Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Moving In and Hot Springs ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Moving In and Hot Springs



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

The very next when it happened. Kunio was up very early. He was waiting for his mom, Julia. At this point, he was sweeping the steps, since it was very early. He also didn't want to wake anybody up unnecessarily. He knew how cranky he could get. He also knew how cranky anybody else could get. He didn't know that Kanako was right behind him. She did startle him, and he really was taken by surprise. However, he did calm down a lot, and just laughed it off. He chalked it up to his own silly mistake to leaving himself wide open.

"Good morning," Kunio said, "sorry I scared you."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kanako said. "I didn't know you were up this early."

"I tend to be quiet...because it's just about respect," he answered.

"Though, you're the only one who will willingly do some chores around here..." Kanako said.

"I know, but they'll get used to it."

"I wonder how long it takes to clean the springs?" Kanako asked.

"It takes a very long an hour," he answered.

"Have you cleaned the springs?"

"I was Keitaro's look out a couple of days ago."

"That is a problem we will have to address...I'm fairly certain you don't want to walk into the springs when they're in use."

"Actually...I have no problems sharing," he stated.

"After are a normal, healthy teenager," Kanako smirked.

Kunio felt like he just got smacked upsides the head. Kanako did have a biting wit. Kanako did giggle, because she knew Kunio could take friendly ribbing. He smiled, and he finished sweeping. After, he saw his mom come with the moving truck. She didn't want to have to bring in her own car...and she figured this was easier and cheaper. Julia saw Keitaro get up, with Naru. They were more than willing to help him move in. Kunio had cleaned up the spare, and put his clothing in his assigned room. Keitaro did note that he was right next door to Naru's room...which was something he just shrugged off. Julia was very much dressed for the occasion. Though, her son silently groaned.

"Hello there!" Julia said, in a better mood. "Ready to move in?"

"I'm very ready," Kunio answered.

"Good, let's see where your bedroom is...and we'll go from there," she said sweetly.

"L-Let's go," Keitaro said nervously.

'What a flake...' Kunio thought. 'Plus...I noticed he's like that around my mother...'

Kunio's thoughts now were on moving in. First he leads his mom to his room, where it was just empty. Julia smiled. She decided it would be easy to move things up. Though...Kaolla wasn't there to give any of her. Kunio helped to bring in some of the rest of his clothing. He also had his homework packet. That was something that was required by his teacher...and he really didn't want to flunk out. He also didn't want to disappoint his mother. He did have his bed, his desk chair, and his television and video game system. He also had his computer hooked up. Keitaro informed Kunio that he did have an internet connection for the entire place.

"Wow, you don't play around," Kunio said. "At most, I'm usually in for a few hours a week."

"That's true," Julia said.

"Well, we have everything?" Keitaro asked.

"We do," Kunio confirmed.

"That was a lot of work," Julia said wiping her head.

"There's some juice left over from last night," Kunio said.

"Nice! We should all also get breakfast huh?" Julia remarked.

"I just hope Shinobu isn't troubling herself," Kunio said. "It'd be a sin to let leftover pizza go to waste."

They did go down to the kitchen. There was plenty of the pizza left over. Kunio took a quick slice and didn't bother to warm it up. Julia was not amused, but she realized he didn't want to stick around after not having showered. She did stop him. He did realize what he was doing and sat down. Though, It did take a bit to get something substantial. The rest was left for everybody else who wanted it. After, Kunio decided to go shower, and to use the springs. He didn't realize at all, he was going to have a visitor. He looked up and it was Naru. She was red, but she calmed down. He did help her in, because he did see her wear eye-glases...and without those...or her's a lost cause.

"Why did you help me in?" Naru asked.

"You're a lost cause without your glasses," he answered bluntly.

"I am very bad without them," she said. "Though...I have been doing a lot of thinking..."

"Yes, what about?" Kunio said, just relaxing.

"I was way too hard on Keitaro, and I needn't have been," she admitted. "Yeah we dated...but your mother is right...we're not compatible."

"So are you going to break up with him?"

"I have no choice...I just wish I can get him to drop that damned promise...that's what pisses me off the most..." She hissed.

"Wait what?" He said confused looking dead at her. "You gotta fill me in on this!"

"Yeah...some childhood promise lorded over him since he was 5...and somehow, I ended up getting it..."

"You're a couple of years younger than he was right?" Kunio asked.

"I am...I was about two, or three, when it I really didn't understand it..."

"I will be making a phone call after this," he said. "Nobody should have to deal with that...hell even my mom would go crazy if she found out."

"Okay, I do have another are you so comfortable in here...I'm not trying to be mean..."

"It's okay," he said. "I have spent time in mixed company baths before."

Naru nodded, and she understood. Kunio was Careful to get out of the springs, while holding his towel. He had enough. He might come after dinner for a soak. Julia did hear their conversation...and she decided she had to get to the bottom of things. Kunio knew she listened. She got unusually quiet. He did tell her to only question Keitaro. He went to dry and get dressed. He had a phone call to make. He took his cell phone, to the roof. Motoko was there, but she got the message to get going. This was confidential. He was forced to call Sakurai to tell him what he learned.

"Really," Sakurai said interested, "Can you tell me the name of the old woman who..."

"I am guessing Hinata 'Hina' Urashima," he said.

"Oh...I know that name..." she said. "I had a run in with that foolish old goat..."

"She's out of the country for I think you might have to plan things accordingly," Kunio warned.

"I will ask around..." she started.

Kanako found him and she knew what was going on. She wanted to talk to Sakurai. She then explained to Sakurai how she was pulled out of school, just to go for the around the world trip. Sakurai wasn't amused. She knew she was going to have to help Keitaro out. Only this time...he's not going to be dragged headquarters again. She thanked Kanako exactly for her help, and Kunio. Once he ended the call, he looked to her.

"Wow...I probably should have asked you yesterday..." he said realizing how things fell in the place.

"It's okay," she said. " was the springs?"

"They're actually great to be honest," he said. "I might soak after dinner."

"Careful, there's some who really would want know..." she teased.

"I know," he said smiling.

"So you really do wanna see a naked girl, eh?"

"Of course, I am a healthy, normal teenager after all," he returned.

Kanako was shocked that something she said was used against her. However, they both laughed. They were becoming very close friends indeed. Kanako did tell him she wanted to become an actress before being pulled out of school. Kunio shook his head. He however decided, he was going to at least help her get started as an actress. Though, he really also decided he would have to have some help. The person he has in mind...she's rather absent-minded. Kanako smiled, and she leads him back down. Motoko was finished with her training anyway. Things were starting to come together. Julia decided she was going to stay the night, and go to work from here early in the morning. In fact an hour after Keitaro cleaned out the springs...and removed the signs, he saw Julia. She was clad in a towel.

"M-Miss Julia...what a surprise!" Keitaro said, nearly fainting.

"Oh, grow up," Julia flatly.

"Sorry, you just surprised me is all," he answered.

" can't go in the springs looking like that now," she directed.

"Oh...right...give me a second," he said.

He did go and change, and shower. He came back out after about fifteen minutes. This was the first real-time he could use the springs...instead of the hot tub. He was in there. However, Julia was rather modest. While it was true she could have been a flirt...she wasn't going to compromise anything. Keitaro looked and he saw that look. He decided to come clean to whatever she was going to ask.

"Keitaro...being clamped to a child hood promise..." she started.

" the main reason is I'm trying to make right with everybody..." he said.

"Oh, well, I can't blame you for making a useless promise...but having your grandma lord it over you," she answered gently.

"The funny thing is...Naru was never the promised girl...and Mutsumi has given me second thoughts about her..." he admitted.

"I know...she told Kunio as much," she returned.

"I know Kunio thinks I'm a flake," he said surprising even her.

"You're no flake, you're just human," she said. "I'm going to tell you what I told better figure out exactly what it means to be a man."

"I have a lot of growing up to do," he said. "I've gotten myself in many scrapes...most of which I did bring on myself."

"How many misunderstandings have you had?"

"Way too many to count..."

"I'm guessing a certain mousey girl left you hanging to dry," she guessed, and she was referring to Shinobu.

Keitaro nodded. While the springs were nice, He decided he was finished. So did Julia. He did thank he for the advice. However, he did start talking to her. Just to get to know her better. She did explain everything she explained to Naru and Motoko a couple of days ago. He understood that was true suffering. Julia saw him breathing a bit harder, and he didn't realize it. She did smile, and she decided she was going to get to know him a lot better.

"Tomorrow's the weekend," she said. "Would you like to go out sometimes?"

"I would," he accepted.

"Great! I saw some food places by here...and it's going to be a blast!"

"You know there's that one place I have heard about," he said.

"Then it's a date!" she declared. "This Saturday evening, at 6?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Keitaro and Julia smiled and they left the springs. Kunio did make good on his promise to come back to the springs and soak after dinner. He was in a new towel and he went in. He looked up, and Kitsune came in. She carefully went in. Haruka had worked her to the bone, and it was a very busy day today. Kunio paid no mind when she was finally loosened up. He realized he had better be on his guard. Naru also came into the springs. Her day was just as long at cram school. She also was looking for a part-time job in the mean time to help pay the rent. Kunio looked and he initiated the conversation.

"Well...I see you both had a very long day," he noticed.

"The worst," Kitsune said groaning, "the only break I got was a 30 minute lunch break...even then that was razor-thin."

"Yeah," Naru said, "classes at Cram School were hard and fast."

"I see," Kunio said with a slight chuckle.

"What was so funny?" Kitsune asked in a foul mood.

"Oh, wow!" Naru realized laughing.

"You do have to relax," Kunio said to Kitsune. "After'll look older than you really are if you stress."

"That's something I don't want to happen yet," she said.

"Though you did pick the shortest towel you could find," Kunio noticed.

Kitsune frowned. Though she knew he was right. She was very much relaxed, and she did remember the day Keitaro came into their lives. Naru was telling the story. It did almost happen exactly as Narusegawa wanted...but...she was without her glasses. Kunio couldn't help but to laugh. Neither could Kitsune. Naru realized she was a heel in that situation. Though, she also realized she was a lot more comfortable now with Kunio. Kitsune finally smiled, looking at Kunio.

"I hope you like what you saw," Kitsune said smiling.

"I did a little," Kunio teased.

"Well, I have to be off, I have another day of hard work ahead of me!"

'Wow, she really is brazen,' Naru thought.

"I just think she needs a boyfriend," Kunio said, breaking Naru from her thoughts.

"You know...are you going to have other friends come over?" She asked.

"I fact, I have somebody coming over just for Kanako," he answered.

"Maybe it will help Shinobu make good friends," Naru reasoned.

"That's a great idea." he said getting out of the springs.

Naru did do the same, but her towel dropped. Kunio just bent down to get it to her. Naru was grateful. He didn't make any rude comments, nor did he try anything. It sunk in her head. Things can only be perverted only if she makes it out to be. After the springs were in use. Kunio was at his desk doing his homework. He heard a knock on the door, and it was Motoko. She came in frowning. There was something on hers that was giving her trouble. He did help her with the part, since it was covered in his classes. She thanked him and asked if they wanted to study together. Of course, their course study was a bit different, he was more than willing to help her out. This has turned into actually a good day for everybody. Things now are going to get interesting.