Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 8: The Enemy Songstress ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 8: The Enemy Songstress
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback thought
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
-Word- denotes sound effect during flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0735 hours
Location: Debris Area; PLANT Junius-Seven remains
Inside the Archangel's hangar bay, the gathering crowd was aghast as they slowly began to realize who the angelic girl conversing with Kenji was. Murmurs sounded from among them, prompting Lacus to look around everybody and realizing they were wearing EA uniforms during her conversation with the Seraph pilot. Her face etched in a wondering look.
“Oh my… this isn't a ZAFT ship I'm on, is it, Kenji?” she asked the Seraph pilot, who slowly shook his head in reply.
Mwu, Murrue, and Natarle approached the pink-haired angel. The captain laid a hand on her shoulder, with Mwu walking up to her side.
“I'm sorry, but you'll have to come with us, miss. This way,” Murrue motioned her to follow after her.
“I understand.”
Lacus looked back at Kenji once more, her eyes trying to remember his features, before following the trio. Natarle stole a quick glance at Kenji, whose eyes were on the Coordinator pop idol. A frown passed on her face for a while before returning back to its serious look.
I don't see why this young girl can turn heads at her. There I go weird again… what's wrong with me?
The trio began accompanying the pink-haired Coordinator to a private room for questioning. As their retreating forms were evident, this prompted the rest of the crowd to slowly dissipate, resuming back to their duties. Kenji caught word on some of their murmurs.
“Did you see that girl? She looks… angelic.”
“What are you getting so mushy about? If I knew better, I'd say she resembles that of Lacus Clyne, daughter of the ZAFT Supreme Council Chairman, Siegel Clyne.”
“No way! Is that true?”
-Sigh- You really need to catch up with the news. Of course it is!”
“Then what's she doing in the life pod?”
“Beats me. The captain, lieutenant, and ensign will find out after questioning her.”
Kenji made a mental note to himself.
Lacus… Lacus Clyne… she's the daughter of Siegel Clyne, ZAFT Supreme Council chairman.
But what's she doing here in PLANT Junius-Seven? And why did she notice me first?
Composing himself, he flexed his body, removing the stiffness suffered for standing too long on one spot. Peter got his attention by tapping his shoulder, prompting Kenji to glance at him.
“You're forming thoughts about the girl, Kenji?”
“Yeah. I have to admit her presence here was a surprise.”
“I'll go join the captain and hear out the questioning. We should find out how she got here in the first place.”
“You do that. I'll see you later then.”
Kenji watched his uncle's retreating form, intent on hearing out Lacus's questioning. Suddenly, his nose caught an undesirable stench coming from the researching clothes he was wearing. Taking a few sniffs, his face twisted in slight disgust.
Whew… I guess I haven't showered for days since Heliopolis. It's amazing no one else noticed this, or I'd die in embarrassment. I better ask one of the bridge officers to lend me an EA uniform instead.
He took one last look at the Seraph Gundam parked facing him.
“I guess we'll be stuck with each other for a long time.”
Kenji made his exit from the hangar, heading inside the few zigzag hallways of the Archangel.
Kenji wandered around, looking for the public bathroom. He found himself getting lost, floating in one end of a hallway leading to another.
Great, now I'm lost. Where's the public bathroom? The ship designers should have included markers pointing out locations in this ship.
He felt a hand tapping his shoulder, alerting him of someone's presence. He turned around to find Kira looking amused at him.
“Kenji, are you lost? You look so.”
-Sigh- I can't seem to find the public bathroom here. I know where my room, the bridge, and hangar are, but I don't know about the rest.”
The Strike pilot laughed little, discovering an interesting side of the Seraph pilot.
“Well, the public bathroom is split into two: male and female. Both are near the officers' quarters, the male one located at one end of the hallway with the female one at the other. Just head over to the officers' quarters and you won't miss them.”
Kenji scratched his cheek, looking embarrassed.
“Um… thanks for the directions. How did you get used to this place quick?”
“Oh… well, Lieutenant La Flaga was kind enough to give me and my friends a quick tour around here after my first sortie.”
“Friends? Who're they?”
“My classmates back in Heliopolis. The captain brought them along with me here. They're Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, and Tolle. You can find their quarters next to mine. Another one is Fllay… though I met her a little back in Heliopolis, and don't know much about her.”
“I see. You must be a lucky person to be blessed with that many of friends.”
Kira looked away from Kenji, embarrassed by the compliment. The Seraph pilot stared at him amused by his reaction.
-Chuckle- Thanks for the directions. I'll be sure to drop by your quarters when I've some time.”
“…Ok. Take care then.”
Kira watched with wonder the Seraph pilot retreating the end of the hallway, and disappearing around the corner. He folded his arms, and leaned against the wall, his eyes on the floor.
Kenji… how did he come in possession of a MS similar to the Strike? There's something I can't put my finger on about him.
A low growl sounded from his stomach, prompting him to glance at it and rubbing it.
“I haven't eaten for a while… I guess I'll head to the mess hall.”
Meanwhile, some of the bridge crew --- Arnold, Dalida, Jackie, and Romero --- were eavesdropping Lacus's questioning taking place in a private room. They squirmed against one another, trying to get a good position.
Sai stepped in view, looking for Tolle, who apparently joined them. He found him kneeled down next to Arnold, cupping his right ear on the door, trying to eavesdrop what was inside. He approached his friend, tapping him on the shoulder.
“What are you doing there?” he asked.
Tolle placed a finger on his lips, motioning him to be quiet.
“Lower your voice! I'm trying to hear what they're saying inside…”
Just then, the door opened, knocking over the eavesdroppers to the floor. Natarle stepped forth, hands on her hips, as she gave a death glare at the group.
“Why are you all doing there? Get back to your posts!” she angrily exclaimed.
At cue, the group fled, also with Sai running behind them. He sighed, rolling over his eyes exasperated at being caught.
“Oh brother… I shouldn't have been near these guys…”
Natarle watched their retreating forms annoyed.
“People these days,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head slowly. She stepped back inside the room, closing the door after her, and rejoined Murrue and Mwu in Lacus's questioning. The said girl was seated next to a table, looking cooperative at her supposed rescuers.
Peter leant against the wall, hands on his lab coat pockets. He directed his gaze towards Lacus.
“My name is Lacus Clyne, daughter of Siegel Clyne,” she started.
Murrue and Natarle looked wonderingly at the Moebius Zero pilot, who groaned and slapped a hand on his face as he registered her words. Peter merely nodded to himself, acknowledging the fact. Mwu glanced at Lacus then back to the captain, ensign, and Peter.
“…He's the leader of the ZAFT Supreme Council,” he stated, clearing confusion seen in Murrue and Natarle's faces.
Lacus stared interestingly at Mwu by the mention of her father's job.
“Do you know my father, sir?”
The Moebius Zero pilot sighed in disbelief, nodding his head in reply. Lacus continued.
“I was investigating Junius-Seven on board my ship, the Silverwind, in preparation for the one-year anniversary of the `Bloody Valentine' incident. However, we came upon an EA ship along the way, and it opened fire at us. I remembered some nice people pushing me inside a life pod, saying it was for my safety. Then after, I suddenly found myself rescued in this ship.”
Murrue nodded to herself, understanding her explanation.
“I see… it makes sense. Hmm, we didn't get reports about your ship visiting here in Junius Seven, so it was only now I heard about it.”
Natarle, who stood next to the captain with folded arms, observed the survivor like a hawk. There was something about the girl that puzzled her --- her personality. It seemed she was unaffected by the ordeal she recounted, and she had an easygoing smile, like she didn't have a care in the world.
What is up with her constant smiling? It's like all is right with her. She treats us with good manners and respect. What a courteous and weird Coordinator.
On the other hand, Peter contemplated, analyzing the current situation.
Hmm… this presents an interesting problem: will she be a liability or asset to the crew of this ship?
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0740 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
Inside the Aegis pilot's quarters located in the military dormitory, Athrun was taking a much-needed shower. He needed to gather his thoughts from the ordeal he experienced back in Heliopolis, along with the fact finding his childhood best friend, Kira, in league with the EA.
The water ran throughout his developed body, cooling him as he closed his eyes in relief. After minutes of cleaning up, he turned off the shower and reached for a robe and towel hung on a racket near him. With robe worn and drying his hair with the towel, he exited the bathroom.
The sound buzzed from a small intercom on the wall. He approached it, pressing a particular red button on the small keypad to answer. On the small display screen, a ZAFT female officer popped in view.
“Message for Officer Athrun Zala.”
“Ok. Patch it through,” Athrun spoke.
“Please state your id code for confirmation.”
“…Processing… id confirmed. Relaying message: this is to inform you that your assigned ship the Vesalius will be leaving port 36 hours ahead of schedule. You're to report 1 hour early of its assigned schedule. End of message. Please confirm it.”
“My assigned ship, the Vesalius, will be leaving port 36 hours ahead of schedule. I'm to report 1 hour early of its assigned schedule.”
“Message confirmed. Thank you.”
With that said, the ZAFT female officer's face flickered off. Athrun released pressing the red button on the small keypad of the intercom. He reached for the TV remote lain on his bed, switching on the TV at front of him. It showed the news channel first.
“In other news, a memorial delegation on board the ship, the Silverwind, was sent to PLANT Junius-Seven's remains to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the `Bloody Valentine' tragedy. On board to lead the delegation was Lacus Clyne, daughter of Supreme Council chairman Siegel Clyne. However, it was believed to be missing after reports state that a distress call was sent from it to ZAFT Central HQ. Officials haven't confirmed whether it was under attack, but strongly assume it had mechanical problems. As of this moment, ZAFT Central HQ has mobilized a small task force to investigate the Silverwind's disappearance…”
Athrun's eyes widen in shock as he registered the news in his mind, his mouth partially agape. By reaction, he dropped the remote on the floor.
“Lacus… it can't be.”
Arriving at the shuttle bay an hour later and freshly dressed for duty, Athrun stepped inside the hallway leading to a parked shuttle, which would take him to the Vesalius. He found the masked Rau and his father in conversation near the shuttle's entrance. They ceased talking and glanced at him, acknowledging his presence. Athrun saluted them both, and glanced at the masked commander.
“Has this departure to do with Lacus? It's not… as if something happened to her?” he started. He strongly believed this to be the case for the Vesalius's sudden early departure.
“You'll have to go. Everyone in PLANTs knows that you and Lacus are engaged. It'd be weird if you didn't go searching for her when she's missing,” Patrick replied, adjusting the collar of his military uniform. He coughed briefly to clear his voice before continuing, “We've sent a GINN Reconnaissance Type to find her, but it hasn't returned.”
Athrun looked dejectedly at his father.
“This means that my mission will be finding and bringing her back here like a hero, then.”
Rau went ahead of him, going in the shuttle. Before stepping inside, he glanced back at his subordinate with a cold look.
“You'd end up bringing her corpse back and wailing in tears, if that's how you'd see it.”
Athrun grimaced a bit at the suggested outcome. That'd be the last thing he'd see of his fiancé. He turned to his father.
“Your mission is clear. Bring her back in one piece. Understand?” Patrick laid out the mission objective before him.
The Aegis pilot couldn't believe how his father referred Lacus as an object to be retrieved. He fought hard not to show his disdain for the remark, and simply saluted him.
“Yes sir.”
He then made a quick turnabout, entering the shuttle to join with his masked commander. Patrick watched his son's retreating figure before leaving.
Meanwhile at the colony's docking bay, where the Geneva was parked, Eiji Shinonome stepped inside the captain's quarters after hailing the door, alerting Lloyd's attention. The captain was seated behind his desk; Eiji approached, saluting him.
“You wanted to see me, Captain Lloyd Aster?” the ZAFT ace pilot started.
“Commander Eiji Shinonome, the `Red Reaper'… it's an honor to meet you.”
Eiji smirked at the address.
“It's been a long time since I've been called that. What did you call me here for?”
“Please take a seat,” Lloyd motioned his guest. After he did so, the Geneva Captain went straight to business.
“I wish to enlist you under my command in this ship. I've heard of your nature to randomly pick and carry out assigned missions, with a 95 percent chance of success. What's the other 5 percent by the way?”
Eiji crossed his legs, seated in a gentleman style, his arms folded while he directed his attention at Lloyd.
“…That is a small chance of the mission to fail, due to any circumstances. I never get overconfident assuring myself that any mission I take is guaranteed to succeed all the way. And why do you ask me this?”
“I've decided to run this ship on my own agenda today. There was a mysterious informant who alerted me of Commander Creuset's dealing with the rumor regarding the secret mobile suit project of the EA, supposedly taking place in the neutral colony and satellite, Heliopolis. I don't know the informant's reasons for doing so, but he hinted a particular official was also interested at that news, and wanted reports on it.”
“Creuset… go on, you amuse me.”
“Anyway, to make this short, I had to trail Creuset's ship, the Vesalius, another Nazca-class destroyer, which was headed for Heliopolis. However, by the time my ship arrived there, the colony was in ruins. It was safe to assume the rumor was true, and that Creuset had a hand in its destruction. There were survivors, apparently all civilians, who had escaped in life pods. I left them for the EA to handle, and sent out a small GINN squad to investigate the area. They stumbled upon a surprising object… a prototype MS.”
Eiji raised an eyebrow on the remark.
“How it got there was a mystery, but more importantly, it was brought here in the Geneva. I have the engineering team analyzing it as we speak. I'm thinking you're suitable to pilot it.”
-Chuckle- Me, pilot it? And what makes you think I'd accept? This has to be a joke. Besides, I have my customized CGUE stored in the hangar bay, it's the best MS I can pilot.”
Lloyd looked him at the eye, amused.
“If my words don't convince you, then maybe this will…”
“Mother of god… this is a monstrosity,” Eiji commented, looking from below at the prototype MS in the Geneva's hanger bay. He furrowed his eyebrows in thought, observing the machine in detail, taking note of its design.
-Chuckle- I believe this will do, eh?” Lloyd remarked, standing next him, “I've to admit, this is one hell of a MS.”
The head mechanic of the engineering team approached the Geneva Captain from above, after conversing with a fellow engineer and noticing them.
“Captain, we're able to open its OS, but it's password-locked,” he reported. He glanced at the studying Eiji, and instantly recognized him.
“You're… Commander Shinonome, the `Red Reaper'! Sir, it's an honor to meet you!” he saluted him. Eiji merely shrugged off his remark with a short glance and nod at the head mechanic, before resuming his observation on the MS.
Lloyd grinned, noticing how his guest didn't take notice of his fame in ZAFT. After all, a well-known ZAFT officer as him, who was often compared to Creuset because of his superb piloting skill, sense of command and duty, and strategic judgment was no big deal to the said individual.
“Would you like to take a look inside?” he offered.
“…With pleasure, captain.”
The three people propelled themselves upward to the opened cockpit. The head mechanic motioned for Eiji to take the pilot's seat and went to his side, activating the keyboard interface system.
“Ok, from here it's already familiar territory for you, sir, and I'll just mentioned some particular things in this mobile suit's OS.”
Eiji nodded in reply, “Go on.”
“Ahem, one this MS packs a lot of firepower for a prototype. Whoever its designer was, he definitely planned this to be an all-around assault type. Normally, a regular ZAFT MS couldn't be outfitted with so much weaponry; it'd mean draining its batteries at a fast rate. But, I guess this surprise will explain the irony of the concept.”
Pressing a few buttons on the keyboard interface, he maneuvered through the menu.
G.U.N.D.A.M Complex
Series AVTC-XP1 Seraph/Spawn
Please register pilot ID:
Lloyd and Eiji stared astonished at the screen.
“…'Nuclear'… that means…” they uttered at the same time.
The head mechanic grinned in reply, “Yep… with an N-Jammer Canceller feature installed, making it possible to run this MS for almost an unlimited period of time. I've heard word that PLANT Maius City representative Yuri Amalfi, who also has a son under Commander Creuset, started working on the N-Jammer Canceller project, but it's still on progress.”
“Ah yes, for without him, we wouldn't have shut down all nuclear activity in Earth during Operation Uroboros, right?” Lloyd quipped.
“You got it.”
Eiji moved the head mechanic's hands slowly from the keyboard interface, prompting him surprised.
“You don't mind if I do the browsing first? This looks appealing.”
He then typed in rapid succession.
G.U.N.D.A.M Complex
Series AVTC-XP1 Seraph/Spawn
Please register pilot ID:
…$PASSWORD: Aile-2
Please register pilot ID: Aile-2
Registration validated.
MS-OS Menu
The head mechanic stared at the screen then at Eiji, amazed. He found himself having a higher degree of respect for the candidate pilot.
Lloyd whistled to himself, impressed by Eiji's hacking ability. He saw few elite MS pilots with that skill when occupying different MS, and changing their OS to match their piloting skills.
“Hmm, it wasn't as complex I thought to be. Let's see what we have here,” Eiji commented, browsing the menu. Multiple sub-menus appeared in the screen, displaying info of the MS.
Lloyd had a gut feeling that the young man at the controls seated facing him, was the ideal pilot for the MS.
I guess I'm expecting too much from him; however, I can't help but fathom a connection between him and this MS.
It took Eiji several minutes calibrating the OS to his liking. As he returned the OS back to its main menu, he noticed the words `GUNDAM Complex' appearing on the opening screen, understanding the word `GUNDAM' represented as an acronym displayed during the OS booting.
“Spawn Gundam… Captain Aster, about your offer,” Eiji reconsidered his options.
“Changed your mind?” Lloyd feigned wonder, expecting the question to pop out from him.
“Yes... I'm under your command, captain.”
“Glad to have you in my ship. Get yourself suited up and ready for our departure. We'll be leaving 36 hours ahead of schedule, the same time with the Vesalius. Thanks for the short guide, Ernest.”
The head mechanic named Ernest nodded in reply.
“I'll have my team ready this in a few hours. With permission, please excuse me, sir.”
Saluting to Lloyd and Eiji, Ernest departed from the cockpit and back in the hangar bay, resuming his work.
Eiji deactivated the OS after having satisfied himself on the Spawn's specs. He and Lloyd exited the cockpit, and floated down to the ground.
“I'll see you later then, Commander Shinonome. I'll have an operator reconfirm the Geneva's schedule to your quarters,” Lloyd spoke, shaking hands with the Spawn pilot.
“Likewise, sir. Drop the `Commander' title, for I'm your subordinate for the time being. Just call me Eiji,” Eiji corrected with a smirk. However, it changed into a curious frown, “Why did you mention the Vesalius? What are you to do with Creuset?”
-Chuckle- Oh that… relax, Eiji. You already know that I plan to run this ship on my agenda from this moment now, and coordinating with him to be his additional support is one of my plans. You needn't worry. ”
With a salute and a cautious look at Lloyd, Eiji turned around, heading to exit the Geneva. Looking at his retreating form with furrowed eyebrows, Lloyd sighed worriedly.
Meanwhile, at the Clyne estate, home to PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Siegel Clyne…
The maid hurried to open the front door. Her face changed into a look of amazement and familiarity as she glanced and smiled pleasantly at the visitor.
“Welcome, sir. Another business with Master Clyne?”
“Yes. Is he around?”
“The master is at his office upstairs. He's expecting you.”
“Thanks, Marie.”
The mentioned maid closed and locked the door after the visitor stepped inside and headed upstairs. She went about resuming her usual duty of housecleaning.
Upstairs in his office, Siegel was seated behind his desk, glancing at several sheets of papers laid. They were military reports pertaining to the Silverwind, his daughter's ship, and its recent disappearance.
His eyes then changed to see a small picture of him and his daughter side-by-side. He gently traced her portrait with his left hand, added with a lingering concern.
Lacus… I hope you're well out there. I'm doing the best I can to find you.
He directed his attention at the supposed visitor knocking his door.
“Come in, please.”
The door opened, revealing the visitor. Siegel's eyes filled with anticipation as he looked at him.
“Ah, Vann. I take it you have news?” Siegel inquired, motioning his visitor to take a seat in front of him. He adjusted the mask he was wearing and took off his black trench coat, hanging it on a coat racket posted at the corner of the room. He then went up to his desk, standing to face him.
“I'll prefer to stand, sir. I have some interesting stuff you should hear.”
Siegel stood from his seat and turned around facing a covered window. With a hefty pull from a cord, the red curtains covering it immediately separated from each other, showing a pleasant view of peaceful man-made nature in the colony. He stared at the scenic background, letting his mind in ease.
“Go on.”
With a small cough to clear his throat, the masked informant known as Vann started.
“I've successfully requested Captain Lloyd Aster, commandeering the Nazca-class destroyer ship Geneva, to assist us. He immediately departed with his ship a few hours after another Nazca-class destroyer the Vesalius was launched, heading for the satellite colony of Heliopolis. The ship is commandeered by Captain Frederick Ades, but the main commander in charge of the operation investigating the rumors was Rau Le Creuset.”
“Just as I thought. Please continue.”
“Ahem. According to Captain Aster, he arrived too late, witnessing Heliopolis in ruins. He stated that Creuset might be involved with its demise, but it can't be guaranteed. All the civilians were…”
Siegel made a shooing motion with his right hand, cutting off Vann's report.
“You don't need to report that, I've heard the main details from the recent Council meeting held an hour ago. Just clarify on new developments.”
Vann merely nodded in apology before resuming.
“Yes sir. Captain Aster discovered a prototype MS hidden among some debris when he deployed his small GINN squadron to make perimeter sweeps throughout the area. He has already a recent analysis of it stored in this disc I have in my possession.”
“…Please show me.”
The masked informant took out the disk from his right pants pocket he received from Lloyd during his small meeting at the café a while back. He then tossed it at Siegel, who caught it with ease with his right hand, and examined it for a few seconds. After done with it, he laid it on his desk, and resumed back to his original position.
“I see. Has he enlisted Eiji Shinonome under his command?”
“Yes, he's confirmed that. May I ask if his enlisting has to do with the discovery of the prototype MS?”
-Chuckle- Not quite, Vann. Somehow I didn't expect Heliopolis to be destroyed as it was predicted.”
“Predicted? By who?”
“From an old friend…”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 01; +0100 hours
Location: Heliopolis, Morgenroete Research Facility
By Aile's personal invite, Siegel had flown in here from the PLANTs, on reason for a personal trip, not wanting to arouse suspicions amongst fellow Council members, especially Patrick Zala. He looked at one of his few close friends looking outside his window, shaking his head and muttering to himself.
“So why did you invite me all the way, here, old friend?” Siegel jovially started, seated crossing his legs in Professor Aile Kato's office.
Aile ceased his muttering and glanced at Siegel.
“…Siegel, this may sound ridiculous, but I called you all the way here to inform you that in a matter of weeks, this colony will soon come attack by your ZAFT organization.”
“That's absurd! Why do you speak of such ill things?”
“-Chuckle- Old friend, you know very well from me that the EA and Orb are working on a secret MSproject, aimed to counter attack your ZAFT mass-produced GINNs and their variants. As days pass by with each reaping progress of the project, I can't help but nervously prepare for that day.”
“It's true that the Council has been receiving surveillance reports from ZAFT recons, but I don't think we'd be making a hasty action as you suggested.”
Aile shook his head once more, chuckling to himself.
“Siegel, in this time of age, you should know whom to trust, and differentiate allies from enemies. Believe me… there is a possibility of another tragedy triggering a full-scale war between EA and ZAFT, of Coordinators and Naturals.”
End Flashback
“And that's the story. To think that this unknown genius could predict the future…” Siegel finished narrating about his old friend to the masked informant.
“Professor Aile Kato… I didn't know he was a close friend of yours.”
-Chuckle- Vann, you also need to heed his advice as well. You've heard about my daughter's disappearance?”
“Ah yes, her ship, the Silverwind, that was on route to make a delegation in PLANT Junius Seven, commemorating the one-year anniversary of the `Bloody Valentine' incident?”
Siegel nodded in approval.
“Patrick has already Commander Creuset taking on the rescue mission. With his small entourage of ace pilots, especially with Athrun among them, I have no doubt they'll be successful in finding Lacus.”
“I hope so too, sir.”
“Vann… I should have personally sent you to stay with Lacus on her ship, just before she left. But this news of Heliopolis got me most concerned. Don't get me wrong, my daughter is my highest priority, but I also care for the well being of the PLANTs, and for every Coordinator living here.”
Vann merely nodded in reply.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 3; +0800 hours
Location: The Archangel
After finishing water excavation and refilling necessary supplies from the debris area, the Archangel finally left PLANT Junius-Seven's ruins. It continued its original course to the EA lunar HQ.
The Strike pilot stepped inside the mess hall, with the intention of satisfying his hunger. He looked to find Fllay and Miriallia arguing. He scanned all over the room looking for anyone else to explain this sudden event, when he finally spotted Kuzzey seated a few tables away from the arguing female teens, eating his tray of meal. He approached him, prompting his friend to glance at him, acknowledging his presence.
“What are they arguing about?”
“Oh that… you might not want to get involved… well, Miriallia asked Fllay to bring a tray of food to that Coordinator girl you rescued; however, Fllay refused, being stubborn. That's the story.”
“What's wrong with you? It's just simply bringing a tray of food to that girl! She could be famished from waiting to be rescued!” Miriallia exclaimed at Fllay.
“I don't like being around Coordinators because they frighten me!” the red-haired girl protested. She then noticed Kira standing nearby, overhearing. With a look of guilt, she continued, “They've also improved strength, and other stuff!”
The two continued arguing when the pink-haired angel made her unexpected entrance, along with her robotic toy Haro bouncing up and down next her. The four teens suddenly glanced at her, as tension started to fill the air.
In the captain's quarters, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle were in discussion regarding Lacus.
“What shall we do about the pink-haired princess, captain?” the Moebius Zero pilot started, leaned against the wall with folded arms looking at Murrue, who looked uncertain.
“I'm afraid we have no choice but to take her with us to the EA lunar HQ.”
“Hmm… but the top brass there will find plenty of uses for her.”
“No, lieutenant, I want to prevent that… she's just a young civilian girl!”
Natarle, who was seated facing Murrue, protested.
“How can you say when you involved civilians like Kira in this war! And also involving Professor Hyne and his nephew, who was a former ZAFT soldier? We could use the girl as an opportunity to hold off the pursuing ZAFT units!”
The Archangel Captain stared at her comrade in disdain, considering her military background affecting her rationality and judgment in making such a decision.
“There you go again with such a suggestion, Natarle! We don't see her as a tool and will not consider using such a cowardly tactic!”
The ensign slammed her hands on the captain's desk heatedly.
“Hah! I'm merely thinking the best for this ship and its crew, and will ensure this reaches for EA territory as originally planned!”
Mwu grimaced at the sparks clashing between the two female EA officers. They were like opposite sides of a coin. Before he could step in and break up their bickering, the door was hailed. This momentarily halted the bickering, which prompted Murrue and Natarle to regain composure.
“Yes, come in!” Murrue angrily motioned the visitor.
The door opened, revealing a casual Peter stepping inside. He noticed Mwu grinning at him, shaking his head relieved; Murrue and Natarle having disdain looks on their faces, looking away from each other.
“Was this a bad time?” Peter nervously asked.
Back in the mess hall, the tension in the air was thick. Silence was broken, when Lacus started, glancing at Kira.
“I'm hungry and thirsty. Is there something to eat and drink here?”
Fllay looked at her with disdain, “Why's a ZAFT girl like you roaming this ship?”
“I'm sorry, but I'm not from ZAFT.”
“Well, they're all the same to me because they're Coordinators!”
Lacus politely looked at the fiery red-haired girl, who looked like to burst out all her anger and disgust at any second.
“But I'm a civilian like you, miss.”
Fllay spat vehemently, “'Miss'? Look here, you, we're never alike! And there's no chance in hell you and I will be friends, got it!”
Kira stepped in between the two, shutting Fllay up. He directed his gaze at Lacus, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“Here, I'll escort you back to your room, okay?”
“…Thank you very much, Mr.,”
“Kira Yamato. `Kira' will do.”
The pink-haired princess nodded in reply, allowing the Strike pilot to escort her. As he did so, he took one glance at Fllay, who had a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and amazement on her face. After she watched their retreating forms exiting the cafeteria, she sat herself down with an annoyed huff, banging her hands on the table.
Kuzzey cautiously glanced at the hot-tempered girl, and decided to approach her.
“What do you want!” she heatedly snapped, noticing his presence.
“Um… are you a member of Blue Cosmos?” he nervously (and stupidly) asked.
“No, and why the hell do you ask me that question?” Fllay replied, watching the boy flinching at her tone and looking at her weirdly. Rolling over her eyes, she then continued, “However, I'm right. I think Coordinators go against nature… their very existence is wrong.”
Kuzzey couldn't help but wonder at the girl's undeniable hatred for Coordinators.
Man… Sai is right. She's flipped when it comes to Coordinators. I don't know whether to pity her or ignore her…
Along a corridor, Kira was leading Lacus to her quarters, with her following him behind. The said girl felt lonely and disheartened from Fllay's recent outburst.
“Kira… I'm lonely… why was she like that?”
“…-Sigh- I'm afraid there are a lot of people in this ship that don't like Coordinators. As to Fllay, please don't feel bad what she said to you. I guess she has a dislike for Coordinators as well.”
“You know… you've been real nice to me, Kira,” the pink-haired princess smiled warmly at his back. The Strike pilot glanced back at her with a concerned and slightly embarrassed face.
“That's because… I'm a Coordinator too. I just don't want to see people like you get hurt, that's all.”
Deep down, the pink-haired princess was touched by his kindness and thoughtfulness.
So he's the one who rescued me in the life pod. He seems to be a kind, thoughtful person.
As they arrived in her temporarily quarters, Kira pressed a few buttons on the keypad lock on the side, opening the door.
“Please stay in your room. I'll get someone to bring a tray of food and a drink to your room. So, relax and take a rest, ok?” he motioned the pink-haired princess to step in.
Haro bounced up and down, exclaiming, “Rest! Rest! Stay!”
Lacus sighed defeated, looking at her robotic toy. She smiled at the Strike pilot, “Very well, Kira, I'll stay here then.”
With a look of concern at her, Kira closed the door after her, locking it by the keypad lock. He sighed worriedly, staring at the door.
She's really becoming a handful to me. I'm not sure how long this can go on, I don't want her to get everybody in the ship edgy.
Shaking off worry about the pink-haired princess, he then left, heading to the observation room.
After a much-needed shower and borrowing an EA uniform from Dalida, whom he ran accidentally and fortunately into on his way to his quarters, Kenji was all set, dressed in a clean EA uniform. He did light stretches, getting himself fit and active. As to his civilian clothes he previously wore, he had hung them inside a cabinet racket in his quarters. He made a mental note to himself to do laundry when the opportunity arose.
“Whew… I've never felt this beat. Maybe I should take a stroll to the mess hall?”
His stomach growled, supporting his remark. He looked down at it, sighing.
“Well, I'm off to appease my stomach then.”
He exited his quarters, heading for the mess hall.
Three days have passed since the Archangel left PLANT Junius-Seven's ruins. The ship was still on course to the Moon, maneuvering around the debris belt.
In the ship's bridge, Romero picked an incoming signal from his terminal at the CIC area. He held the headset he was wearing close to his ears, trying to make out what was received on his end. He looked at his terminal's screen, identifying the signal's source to be an EA signature. His eyes widen in realization, flipping on the speakers in the bridge for everyone to hear.
“Captain, we've picked up an EA signal! I'm transmitting it now through speakers,” he reported to Murrue, who was seated in the captain's seat.
“What… is that so?” she wondered.
“This is the Earth Alliance 8th Fleet, commandeered by Admiral Lewis C. Halberton. We've detected your ship signal and sending ours for you to spot us; we're not too far off from where you are. Over.”
This prompted cheers and relief from the entire bridge crew.
“Alright, we made it!” Jackie exclaimed happily. Miriallia smiled in relief to herself, with her boyfriend placing a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look at him happily.
“I can't believe it… we're coming home!” Dalida beamed at Sai, who was also working alongside him. The yellow-spectacled teen gave a thumbs-up in reply.
“Thank god…” Arnold muttered to himself, as he continued driving the ship.
“Finally… we can meet up with our forces!” Kuzzey exclaimed.
Natarle, commandeering the CIC area, let out a sigh of relief and slightly smiled. She looked up Murrue.
“We can rendezvous with the 8th Fleet then, captain. This is good news.”
The Archangel Captain agreed, nodding in reply. She glanced at Mwu and Peter who stood side-by-side nearby. She couldn't help but feel comfortable whenever the older Hyne was around. He seemed to make her feel at ease during this time of crisis.
“Yes captain, what is it?” Mwu asked, looking at her.
Murrue shook her head, “Can we get to the fleet in time?”
Peter rested his chin on his body, hands on his lab coat pockets as his eyes stared at the floor. He then looked up slowly to Murrue, with a nod.
“I believe there's no doubt about that, captain. Right, lieutenant?”
The Moebius Zero pilot smiled in agreement.
On the observation room, Sai spotted Kira gazing at the infinite stars outside the window. He casually approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder, prompting the Strike pilot to acknowledge his presence.
“Hey Kira. What are you doing here alone?”
“Sai… I was just watching the stars, that's all.
Sai joined his friend in sightseeing, resting his arms on the small railing. He noticed his friend's worried look.
“What's up with that worried face? It's not like you, Kira.”
On his way to the mess hall, Kenji quietly passed by, noticing the two male teens. He hid himself in a dark corner of the room, leaning against the wall with folded arms, and training his ears to overhear from a short distance.
A beautiful, melodic voice suddenly echoed throughout the area. It sounded more like an angel singing.
Kenji's ears picked it up, as he slowly realized whom it belonged to. He looked towards the direction where the voice came from.
That voice… could it be from… Lacus?
Kira and Sai stopped gazing, listening intently on the singing. The Strike pilot knew whom it belonged to, while his friend slightly smiled to himself.
“…So it must be from that girl you rescued, Kira. Wow… she has a beautiful voice.”
The yellow-tinted spectacled male teen shook his head in doubt.
“But then again… it's must be from genetic engineering that she's has that voice.”
The Strike pilot resumed his gazing outside the window, not bothering to respond to his friend's remark.
Taking one last look at the two, Kenji quietly slipped past by them, resuming his path to the cafeteria. As he disappeared around the corner of the hallway, he momentarily stopped.
Lacus's image appeared in his mind, as her singing kept echoing through him. He felt his heart paused for a second or two, as he felt a nostalgic memory.
Lunamaria… no… this is Lacus I'm listening to.
He placed his hand over his heart, and felt the outline of the small crucifix necklace he wore. The Seraph pilot's lips curved slightly upwards.
I suppose it won't hurt to try. She might need some company.
With a nod of confidence, he headed over to Lacus's quarters instead.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 6; +2300 hours
Location: The Vesalius
Re-supplied to begin the search-and-rescue mission of Lacus, the ship continued course to the debris belt, where her ship, the Silverwind, was last tracked by its distress call and beacon on radar. Inside the ship's bridge, one of the communication operators in the CIC area received the incoming signal from the EA 8th fleet. He floated to Ades, reporting to him.
“Sir, we've picked up an incoming signal from an EA fleet.”
“I see… thanks for the report.”
The operator gave a quick nod, returning back to his post. Ades glanced back at the masked Creuset, who floated next his side with folded arms and directing his attention to him.
“It seems we've picked an incoming signal from an Alliance fleet. This means they'd be nearby on our course.”
“Hmm… this changes things, Ades. I'm afraid we'll have to divert from the Lacus mission, because we must intercept the legged ship before it reaches the fleet.”
Ades stared at the masked commander in disbelief. The PLANT National Defense Committee Chairman originally assigned this ship and its crew to search and rescue Lacus. The Vesalius Captain was used to Creuset's sudden change of plans; however, the mission they were entrusted with was a priority.
“But commander, the Lacus mission is high priority!”
Rau cut the air with his hand, silencing him. He looked towards the main screen showing space.
“This can't be helped then, Ades; moreover, I don't want to be the laughing stock of future historians. The legged ship takes the utmost priority. Set a course to the EA lunar HQ, I believe that's where it'll be meeting them!”
Ades nodded in reply. He bellowed orders to the bridge crew, “Change course to the EA lunar HQ! We shall continue pursuit of the legged ship!”
The communication operator suddenly picked up another signal, this time a familiar ZAFT one. He reported to Ades, “Captain, incoming signal from one of ours!”
“Which one?”
“Um… it's coming from another Nazca-class destroyer ship, the Geneva!”
Rau seemed annoyed by the report. Before he could remark about it, one of the radar operators in the CIC area picked a blip approaching the Vesalius on radar. He confirmed the approaching ship's id code.
“Captain, the Geneva is on radar! It's approaching us on the side!”
“Sir, we're being hailed by the Geneva! I'm transmitting it on the main screen!”
On the main screen, the image of the Geneva's captain flickered in view.
“This is Captain Lloyd Aster of the Geneva. Ades, how're you doing, old chum?”
Ades briefly laughed at the greeting, recognizing his old friend, “Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle… `Captain Devil'!”
“Screw that name, it really doesn't suit me right. Ah, Commander Rau Le Creuset I presume?”
The masked commander merely bowed, “Ades told me a bit about you. I remembered you fighting alongside me in the Grimaldi Front, correct?”
-Chuckle- I didn't think you'd remember me, commander, but yes. Anyway, let's get to business at hand first. I wish to provide support to your mission regarding Chairman Clyne's daughter. Originally I was supposed to have my ship on a routine patrol, but I thought I'd follow and lend my help.”
Ades seemed gladden by the offer, glancing at Rau, “Commander, we should get more help, don't you think? It'll take us some time to rendezvous with the Gamow, whom we haven't heard from yet.”
Rau stroked his chin in thought. He warily thought of the Geneva Captain's sudden offer. But it meant something deeper… he didn't want his plans to be known.
“Very well. Captain Aster, we've decided to divert from the Lacus mission, we've just intercepted a signal from an EA fleet. I believe you've heard rumors of the MS project in Heliopolis?”
“…Ah that. Few from the top brass gave me some details about it. Why?”
“Well, let's just say Heliopolis wasn't being cooperative in letting us with our investigation. They opened fire at us, and we had to retaliate. The result was the colony's destruction. However, just as the rumors indicated, we've managed to bag 4 out of the 5 MS in development. Aside from that, there was a secret EA battleship that was supposed to be destroyed, but miraculously survived and went in operation. It carried the remaining MS to be captured; however, it's now under control of the EA.”
Back in the Geneva's bridge, Lloyd feigned interest from his seat.
“I see. Let me guess, you're in pursuit of that battleship, and that signal you intercepted from the EA fleet means…”
Rau coughed slightly, clearing his throat before resuming.
“It means it will reach the fleet. We don't want that to happen. If it did, there's a possibility the EA will mass-produce the MS in their possession… it could turn the tide of war with our ZAFT mass-produced MS.”
“Well… count me in, gentlemen. I'll be glad to lend a hand. What about the Lacus mission then?”
“That will have to wait.”
“…Understood. My ship will be by your side then. Over,” Lloyd saluted before his image flickered off. Several of the bridge crew talked openly.
“Woah… Captain Devil… in the flesh!”
“What an honor…”
“Jeez… he sure sounds spunky to lend a hand.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, I had him as my instructor back in the academy before…”
Ades looked around the bridge crew, staggered by the reaction, “Ahem! Back to your posts, we have a job to do here!”
At cue, the bridge crew returned back to their duties, not wanting to arouse their captain's anger.
Rau smirked at the event before him.
Another unexpected factor… another interruption…
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 6; +2330 hours
Location: The Archangel
Heading back to his post in the bridge, Sai went in a hallway looking for the ship elevator. A color of red suddenly got his attention, forcing him to pause and finding Fllay passing by. Remembering the news that the ship would approach the EA 8th Fleet back in the bridge, he hurried to her.
“Fllay!” he waved his hand. The dark red-haired girl noticed him, approaching him as well.
“Sai! I've heard from Tolle… is it true?”
Sai nodded in reply, “Yes, we'll be reaching to the EA 8th fleet. That reminds me, isn't your father stationed at that fleet?”
Joy washed over in Fllay's face.
“Yes, he is! Oh, I can't wait to see him! It's been a long time…”
“Yup. He'll be meeting us then, once we reach them.”
Fllay then hugged her supposed fiancée in relief, surprising him. She rested her head on his left shoulder, closing her eyes.
“I'm glad… I really am, Sai.”
At the hangar, Kira stepped in to work on the Strike Gundam. He found Murdoch floating by at front of it. The head mechanic/engineer glanced at him, “Hey kid! What're you doing here?”
Kira went up to him, “Mr. Murdoch! I should ask you the same thing.”
“Ha, ha… well, since I heard from the bridge that we'll be rendezvousing with an EA fleet at last, I figured we still can make adjustments and work on the Strike and the Moebius Zero.”
“I see… I wanted to do some work on the Strike, since it's my machine.”
“Oh, you're free to do so, though I'm not sure what good it'll do once we get to the fleet. But, I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.”
Kira glanced at the Seraph parked facing the Strike.
“What about that one?”
Murdoch followed his finger pointing at the Seraph's direction.
“Oh, the Seraph? I'm not sure, but I think Kenji will still keep work on it. I guess he's stuck with it when he first came onboard this ship.”
The Strike pilot stared at the Seraph with curiosity and wonder.
Receiving the EA 8th Fleet's signal, the Archangel changed course and headed straight to them, with hope of throwing its pursuers off its back.
Gazing outside the window of her quarters, Lacus propped her chin on the palms of her hands. Her eyes took notice of the endless number of stars seeming twinkling as the ship passed by.
“I wonder where we're going, Mr. Pink?” she asked her robotic toy Haro, which was painted in pink. It was given to her by her fiancé as a gift, for he had a knack of making small inventions such as that toy. The toy bounced up and down as usual.
“Going! Going! Where to!” it exclaimed, eliciting a giggle from the pink-haired princess.
Just then, her door suddenly opened. She turned around to find Kenji holding a tray of food and bottled water. Her heart leapt a bit at the sight of him.
“Hello, Kenji! This is a surprise,” she greeted with her usual smile.
Kenji felt himself at peace as he stared at the angelic pink-haired princess before him. His lips curved slightly upwards.
“You could use some company. Are you hungry? I brought you food and drink.”