Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ The Decision was made/First (New) Tenant ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: The Decision was made/First (New) Tenant



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

The week has passed, and the changes were made. The new leases were signed, reluctantly by the girls. They knew they didn't have much of a choice. Keitaro also took the extra step to send a certified letter to the parents (save for Kitsune) notifying them of the changes. He did field phone calls from the parents, and was able to answer. He also was on pins and needles. He was still waiting for the arrival of Kanako. His relationship with her is rocky at best...and is in trouble at worst. Su was called away to Molmol for part of the summer break. Amalla couldn't risk having Su getting into trouble...and can't get out of it. As for the police in this particular district...Sakurai did have to make a call to the Security Bureau and have them investigate the Hinata division. She had heard stories that the cops there let the girls run wild...and that was just beyond bad. Keitaro was snapped to attention when a young guy walked in, with is rather attractive mother.

"Hello," he started, "is the manager in?"

"I'm here," Keitaro spoke up. "Welcome to the Hinata Inn."

"Oh, Mrs. Sakurai recommended this place to us," he answered.

"I met her just a week ago, she's not the one to be fooled around with," Keitaro said off-handed.

"You're right, she the director of my school," he noted.

"What's your name anyway?" Keitaro asked.

"I'm Kunio Murai, and this is my mother Julia," he answered.

"It's nice to meet you," Julia said smiling, and shaking his hand.

"Please, do you both want any refreshments?" Keitaro asked, being a good host.

"Do you have any tea?" Julia asked.

"I do," Keitaro said.

"Thank you," Julia said.

"I know this is a tough transition to a co-ed dorm," Keitaro said. "I do hope that Kunio is happy here."

Julia smiled. She knew Keitaro was doing his best. She did unconsciously go to the automatic tea brewer. Keitaro was very surprised. He has had trouble with it before. She did teach him how to use it. It was very quick and easy. After, Keitaro served the tea, and snacks. He also got the lease papers ready.

"So this was an all-girls' dorm huh?" Kunio asked.

"Yeah," Keitaro frowned, "though some are strong-willed, and other are pranksters..."

"That doesn't sound good," Julia said.

"I'll deal with it," Kunio said.

"Well, here is the lease, and the payment schedule," he said.

"That won't be a problem," Julia said. "I have saved up a lot of money."

"The rent can be adjusted if you wish it to be," Keitaro offered.

"Well, thank you," she said. "Do you have a rules sheet?"

"I do," he said handing two copies over.

"They're reasonable," Kunio said. "I hope you do have a cell phone...because I might tend to be late some days because of school."

"I had better get one," Keitaro noted.

"Here's my cell phone number," Kunio said. "You can reach me there."

The three exchanged numbers, as things were read over. Haruka came by. Keitaro had introduced them. She noticed how young Julia was! In her mind, she was quite young. That also got Keitaro's attention. He didn't want to bring it up so he didn't seem rude. However, it did slip out.

"You really are a young mother," Keitaro said. He groaned realizing exactly what happened.

"Oh, that's nothing," Kunio said, "she is quite young, though you'll have to ask her about that in the future."

"I-I mean exactly how old is she?" Keitaro asked.

"My mom's 27," Kunio answered.

"Oh, don't be surprised!" Julia said smiling. Though...she knew she'd have to tell Keitaro the truth eventually.

"Well, in either case, I need you both to sign your lease," Keitaro said getting his bearings back.

Julia looked over the lease, and she was satisfied. She signed and had Kunio sign his part. After, he was taken to his room. It was very sparse...Julia frowned. Thankfully, she had he next day off so she could help him move in. She turned to Keitaro and she paid the security deposit, and the first, and last month's rent. Keitaro did accept, and he gave her a receipt for the payment. From there, Julia noticed Kitsune lurking around.

"Is she a school girl?" Julia asked.

"Nah...she's a freelance writer," Keitaro answered.

"Well...I've not seen many of her works..." Julia remarked.

Kitsune slinked away and decided to get to work on something...because she couldn't scam her way out of rent...and she needed to get paid. She also knew she had to start working at the tea shop for the time being. Still, she smiled. She knew she wasn't going to be able to mess with Kunio...or Keitaro for that matter. Keitaro looked to Julia and he made arrangements to help him move some of his stuff in. Julia also asked about internet connection. Keitaro sighed smiling. He knew tomorrow would be the day the Hinata would be hooked up for broadband access. From there, Keitaro had Kunio stay in a spare room.

"Get settled," Keitaro said.

"Do you need help with chores?" Kunio offered.

"I do need help in the springs," Keitaro started.

"Well...I'll have to be the look out if you have a do not enter sign up," Kunio offered.

He and Keitaro went to the springs. Kunio was there as the look out. Sure as rain, something was going down. Motoko and Naru wanted to use the springs. Kunio wasn't going to budge at all. They tried to accost him, but he just stood there. They were getting upset, as Kunio decided to call for Keitaro. He would never harm a woman, for any reason. Keitaro came out, and he knew there was going to be trouble. He sighed, and he came out.

"Kunio what's the matter?" Keitaro asked.

"These two want to enter while cleaning is in progress...something they seem to ignore," he noted.

"Nobody asked you!" Naru hissed.

"Who said you could come here anyway?" Motoko demanded.

"My mother..." Kunio started, "why do you have a problem with her?"

"N-No!" both protested.

"I am a new tenant here," Kunio said.

They thought Keitaro was very much fooling around. He pulled the trigger, and he signed Kunio up for a room. The girls walked away. They were pissed with Kunio. He was upsetting their way of life. Kunio sighed, as Keitaro went back to cleaning the springs. After, Kunio was in the common area...he didn't recognize Kanako at all. He did tense up. Dealing with some people he had on a daily basis was just rough. Kanako came through.

"Excuse me," Kanako asked. "Do you have business here?"

"I actually live here..." Kunio answered.

"Keitaro must have changed the rules..." she started.

"I'll be honest...he's a flake sometimes," Kunio said outright.

"Wow, that was rude!" Kanako hissed.

"Well...he did stumble when he met his mother," Kitsune said, out of nowhere.

"Oh..." Kanako said. She still was ticked that Kunio called out Keitaro out.

"Though...he made some serious changes..." Kitsune said lowering her head.

" can't drink anymore," Kanako returned with a slight smile.

"I have to get to the tea-shop," she said breaking the conversation. "I have to make rent..."

She went to the tea shop, to get to work. Mutsumi wasn't there, therefore, she had to go to help. Later on, Kunio was in the spare bedroom...wondering exactly how he was going to cope. He could ask for help and advice...but it actually would need to be valid. He sighed, he knew the day just was going to get longer. About an hour or so later. It was lunch time, and he went down to the kitchen. He unconsciously went to the fridge to get a quick Lunch. He was planning on going out later in the day. He did have a run-in with Motoko.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes...I want you to move out," Motoko said staring him down.

"Not happening," he warned. "I suggest you check your privilege at the door."

Motoko just walked away. A few minutes later, Naru did do the same tactics. At that point, Kunio decided he had better call in his mother. Thankfully she was on her break, and he explained everything to her. She wasn't amused at all. Keitaro was away at work at the archaeology department, and Haruka was busy in the tea shop. She decided she was going to come as soon as she could to have to set some people straight. Kitsune heard what was going on, and she decided to go warn Motoko and Naru. She already knew not to mess with Kunio. In fact her interactions with him were rather brief today.

"Girls...we have a problem," Kitsune said.

"It's that..." Motoko started.

"'s you," she reversed. "If word gets back to Keitaro...and God forbid...Tsuruko...we're in trouble."

"What's Keitaro going to do?" Naru asked rudely.

"Remember...we can't harass another tenant and think to get away with hit," Kitsune warned. "Even you really want to mess with his mother?"

"What do you mean...?" Motoko asked.

"I mean I wouldn't mess around with a woman who knows how to use heavy construction equipment is all," Kitsune remarked.

Motoko and Naru thought Kitsune was kidding around. She wasn't. She saw Kunio right after, and he told her straight out what his mother does. Julia does run heavy construction equipment...more accurately, the heavy crane used. Kitsune had decided to wan the two not to do anything rash...but it did fall on deaf ears. However,...Kitsune smiled. She decided she was going to have some fun at the expense of somebody else. She was going to think about it some more. An hour later, Keitaro came back. He had a lot on his mind. It got worse when Kitsune informed him of what's going on.

"Really..." Keitaro groaned. "I will have to give them both a letter of warning."

"That won't be necessary," Julia said walking in. "I was able to get the rest of the day off.

"M-Miss Julia, I didn't expect you here!" Keitaro said nervously.

" did tell me a couple of your tenants were bull-headed," she said with just a tinge of anger in her voice.

"I'll call for..." Keitaro started.

"Just give me their room numbers...I'll have a talk with them," Julia ordered.

"Here you go," Kitsune said, as Kanako saw what was going on.

"Thank you..." she said. "I'll be right back."

Julia went to find Motoko and Naru. She wasn't in any mood to have them screw around with Kunio. Motoko came out...and she was cornered. Julia ordered her back into her bedroom...they were going to have a very long talk. Motoko didn't realize that Julia had to work twice as hard as a teenager to raise Kunio. There was no way she was going to allow any harm to come to him. At the same time, she did not allow for Kunio to mess about at school. After all, she didn't want him in the same situation as he was. Downstairs. Kanako was talking to Keitaro. She wanted to know what was going on.

"You're not yourself," Kanako noticed.

"I know...I was thinking about changing majors..." He said.

"I have seen your artwork and photography...why aren't you pursuing what you like to do?"

She knew the answer to that. Keitaro also knew the answer to that. He sighed. He didn't know what to do. Kunio saw how quiet it got and he just shook his head. His assessment that Keitaro was a good guy, but a flake still was holding true. Still, he knew Keitaro had it in him to change his outlook on life...and to face up to his own demons. He also noticed his mother, Julia was not so sure. Before he could do anything...he shot a text to his mother telling him he'll be going. She returned a text telling him to check in if he's going to be late. Meanwhile,...she had her own problems to deal with, and an unexpected one at that.