grunted as he took a look. He truly didn't believe he looked 'that' pathetic, but maybe he did through Ryuichi's eyes. "Forget it. I just feel down is all." He explained grumpily.

Ryuichi quickly stopped his mocking and sat beside Tatsuha. "But why? Aren't you happy Shuichi is happy?" Ryuichi asked. For some strange reason, anyone hanging around Shuichi would have some of his happiness rub off on them no matter how bad they were feeling before hand. The guy just had that effect on people.

"Why should I be happy? He had to cause my sadness for his own happiness...but I guess that just sounds as selfish for him as it does for me." Tatsuha sighed. He cupped his face in his hands, wishing to die after experiencing all of this humiliation.

"But Shuichi didn't mean to. He like Tatsu-chan allot, I like Tatsu-chan allot." Ryuichi explained in his less than mature voice, trying to make a point that wasn't all that helpful. But it had seemed to pull Tatsuha out of the dumps for awhile as he lifted his head and stared surprisingly at Ryuichi.

"What do you mean?" He asked. He recalled their less than safe dancing at the club Beloved, one of the reasons Shuichi had turned to Yuki. But Tatsuha merely thought that was a spur of the moment where they both just loved to dance, plus he was under the influence that it was the only chance he would get to dance with his idol. He had never thought it was simply because Ryuichi had also taken a liking to him.

"Ryuichi loves Tatsuha too!" The giddy male cheered, quickly throwing his arms around Tatsuha's neck and pulling him into a childish embrace. "So no more scary eyes!" He demanded with a soft and sweet chuckle.

Tatsuha had felt pink tinge his cheeks to Ryuichi's declaration. Surely this guy couldn't have just decided he loved him right? It was impossible. Even he didn't believe in love at first sight, though he had heard plenty of stories about it. After a brief moment of hesitation, Tatsuha wrapped his arms around Ryuichi's waist, returning the kind hug. "Well I like you too Ryuichi." Tatsuha assure the hyper-active male. Sure he didn't think it to be love, but he was sure there had always been admiration and feelings for the other, which would in time develop into love. Not that he really knew if Ryuichi actually loved him, with anything the other said, Tatsuha could never take it seriously.

A soft shower of white grain came down upon the happily married couple. Of course Yuki was not as happy as Shuichi to have millions of grains of rice hitting him in the head, but he was still happy none the less. Why shouldn't he be, he had his one true love not to mention an entire week of excuses for not finishing his novel? Surely his editor would understand the sacredness of a relaxing honeymoon. Though he knew Shuichi would not be very pure after he got through with him. After all last time he allowed Shuichi to take him, but this time Yuki would top him. He look forward to taking the treasure not even Tatsuha has managed to touch. As they exited the shrine, Tohma pulled up in Yuki's car in order to drive the couple over to where the reception was being held. Slipping into the back seat beside his lover, Yuki had already latched his eager lips to those of Shuichi.

"Y-yuki...c-can't you wait for this..." Shuichi nearly moaned against the luscious lips pressing to his. For crying out loud, they had a whole honeymoon to do this. And Shuichi didn't want to grow tired of it before then, or ever for that matter.

Yuki smirked and simply twirled his fingers around into Shuichi's beautiful pink locks. "How can you expect me to hold myself back, when you look so tempting?" He teased, his tongue slowly running across Shuichi's bottom lip.

"I'm all for newlywed romance, but we are here you two." Tohma budded in with a soft chuckled. As much as he love seeing Yuki this happy with someone, he rather not be around when things get too heated up, which he was sure would happen.

Yuki glared at Tohma, inner resentment for breaking up their little fun. But he soon gave up on even thinking about just staying in the car to finish and stepped out. Shuichi followed closely behind him. Their presence was announced the moment they walked into the room, and already a chorus clapping and cheering followed as they walked up to the main table in the front of the room. Upon the nicely decorated, white table cloth, was gorgeous silverware of the finest.

After holding the chair out for Shuichi, Yuki sat closely by his new husband. Their most close family and friends sat beside them. It was surprising that Tatsuha had showed up even after what happened and still sat at the main table, unbelievably sitting beside him was Ryuichi. As people waited for the food, they engaged in some idle conversation, usually asking the new couple about personal questions. But some were rather disturbing as well as rude. Shuichi would remember one question from Tohma, asking if the two had considered letting Tatsuha join in on a little newly-wed 'fun'. Shuichi nearly choked at that question, but soon got over it.

Yuki, unlike the rest of the crowd, was not at all entertained by the conversation. He had quite allot of other things on his mind, that he wished to do. But he was sure Shuichi would not be up for it right now, as if that really affected his decisions. Yuki smirked deviously as the food was being brought to them, it was time for a more intriguing distraction than conversation.

"So Mika has told me that you two didn't really get along the first time you met, is it true?" One guest asked amusingly. Just as the man spoke, Yuki was sneakily slipping his hand beneath the table cloth and onto Shuichi's lap. He exchanged a curious glace to the other, as he gently caressed the other's thigh.

Shuichi took a small sip of his water as his eyes darted toward Yuki. He set down the glass and nodded lightly. "Oh first...Now we're just as happy as can be...aren't we Yuki?" He asked with a dangerous stress on the word 'Yuki', though he made sure that only Yuki would hear it. He narrowed his eyes lightly at his husband and gripped his fork, just in case the other was going to try something horrible. 'What are you up to....?' Shuichi mouthed to Yuki, only receiving an evil gleam in response.

"Yep, we couldn't be more happier." Yuki chuckled friendly toward the guest. His hands gallantly rubbing Shuichi's thigh more forcefully. They slipped lower with ease, and settled at Shuichi's crotch. Yuki merely talked with the other guest as if he were not groping the pink haired male as he spoke. Delicately he massaged the sensitive layer of skin through his clothes.

Shuichi nearly choked on the food he had been trying to swallow. He grabbed the napkin and held it to his mouth, looking down immediately. His face was soon a beet red and it felt like his heart would implode on itself. He jerked lightly in his seat and glared at Yuki beside him. What was Yuki trying to do? This was not the time nor the place to be doing such a thing, not that Shuichi didn't like it.

Yuki smiled innocently, though that was disbelieving for even him, "are you okay my dear?" He asked kindly, putting on the most adorable smile he could manage without smirking evilly. His nimble fingers playfully loosened Shuichi's garments and cunningly slipped into the offense fabric. With better access, Yuki steadily caressed the limp flesh, waiting until he could feel it start to harden before he started to actually pump it.

"...I'm feeling a bit under the weather.." The singer managed to speak without growling at his husband. He gripped lightly onto the napkin he held in his hand, pursing his lips close together. He wanted to say with all his might that he detested what this was and what it felt like…but then again...that would have partially been a lie.

"I don't know why that would be." An oh so guilty Yuki replied sweetly. He smirked as he noticed Shuichi's attempts at hiding his emotions, but he wouldn't give him much of a choice soon. He pumped more ferociously at the throbbing member, hopefully making Shuichi plead openly for more. His smile widen as the steady flesh stood upright with hardness.

"...Neither would I." Yuki turned to him with a forced smile. He felt like his face might crack if he tried to smile any longer. "I think, however, everyone might want to leave if they don't want to catch what I have.." He advice. He set his elbow on the table and slid his spoon off until it hit the ground with a clang. "Oh drat...seems that I dropped my spoon. Yuki, help me find it." With that, he slid down underneath the tablecloth and dragged Yuki under with him. "What do you think you're doing!?" He hissed under his breath so that no one could hear them.

"What do you think Shuichi?" Yuki replied calmly in a forced happiness as well. He smirked. "I'm just merely tending to the duties of a husband." He inquired, trying to keep from laughing. "Are you displeased with my efforts. Cause I think Shuichi Jr. would disagree." He chuckled pointing to Shuichi's upright member.

Shuichi scowled deeply and shoved the other back. He climbed on top of him and held his wrists down with all his might. If Yuki was so dead set on humiliating them both with his little stunt, Shuichi would not stop him. "Hmm, I don't know...Why don't you ask him yourself? Maybe your mouth will be happy to since your hand is keen enough to feel it up." Shuichi coed, smirking as he now had the upper hand. "Or are you going to be a good, patient husband and wait for later?" The pink haired male breathed shallowly, making sure that he would not cause any noise that might alarm those still sitting around the table. He was glad it was so dark under there, because he was sure his face was burning up. It was the first time he had ever done anything like this.

Yuki chuckled. "Well since you put it that way...I think I will take you up on your first offer." With a skillful fluidity, Yuki pushed Shuichi onto his back and gently straddled his love as he neared the anticipating muscle. "Do try to keep quiet, unless you want an audience." He teased, bending down and finally taking the entire appendage into his mouth.

Shuichi pursed his lips together and clenched his fists, shuddering from the sudden sensation of it all. Yuki was pleased by the reaction of his audience. He continued more confidently, now that he knew Shuichi was having a hard time keeping his cool. He pulled off from the member and licked it's underside, circling it around as he massaged the sack of flesh beneath it. Taking the whole length in again, he swirled his tongue around it and sucked hard at the needy member. This would be a night he never wanted Shuichi to forget.

And Shuichi wouldn't forget as he swallowed hard, a soft grunt was the only thing that made it past his lips. He breathed slow and carefully. It felt as if his head was spinning around on his shoulders. He felt his heart racing and pounding against his chest, needless to say he yearned for more. Yuki hungrily licked and sucked at the length. His tongue playfully inched into the small slit at the tip of Shuichi's member. But once again he forced the large flesh into his throat and pumped it in and out, coating the muscle with his saliva. He would urgently coax Shuichi into pleading for more.

He yearned to hear his whimpering voice, admitting he enjoyed the demonstration. Shuichi's breath hitched lightly, and he found it hard to catch his breath again. He didn't want to be over powered so easily by something like this, if he could just reach Yuki before he came. He grabbed Yuki by the collar and jerked him away, he sat straight up again and pulled him closer into a kiss, his tongue instantly intruding the other's mouth. "Are you two alright down there? Haven't you found that spoon yet?" One of the guests asked.

Shuichi instantly released Yuki and drew back from the kiss. His cheeks reddened as he knew they had stayed down here for quite some time. He was surprised no one had checked on them yet. More embarrassment showed to his face as he knew that everyone must have had their own suspicion of the incident. Quickly the nervous male, straighten his clothes. Yuki, who was sulking over the interruption, got the hint and knew they would have to return to the surface and face all of those curious faces. But that never fazed him personally since he didn't give a care about what anyone thought. If only some of that over confidence would rub off on Shuichi.

"Yeah, we're fine, we found it." Yuki remarked, sliding back into his chair with the spoon in hand. he wasn't about to make up some lie to secure both of their secrets, and he would just allow the group to remain curious. Shuichi slipped in beside Yuki, of course he hadn't the courage to look anyone he knew personally in the eye after that moment. Surely any one who truly knew Yuki, would have figured it out. And it was obvious to tell that at Tatsuha had put all the pieces together, judging by the hidden glare he gave Yuki every few minutes. Luckily, Ryuichi was there to distract him with his normal child-like exuberance.

After the traditional tossing of the bouquet and guarder, much to Shuichi's dislike of having worn it in the first place, and the cake cutting, the reception had ended without anymore suspicious causalities. And the crowd of guest and family waved them off as they left in the car to start their honeymoon. It wasn't a very long drive to the resort they were staying in at the beach, but it did seem like that to Yuki. They had barely made it up to their rooms with their luggage with Yuki always groping and kissing Shuichi every chance he got. He even scared all of the people out of the elevator, which didn't other Shuichi too much.

Once in the room, Shuichi was already looking for the best way to rest after such a stressful and exciting day. There was no other place better for such a job than the large Jacuzzi just outside of their suite on the balcony. Shuichi hurriedly jumped into his swim trunks after what seemed forever of getting out of his wedding attire and stepped into the refreshingly hot water. Yuki, having seen his love prepare for the occasion, also changed and walked out to meet Shuichi.

"I'm surprised to find you somewhere hot after what I did. Then again I never favored cold showers myself." He smirked and slid into the water, immediately gliding over to his love. "I always prefer to quench my inner excitement." The golden lights of his deep-set eyes flickered hot with arousal as he drank in the beautiful sight of his lover, wet and breathing heavily from the water's steam. "Would you consider now a better time to tend to my husband's needs?" Yuki asked huskily with his most breath-taking smirk. It scream sultry deviance.

Shuichi smiled adorningly and nodded. "I couldn't choose any better time." He chuckled and stood up to face Yuki completely. "But I do think it would be in the resorts best interest if we did this somewhere else." He pointed out, after it would be very troublesome having to drain the water, clean the Jacuzzi and fill it again. But Shuichi's suggestion seemed to go unnoticed as Yuki slipped his arms around he other's slender form.

"I don't think they will mind just this once." With that said Yuki grasped a fleshy cheek in each hand beneath the confines of Shuichi's trunks. His hips then began a strong, slow grind as his lips clung to Shuichi's beautifully crafted mouth. Instinctively, Shuichi mimicked Yuki's movements, swaying his naked pelvis gently and insistently against Yuki's raw groin. It was then he realized, Yuki was very much already naked, how did he do that? Unless he never came in with close to begin with. It only assured Shuichi more of Yuki's urgency of this moment.

Yuki pushed his tongue between Shuichi's wet lips which parted to receive his most definite plundering. Yuki skillfully alternated sucking the breath out of Shuichi with one kiss alone and caressing his well-developed rear with impatient hands. His tongue ran over every soft and hard recess of Shuichi's mouth, having remembered this fabulous cavern since their first French kiss. Shuichi's tongue extended to playfully mingle with Yuki's, though not so much going into a battle for dominance when he already knew Yuki would win.

Surprisingly Yuki was the one to break the kiss, his head leaning to Shuichi's ear. "Tell me you need me," He demanded in a whisper. His hot breath in a pant, graciously rose the hairs of Shuichi's neck as it brushed on him. A delightful shiver went through him from just how incredibly sexy Yuki sounded at that moment. He couldn't picture being this happy with anyone else at the moment, not even Tatsuha.

"I will always need you Yuki, I love you." Shuichi breathed rapturously into his ear, running his hands across the hard flesh of Yuki's back, feeling the taunt form heated with desire. Yuki smiled, an actual true smile, and his fingers gripped the waist band of Shuichi's suit and lightly tugged downward on them. Shuichi's breath hitched as he was suddenly forced back into the seat on the side of the Jacuzzi as Yuki remove his clothing. "Do you need me? Do you love me?" Shuichi asked hesitantly, though he knew the answer, he would rather have heard it from Yuki's lips.

Those heart-stopping golden eyes looked at Shuichi with such reverence and admiration, Shuichi had nearly thought it to be impossible for such a look to come from Yuki. Shuichi's heart skipped a beat; watching Yuki's thick lashes drift over his eyes with his lips now to his face, his breath tangled in his lungs. Wrapping an arm around Shuichi's waist, a hand behind his head, Yuki's lush lips melted into the welcoming softness of the other's mouth. He pulled their bodies closer, molding them together, as he slowly spread Shuichi's legs, placing them around his hips.

And most slowly his arousal brushed dangerously close to Shuichi's opening. But not all before his fingers left the other's waist and had a chance to play at the entrance. Shuichi's stomach heaved as he felt a finger slip pass the guarding walls of his entrance. Shuichi finally had the chance to gasp as Yuki pulled away from their intense kiss. "I need you more than anything..." Yuki hummed erotically, slipping in another finger and egging a soft grunt from his lover. "And I will always love you Shuichi..." He coed tenderly, having given Shuichi time to adjust to the first two fingers, he forced in the third. Beautiful amethyst eyes were held beneath tightly closed lids, as Shuichi's grip around Yuki became immense. "Shall I show you just how much I love you?" Yuki asked, his voice producing a liquid fire in Shuichi, unlike any before as the writhing male nodded.

Shuichi arched his back frantically and breathed deeply, a yell welling up in him as the fully erect length intruded. His little nails clung into Yuki's back, causing soft red marks to form beneath his fingers. He was grateful for the water providing them its own lubricate, but the heat of the water had only made the moment more intense and nearly unbearable with its build up.

Yuki wedged his thighs between Shuichi's shapely, sweat and water-slicked legs as he began slow, measured strokes inside him. "Y-yuki!" Shuichi moaned, his hips starting to roll upward to meet Yuki's slow yet quickening thrust, matching their rhythm. Yuki only half chuckled, hearing his lovers blissful pleas. He worked his way more frequently into Shuichi's tight passage, grunting hypnotically. "" His lover mewled in pleasure as he began a search for the one spot that would bring Shuichi and himself over the edge.

With Yuki's expert thrusting, Shuichi was soon brought out into full screams, panting between the other's name. As much noise as they were making, no wonder no one got any sleep tonight. "Y-yuki...oh god...I-I..." Shuichi imploded as his a bundle of nerves was finally hit within him. He cried loudly in ecstasy as the sensation continued to soar, his walls tightening roughly around Yuki's member, causing the blonde to erupt into his own groaning as it became harder to thrust with the same speed and fluidity. Both their pleasure built higher and high until in shattering cataclysmic oblivion, they came.

The End

A/N: I know everyone, I'm so sad the fic has finally ended. Though I'm happy to have so many loyal readers and fans. I look forward to reviews^_^ if maybe I get enough, I may consider writing a sequel or just another Gravitation fic all together. Though I already planning to do some new fics as well. I hope I can start on a SetoxJoey fic(Yugio), WolfwoodxVash(Trigun) and maybe a SoubixRistuka(Loveless) fic. If vote on which one you think I should do next! See ya next time!