Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Deep Dive ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Track Nineteen
Deep Dive

"Yuki you jerk." A horse voice roared with a flash of sorrow and anger. The normally perky and enthusiastic pink haired singer was now sadly consulting his own tears. He had stay in the far off corner of the room, pathetically cradling himself with a thick blanket. But after the first hour of crying and sulking, Hiro and Suguru were starting to get annoyed by his everlasting pity party.

"Shuichi! Just forget the ass! So what if he's not coming to the wedding, at least Tatsuha will be there!" Hiro exclaimed, his patience quickly growing thin with each passing moment. He was reluctant to letting Shuichi spend the night at his house since he was not suppose to stay the night with his groom, now that he was all mope.

"Hiro, you must bbe considerate of Shuichi's condition." Suguru calmly announced, patting the other band mate on the back,

"You act like he's sick when he's just being a baby." Hiro groaned, rubbing the back of his head as he watched his best friend wallow in his own tears. "I thought you didn't like Yuki?" Hiro questioned, hoping to draw Shuichi out of his fit long enough to answer him.

Sniffling slightly, Shuichi looked back up to Hiro with distant eyes. "I don't." He mumbled softly in his defense, though he knew know one would believe him anyway. "I just wanted him to care." Wiping his watery eyes, Shuichi pulled the blanket more tightly around him. " I want him to at least be mad that me and Tatsuha are getting married. Then..." He hesitated in his mornful thoughts. "I would know he felt something if anything at all about me."

Feeling guilty for his previous statements, Hiro sat beside Shuichi. He wrapped his arm lazily around the other's shoulder. "I may not know this Yuki guy very well, but I would say he is pretty pissed that you ditched him. Any guy would be lucky to have you." He comforted, though he was aware of a slightly aggressive look he was getting from Suguru. Since Shuichi was so depressed, Suguru would let the statement pass just this once.

"I guess you are right Hiro." Shuichi muttered, looking back down to his toes. Curling and uncurling them, he finally sighed. He could no longer deny he still and had always had feelings for Yuki. But were those feelings truly stronger than those he had for Tatsuha.

"Alright little buddy, I think it's best you get some sleep now. You have a big day ahead of you." Hiro reminded him. And without warning he lifted the calmed boy and sat him along the couch. "And no more crying. You don't want puffy, red eyes tomorrow, do you?" Shuichi timidly shook his head and with that Suguru and Hiro both left the room.


The day started off very promising. So far all the guest that had been invited had arrived on time and were now seat outside in the court yard of the Uesugi Shrine. It baffled many personal friends of the family as to why the father agreed to have the wedding here when he was already so strict and controlling of his children. But they were all still happy to have such an occasion approved by him.

White flowers lined various places in the yard, along with brightly colored ribbons. And nearly all the seats had been filled because of both groom's popularity. But only one familiar face had been absent in Shuichi's keen check of quest as he stared out of his dressing room's window. He had been watching intently as many guest came to sit down, but none with the noticeable blonde hair and cold glare. It sadden him more that maybe Yuki had been telling the truth when he said he could not come. Though all hopes seemed lost as the last of the seats were quickly being filled up, Shuichi managed to hold onto his last strand of faith. Maybe Yuki would arrive late on purpose just to annoy him, or he might be hiding cunningly among the crowd.

"Don't kid yourself." Shuichi sighed to himself. Thinking of such lies only disappointed him more as he realized there was not going to be any surprise arrivals.

Fully dressed in his traditional wedding Uchikake Kimono, Shuichi headed for the door. He awaits the song to signal his entrance, and gracefully headed down the long aisles. But as he had left the doors and pasted by the first row of seats, he noticed the breath-taking golden eyes. His head turned slightly to see completely if his mind had merely been playing a trick on him, but no. It had been Yuki sitting in the last row, his arms crossed defiantly. And their eyes immediately connected, drawing Shuichi's fears away. He smiled warmly, though he had only received a gentlemen's nod in return. He was thrilled Yuki had decided to show. Even if his reasons were to make fun of him if he tripped over the long tail of his kimono and landed face first on the ground, or something of the sort. No matter what the reason, he was happy Yuki had come. Because it meant...he cared.

Unfortunately, Shuichi wasn't the only one to notice Yuki's startling arrival, but a furious black haired groom as well. He was in denial that such thing could be happening. It was obvious his older brother would try to stop the wedding. Tatsuha made sure to stay on guard as his future husband approached the alter.

The wedding progressed as expected and yet unexpectedly, since Yuki had yet to make a rude comment. He merely glared with resentful eyes toward the two. Probably plotting a cruel way to destroy his brother and make his life a living hell. Soon the most dreaded part of the whole ceremony was among them. The death defying question of 'If anyone knows a reason why these tow should not be married, state now or forever hold you silence' arrived. The crowd sat in their suspicious silence after the minister had asked that question.

More than a couple of eyes directed to the young writer sitting in the back. Hiro and Suguru both, standing in the front as best men, looked toward Yuki expectedly. Mika, angry as she was for being asked to be a bride's/groom's maid, also anticipated Yuki's objection. And nothing but silence lingered.

Shuichi and Tatsuha stared from the corner of their eyes, wondering why Yuki had yet to say anything. The blonde man just sat there like all the other guest, his arms still crossed, and a evil smirk now formed on his lips. Evidently he knew such an answer was expected of him, yet it was like he would not mention it because he knew that is what everyone anticipated. He was remaining quiet in a cruel oath of finally deciding not to bud in.

The minister continued as their was no words administered. Shuichi bowed his head, weeping sorrowfully in his head. He was in shock; Yuki didn't really care! He had only come to shove it in his face how Shuichi was so miserable without him. How the boy longed for his approval and love every moment of his life. How he was truly making the biggest mistake in his entire life!

Just as Tatsuha was directed to say his final words in accepting the bonds, Shuichi looked back to him worriedly. The minister turned to Shuichi and requested the boy quote his acceptance: "I Shuichi Shindo take thee Tatsuha Uesugi to be thy lawful wedded husband."

Again there was silence as everyone anticipated Shuichi's restatement, but there was none given. "I can't." He murmured sadly, his voice low with embarrassment. Tatsuha stiffened as he was the only one who heard Shuichi's declaration. "I'm sorry Tatsuha..." He whimpered. And before the raven haired groom had a chance to comment, Shuichi trotted away from him. He walked quickly back down the aisles, a wave of astonished eyes following him. Shuichi stopped right in front of Yuki, solemnly hating himself for being such an idiot and prolonging this moment.

Golden eyes stared and ostracized Shuichi as Yuki stood up. In shame his pink head fell and there was only mournful confession. "I-I love you Yuki..." Shuichi finally had enough courage to say. "I love you...even if you hate me. I don't care if you think I'm an idiot or a brat, selfish and annoying. Because if I can just be around you, I can be happy." Soft purple eyes looked hopefully at Yuki. "Even if you hurt me, I want to be with you."

Hiro was throwing a wild party in his mind at this very moment and Suguru was quietly accepting this as the right thing. But Tatsuha was enraged and marched over to the two. He hadn't the time to yell at Yuki, before his brother spoke first. "I'm sorry Tatsuha." Yuki smirked uncaringly. "I stole your love on your wedding day." Tatsuha would be satisfied if he could punch Yuki's face in, but the other had merely ignored his reaction and turned back to Shuichi. "Do you think you've made the right decision?"

"I don't care, as long as I can be with you for the rest of my life." Shuichi stated seriously, a determined look in his eyes. "Will you allow me to?"

Shuichi only sees a devious smirk widen before he instinctively closes his eyes as he is greeted with a delicate kiss. Yuki's lips were just as he remembered them; warm and full of the flaming love he possessed for him. A comforting hand cups his cheeks as the kiss lingered for a moment longer. Then finally the blonde parts and leans closer to Shuichi's ear. "See I always get what I wan." Yuki chuckled smugly.

"Then I belong to you?" Shuichi asked.

Yuki nodded, finally smiling. "If you will marry me." Delighted with the offer, Shuichi allows Yuki to lead him back to the alter. The ceremony proceed without much interruption though Tatsuha was angrily foaming in the corner.

Mika was also sulking in the corner complaining. "Now Yuki wants to settle down. And all the times I tell him to, it means nothing. The nerve of that guy."

When they had kissed to seal the marriage, Shuichi had regretfully reproached Tatsuha. "I hope you can forgive me. I lead you to believe I loved you." He replied remorsefully.

"I forgive you Shuichi, but I doubt I can ever for give you bro." Tatsuha retorted viciously as his brother joined them. But regardless of his statement he reached out his hand and shook Yuki's. "Congratulations on winning the best prize." He spat.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Wow, I'm almost done with the fic, only one more chapter to go,lol. Well that is unless any fans want to offer some ideas as on how to keep the fic going. And I know I was super late on updating, but at least you can wait for the next chapter, happy that you know Shuichi and Yuki are finally together. So see ya next time, and pm me if you have any ideas^_-