Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Eased Fears ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Eased Fears



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

It was evening, and Dinner wasn't ready yet. Naru reasoned that Shinobu needed a break. She decided to order in. Everybody decided on Pizza. Keitaro offered to pay up, but everybody chipped in whatever they could. Kunio also chipped in. After all, it would be rude not to do so. Keitaro also chipped in, after Naru got off of the phone. It was more than enough. She added more to the order and it came to that amount. She got Sodas and such. Kunio excused himself to the common area, Motoko followed him. She really did want to talk to him. He did sit down. He had a rough day having to deal with some of his friends. He also had an even rougher day at the motorcycle racing game. Though he didn't win, he still had a good outlook. He had a video game magazine looking for the new racing simulators.

"Oh, I had no idea you were into video games," Motoko said.

"I am," Kunio said. "I usually play racing simulators."

"Oh...I usually play the adventure games..." Motoko said embarrassed.

"I've played a few, like Dragon Quest and FInal Fantasy," he said happily.

"Which versions?"

"I'm going to be partial to Final Fantasy 4, and Final Fantasy 7 for all times."

"I do have some questions...?" she started.

"Ask away," he invited.

"Which school do you go to?"

"I go to Holy Forest Academy...that woman Sakurai...the one Keitaro met...she's the head mistress there," he answered.

"Well, that's a high-end school!" Motoko said of pure surprise.

"It is, however...sometimes the people ain't high-end," Kunio admitted. "I know I'm not on the high-end part."

"Wait...that's no way to..."

"That's the truth," Kunio said. "Though, I'm 100% grateful you know."

That struck Motoko very hard. Kunio did have some problems. He just learned to deal with it better. He did bring up Onizuka. When he first met him, he really didn't know exactly how to deal with him. In fact, he really didn't know what it meant to be a man at that point. After all, up until that point it was just himself, and Julia. In fact, he still remembers his mom's words on what it is to be a man. Motoko went pale when he did tell of everything. Once he finished.

"Wait you mean...?" Motoko said.

"Right, I'm still an ass," he said. "I just have to deal with people better."

"You're very honest," Motoko said.

"Yeah...there's nothing worse than a hypocrite."

"I know that much," Motoko said. "Your mother made sure I got the message."

"That's probably the mildest you've gotten from her," Kunio notions.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm surprised she didn't smack you one good time."

"Come to think of it...she was holding her anger back..."

"She is a nice woman, just don't piss her off again," he warned.

"That is a good idea," she noted.

He ended up telling about some people in his class. Motoko was genuinely interested in meeting some of them. Kunio didn't make any promises, but he did let her know he'll try to bring over some friends. Motoko then explained to Kunio some of her issues. Though, it was a lot more calm, and a lot more honest. Kunio listened up. Motoko brought up the incident where Julia did read through one of her novels, and she blushed. He got the hint.

"Here's some advice," he started. "Don't leave it where people can find it."

"Thanks...I will know that from now in..." she blushed.

"'re a teenage girl...of course you'll have needs...just don't go overboard is all," he warned.

"Thank you," Motoko said.

Naru listened to the conversation, and she actually heard some good advice. She went over to Kunio and talked with him. She actually apologized for the incident in the hot springs, as did Motoko. Though Motoko really was very friendly. Naru...she still had a little trouble warming up to Kunio. He didn't mind. He knew these things took time. She did remember to call her family to let them know how she's doing. She was a lot happier. She also had started to talk to her step-sister Mei a lot more. Kanako came and she really was surprised. She looked to Motoko.

"Motoko, what's going on here?" Kanako asked.

"Oh...Miss Julia's words got to her," Motoko answered quickly.

"'ll meet my mom tomorrow," Kunio answered.

"Though...I would like to get to know you better," Kanako said.

"Of course," Kunio said. "That's the best way to make new friends!"

"" Kanako started, but was embarrassed.

"Don't worry," Motoko said, "he won't get on your case...too much."

"Well, what school do you go to?" Kanako asked.

"I go to Holy Forest Academy," he said.

"Oh...that's where that Onizuka fellow works," she said. "I do remember him saving a girl's life from some roughs..."

"Well...right now, he's not in the country due to false charges," he said and left at that.

"I see..." she said.

Naru was talking with Mei. She did remind her not to shut herself in, or lash out violently. Naru knew this wasn't going to get her nowhere. She then told her younger sister to actually follow her dreams, and not the words of some ass kisser. Motoko really blushed. She knew this probably would come up just as quickly. Kunio already knew. He saw those girls lurking around Holy Forest a while ago. His general idea...they were trouble starters. They would have likely given even the most hardened guy the most trouble. Motoko did explain about those fan girls, and she was worried they were going to mess things up. Kunio smiled.

" about we set them straight?" he asked.

"Set who straight?" Naru asked, unaware of the conversation.

"You see...that fangirl club Motoko has is a huge problem," he answered.

"I think this calls for a woman's touch," Kanako spoke up.

"Oh yeah...I know they'll be here to start trouble when I get things moved in," Kunio noted.

"Are you saying...?" Naru asked.

"Nah, I'll tell you what to do," Kunio said, "Besides, you have no time for the foolishness...that's making your form bad."

"You've seen me...?" Motoko started.

"Yes...I've heard you on the roof practicing."

Motoko knew what he was shooting at. In fact...she had to be up front against them. Kanako also handed Naru the money. She heard there was going to be pizza, and she didn't want to be a freeloader. That did present an awkward situation. However, she did decide that somebody had to go to the store and get some drinks. Shinobu volunteered, and they were on their way. Naru just was calmed down.

"Wow, I really don't know how..." Naru started.

"It'll take time," Kunio said. "Everything happens for a reason."

"Okay, I'm just not sure how things will go," she admitted.

"Neither do I...but that's life," he returned. "Besides, if we knew exactly what we wanted to do...and to do it perfectly...we'd alll be boring people."

"Also...there'd been no video games either," Motoko blurted out.

"That too," Kunio said, trying to stifle a laugh.

Naru felt better, as the pizza delivery guy came by. Naru paid up the exact amount. There was an extra pizza there. A customer cancelled the order, and they didn't want to waste it. Naru just shrugged it off and took the orders to the kitchen. Shinobu and Kanako ended up returning with the juice and soda quickly. The dinner, was rather eventful, with conversations on what happened in the day. At the end, the leftovers were put away...probably to be eaten quickly for breakfast, and everybody was tired. Naru and Keitaro had to get some rest. Keitaro had to go take the Tokyo U entrance exams...while Naru had to study for hers. was still moving day, so it would continue to be very rough still.