Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Level 1, Match 07 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 10

Level 1, Match 07

Written By
Mark Moore

Author's note: I'm sorry for the delay. I'm going to try to get the series back on schedule. Enjoy the story and have a Happy New Year. Feedback is welcome.

France's match against Iraq is later today. Reccoa Londe, Une Antonn, and Stella Loussier have just arrived at the location of the match, the Eiffel Tower.

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 7:55 PM, French Daylight Saving Time

Reccoa, Une, and Stella got out of their car and walked over to their Gundam.

"How's the Gundam coming along?" Reccoa asked.

"Good. All of the problems have been worked out. It's ready as it'll ever be. How about you?" Stella asked.


"It's time for you to try it out."

Reccoa was surprised and looked at Une. "Really?"

Une smiled. "Really. You should get a feel for the controls. There should be no difference between the real Gundam and the simulator, but I want you to be sure."

Reccoa smiled. "Thank you."

"You ready?" Karen asked Reccoa.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

Reccoa walked into the elevator that had been set up in front of the Gundam and rode up to the chest level.

Reccoa got into the cockpit and fastened her seatbelt.

"Ready!" Reccoa called.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Stella's request, Reccoa pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Stella smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Reccoa pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Stella nodded. "Good! How does it feel?"

"No different."

Une smiled. "Move the elevator. Let her walk around."

Some engineers used heavy machinery to pull the elevator and its shaft away from the Gundam.

"Go on, Reccoa!" Une yelled. "Take it for a walk!"

Reccoa opened the Gundam's hand and lowered its arm. She pressed another button to close the cockpit. Then she pressed the Forward button, and the Gundam started walking.

"May I activate the thrusters and fly her?" Reccoa asked.

Stella frowned. "No. Not until the match. Now bring it back. I need to do a final systems check."

"All right."

Reccoa brought the Gundam back to its original location.

"Power down, Reccoa."

At Stella's request, Reccoa shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Reccoa opened the cockpit and got out of it and into the elevator.

Reccoa rode the elevator down to the ground.

Reccoa walked out of the elevator.

Une smiled. "Not bad. We still have some time until the match. Relax."

Reccoa and Stella walked into a restaurant.

The man behind the counter smiled. "Welcome. How many in your party?"

Reccoa held up her left hand and raised her index and middle fingers.

The man picked up two menus. "Right this way, please."

Reccoa and Stella followed him over to a table.

The man placed the menus on the table. "Please look over our menus. I will return shortly to take your order."

The man walked away.

Reccoa and Stella picked up the menus and read them.

"I think I'll have the roast pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a regular cola." Reccoa set her menu on the table.

"That sounds good. I'll have the same." Stella set her menu on the table.

Reccoa and Stella waited for their orders.

A waiter came by with a tray and put two glasses of regular cola on the table.

"Your food will be ready shortly."

The waiter walked away.

Reccoa took a sip of her cola. "I'm nervous. What if the guy's good?"

"Then you'll be better."

Reccoa noticed, out the window, a car approaching from the distance.

After it stopped, the passenger side door opened, and a man with short, curly, black hair got out.

He closed the door and walked over to a console that was set up a short distance from the designated match area.

"That must be Bright Noa, the announcer."

Stella looked. "Really?"

The waiter returned with a tray and placed two plates on the table.

Reccoa and Stella started eating their food.

Une entered the restaurant and walked over to them.

Stella smiled. "Une, join us."

"I brought some food from home and already ate. I just received word that the Iraqi team is on its way. Finish your meals quickly. Then we'll get you prepped."

Reccoa walked into the elevator and pressed a button.

She rode up to the chest level of the Gundam.

Reccoa got into the cockpit and fastened her seatbelt.

"Power on!" Stella called.

Reccoa pressed the Power button, turning the Gundam on. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

"Can you hear me?" Stella asked.

Reccoa now heard Stella's voice through the cockpit's speaker.


"Okay. Close the cockpit."

Reccoa pressed a button. The cockpit closed.

Reccoa looked at her screens. The cover was being removed, and she got her first look at Iraq's Gundam. It was sand-colored. There was a machine gun in its left hand.

The Iraqi Gundam's cockpit door opened. The Iraqi pilot got into the elevator, rode up to the chest level, and got into the cockpit. He then closed his cockpit.

A message appeared on one of Reccoa's screens: "IRAQ REQUESTING VISUAL".

"The Iraqi pilot is requesting visual contact."


At Une's permission, Reccoa pressed a button.

The Iraqi pilot's image appeared on one of Reccoa's screens. He was Arabic; appeared to be in his 20s; and had short, black hair; a mustache; and a short beard.

The Iraqi pilot smiled. "Greetings. I am Jalal al-Maliki."

Reccoa smiled. "I'm Reccoa Londe. It's nice to finally meet you in person."


"Before we start, I just want to let you know that I meant we don't have a large travel budget. Our Gundam budget is just fine."

"Oh. Right."

"Really. It's fucking huge."

"If you say so."

"Reccoa, shut off your air-conditioner. Save the coolant for your moves."

"Yes, Stella."

Reccoa pressed a button.

"Let's get to it, sir."

Jalal grinned. "Prepare to lose."

Reccoa grinned. "You wish."

"May we keep the audio channel between our cockpits open during the match?"


"Thank you. Good luck."

"Good luck to you, too."

Jalal's image disappeared from Reccoa's screen and was replaced by an exterior view.

"Reccoa, the introductions are about to be made. Receive the audio."

At Une's order, Reccoa pressed a button.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Level 1, Match 07, of the First Gundam Tournament. We're here live in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Allow me to introduce myself to those of you watching at home. My name is Bright Noa. I am the commentator for this tournament. Today's match is Iraq versus France. The Iraqi pilot is Jalal al-Maliki. The French pilot is Reccoa Londe. Iraq's Gundam - the sandy one - is 20 meters tall, 1 meter of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a machine gun. France's Gundam - the black one - is 19.6 meters tall, 1.1 meters of which are taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. The match is about to begin."

"Fight!" a simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

Jalal moved his Gundam forward and punched Reccoa's Gundam with its right fist. Reccoa's Gundam was knocked back a bit.

Reccoa made her Gundam jump into the air, then she fired at Jalal's Gundam with the beam rifle in its right hand. The shots hit Jalal's Gundam repeatedly.

Jalal fired at Reccoa's Gundam repeatedly with the machine gun in his Gundam's left hand. The bullets hit Reccoa's Gundam.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Reccoa's Gundam declared.

Jalal kicked Reccoa's Gundam ten times with his Gundam's left leg.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Reccoa's Gundam declared.

Reccoa activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew her Gundam into the sky.

Jalal fired at Reccoa's Gundam repeatedly with the machine gun in his Gundam's left hand. The bullets hit Reccoa's Gundam.

"Checkmate!" the simulated male voice of Reccoa's Gundam declared.

Reccoa's Gundam fell to the ground.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!" the simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

"Merde!" Reccoa pounded her console with her fists. "Merde!"

"And there you have it. Iraq has beaten France. It wasn't even close. France is out of the competition, but it is allowed to assist another nation of its choice. Iraq moves on to Level 2. There will be more coverage on your evening news. Thank you for joining us."

Reccoa sat in her cockpit, stunned.

"Reccoa, don't feel bad."

Reccoa felt disappointed. "I don't know what to feel."

"Come out of there! Get your ass down here!"

At Une's order, Reccoa shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Reccoa opened the cockpit and got out of it and into the elevator.

Reccoa rode the elevator down to the ground.

Reccoa walked out of the elevator.

The cockpit of Jalal's Gundam opened. Jalal got out of his cockpit and into his elevator.

He rode his elevator down to the ground.

Jalal walked out of his elevator and over to Reccoa.

Reccoa smiled and offered her right hand to Jalal. "Congratulations."

Jalal shook her hand. "Thank you. Do not get discouraged. You'll do well 4 years from now."

"They won't choose me again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and have my ass chewed - and not in a good way."

Reccoa turned and walked over to Une.

Une frowned. "Don't even say anything. I'll deal with you back at the base. Get out of my sight."

Reccoa walked over to her car.

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

"How bad is it?" Une asked.

Stella was looking over some preliminary statistics. "She really banged it up. We need to get it home soon, so I can start fixing it."

Une frowned. "Shit."

"Don't be so hard on her. I think she did all right."

"I don't."

"I think your expectations of her were a little too high for her first match."

"It was her only match. Anyway, let's get this thing back to the base."

Reccoa knocked on Une's office door.

"Come in."

Reccoa opened the door and walked into the office. Stella followed and closed the door behind her.

Une was sitting behind her desk. Stella was sitting in a chair.

Reccoa saluted Une. "Lieutenant Reccoa Londe reporting as ordered, sir."

"What the fuck happened back there?" Une demanded. "All of that time, all of that money, all of that effort, and you fucking wasted it!"

"I'm sorry, Une."

"Is that all that you have to say?!"

"I did my best!"

"You lost to fucking Iraq! It's a nation with a barely functioning government and unstable electricity! How much more humiliated could we possibly get?! The world is laughing at us right now!"

"Shut up, Une!"

Une raised her left hand and slapped Reccoa on her right cheek.

Stella stood up. "You fucking bitch! There was no need for that!"

Une was shocked at what she'd done. "I'm sorry, Reccoa. I'm so sorry. I'm schizophenic. You know that."

Reccoa was on the verge of crying. "That's no excuse. You hit me. That hurts me, Une."

Une hugged Reccoa. "I'm so sorry, my love."

Reccoa hugged Une. "You're forgiven."

Une let go of Reccoa. Reccoa let go of Une.

"I've talked with the government. We're supporting Canada. We'll pack and leave tonight."


"The American evening news will be on shortly. Let's watch it before we leave."

Une pressed a button and turned the television on the back wall on.

The evening news came on.

Peter Jenkins, the lead anchor, was sitting at his desk in New York City.

"Good evening, everyone. The seventh match of the first level of the First Gundam Tournament was held in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris this afternoon. The participants were France and Iraq. Iraq won. It will move on to Level 2. France, meanwhile, having been eliminated from the tournament, has announced today that it will back Canada in the tournament. We turn to our White House correspondent, Donald Samuelson. Donald, is the White House upset that France isn't backing us?"

"Peter, the White House is disappointed that France isn't backing us."

"Donald, do the resources of Iraq match those of the United States?"

"It's possible, Peter, but it's still difficult to say. We have to see our own Gundam first to say for certain."

"All right. Donald Samuelson, many thanks. Now for the day's other news."

Une turned off the television.

"Dismissed. Let's get to work."

Reccoa opened the door and walked out of the office. Stella and Une followed her. Une closed the door behind her.

In Montreal, Canada, Christina MacKenzie and Flay Allster sped down a road in Christina's red convertible. They were listening to "Tooi Kioku (Distant Memory)" by Megumi Shiina on the radio.

They soon arrived at École du Ciel.

Christina parked her convertible in one of the faculty parking spaces.

After parking the car and getting out of it, Christina and Flay walked to the school's entrance. It was a cool Autumn evening. A gentle breeze was blowing.

Christina inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "I love Autumn so very much. It's my favorite season of the year."

Flay inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "It is mine as well, Christina."

Christina opened the door to one of the buildings and stood aside. Flay walked into the building, and Christina followed her.

They walked down a corridor and over to an office.

Christina knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Christina opened the door and walked into the office. Flay followed and closed the door behind her.

Natarle Badgiruel, Christina's superior officer and the school's dean, was sitting behind her desk.

Christina saluted Natarle. "Lieutenant Christina MacKenzie reporting as ordered, sir."

"At ease, Lieutenant."

Christina relaxed.

"Have a seat, you two."

Christina and Flay sat in chairs in front of Natarle's desk.

Natarle smiled. "As you've probably already heard, France is supporting us. The French Gundam team is en route and will be arriving shortly."

Christina smiled. "Awesome!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened.

Une Antonn walked into the office. She was followed by Reccoa Londe and Stella Loussier.

Stella closed the door behind her.

Natarle, Christina, and Flay stood up.

Une offered her right hand to Natarle. "Captain Badgiruel, I'm Captain Une Antonn. These are our pilot, Lieutenant Reccoa Londe, and our head engineer, Lieutenant Stella Loussier."

Natarle shook Une's hand. "Hello. I'm Captain Natarle Badgiruel. These are our pilot, Lieutenant Christina MacKenzie, and her girlfriend, Flay Allster."

Natarle shook hands with Reccoa and Stella. Christina shook hands with Une, Reccoa, and Stella. Flay shook hands with Une, Reccoa, and Stella.

Une looked at Natarle. "Our Gundam is arriving from the airport separately."

"We'll clear a space for it. Let's go to the hangar. I'll introduce you to the rest of our team."

Natarle, Christina, and Flay each submitted to thumbprint and retinal scans outside the hangar. Then Natarle typed in a code on the keypad.

The hangar doors opened.

Natarle, Christina, Flay, Une, Roccoa, and Stella walked into the hangar.

The hangar doors closed.

Soon, they arrived at the Gundam.

"It's very nice!" Une exclaimed.

Natarle smiled. "Let's go up."

Natarle, Christina, Flay, Une, Roccoa, and Stella walked into the elevator. Natarle pressed Up, and the elevator rose. It stopped at the chest area, and the six women got out of the elevator.

Miriallia Haw, the Gundam's head engineer and communications officer, was standing at a console. Catherine Bloom was also standing there, staring at the Gundam in fascination.

Miriallia turned to face Natarle and saluted. "Sir!"

"At ease."

Miriallia relaxed.

"How's the Gundam coming along?" Natarle asked.

"Well enough. It'll be ready in time."

"Asuna! Come on out!" Natarle called.

The Gundam's cockpit, which was located in the chest area, opened, and Asuna Elmarit, the test pilot, got out.

"I want to introduce the French Gundam team. These are Captain Une Antonn, the team leader; Lieutenant Reccoa Londe, the pilot; and Lieutenant Stella Loussier, the head engineer. Here are the rest of the people on the Canadian team. These are Miriallia Haw, our head engineer and communications officer; Asuna Elmarit, our test pilot; and Catherine Bloom, my girlfriend."

Miriallia, Asuna, and Catherine each shook hands with Une, Reccoa, and Stella.

"Each of you will stay at one of our homes. Captain Antonn, you will stay with me and Catherine."

"Thank you, Captain Badgiruel."

"Lieutenant Londe, you will stay with Lieutenant MacKenzie and Ms. Allster. Lieutenant Loussier, you will stay with Lieutenant Haw and Ensign Elmarit. Let's take off for the night and help our guests get settled in."

All of the women walked over to the elevator and rode down to the floor.

Reccoa, Christina, and Flay walked into Christina and Flay's living room.

Flay closed the front door behind her and locked it.

"Will you be ready in time?" Reccoa asked Christina.

"I believe so. I've practiced in the simulator for many hours."

"You have a nice house."

"Thank you."

"Quel âge as-tu?"


"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you speak French."

"No. Flay and I grew up in Nova Scotia."

"Ah. How old are you?"

"21. You?"

"23. Flay?"


"How long have you two known each other?"

"I've known Flay since she was born. We don't have a second bedroom, so you'll have to sleep on the couch."

"May I sleep in your bedroom?" Reccoa asked. "I'll take the floor."

Christina felt uneasy. "Well, Flay and I have sex every night."

"Sounds like fun. May I join you?"

Christina was surprised at Reccoa's forwardness but looked at Flay for an answer.

Flay smiled and nodded. "I'd love to welcome her into our bed. I've never had a threesome."

Reccoa smiled. "You don't know what you've been missing, but you soon will, your girlfriend willing."

Christina looked at Reccoa and smiled. "Sure!"

Une, Natarle, and Catherine walked into Natarle and Catherine's living room.

Catherine closed the front door behind her and locked it.

"Will you be ready in time?" Une asked Natarle.

"I believe so. Christina's practiced in the simulator for many hours, and Stella and Asuna have been constantly working on the Gundam."

"You have a nice house."

"Thank you."

"How old are you?"

"25. You?"

"19. Catherine?"

"19 - just like you."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"I've known Catherine since she was born. We don't have a second bedroom, so you'll have to sleep on the couch."

"May I sleep in your bedroom?" Une asked. "I'll take the floor."

Natarle felt uneasy. "Well, Catherine and I have sex every night."

"Sounds like fun. May I join you?"

Natarle was surprised at Une's forwardness but looked at Catherine for an answer.

Catherine smiled and nodded. "I'd love to welcome her into our bed. I've never had a threesome."

Une smiled. "You don't know what you've been missing, but you soon will, your girlfriend willing."

Natarle looked at une and smiled. "Sure!"

Stella, Miriallia, and Asuna walked into Miriallia and Asuna's living room.

Asuna closed the front door behind her and locked it.

"Will you be ready in time?" Stella asked Miriallia.

"I believe so. Asuna and I have been constantly working on the Gundam, and Christina's practiced in the simulator for many hours."

"You have a nice house."

"Thank you."

"How old are you?"

"18. You?"

"16. Asuna?"

"19 - just like you."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"I've known Asuna since she was born. We don't have a second bedroom, so you'll have to sleep on the couch."

"May I sleep in your bedroom?" Stella asked. "I'll take the floor."

Miriallia felt uneasy. "Well, Asuna and I have sex every night."

"Sounds like fun. May I join you?"

Miriallia was surprised at Stella's forwardness but looked at Asuna for an answer.

Asuna smiled and nodded. "I'd love to welcome her into our bed. I've never had a threesome."

Stella smiled. "You don't know what you've been missing, but you soon will, your girlfriend willing."

Miriallia looked at Stella and smiled. "Sure!"

With the United States' first Gundam match fast approaching, Emma Sheen is worried of her performance. Will she be ready in time?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Emma's Doubts"

You will race with the tide.