Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 7: Scars of the Cosmic Era ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 7: Scars of the Cosmic Era
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback thought
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
-Word- denotes sound effect during flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0535 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs space
After a number of days of travel from its recon mission, the Vesalius approached ZAFT territory. Inside its bridge, Rau leaned against the wall near the ship elevator, arms folded, as he waited for a certain person.
The elevator doors opened, revealing Athrun floating inside. He looked around for Rau, as he received a call from him before.
“Over here, Athrun.”
Athrun turned sideways, facing Rau and saluting him.
“You called me?”
“Yes. Athrun, we're approaching ZAFT territory as we speak. I've decided to take you with me to the PLANT Supreme Council. They'll be expecting a report regarding Heliopolis and the G-Weapons.”
“No problem, sir.”
“Good. We'll be leaving right now. Ades, wait for my call until then, if a sortie has come out from the higher-ups,” Rau glanced at the Vesalius Captain who nodded to him in reply. He looked back at Athrun.
“Let's go then.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0540 hours
Location: The Archangel
Inside the ship's bridge, Peter stepped out from the ship elevator. He looked around finding the captain's and the CIC commander's chairs empty. Glancing around the bridge crew, he spotted Dalida working in his post at the CIC area, approaching him.
“Excuse me, but where's Captain Ramius and Ensign Badgiruel?” he asked.
Dalida looked up at the professor from his terminal, pausing his typing on the keyboard.
“You're looking for them? Well, they headed to the captain's office. Just go down in the 2nd floor, and from there, go straight all the way until you see a door around the left corner. That's where they are.”
Peter took in the given directions to heart.
“Thank you for the directions.”
With a small smile and a pat on Dalida's shoulder, he went to the ship elevator, heading for the 2nd floor. As the elevator doors closed in front of him, he slumped against the wall, placing his hands on his lab coat pockets. He looked down the floor, mentally exhausted from his recent experience inside the Seraph Gundam.
Whew… piloting a mobile suit is harder than it looks. Kenji makes it look easy, though.
He looked up the ceiling, thinking of the Seraph's creator, Professor Aile Kato.
Aile… did you have a reason giving Kenji that mobile suit? Why?
Approaching the mentioned door to the captain's office, Peter knocked on it twice.
“Enter,” Murrue motioned the visitor to step in. The door automatically opened, allowing Peter in and then closing after him. He found Mwu and Natarle inside, standing from opposite sides of Murrue's desk. The three looked at him expectantly.
“Professor Hyne, you came in the right time. Please take a seat here. We were just discussing about the recent turn of events,” Murrue spoke, offering a seat in front of her to the professor, who obliged.
“I see. I guess it's good timing I step in and clearly explain why my nephew and I got mixed up with you and your crew in this ship.”
Mwu watched him with a smirk, as he folded his arms and leaned himself against the wall, standing near Murrue. He then started.
“Are you and your nephew Coordinators? Judging from his piloting skill in that unknown G-Weapon brought here, there's no mistaking it. And also rescuing us from that room back in Artemis and knocking out the two guards was no joke.”
-Chuckle- No, I'm a Natural…. Kenji, however, is a Coordinator, a first-generation type. As to that rescue attempt, I did what was necessary, with help and planning from Kenji. I'm no soldier, lieutenant, just a researcher, although Kenji helped me a bit in defending myself.”
Natarle furrowed her eyebrows in thought as she took in those words.
A first-generation Coordinator… just like Kira Yamato… this has to be a coincidence?
“That's unexpected. Professor, for the record, and clearing out speculations formed from both the captain, lieutenant, and I, was Kenji a soldier?”
Peter grimaced deep inside as she was slowly opening the truth regarding his nephew.
“…I didn't want to explain this, and sparing Kenji trouble, so I'll answer for his sake. Yes, he was a former ZAFT soldier two years ago, when he was 15.”
Murrue stared at Peter in shock.
Such a young age for him to be a soldier… he was around Kira's age at then.
Natarle was silent by the news.
No wonder he's able to pilot that MS he brought in. And he's a former ZAFT soldier? I find that fact hard to believe.
On the other hand, Mwu whistled with amazement, somehow expecting the answer.
“I see… why did he quit ZAFT?”
Peter cleared up his throat before replying to Mwu's inquiry.
“When he was in ZAFT, he made quite a reputation, ranking in the position of… what was it… yes, commander. He was an ace pilot, decorated with awards for his deeds. Unfortunately, that's all I know about him. He refuses to disclose his reason leaving ZAFT… it's personal. For me, I think the `Bloody Valentine' incident affected his resignation from ZAFT.”
“Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Another stunner to our crew here, eh, captain?”
Murrue looked at the Moebuis Zero pilot unfazed, despite the ejected humor meshed in the remark. She focused attention back at Peter.
“So, what's his current occupation, professor?”
Peter shrugged his shoulders, adjusting the collar of his lab coat.
“He's a researcher like me. Supposedly we're working at a Morgenroete Research Facility in Heliopolis. Our research was more in electronic warfare, but Kenji seemed interested at MS development, spearheaded by Dr. Aile Kato; he's the creator of the five G-Weapons, with one being stored in your ship, and four stolen and used by the enemy.”
Murrue watched Peter with amazement.
“You mean… he's the one behind the G-Weapons project, proposed and managed by Rear Admiral Lewis C. Halberton?”
“The one and only. Unfortunately, Kenji and I had only a brief moment with him, when he introduced us the Seraph, the mobile suit we rode on and brought here. He entrusted Kenji with it. But then came the chaos caused by the same ZAFT unit pursuing us. That was the last I've seen him since… though I hoped he'd escape the colony in time.”
“My God…”
Natarle slammed a hand on Murrue's desk in realization, as she looked at Peter with disbelief.
“You should have brought him along with you! We'd need his help regarding the Strike and the Seraph we're carrying with us! That was an opportunity missed, professor!”
“Natarle! This is out of line!”
“Murrue, we're seriously undermanned in this secret warship. We need all the help we can get carrying this ship to the EA lunar HQ!”
“But still!”
Peter shook his head, finding himself at fault for this argument. He broke in between the two arguing EA female officers, before Mwu could do so.
“Ensign, I understand well your intentions in that suggestion you gave. But, I hadn't foreseen the sudden attack on the colony! Before I could get Professor Kato to come with us, we're suddenly attacked by a GINN, who intrudingly barged in the experimental area where the Seraph was stored.
“There was no other choice; plus, Professor Kato implored that Kenji and I escape with the Seraph, not handing it over to ZAFT. He went out to find his own escape after Kenji took care of the GINN. If this explanation doesn't satisfy your query, Kenji can vouch for me.”
Natarle gave him a hard stare for a few seconds, and then looked away from him with an embarrassed tinge of red on her cheeks.
Murrue sighed in relief, leaning back on her chair.
Mwu had to fight the urge to laugh softly, seeing the military-stickler female EA officer shut up in defeat, and shook his head with a slight grin.
With a huff of reluctance in accepting the explanation, Natarle faced back at Peter.
“…Very well. I suppose your explanation sounds valid. I'll have a word with Kenji some other time regarding this… my apologies, professor, for my behavior just now.”
“There's no need, ensign. I see you'd make a role model of the ever-faithful soldier of the EA… no offense implied. I'm relieved to make me and my nephew's situation clear to you all.”
Mwu approached between Natarle and Peter, patting their shoulders form side to side. He nodded his head and grinned.
“There, there, that's more like it! It's nice to have you on board, professor. With you and Kenji on our side, I hope our trip to the EA lunar HQ will be easier, right captain?”
Murrue watched the Moebius Zero pilot uneasy, but nodded in agreement.
“I guess there's nothing much to worry about. I hope you're right, lieutenant. Professor, we're wondering if we can tag you and Kenji in our plans so far regarding the present situation. We could use your help.”
Peter placed his chin on the palm of his right hand, while looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Do tell, captain.”
Meanwhile in the ship's cafeteria, Tolle, Sai, and Fllay gathered about. The fiery dark-red hair girl was stopped in front by the two guys.
“What's this about, you two?” she asked, annoyed.
“Fllay, you should go and apologize to Kira for blurting out that he's a Coordinator back at Artemis,” Sai replied, arms folded after adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
“Why should I? I've done nothing wrong saying that!”
“Do you know how much trouble it was for him? Because of that, it'll become awkward of you whenever you see him!” Tolle added.
Fllay threw her hands up in defeat.
“Ok, ok, I'll do it! That way you two can stop pestering me!”
She turned around, leaving the room with a look of annoyance on her face. Sai shook his head in worry, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
“What's up with her dislike to Coordinators? I can somehow relate the fact that having their genes manipulated to make them better beings than us Naturals give them an edge over us, but is their anything else?” Tolle wondered.
“I'm not sure, Tolle. You'll have to ask her yourself,” Sai replied, patting his shoulder before turning around to grab a tray of food, prepared by the cook, from the counter nearby.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0545 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs space
Athrun and Rau boarded a shuttle docked next to the Vesalius. As they stepped inside, surprise was etched on Athrun's face as he saw his father, National Defense Committee Chairman Patrick Zala, seated, his back facing them. He glanced at the visitors and nodded.
“Father… I mean, sir!” Athrun saluted him, taking in the fact that Patrick didn't want his son to address him as “Father” during duty.
Since his mother Lenore passed away during the Bloody Valentine incident, it seemed a piece of his father died along with her. He understood how he turned into a cold, serious demeanor.
Revenge was the only goal in Patrick's mind.
“Commander Creuset, Athrun, take your seats,” Patrick motioned them, cutting down to business. He formed his hands into a triangle, as he searched for the right words to begin.
“What a surprise, Chairman Zala. To what do we owe this honor of meeting you?” Rau asked nonchalantly, adjusting his mask.
“Cut the formalities, Creuset. Regarding the incident in Heliopolis, are you certain of your report's authenticity?”
“Yes, I'm certain. We have in our possession the EA's four prototype G-Weapons. My team can vouch for the report's authenticity, should you still refuse to acknowledge it. As to the other G-Weapon we weren't able to capture…”
Patrick sighed deeply, closing his eyes momentarily.
“I'll cut out from the official report the part about a Coordinator piloting the Strike G-Weapon. If everyone in the council hears word about this, it'll only give conservatives more reason to delay action. A Coordinator involved… how the hell did this happen? I'm personally amazed that the EA could create such a powerful MS, even it's supposed to be piloted by Naturals.”
Rau craned his neck, relieving himself of the stiffness gathered.
“The EA has managed to secure an ace in their sleeve in the form of the Strike and the legged warship. I suggest that we take the initiative to prepare a counter attack.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0550 hours
Location: The Archangel
In the ship's mess hall, Miriallia, Tolle, Sai, and Fllay were seated about, eating from their tray meals. Tolle took a bite from his meal, but suddenly started choking on it. He pounded his chest with his left hand, trying to either cough out or swallow the eaten portion. Miriallia patted his back, helping him out.
“Hey, don't rush! See what happens when you do!”
Fllay sighed annoyed. She propped her right arm, resting her chin on the palm of her right hand.
“Why did they have to implement water restrictions? How am I going to take a bath?”
Before Sai could reply to her complaint, the Strike pilot walked in. The teens turned their heads acknowledging him, with Fllay looking down the floor guiltily. With reluctant fidgeting with her hands, she stood up from her seat and walked up to Kira.
“Kira, um… I'm sorry for blurting out that you're a Coordinator back in Artemis.”
Kira slightly smiled at the apologetic girl, and waved her apology off with his hand.
“It's fine. I understand, and honestly, I'm not bothered by that truth. So, don't worry about it, ok?”
A groan sounded from his stomach, indicating hunger. Kira looked down at it and then back at Fllay, with a tinge of pink on his cheeks, embarrassed. He rubbed his stomach.
“Well, thanks for the apology. I, uh, got to eat now.”
Calibrating the Seraph back in the hangar bay, Kenji typed in the keyboard interface at an uncomprehending speed, while his eyes were glued at the interface screen.
“Hmm… by adjusting the hydraulic settings in the joints and decreasing the sensitivity of the control sticks, I should be able to move this Gundam at my own setting. I should be able to decrease response time when using the weapon systems,” he remarked to himself, taking a mental note of it.
Murdoch's face popped in view just outside the opened cockpit. His face twisted in amazement as he noticed Kenji's rapid typing and focus.
“Uh… hey, kid! Your uncle's calling you in the bridge.”
The Seraph pilot momentarily stopped his typing and glanced at the head mechanic. He flexed his fingers, trying to ease the stiffness experienced.
“Ok, I'll be there, Mr. Murdoch.”
Murdoch gruffly laughed being addressed that way. Kenji looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Is there something funny with what I said?”
“Ha, ha, ha… nah, you're just the second guy to address me that, with Kira being the first. I figured you be the serious and workaholic type, judging from your maintenance in this mobile suit.”
“Oh, I see. Listen, I apologize for my rash behavior when I first dropped in with my uncle here. The encounter with the ZAFT pursuing unit just left me cautious and disregarding people interaction, and I had to cut down to business.”
Kenji bowed in apology to the amazed Murdoch, who held him by the shoulders, prompting the Seraph pilot to face him again.
-Chuckle- Hey, no apologies, kid. I didn't take offense, though you gave me quite a scare with that look back then. As to this MS's repairs, I already notified my men not to lay a finger on it, and let you take care of it, seeing that you're its owner.”
“Thanks, but in regards to its repairs, sometimes I can't be doing them all the time, it's trifling and time-consuming. You can let your men do them in my place, well, since all you are more fitted to that role than I am.”
Murdoch stared at the Seraph pilot in wonder, feeling respected. He patted his shoulder.
“That means a lot to me and my men, thanks. Oh, you better get going by the way.”
“Oh, whoops… thanks for the warning, Mr. Murdoch!”
Kenji quickly finished up his calibrations and deactivated the Seraph's OS. He quickly exited the Seraph's cockpit, propelling himself, thanks to the influence of zero gravity, to the ship elevator.
Murdoch was about to protest his formal address, but shook his head, amused, as he stared at his retreating form.
“That kid… just like Kira. If I had known any better, he'd look like a brother to him.”
Exiting from the ship elevator and walking in the bridge, Kenji found himself stumbling upon a council of war.
“We must find a fast course to the Moon; however there's the debris field along the path, blocking the way. We have to get through it!” Murrue started from her seat.
Arnold stared at her in disbelief from his seat.
“Are you kidding, captain? If we do that, we'll probably end up as debris ourselves!”
Standing next to Mwu with arms folded in one corner, Peter nodded in agreement.
“I agree with driver Neumann. That's a foolhardy plan to begin with, captain… oh, hello Kenji, glad you can drop by. We're currently discussing a plan to head to the Moon, where the EA lunar HQ is located. Unfortunately, there's a debris field along the path this ship is traveling.”
Kenji approached his uncle, giving a pat on his arm in acknowledgement. Mwu, who was next to Peter leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, stood up and approached Murrue.
“Well, I guess we have to make the impossible possible, right captain?” he remarked with a grin.
Everybody stared at the Moebius Zero pilot peculiarly.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0605 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
Inside, Rau and Athrun rode an elevator down to the habitable area. As it was reaching ground level, the sight of a bustling city whirring with activity greeted them. From a TV screen posted on a building nearby, a press conference held by PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Siegel Clyne was shown.
“Mr. Chairman, sir, what are your comments regarding the one year anniversary of the Bloody Valentine incident at Junius Seven?” a member of the press asked.
Camera lights flashed all around Siegel as he slightly coughed before answering.
“Today we're reminded of a one-year anniversary of a tragic incident, one which has remained remembered forever in our hearts. Here at PLANTS, we're dedicated to try to find a peaceful solution to this long war with the EA. We find the EA's actions regrettable and unjust… how can we forget the lives of those people who died in that crossfire?”
The camera then focused on his daughter, who was an angelic beauty. Her long pink hair reached down until the upper half of her long purple skirt. Baby-blue pools of eyes blinked and seemed to shine. Her sleeveless white dress, matched with separate white armbands, blended among the bright camera flashes. Her eyes were on her father as her lips curved slightly upwards in respect and admiration.
Standing upright behind Rau in parade rest position, Athrun paused to take a glimpse of his fiancée, Lacus Clyne. His green eyes shimmered at her image.
Lacus… I wonder how you're faring out there. Sigh… if only I didn't have much busy time in my hands I would be able to see you.
Rau glanced sideways at the Aegis pilot, noticing him watching his fiancée on TV. His lips curved slightly upwards.
“Don't worry Athrun, you'll have time to see her, after we make our official report to the Supreme Council.”
Athrun cringed his face in embarrassment and resumed back to his parade rest position.
“Sir, I… my apologies. I just wanted to see her face again.”
“Of course, I understand. You're her fiancée after all… the famed pop idol of Coordinators engaged to the son of the National Defense Committee Chairman, who'd have thought it'd be such a classic?”
A slight shade of pink colored Athrun's cheeks.
The elevator came to a stop, reaching to the lowest level. The two ZAFT officers stepped in after its doors opened, to be greeted by the dim, long hallway leading to a meeting room where the PLANT Supreme Council was gathered. They stopped in front of the automatic door.
“Enter,” spoke a soft, authoritative voice from inside.
The door opened, with the two continuing inside. The figure of Siegel Clyne stood up and greeted them.
“Gentlemen, welcome.”
They immediately gave a salute to the Supreme Council who was seated in a King Arthur Round Table fashion.
“Commander Rau Le Creuset, reporting!”
“Officer Athrun Zala, reporting!”
At the exact moment when the official report of Heliopolis started to take light, the Geneva, docked itself for repairs. Inside its bridge, Lloyd gave an order of docking procedures to his bridge crew from his central seat in the room.
“Going to docking procedures… lowering ship thrust.”
“Decrease altitude and descend to a lower angle!”
“Following landing markers… ok, that should do it.”
Lloyd tapped his foot in anxiety as he folded his hands in a triangle, contemplating on his ship's recent discovery of a prototype MS found in the ruins of Heliopolis. He had been given secret orders from an unknown high-ranking ZAFT official to maintain surveillance on the Creuset team.
Blast… I was too late in Heliopolis. Commander Creuset had beaten me to it; it's surprising that he'd attack a neutral colony, despite reports from intelligence suggesting a secret project going on there.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0000 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
In an undisclosed location somewhere in the colony, Lloyd and a masked man dressed in black were having a secret meeting, seated facing each other with a silver table in between. They both were inside a dull-white painted room, with an air conditioner making a soft hum of noise as it spread out its jet cool air throughout the room.
“You called me here for this? What are you getting at?” Lloyd started, seated upright, his left hand drumming their fingers on the table while his right hand held behind his back. He secretly holstered an automatic pistol on his lower back beneath his military uniform, with his right hand feeling it. His eyes trained on the suspicious man, preparing for a worst-case scenario.
“-Chuckle- No need to get cautious around me, Captain Aster. You'll have to excuse this mask… my employer has sent me to contact you under anonymity. So, please stop fingering for your pistol holstered on your lower back. Very obvious move, if I may add,” the man spoke, sounding amused, seated in a gentleman fashion, crossing his legs and folding his arms.
He was dressed in all black clothing --- long-sleeve shirt, belted pants, leather shoes --- and wore a trench coat over them. His head was covered in a mask, halfway covering his long, blonde hair and revealing his mouth. The two eyeholes of the mask showed a red color of two orbs gazing at him.
Lloyd stopped feeling his pistol, feeling surprised inside, as he continued to stare at the man uneasy. He threw his hands up and shrugged his shoulders, defeated.
“Alright. What do you… no, what does your employer want from me?”
The masked man smiled slightly.
“Good move, Captain Aster. I'd hate unpleasant moments happening between us.”
“Go on.”
“My employer requests your assistance. He's a concerned… official, if you'd like a general idea whom it is, who's wary about intelligence reports regarding the neutral colony of Heliopolis.”
“Heliopolis? Oh, you mean about rumors about a secret military project conducted by EA there? Reports say that it's geared towards EA's mobile suit development, seeing us ZAFT having an edge over them at that department.”
“Yes well, the Supreme Council has decided to send in a small recon unit to investigate. Rau Le Creuset, who's distinguished himself during the battle of the Grimaldi Front, has been assigned to commandeer it. But from what my employer has personally gathered, it seems one member from the Council has coordinated with him, and expects secret reports regarding that project.”
“What? Hmm… Creuset, eh. Yeah, I heard some tidbits about it from some officers in gossip central. So, who's that member then?”
The masked man coughed a bit, catching his breath.
“…National Defense Committee Chairman Patrick Zala.”
Lloyd immediately stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on the table, as he stared at the masked man wide-eyed.
“You're not serious! How the hell can you confirm that?”
“-Chuckle- I have my sources, Captain Aster. You needn't worry about their authenticity and reliability, I can rely on my employer to vouch for them.”
Lloyd regained composure and slowly sat back down on his seat.
“Anyways, my employer is taking precautions, knowing Patrick Zala's secretive nature and his undying hatred for the Naturals, due to the Bloody Valentine incident. My employer fears that the chairman might be able to stir up the Council in agreeing his proposition to amass forces for war against the EA, if he's able to receive that info from Creuset's recon unit.”
“Wait a sec, why is his hatred for the Naturals that much? The Bloody Valentine incident, I can understand, but is there more to it?”
The masked man shook his head, wagging a finger at Lloyd.
“I'm afraid I can't provide details about that. I'm bonded by oath from my employer not to disclose that info.”
“…Fine,well, what exactly does he want from me?”
“He wants you to personally monitor Creuset's recon unit, and search more info regarding that project. Unfortunately, according to ZAFT's docking schedule, his unit will leave after 2 hours. His assigned ship is a Nazca-class destroyer, named the Vesalius, captained by Fredrick Ades. He also has some top ace pilots under his wing.”
The masked man took out several papers from his trench coat, handing them to Lloyd, who examined them one by one. They each were bio data of ace pilots --- Athrun Zala, Dearka Elsman, Miguel Aiman, Rusty Mackenzie, Nicol Amalfi, and Yzak Joule.
“Holy… Zala, Elsman, Amalfi, and Joule… they're sons of Council members! Not to mention Aiman and Mackenzie, respected, young war-veterans due to their numerous kills by their GINN units. An A-list of stars I say.”
“Exactly. So, will you lend your assistance then?”
Lloyd contemplated, considering his options, as he rubbed his chin with his hand, staring at the papers.
Damn. Well, I suppose it's a turn for the best, seeing my unit has been assigned patrol duty all the time.
“What the hell… I accept. Count me in.”
“One more thing: be sure also to enlist an officer named Eiji Shinonome under your command. Aside as an ace pilot, he's an elite soldier as well. I've heard that he's often been compared to Creuset, and that they're even with each other in terms of skill, influence, and ability. He's also a high-ranking officer as well, taking in the position of Commander; he was offered a unit to commandeer, but he declined, wanting to remain a soldier.”
“…I see. I'll keep that in mind. Anything else?”
“When you have gathered all info regarding the project, Creuset, and Heliopolis, be sure to keep a back-up copy of it, and prepare it for me to collect. I shall contact you for further details.”
The masked man then stood up from his seat, glancing at Lloyd one last time before leaving.
“Wait! How will you know when I've done so?”
“-Chuckle- Relax, I'll check the docking schedule of your assigned ship… the Geneva, I believe? It's also a Nazca-class destroyer like the Vesalius. Whatever you do regarding this task, do so in discreet. Make sure none of your superiors get word about it. I trust you can fulfill this?”
“…Yes, on my honor as a gentleman and officer.”
“…I shall relay your response to my employer. Don't try to expose this meeting to light, or I'll be forced to put you out in any way possible. Just a warning, Captain Aster.”
The masked man then opened the door and left, leaving Lloyd staring at his retreating form in silence.
End Flashback
A bead of sweat trickled down from Lloyd's forehead as he recalled the masked man's warning. He wiped it off with his right hand and continued his train of thought.
Hmm… he might not be in cohorts with Patrick Zala, or Creuset, obviously.
But I wonder who's his employer? An official huh
…Now I have a prototype MS in my ship. What should I do with it? I've to report it to the masked informant, whoever he is.
Why was it found amongst the debris that was once Heliopolis? Strange… a prototype MS should either be destroyed to remove evidence or secretly locked away in an undisclosed location.
“Captain, we've now docked inside. Sir,” a bridge officer asked, shrugging Lloyd's shoulder and interrupting his train of thought. Lloyd looked up at him then at the main screen, which showed the docking harbor of Aprilius One.
“Oh? Ahem. Have the ship and hangar doors opened for supply and repairs. I've to check on that prototype MS we've just discovered again.”
Lloyd stood up from the captain's seat and turned around, heading for the ship elevator. As its doors closed after he stepped inside, he pressed a button on the control panel marked “HANGAR BAY”.
The elevator then began its descent on its passenger's destination.
In the hangar bay, the head engineer looked up at the prototype MS in awe. He scratched his head, figuring out what to do with it, but received orders from Lloyd not to tamper with it and leave it parked there.
What's the captain thinking? This thing is giving me the creeps just staring at it!
A hand tapped on his shoulder, startling him.
“Yipe…!” he shrieked, jumping with surprise.
“Relax, it's me, Captain Aster! Did I scare you?” Lloyd asked amusedly.
“…Captain! Jeez, don't scare me like that!”
“Huh? And why would I scare you?”
“It's this unknown MS here in front of us. It just gives my men and I the creeps. Look at its face… if it were activated, it'd look so fearsome!”
Lloyd looked from him then to the prototype MS. He then burst into laughter, slapping his left thigh amusedly.
“Ha, ha, ha! For a moment there, you worried me. It's just a prototype MS! What's there to be afraid of? Regarding that, I want it analyzed for technical specs, the usual analysis. But, don't tamper with its controls… I want its blueprint first.”
“Yes sir!”
“Good. Now, pull yourself together and get back to work! Await further orders from me regarding this. I don't want anybody else tampering it, except your team of engineers.”
The head engineer gave him a quick salute, before resuming on his duties. Lloyd looked at the MS from top to bottom, folding his arms. His eyes furrowed.
Hmm, what should I call you? You're a peculiar-looking one, I might add. Those wings and that black paint scheme give me an idea on your name…
Lloyd looked at the head mechanic, who was busy giving orders to his team of engineers to start diagnostic checks on the unknown MS. He approached him, getting his attention.
“Captain, what can I do for you?” he asked.
“Listen. Once you're done with the diagnosis on that MS, have a report on it personally filed directly to me. I want to know more about this before I can release the info to my superiors.”
“Yes sir, I've no problem with that.”
Lloyd patted his left shoulder with a small smile.
“Good. I leave it to you then.”
With a quick turnaround, he made his way out of his ship, remembering the masked informant.
Entering a café in the city, Lloyd seated himself on a corner. A blond-haired, green eyed, petite waitress approached him.
“Hello, sir. Can I get you something?” she took out a small notepad from the left chest pocket of her uniform, and fished out a pen lain rested on right ear.
“A cup of coffee, that's all,” Lloyd replied, looking her up.
“Ok, I'll be back with your order in a minute or two, sir,” the waitress jotted down his order and went over behind the counter to ready his coffee.
Lloyd folded his hands in a temple, his fingers tapping against each other. His foot began tapping on the ground, as he waited for the masked informant. He glanced outside the window next him, watching passerby gather to look at wide-screen projectors posted on various buildings. They showed images of Lacus speaking in the news conference after her father made room for her.
His ears picked up the sound of a cup placed down on the table. As he glanced back to expect the waitress, he saw the masked informant seated opposite, facing him, his hand outstretched, seemingly offering the coffee placed in front of him.
“Your coffee, sir?” the informant grinned amusingly.
Lloyd felt his heart stopped beating for a second or two as he practically jumped a bit in surprise.
“God damn, don't do that!” he exclaimed.
-Chuckle- Relax, Captain Aster. No need to get jumpy around me, it's my style for a quiet approach. You better take a drink from your coffee to calm down your nerves.”
Lloyd warily took a few sips from his coffee. Placing the cup back down on the table, he looked around, making sure no suspicious persons were in the vicinity. Aside from the waitress, cook, and manager, he and the informant were the only customers.
The informant nodded to himself, realizing his wary search.
“Ah, you're cautious as always. That's one of the traits my employer finds interesting about you. That's why he feels he can trust you on this matter we discussed before.”
Lloyd looked at him with a frown.
“I see you're confident not to check anyone eavesdropping on our conversation.”
-Chuckle- Relax, hardly anyone drops by this joint for a meal. They prefer the fancy, more upbeat fast-food chains or restaurants instead. Should any unfortunate soul be stupid, no, curious enough to eavesdrop on us, you can be sure he/she ends up in the front page of newspapers.”
“…I rest my case. I figured you'd find me easily if I were in a public place. Sorry if this place is obvious, but I didn't want to arouse suspicion among my superiors.”
“I see you've regarded my warning. Of course, it's understandable; you're not stupid to try jeopardizing me. As expected, your info on Heliopolis and the project?”
“Well… regarding that… I've run into one wee-bit of a problem.”
Taking out a mini-disk from the right chest pocket of his military uniform, Lloyd tossed it towards the informant, who took one glance at it before placing it inside his trench coat pocket.
“What's this?”
“The report. Creuset's unit got a head start over mine, and by the time I arrived at Heliopolis, he was gone. The colony itself was already debris.”
The informant immediately seated upright, folding his arms. His lips were open in amazement.
“Unexpected. So what's the use of giving this disc to me then?”
“Hold on, I'm not done yet. Here's some interesting info I've dug up. I sent a small search patrol of GINNs to investigate the area, and they uncovered a buried MS amongst the debris.”
“A prototype?”
“Yes, currently it's in my ship, and I've ordered my head mechanic to begin an analysis.”
“…Hmm, go on.”
“…Well… that's pretty much all the info I've got regarding Heliopolis. There were life pods scattered about, with civilians inside, but the EA can immediately send in rescue units to retrieve them. We've made sweeps throughout the area, but found nothing. I've heard word that Creuset and one of his top pilots will give a report regarding Heliopolis to the Supreme Council.”
“Yes, that's sure. What about the prototype?”
“I'm not sure how long I can hide it from being reported to my superiors, but this is the analysis made on it so far, it's all in that disc.”
“I see… damn, it was too late then…”
Lloyd stared at the informant with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged off his last remark with his right hand.
“No, it's nothing. What about Eiji Shinonome?”
“I've already sent a request to him to serve under my command. He's agreed to it. I'm supposed to meet him back at the Geneva after this.”
“Excellent… well, I was disappointed you couldn't reach Creuset in Heliopolis, but my employer will get info about it one way or another.”
“I see… is there anything else your employer requests from me?”
“No… this will do. Thank you for your cooperation, Captain Aster. My employer will be glad to hear of this.”
The informant shook hands with Lloyd and stood up from his seat, leaving. Before he pushed open the café front door, he glanced at the Geneva Captain.
“I see you're a trustworthy ally, Captain Aster. Until next time…”
His mysterious figure then left the café. Lloyd looked at his retreating figure from the window one last time before finishing his coffee. He let out a sigh of relief.
Something big might be brewing… I better get on to finding out what it is.
After finishing his coffee, he placed a few bills of money under the cup. He stood up from his seat and left the café in a brisk pace, not wasting time getting to his next destination.
Back at the Supreme Council chamber, Rau finished summarizing his report on Heliopolis.
“And this concludes my report on Heliopolis, Chairman Clyne. And I might add, ladies and gentlemen, it was never my intention to destroy Heliopolis. Its demise should be blamed on Orb for violating the peace treaty,” Rau concluded, bowing respectfully before the Supreme Council.
National Defense Committee Chairman Patrick Zala started a question to the masked commander.
“Tell us, commander, was it worth the sacrifice of one colony to get the G-Weapons?”
Rau shook his head.
“I'm afraid I'll leave that answer to your question to Athrun here.”
With a cough to clear his throat, Athrun then started his report on the stolen Gundams --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel --- and their respective abilities. Their images were displayed one by one at a holographic display screen in front of the Council.
The rest of the Council members debated about how far the EA had come with their mobile suits as they took in the info. This triggered a mixture of reactions.
“This is an outrage! What's the EA thinking?” Jeremy Maxwell, representing Quintilis City, exclaimed in anger.
“Hmm… what if they begin mass-production of these G-Weapons? It'll give them a chance to prep their forces,” Ezalia Joule, representing Martius City, commented, giving a hard look at the image of the ZAFT Gundams. She flicked a lock of her silver-colored hair.
“Then we should mobilize our forces in preparation for a counter attack!” Herman Gould, representing October City, added.
“Nonsense! We must approach the EA through peaceful talks first! We should hear their side of the story!” Elaine Canaver protested, convincing fellow members who were aligned in the `Moderate' political faction to support her.
“I agree with Elaine, we settle this with peace talks. We should begin negotiations with the EA,” Tad Elsman, representing Februarius City, backed up his fellow political partner. He glanced at Ali Kasim, representing Januarius City, for a response. The member gave a nod in approval, folding his arms and continued watching his fellow council members.
“Hmm… I'm not sure about this one, but if we can settle this through peaceful means, I'm in Siegel,” Parnell Jesek, representing November City, cautiously added, folding his arms and closing his eyes in contemplation.
“If we decide to attack the EA, what does that leave us? I'm hesitant about a counter-attack, people,” Orson White, representing Sextilis City, reluctantly spoke, flailing his hands in front of him in defense.
Louis Leitner, representing Junius City, banged the table with a fist, as he looked at White heatedly.
“What the hell are you saying? We must go for the attack! The EA has to pay for what they did in Junius Seven! Are you with us for the attack, Yuri?” he asked Yuri Amalfi, representing Maius City, for support. The member merely shook his head pointing his thumb at Siegel Clyne.
“Nope. I'm with Siegel at this one. We mustn't rush into conflict that could turn into an all-out war with the EA,” he commented.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0620 hours
Location: The Archangel
As by the captain's announcement, everybody was gathered in the bridge. Seated in the captain's seat, Murrue began.
“We'll be passing through the debris field approaching us nearby. According to our sensors and scans, we're assuming there'll be a multitude of wrecked ships comprising it. This means we'll be getting supplies from them, seeing they're a good source. Everyone, I'm asking all your help in getting what we need to survive. Our present situation is grim, and the supplies we stashed from Heliopolis are dwindling, so I'm afraid we have no choice.”
Sai stepped forth among the teen group, adjusting his yellow-tinted spectacles as he faced Murrue.
“Wait… this debris field we're approaching… is it ok? It sounds like we're scavengers if we do this.”
Murrue sighed, shaking her head slightly while blinking her eyes.
“If you find this morally insulting, officer Argyle, I express my sincere apologies. But you have to open your eyes to reality --- we're at war. War…”
“…Can change man's character greatly.”
Everyone turned attention towards Kenji, who finished the sentence. Leaning against the wall with hands in his lab coat pockets (his civilian attire he wore to work at Morgenroete back in Heliopolis was all he had to wear, same also with his uncle), he shifted his view on Sai.
“I'm afraid the captain's right. There's no room for morals in war. It's only victory for you or the enemy… we do what we must.”
Sai looked down the floor with a worried face.
“But still…”
Kira placed a hand on his worried friend's shoulder as assurance.
“Don't worry… it'll be alright. We can trust the captain and Kenji.”
A small smile etched on Sai's face, as he firmly believed his good friend's words. With a reluctant nod to Murrue, he stepped back into the teen group. The Archangel Captain nodded to Kenji in thanks and resumed.
“That's all. We'll take only what we need here, nothing more and nothing less… ah, we've reached the debris field now.”
Everybody turned their attention on the main screen, showing the debris field. It was a space junkyard, as mixture of garbage, debris, and wreckage were shown scattered everywhere.
Peter scratched his head, ruffling his hair as he watched what was shown in front of him.
“Oh boy… I never imagine we'd stoop to such lengths,” he quietly muttered to himself.
After making launch preparations with the Aile Strike and the Seraph Gundams plus several Mistral worker pods piloted by several of the crew, and getting zipped up in spacesuits, the search group proceeded to explore the debris field, with the Archangel stationed nearby.
Inside the Seraph, Kenji monitored the cameras mounted on its head, observing the surroundings. He zoomed in and out on several angles of the area, making security sweeps.
“What a wreck… I hope we can find something useful in this place, as the captain suggested. Anything on your side, Kira?” he spoke through com-link to the Strike pilot on his side.
“…Nothing interesting here… um, listen, thanks for saving the ship and me back there,” Kira responded, as the Strike glanced back and forth, searching the area for hostile threats.
“No need for thanks. Two against one was plain dirty, especially when you faced off against the Aegis and Duel at the same time, and with the Blitz and Buster harassing the Archangel, what more other reason was there to interrupt that ZAFT unit's fun?”
Kira slightly smiled at the remark, amused.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0630 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
Back in the Supreme Council's meeting situated underneath the city, National Defense Committee Chairman Patrick Zala stood up from his seat, shaking a fist to the air. His eyes focused on the rest of the Council members, as he started his protest.
“Everyone… we at PLANTS wanted to live in peace. But that all changed… when the Bloody Valentine incident occurred! Those EA fools had the gall to use nuclear weapons on us, thinking they'd win this conflict between Naturals and Coordinators! But they were wrong! Having used nuclear weapons on us, they destroyed Junius-Seven, killing 243,721 civilians!
“We must take a stand against the EA, this action is unjustifiable… and unforgivable! To ruin the lives of those people who were trapped between that crossfire… they think they have us under hook, line, and sinker!
“I propose we amass our forces! We shall show the EA that we ZAFT shall not tolerate the extermination of Coordinators! Those Naturals shall feel the burnt of our searing hatred!”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0645 hours
Location: Debris Area; PLANT Junius-Seven remains
As the search group, comprising of Kenji, Kira, Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, Tolle, and Mwu, explored the debris field, they realized to their horror that it was the ruins of PLANT Junius-Seven. Shock registered in their faces as they realized the fact. Seeing the remains of a residential building nearby, they explored it first.
Entering one room, inside, mixture of debris, household objects, etc. floated under the influence of zero gravity. A woman's corpse was found, holding on a small bundle, her baby child. Their skin was turned a pale blue, indicating death through lack of oxygen.
The group cringed at the sight. Miriallia cowered her head, looking away while being held by her boyfriend who closed his eyes. Kuzzey felt his stomach churning inside out, and clutched at it, looking away as well. Kenji, Kira, Mwu, and Sai sadly stared at the woman's lifeless body, whose opened lifeless eyes mirrored her tragic demise.
“Horrible… I didn't think the extent of damage in this colony would be this bad,” Mwu commented, feeling a sinking feeling inside him.
Kenji approached the woman, slowly moving her eyes to shut them. He had her arms completely wrapped around her baby. The group watched his action in fixed interest.
“Rest in peace…” he quietly remarked, closing his eyes and staying in silence for a minute of mourning for two innocent souls who perished by war. After done with that, he rejoined the group.
Mwu laid a hand on his shoulder.
“That's a respectful thing you've done, kid.”
Kenji shook his head slightly.
“No, anyone with a sense of humanity could do that. I'm merely paying my wishes, lieutenant. So, let's get back to business. According to this area, there should be a water supply nearby… does this mean we start water excavation?”
Kira widen his eyes at the remark, prompting him to clutch Kenji at the front of his spacesuit.
“Are you out of your mind? That's horrible! I object to taking things away from the dead… that's not right!” he protested.
“Kira… you have every right to be mad at me, but this is war. Get it through your thick head; we're merely taking what we only need! Don't you get it?” Kenji objected, shrugging off the Strike pilot's hold easily.
Mwu quickly intervened between the two.
“Woah, woah, woah… guys, no time to fight. Well, we've seen enough in this place. Let's gather whatever we can find here useful for the ship and bring it back. We'll talk to Captain Ramius about this.”
After gathering a small amount of useful supplies they managed to find in the area, the search group journeyed back to the Archangel, handing over their discovery to Murdoch and his band of mechanics/engineers for storekeeping, and meeting up with Murrue in the main bridge. She swiveled her chair to face them.
“What happened? You all look like you've seen the dead,” she wondered.
Mwu gave her a sad grin and shrugged his shoulders.
“Sorry captain, it looks like we've stumbled upon the remains of PLANT Junius-Seven… that explains the shock and sad look on our faces just now. The kids here, particularly Kira, are pretty shaken up by the fact we're taking things from the dead, since there's no other choice in securing ourselves supplies from that area.”
Natarle, who stood by the captain's side, widen her eyes in surprise.
“Junius-Seven… my god… I didn't think we'd stumble upon that place.”
Murrue looked back at the main screen showing PLANT Junius-Seven's ruins then at the group. She covered her mouth with her hand, stifling the same reaction.
“No wonder this area looks familiar… horrible.”
Kira stepped forth among the group, cutting the air with a wave of his hand in disgust.
“Captain Ramius… I for one object to taking things from the dead! That's not morally right for us to do. That's like insulting them!” he protested.
Sai backed his friend up.
“He's right, I don't feel comfortable doing this, captain.”
Peter approached Kenji, who leaned against the wall inches away from Kira and company, arms folded. The Seraph pilot acknowledged his presence.
“Hey uncle.”
“Kenji… you ok? Your face doesn't tell me that.”
-Sigh- Kira there is somewhat of a softy. Well, listen to the conversation right there and you'll find out why.”
Peter turned around, approaching the conversing group. He stood next to Natarle, listening in.
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows in distress, as she found herself stumbling upon a personal conflict. Searching for a quick answer to the Strike pilot's remark, she opened her mouth to reply, but with Mwu interrupting her, answering for her instead.
“Listen, kid. What the captain told everyone in this ship is right. We're badly low on supplies; our water resource is running low as well, so we had to implement water restrictions. I know it's bad to take things from the dead, but it should be our duty since we're alive to continue living. Hey, you don't see us going `Hooray, free water!' We're as shaken up as you are, but we've got no choice.”
Kira's eyes shimmered, with his mouth curled as he bit his lips, searching for words to say. He looked down the floor in defeat.
“Damn… -sigh- you win…”
He turned around, glancing at Kenji.
“You're… right. I guess… I got caught up with my emotions.”
The Seraph pilot merely looked at the main screen, which displayed the image of PLANT Junius-Seven's remains.
“I don't blame you, Kira. Not at all.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0700 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
After the Council meeting ended, Athrun and Rau made their exit amidst the other Council members leaving the building. They stumbled upon Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala waiting for them. The two ZAFT officers saluted them.
“Athrun, may I have a word with you here?” Siegel asked the Aegis pilot. Athrun looked at the masked commander, who nodded, motioning him to comply. He stepped back, leaning against the wall, not wanting to listen in. He glanced at the older Zala, observing his serious look. A small grin traced his lips.
Soon… my plan will be set in motion. Come now, Chairman Zala… you'll be the turning point for ZAFT in a matter of time.
Taking Athrun close to him, Siegel remarked, giving him a sad look.
“I'm sorry Athrun, but Lacus is busy with her work. I'm afraid she won't spend time with you.”
The Aegis pilot merely nodded.
“I understand, sir. I just want to know if she's doing ok.”
“Ho, ho, ho… don't worry, she's doing fine. She told me she missed having your company.”
“I'm glad. Thank you, sir.”
Giving a salute to Siegel, and then to his father, Athrun went back to Rau. Patrick eyed the two warily.
Athrun… I'm sorry if I've not acted like a good father to you, but I'm afraid I must make sure those Naturals pay for what they did to your mother!
Creuset… I don't trust you that much; you're my prime source of secret info. I'll find a way to deal with you at another time.
Rau adjusted his ZAFT uniform collar, leaving a few buttons open to let some air in, cooling his sweating body.
“Athrun, we'll set out in 3 days to continue pursuit of the legged-ship. Until then, we'll need to get ready.”
“Yes sir.”
The two ZAFT officers saluted Patrick and Siegel once more, before leaving them alone. The Supreme Council Chairman and National Defense Committee Chairman stood before a large edifice displaying the fossilized remains of a space whale, named Evidence 01.
“What do you hope to accomplish by intensifying the conflict, Patrick?” Siegel started, glancing at his long-time friend, who was also the founder of ZAFT.
Patrick continued to gaze at the edifice, his face turning grim.
“We cannot forgive those who'll only get in the way, Siegel.”
Along a long stretch of highway through the city, Athrun was driving an automatic car with Rau, intending on dropping the masked commander off at his quarters in the military base.
Screens filled with images of Lacus singing adorned throughout the city, as they passed along. Athrun couldn't help but grimaced a sad feeling in his heart.
Bloody Valentine… Mother…
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0715 hours
Location: Debris Area; PLANT Junius-Seven remains
Standing on a large, rocky area, Fllay and some children of the Heliopolis survivors (found by Kira before) made origami flowers. They spread them in space, to remember the unfortunate victims of a tragedy long remembered.
Several of the Archangel crew, standing behind Fllay and the children and watching the flowers spreading out all over the area that was the remains of PLANT Junius-Seven, were in a moment of silence, mourning the loss of innocent victims in the `Bloody Valentine' tragedy.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0720 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
Visiting the national cemetery, the Aegis pilot walked down the long, wide area, searching for a particular tombstone. Upon recognizing a certain name on one, he stopped at front of it.
May 2, C.E.35 - February 14, C.E.70
“Mother… it's been a while,” he quietly spoke with a weighing heart. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he carefully laid it down in front of his mother's tombstone. His eyes shimmered a bit, as he remembered the loving mother he always cherished deep down him.
The cemetery didn't receive only one visitor. From another area of tombstones some distance away from Athrun, a lone ZAFT soldier adorning a red uniform signifying status as an elite pilot, stood before a tombstone. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he slowly laid it down in front of the tombstone. His baby-blue eyes focused on the name etched.
February 14, C.E.52 - February 14, C.E.70
“Luna… I'll make sure those EA scum pay for what they did to you. You know, Kenji just had to leave ZAFT simply because of this conflict between Naturals and Coordinators.
“Bah, the coward. He had the balls to do it because of beliefs!
“I'm sorry to say, but I consider him as an enemy. If he ever shows his face here, I'll be sure to give him hell for his leaving, and forgetting to pay you a visit here now and then. I don't care if he re-enlists in ZAFT, but he's an enemy.
“I know he's a close friend… as well as your first love to you, but leaving ZAFT is like betrayal. I won't forget his sacrifice of being with you… he was so thoughtful of his friends… that he'd risked his own happiness to have theirs achieved.
“…I really miss you… your smile, the smell of your hair like that of a flower… if only I was able to reach you before that fucked-up incident happened.
A tear trickled down his left cheek.
“Until next time… goodbye, Luna.”
Taking out a handkerchief from the left chest pocket of his uniform, he wiped off his tear and placed the handkerchief back in. Adjusting his uniform's collar, he took a deep breath. His long, silver hair swayed a bit under a light breeze of air. With one last look at the tombstone, he turned around, and left.
One thought lingered in his mind.
Kenji… you'll pay.
He made his right hand into a right fist and clenched it, cracking its knuckle. Another thought passed in his mind.
I should head over to the Geneva and meet up with its captain. It'd better be important.
ZAFT soldier Eiji Shinonome wouldn't know what fate had in store for him.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0730 hours
Location: Debris Area; PLANT Junius-Seven remains
With another preparation and convincing Kira and company to comply, water excavation began for the crew of the Archangel. Several Mistral worker pods stored in the ship were used, driven by Natarle, Miriallia, Tolle, Sai, Kuzzey, Chandra, Romero, and Jackie. Murdoch's team of mechanics/engineers was on the job in spacesuits, helping out.
Patrolling the excavation were the Seraph and the Aile Strike Gundams.
Kenji activated the Mirage Colloid Shift, rending the Seraph invisible, as he stood guard in one area, watching over two Mistral worker pods piloted by Natarle/Miriallia and Tolle/Sai.
Kira on the other hand paced the Strike back and forth in the opposite area of Kenji's watch, watching over another two Mistral worker pods piloted by Kuzzey/Chandra and Romero/Jackie. He glanced around the area, making sure of any suspecting threats.
From a distance away, Kira spotted a GINN Reconnaissance Type unit hovering nearby his area. Hiding behind a large rock of debris, the Aile Strike took one peek around the side. Kira tighten his grip on the control sticks in anxiety as he monitored the GINN's movements.
“Come on… please don't come near… I beg of you…” he pleaded. He brought the Aile Strike to bring up its beam rifle held by both hands, aimed at the GINN. The target reticule mirrored on Kira's helmet visor from the CIS, as it lined up dead center at the GINN.
The GINN turned its head from side to side, scanning its surroundings. Finding nothing in particular, it then turned around and left.
Kira sighed a breath of relief.
Unfortunately, the Mistral worker pod piloted by Kuzzey/Chandra stood out in view, attracting the GINN's attention. The ZAFT pilot picked up the sensors of a moving small heat source from the Mistral worker pod, and turned the GINN around, bringing up its long-range sniper rifle to attack.
Kira gritted his teeth in hesitation as his fingers shook near the triggers of the control stick.
“No… why did you turn around!” he exclaimed surprised. Before the Aile Strike could fire, a well-placed beam shot from the side went through the center of the GINN.
Sparks were seen for a brief second around the GINN before the major explosion.
Kira's mouth was agape, as he remembered not firing his beam rifle. He looked to see himself in place, still hiding behind the rock and trying to take a shot.
From the left small monitor comprising his CIS, Kenji's image appeared, getting the Strike pilot's attention.
“It's either you or the enemy. Remember that,” the Seraph pilot warned him through com-link before his image flickered off.
The images of Kuzzey/Chandra then appeared after Kenji's image.
“Thanks Kira, that was too close!” Chandra commented.
“Sorry, it was careless of us to get the GINN's attention,” Kuzzey apologized. Their faces then flickered off.
Taking deep breaths to calm down, Kira relaxed his grip on the control sticks.
“Thanks, Kenji… I owe you another one,” he remarked. His eyes then caught a shiny object from a far distance displayed on his CIS.
What's that? I better take a look.
Zooming in the cameras' magnification, he could make out a figure of a life pod.
A life pod! Maybe a civilian inside… but I just can't leave it alone. I better bring it back to the ship.
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the Aile Strike made its way to the life pod. It grabbed hold of it, taking it back to the Archangel.
“You know, you have a habit of bringing back unwanted things in this ship,” Natarle commented sarcastically to Kira as they and the rest of the Archangel crew were gathered around the life pod laid down on the hangar bay.
Among the crew, several guards armed with rifles took their places around the life pod, ready to gun down an unwanted enemy.
Meanwhile Peter was tampering with its keypad lock with his miniature hacking tool he used back in Artemis (although normally it should be Murdoch doing the job, Peter volunteered for this one, surprising the crew and amazing them with his hacking skills).
“Ah, got it! Okay, I'm opening it now, people,” Peter remarked. As he pressed a button on his device, the life pod then opened, prompting him to step back. Tension filled the air as everybody waited for someone or something to come out.
“Haro!” a mechanical, cutesy voice spoke.
Question marks would be seen on top of everyone's heads as they listened.
Suddenly, a small round, pink object, like that of a ball, jumped out. Everyone looked at it peculiarly as it floated by.
“Oh hello, everyone!” a polite, feminine voice spoke. Out from the life pod, long pink hair flowed, belonging to a beautiful angel. Her darling figure floated out, showing herself to the crew.
Instead of ZAFT soldiers she expected to see saving her, Lacus Clyne saw EA officers watching her amazed. Glancing around them, her eyes suddenly fixed first on Kenji, who stood next to his uncle, looking at her as well. He reached up and grabbed her, pulling her down to the ground.
“Hi, I'm Lacus. What's your name?” she nicely asked with a pleasant smile.
Kenji raised an eyebrow, as his face twitched in confusion and amazement at the girl's behavior. Running his right hand through his hair, he offered a handshake to her. She earnestly accepted.
“I'm Kenji Hyne. Nice to meet you, Lacus.”
Among the crew who were gathered around, Natarle couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart as she eyed the two getting to know each other.
Am I feeling… jealous? No… but why am I feeling this way when I see him getting comfortable talking with her?
Natarle shook her head, trying to clear the thought.
What am I thinking? This isn't right of me. I'm an officer of this ship. I mustn't focus on personal relationships.
What is it about him that makes me want to know him more?
Natarle's eyes never left on the Seraph pilot. She needed to know.
Like a moth drawn to the flame.

PLANT Supreme Council
This is the executive committee that governs the PLANTs and controls the ZAFT forces. The dozen members of this supreme council are elected representatives of the twelve sectors, or “cities”, into which PLANTs are grouped. The council itself meets at Aprilius One, the administrative capital of the PLANTs.
Each member of the council is assigned to one of its five specialized committees --- Administrative, Diplomatic, Judicial, Legislative, or National Defense. Each of these committees has its own chairman, and Siegel Clyne currently chairs the overall council. The council is also divided along political lines, with a roughly even split between radicals who want to escalate the war, and moderates who hope to end the conflict through negotiation. At the beginning of C.E. 71, the council's membership is as follows:
Council Members:
Ali Kasim
Representing: Januarius City.
Committee Assignment: Legislative Committee chair
Political Faction: Moderate
Academic Specialty: Micro engineering
Tad Elsman
Representing: Februarius City
Committee Assignment: Administrative Committee member
Political Faction: Moderate/Neutral
Academic Specialty: Biochemistry
Ezalia Joule
Representing: Martius City
Committee Assignment: National Defense Committee member
Political Faction: Radical
Academic Specialty: Aerospace engineering
Siegel Clyne
Representing: Aprilius City
Committee Assignment: Supreme Council chair
Political Faction: Moderate
Academic Specialty: Space life sciences
Yuri Amalfi
Representing: Maius City
Committee Assignment: National Defense Committee member
Political Faction: Moderate
Academic Specialty: Mechanical engineering
Louise Leitner
Representing: Junius City
Committee Assignment: Judicial Committee chair
Political Faction: Radical
Academic Specialty: Agricultural
Jeremy Maxwell
Representing: Quintilis City
Committee Assignment: Legislative Committee member
Political Faction: Radical
Academic Specialty: Chemistry
Orson White
Representing: Sextilis City
Committee Assignment: Administrative Committee chair
Political Faction: Radical/Neutral
Academic Specialty: Particle Physics
Eileen Canaver
Representing: September City
Committee Assignment: Diplomatic Committee member
Political Faction: Moderate
Academic Specialty: Information Science
Herman Gould
Representing: October City
Committee Assignment: National Defense Committee member
Political Faction: Radical
Academic Specialty: Political Science
Parnell Jesek
Representing: November City
Committee Assignment: Judicial Committee member
Political Faction: Moderate/Neutral
Academic Specialty: Industrial Engineering
Patrick Zala
Representing: December City
Committee Assignment: National Defense Committee chair
Political Faction: Radical
Academic Specialty: Historical Structures
This is the military force of the PLANTs. ZAFT is a militia made up of civilian volunteers, and the organization has no formal rank structure, so its members are instead addressed by descriptive titles like "commander" and "captain."
The ZAFT forces are organized into independent teams named after their commanders, and much like the modern-day U.S. Marines these teams can operate equally well on land, at sea, in air, or in outer space. Since ZAFT's membership is made up of genetically enhanced Coordinators, its forces are more than a match for the numerically superior Earth Alliance.
ZAFT was originally a political organization called the Zodiac Alliance, which was founded in C.E. 50 by Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala. The Zodiac Alliance took on its present name in C.E. 65, and three years later it was reorganized to become an explicitly military organization equipped with the revolutionary new weapons known as mobile suits. The ZAFT forces are currently subject to the authority of the PLANT Supreme Council, and report directly to the National Defense Committee chaired by Patrick Zala.