Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ When In Doubt ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Track Eighteen
When In Doubt

Despite the apartment being a gruesome place and depressingly dark since a certain pink haired lover stopped coming over, it still possessed a few warming qualities. Qualities which Yuki wished it hadn't. A drown buzzing sound and an annoying cheerful chirping sound rudely drew Yuki from his sleep that morning. He groggily moaned and turned his head to the side with much frustration. He was still extremely tired from not getting much sleep due to his constant worrying about Shuichi. He lifted one golden eye and spotted the source of the destructive noise. Bees happily collecting their spring nectar and birds cheerfully building their homes just outside the window. He wiggled his weak arm from beneath the blanket and quickly stopped the irritating sound by tossing an unused pillow at the closed window, startling the creatures and scaring them away. He yawned loudly and cuddled closer to the empty side of the bed, with only the pillows to comfort him, and fell silently back to sleep. But such bliss can only last so long.

“EIRI!” Mika’s horrendous voice roared from the door of Yuki’s apartment. Reluctantly, Yuki crawled from his bed and stumbled to the front room to open the door.

“Why not try knocking next time?!” Yuki arrogantly muttered, slightly drawing the door open a crack. “Now what the hell do you want?” He gave the young brunet a fearsome glare, but relented its intensity when he noticed Tohma was also at the door.

Not waiting for Yuki to invite her in, Mika rudely pushed her way through. Tohma nervously looked at Yuki’s snarling expression for her doing so and followed timidly in. “This is all your fault Eiri!” She accused throwing her hands in the air wildly and sighing frustratingly.

A blonde eye brow lifted to this remark as two arms crossed tightly around Yuki’s lean figure. “Oh, really? Mind telling what exactly is my fault for you can get the hell out of my home.” He added, gradually losing his temper with her.

“It’s a tragedy, a conspiracy, a premonition of the end of the world!” Mika exaggerated loudly, collapsing onto Yuki’s couch. Tohma realized long before Mika did, that Yuki didn’t fancy her beating around the bush.

“Mika is upset about what happened involving Tatsuha-san.” Suguchi added in knowingly.

At the mention of Tatsuha’s named, Tohma had managed to grab Yuki’s attention. “What happened?!” He urged his sister, more seeing her visit as more importance. Anything that dealt with Tatsuha, would surely effect Shuichi in the long run.

Mika looked desperately at her younger brother, tears quickly forming at the corner of her eyes. Surprisingly, Yuki rushed to her side, grasping her shoulders and shaking her wildly. “Tell me what happened Mika, damn it!” He demanded, anger and worry mixing into one as the thought of Shuichi being somehow hurt because of all this.

Then the uncontrollable tears came, and Mika and she clasped her hands over her face. “Because of your stupid queer ways! Tatsuha proposed to a fucking boy! And the ass accepted!” Yuki’s eyes dilated and his heart nearly stopped at the news. He had prepared himself for the worst, but this was just unexpected. “You managed to corrupt or little brother into becoming a gay, Eiri! I hate you!” She wailed uncharitably. Tohma simply smirked embarrassingly and shook his head. It was unlike his wife to lose her cool, but as circumstances have it, this would be the only time.

“I have to give Mr. Shindo his props, Eiri.” Tohma replied coolly. “I didn’t think the kid had it in him to accept Tatsuha’s gracious offer of marriage when it is obvious you two are destined.” He giggled softly at Yuki’s unusually pale face.

“Don’t complement him, Tohma!” Mika yelled, rushing to her feet. “He needs no praise for what he’s done! Now we have to queers in the family, neither which father will favor!” She retorted, drawing Yuki from his daze.

“Get out!” Yuki finally got enough sense to say. Both his guest looked questionably at him in surprise. “Get out of my house, now!” He demanded. He needn’t be reminded of how their father was disapproving of such a marriage and how Shuichi would be his if not for this large speed bump along the way. Without much convincing, Tohma and Mika left.

“Damn it, Tatsuha!” Yuki hollered loudly, slamming his fist onto the coffee table before him once the two visitor had left. “What are you up to?” He growled. Now what chance did he stand getting Shuichi back, when the ass was engaged to his younger brother. It took all of Yuki’s strength not to run out the door in his pajamas might I add, and seek and destroy Tatsuha.

“How about this one?”

Hopeful purple eyes averted to the referred piece of jewelry in Tatsuha’s palm. Suddenly finding this piece more enchanting then the rest. “It’s beautiful, Tatsuha!” Shuichi exclaimed, examining the gloriously shining amethysts ring.

“I think it matches your eyes wonderfully.” Tatsuha charmed with smile. Shuichi blushed momentarily and rushed into an embrace with his future husband. Kissing the delicate lips before him, he giggled.

“Thanks allot Tatsuha!” He nearly squealed as Tatsuha informed the clerk of which rings they would be buying. “I’m so excited!”

Tatsuha laughed at Shuichi’s normal perkiness, it was so refreshing as well as amusing. “Well you will just have to be patient for a couple of more days.” He smirked. “I can barely contain myself either, when I will have you all to myself soon.”

A cold golden glare was directed to the two love birds from around the corner as the couple left the jewelry store. Yuki was most displeased with Tatsuha being so vulgarly familiar with Shuichi in public, it sickened him. His love at the arm of his much despised brother as they traveled to their take store; the bakery. He would have to find some way to get Shuichi away from Tatsuha for they could talk, but the pink-haired boy seemed to be so clingy to him. After an hour of watching the two fuss over which flavor the cake should be; coming to Shuichi’s idea of strawberry shortcake, the two left for another store. Yuki still followed closely but sneakily behind the two.

“Tatsuha, how did you ever convince your father to let us be married?” Shuichi asked shyly, swaying their shopping bags back and forth as they walked.

Tatsuha’s eyes move shiftily to the ground. “He was rather reluctant to agreeing, but I insisted it or I would disown myself from the family. Being that bro has already isolated himself from the family, he didn’t want to take chances losing another heir to the shrine.” Shuichi stiffed at hearing Yuki’s name, maybe he should thank the other. If not for Yuki’s rebellion against the family, their father would have never let Tatsuha marry.

“Is that why we are having a traditional wedding? Because your family works at a shrine?” He asked timidly, his eyes glazed over with curiosity.

Tatsuha smirked, seeing as how Shuichi had left himself opened for another crude remark. “That…and-I didn’t want to have to see you in a modern wedding dress, when you look so terrible as a girl.” He laughed when Shuichi flared in anger.

“Hey! That’s not funny! That was a one time thing and Hiro made me do it, so why bring it up all the time?!” He yelled, red flashing brightly on his cheeks as Tatsuha had to hold his stomach in laughter.

“But that one incident was the thing that brought us together, was it not?” He snickered, pulling Shuichi closer by the waist. “Therefore it is important to reestablish. Plus, I really wanted to see you in a kimono." He teased, tapping the boy lightly on the nose with his index finger. "Is that a crime?" Shuichi bashfully shook his head and gave a weak smile. "Now I have under arrangements to plan, why don't you get your friends to help you pick out an Uchikake." Tatsuha suggested before regrettably leaving his love's side.

"Now tell me exactly why you've brought us over here, Shuichi?" Hiro replied stubbornly, crossing his arms as he leaned heavily against the door to Shuichi's dressing room.

Suguru suppressed a soft laugh and smiled. "Because it is tradition that a groom not see his bride in the dress before the wedding. It is bad luck, Hiroshi." He explained friendly, knowing that Shuichi didn't quit feel like dealing with Hiro's attitude today.

"I don't see why you bother, the marriage is already headed for a crash course ending in pain and misery." He remarked with a smirk, causing Shuichi to come charging out of the dressing room in just his Hadajuban.

"Hiro, I'm serious! You are suppose to be my best friend! Why are you making fun of Tatsuha?" Shuichi nearly wailed in sorrow at his friend's cruel nature. "I even want you to be my best mad, because I can trust you with anything." His voice started to crack with fear that Hiro would never accept this engagedment and would forever be angry with Shuichi.

"Calm down Shu-chan, I'm just pissed you'd rather marry this Tatsuha guy than the person you actually love." He grunted, avoiding Shuichi's glistening eyes. "Now don't just stand here in Kimono under garments."

Shuichi nodded reluctantly and walked back into the changing room, still sadden by Hiro's remark. "I do love him, Hiro." He tried to sound as reassuring as possible, but it was hard when he knew there was less truth in that statement than any other he had ever claimed. Slipping on each sleeve of the elegant, silk, white Uchikake Kimono, Shuichi headed back out to see if the others liked it. But as suspected, Shuichi was not the most graceful person there is, and the naturally long attire only helped prove more to that fact. Not having token barely a step outside of his dressing room, Shuichi was already tumbling over the long fabric. Luckily, just before his face collided with the hard floor, two strong arms had caught him. In a flash, Shuichi was back on his feet, being held up graciously by those two warm hands.

"Somehow you manage to insult this beautiful piece of art with your clumsy feet." Retorted a intimidating voice. Shuichi's head shot up at hearing the familiar tone. His once wide eyes dilated upon seeing the cold gaze directed to him from such a serious face.

"Y-Yuki..." He stutter nervously, he felt he would collapse if not for the two arms sustaining him. A overwhelming woozy feeling convinced him this was no dream, but the cruel reality of karma ready to taunt him.

"So where's the ass that asked for your hand?" Yuki grumbled fiercely. It took awhile for Shuichi to shake off his shock.

"You mean Tatsuha?" He replied embarrassingly.

"Who else would I be talking about? Damn, you are just as dense as ever, Shuichi." Yuki remarked, smirking. "But I must say, seeing you in this Uchikake is rather amusing and perhaps...adorable." A coy smile graced Yuki's lips as he saw the once beloved red come over Shuichi's face. It was much a joy to faze the other and embarrass him.

Shuichi was rather pleased when Yuki actually complemented him, even though it came directly after a hated tease. It was still a complement. But what he heard next from the blonde, broke his heart unsuspectingly.

"I guess I'm happy for the ass, he has you after all." Yuki added with a slight hurt tone in his voice.

But not quit as hurt as Shuichi was right now. Yuki was happy for Tatsuha?! His little brother had stolen his love and he was happy for him?! What the hell is wrong with him?! Has the whole fucking world gone mad?! Shuichi thought in a panic. Despite him not wanting to attempt it, Shuichi wanted Yuki to be mad. If he was disapproving of this marriage, than he would finally know if the other truly cared about him. If Yuki truly loved him like he said he did, then he wouldn't be so approving of this.

"You jerk..." Shuichi mutter under breath. He roughly forced himself from Yuki's grasp and pushed the other back. Not wanting to show his anger when he hasn't seen Yuki in such a long time, Shuichi changed the subject. "Are you coming to the wedding?" He anticipated this response the most.

"Why should I?" Yuki nearly snarled, having felt rejected by Shuichi's haste action.

"Because its good to support family!" Shuichi exclaimed, realizing the answers were so simple even Yuki should be able to see them. "And! And-" Shuichi was easily fazed by Yuki's stupidity that he let his guard down easily. "I want you to be there!" He blurted out.

Not only had Shuichi's eyes widen at his confession, but those of the cold, supposedly heartless writer as well. That stated was the nearness thing to saying he stilled love Yuki, regardless of his agreement with Tatsuha.

"Umm...I'll think about it..." Yuki mumbled surprisingly low. He looked over Shuichi once more, truth was he didn't want to have to see Shuichi dressed like this for Tatsuha.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" A voice boomed as he entered the store.

"Speak of the devil." Yuki murmured under breath. Tatsuha stomped into the department store with fury ablaze in his eyes. Nothing could be worse than seeing your soon to be husband talking with the one he would most doubtingly leave you for.

"I don't want you at the wedding!" He yelled, quickly jerking Shuichi away from the other and throwing his arms protectively around him. "You've cause enough trouble already, I don't need you ruining our big day, understood?!"

Yuki gave Tatsuha a daggered glare before barking, "I wasn't going anyway. I have a deadline due then. So you two can have fun without out me." He sneered before heading for the exit.

Shuichi, still caught in astonishment over Yuki's statement, nearly cried. Was it true Yuki was just toying with him when he said he would think about it. Maybe the blonde truly didn't care about him at all. Maybe this was all a sick joke just to tease him over having fallen for him. Maybe it was pity for the fool, that had lead Yuki to give such confident words. Maybe Shuichi was just being played on both teams and without realizing it he was blindly allowing them to trick him. Maybe, just maybe...Yuki never loved him.

A/N: Why do I keep doing this? I didn't mean to take so long, I really am sorry. I just get distracted and caught up in things that pull me away from writing. I'll try my very hardest to post the next chapter soon! Thanks to all you for waiting and reviewing, I truly do appreciate it!