Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Convergence ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 45


Written By
Mark Moore

Japan's and Canada's fourth Gundam match is in two days, and Fa Yuiry and Christina MacKenzie are each hoping to win.

Thursday, December 20, 2007, 9:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Natarle, Une, Christina, Flay, Monique, Reccoa, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Asuna, and Catherine gathered in a forest in Montreal, Canada. The Canadian Gundam and French Gundam were standing there. An elevator and console were set up by each Gundam. Miriallia and Chan operated the Canadian console. Stella operated the French console.

Natarle looked at Christina. "Okay, Chris, you've got your live exercise. Just don't fuck up the Gundam. Our fourth match is in two days."

Une looked at Reccoa. "Okay, Reccoa, put her to the test."

Christina went into her elevator, rode up to the chest level, got into the cockpit of her Gundam, and closed it.

Reccoa went into her own elevator, rode up to the chest level, got into the cockpit of her Gundam, and closed it.

"Fight!" Natarle yelled.

Christina moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at Reccoa's Gundam. Reccoa jumped and avoided the attack. Christina jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit Reccoa's Gundam repeatedly. Christina then kicked Reccoa's Gundam three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Christina knew that she had caused damage to Reccoa's Gundam. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at Reccoa's Gundam with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Christina's Gundam landed back on the ground. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

Reccoa came at Christina and kicked her Gundam five times with her Gundam's left leg. Christina punched Reccoa's Gundam three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Christina knew that she was close to victory. She kicked Reccoa's Gundam five times with her Gundam's right leg.


Reccoa's Gundam fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

Christina opened her cockpit, got into her elevator, and rode down to the ground. She got out of her elevator.

Reccoa opened her own cockpit, got into her elevator, and rode down to the ground. She got out of her elevator.

Reccoa smiled. "Pretty good, Christina."

Christina smiled. "Thank you, Reccoa. It was fun."

Natarle looked at Christina. "I'm personally overseeing the Gundam's transport. You will leave for Japan tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Asuna. "Asuna, you're with me, Une, Miriallia, Chan, and Stella."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Catherine. "Catherine, you, too."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Flay. "Flay, if Christina wants to get in some last-minute training in the simulator, you're in charge."

"Yes, sir."

Une looked at Reccoa. "Help her, too, Reccoa."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Monique. "Monique, look after Christina and Flay."

"Yes, sir."

At Miyasato Air Self-Defense Force Base in Tokyo, Japan, work was proceeding on Japan's Gundam.

The Gundam was located in a hangar. An elevator was set up to take people up to various levels of the Gundam. There were also metal platforms set up for people to walk on.

Mirai Yashima, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Fa Yuiry stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Mirai. Standing at consoles on the platform was Rain Mikamura, the head engineer that had designed the Gundam for the Japanese Government.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Rain's request, Mirai pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Rain smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Mirai pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Rain nodded. "Good! I think that's about all that we have enough time for. Power down, Mirai."

Mirai opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Mirai got out of the cockpit.

Rain looked at Fa. "I think everything is ready as we can make it."

"Will I have any unexpected problems while operating it?" Fa asked her.

"You shouldn't."

Lucrezia Noin, Fa's superior officer, walked into the hangar, accompanied by Saeko Murasame.

Fa and Mirai saluted Lucrezia. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Rain?"

"I think it's ready as we'll get it."

"Good. Our fourth match is in two days."

"Yes, sir. Um, may I do some tweaking of the OS code?"

"We're getting ready to move the Gundam to the tower. You'll have to work on it there."


Lucrezia looked at Fa. "I'm personally overseeing the Gundam's transport. I'll see you later today."

"Yes, sir."

Lucrezia looked at Mirai. "Mirai, if Fa wants to get in some last-minute training, you're in charge."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, come down from there. We have to move the platforms and elevator to get the Gundam out of there."

Fa, Rain, and Mirai walked into the elevator and rode down to the floor. They walked out of the elevator.

Soon, a group of officers arrived. They operated heavy machinery to move the platforms and elevator out of the way. The women watched this.

Once all of that was out of the way, one of the officers held up a remote control and powered the Gundam up. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

The women watched as the officer made the Gundam walk out of the hangar. The women followed the Gundam.

A truck was parked outside the hangar. The officer made the Gundam lie down on the platform behind the truck. He then powered down the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

The truck driver pressed a button, and the platform moved into the truck, taking the Gundam inside with it.

The officer got onto the back of the truck and pulled the door closed.

Lucrezia looked at Fa. "Saeko is coming with us. While we don't need to use the Zeta system, Saeko has helped to improve the overall performance of the Gundam."

Fa smiled. "That's true. It's wouldn't be great as it is, if it wasn't for Murasame."

Saeko was startled. "What did you say?"

Fa was upset. "It was a compliment."

Saeko forced a smile. "Yes, of course. I apologize."

Lucrezia decided to end the tense situation. "Okay, we're off."

Fa saluted Lucrezia. Lucrezia saluted Fa, then she got into the passenger seat of a car. Rain and Saeko got into the back seat. The driver of the car followed the truck to the runway.

Fa and Mirai watched the truck and car go until they were out of sight.

Fa looked at Mirai. "Let's go to the simulation room. I want to practice."

Mirai looked at Fa. "You sure don't waste any time."

Natarle, Une, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Asuna, and Catherine were standing in the special, massive airplane that was transporting them and the Gundam. They were currently en route to Japan.

Miriallia, Chan, and Stella were standing at a console, testing the Gundam. Natarle was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." Natarle turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Everyone, listen up."

Miriallia, Chan, and Stella stopped their work. They, Une, Asuna, and Catherine looked at Natarle.

"I just got off of the phone with the Prime Minister. I pretty much guaranteed him a victory on Saturday. Is everything ready?"

Miriallia smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our third match."

"And our pilot?" Natarle asked.

Asuna smiled. "I think she's got the right mix of caution and confidence; I think she'll be okay."

Lucrezia, Saeko, and Rain rode in the back seat of a car to the location of the match, the Tokyo Tower. A truck followed them, carrying the Gundam.

After Lucrezia, Saeko, and Rain got out of the car, they stood and watched as the Gundam was unloaded from the truck and placed in an upright position. Then computer consoles and an elevator shaft were set up near the Gundam.

Rain turned on the consoles and checked the readings. "Everything seems to be working just fine. The consoles are interfacing with the Gundam's systems. Lucrezia, please go up there."

Lucrezia walked over to the elevator shaft and got into the elevator. She pressed a button. The elevator rose and stopped at the Gundam's chest area. Lucrezia opened the cockpit and climbed in.

"Power on!" Rain called.

Lucrezia pressed a button and turned on the Gundam. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

Rain checked the readings on the console. "We've got a 100% signal. Good. Radio on!"

Lucrezia turned on her radio.

"Can you hear me?" Rain asked Lucrezia.

"Yeah. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah. May we do some system checks before going to bed for the night?"


Rain smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our third match."

"And our pilot?" Lucrezia asked.

"I think she's a bit nervous, but I think she'll be okay."

"That's good."

Suddenly, Rain heard the sounds of engines. She and Saeko turned and looked. A car was approaching from the distance, followed by a truck.

"Lucrezia, we have visitors."

"Who are they, Rain?"

"I don't know."

The car and the truck came to a stop near the tower.

Natarle, Une, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Asuna, and Catherine got out of the car.

Rain frowned. "Identify yourself."

Natarle walked over to Rain and offered her right hand. "We're with the Canadian Gundam team."

"Dare da?" Lucrezia asked, suspicious.

Rain shook Natarle's hand. "It's okay. They're with the Canadian Gundam team. Why are you speaking in Japanese all of a sudden? You were the one that wanted us to speak in English."

Lucrezia sighed and opened the cockpit.

She got into the elevator, rode down to the street, and got out of the elevator.

Lucrezia and Natarle stared at each other.

"It's been a long time, Lucrezia."

"Yes, sir. It certain has."

"Captain Noin. Impressive."

"Thank you, sir."

"Allow me to introduce some members of my team. These are Miriallia Haw, our engineer; Chan Agi, an assistant engineer that was recently brought on; Asuna Elmarit, our test pilot; and Catherine Bloom, my girlfriend."

Lucrezia frowned. "Your girlfriend?"

"Yes. Lucrezia,...when you left, I assumed it was over."

Lucrezia sighed. "Fair enough. This is Rain Mikamura, our engineer, and Saeko Murasame of Murasame Labs."

Une stepped forward. "I'm Captain Une Antonn, the leader of the French Gundam team. We're assisting the Canadians. Allow me to introduce Stella Loussier, our engineer."

Lucrezia stared at Une. "Pleased to meet you, Lady Une." Lucrezia looked at Stella. "You, too, Stella."

Une was surprised and had a weird feeling. "Such a strange way to address me. Tell me, Noin. Have we met before?"

Lucrezia had a weird feeling. "I..."

Natarle cleared her throat. "It's probably not wise for us to confer with each other prior to the match. I suggest that we unload our Gundam and get to work."

Lucrezia stared at Une for a moment before turning away. "Yes,...of course."

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, and Flay walked into the living room of Christina and Flay's house.

The telephone rang.

Christina walked over and picked up the handset. "Hello?"

"Christina, it's your mother."

"And your father."

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad."

"Good luck in your match on Saturday."

"Thanks, dad."

"I'm sure that you'll win on Saturday and make us and all of Canada proud."

"I'm not so sure, mom, but thanks for having confidence in me."

"Bye, Christina."

"Bye, dad."

"Bye, Christina."

"Bye, ma."

Christina turned off the handset and set it down to charge.

"Come on, girls. You have to exhaust me, so I can get a good night's sleep. Let's take a nice, 1-hour shower."

Monique, Flay, and Reccoa happily followed Christina upstairs.

Flay pressed Christina against a wall in their bedroom and held her arms against the wall.

Flay kissed Christina passionately on the lips.

Christina opened her mouth. Flay used the opportunity to slip her tongue into Christina's mouth. Flay and Christina french-kissed.

After a moment of this, Flay released Christina's arms and placed her hands on the wall. Christina moved her arms around Flay and placed her hands on Flay's ass.

Flay finished the kiss.

Monique, Reccoa, Flay, and Christina took off their clothes and let them fall to the floor.

Monique hugged Reccoa and kissed her passionately on the lips.

Christina hugged Flay and kissed her passionately on the lips.

Flay broke the kiss and smiled. "What do you say to an hour or 2 of passionate fucking in the shower, girls?"

Christina released Flay and smiled. "I say lead the way."

Monique broke her kiss with Reccoa.

Flay offered her right hand to Christina. Christina held it with her left hand.

They walked into their bathroom.

Monique offered her right hand to Reccoa. Reccoa held it with her left hand.

They walked into the bathroom.

Monique, Reccoa, Flay, and Christina stepped into their bathtub.

Christina pulled the curtain closed.

Monique, Reccoa, and Flay waited in anticipation.

Christina turned on the water. She felt it with her left hand to determine the temperature. When it was warm, she turned on the shower.

Water splashed on all four women, getting them wet.

Christina hugged Flay.

Flay stared back at Christina.

Christina kissed Flay on the lips.

Flay hugged Christina.

Christina pressed her tongue against Flay's lips.

Flay parted her lips and allowed Christina's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Flay felt warm - both because of the water and because of Christina's kiss.

After a moment, Flay pushed her tongue forward and into Christina's mouth.

Finally, Flay finished the kiss.

Flay smiled. "You like that?"

Christina smiled. "Definitely."

Flay moved her hands down to Christina's ass and caressed it.

"Do you like this?" Flay asked Christina.


Flay squeezed Christina's ass.

Christina moaned. "Ooh. More. Harder."

Flay squeezed harder.


Natarle, Une, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Asuna, and Catherine entered their hotel room.

Catherine closed the door behind her and locked it.

Natarle turned on the lights.

Miriallia yawned. "We seriously need to get some rest."

Natarle stretched. "Christina, Reccoa, and Flay will leave for here tomorrow. Let's hope that Christina has trained enough."

Asuna smiled. "Knowing her, I'm sure that she did."

Natarle smiled. "Anyway, good night, girls."

Friday, December 21, 2007, 7:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Christina woke up.

She looked to her right. Flay was sleeping next to her. She looked to her left. Reccoa was sleeping next to her. She looked forward. Monique was sleeping between her legs.

Christina turned and positioned herself over Flay. She took a moment to admire Flay's beauty.

Christina kissed Flay on the lips.

Flay woke up.

Christina finished the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. "Good morning."

Flay smiled. "Good morning."

"Let's eat a quick breakfast, then we can pack."


Christina positioned herself over Reccoa. She took a moment to admire Reccoa's beauty.

Christina kissed Reccoa on the lips.

Reccoa woke up.

Christina finished the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. "Good morning."

Reccoa smiled. "Good morning."

"Let's eat a quick breakfast, then we can pack."


Christina gently rubbed Monique with her legs.

Monique woke up, positioned herself over Christina, took a moment to admire Christina's beauty, and kissed Christina on the lips.

Monique finished the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. "Good morning."

Christina smiled. "Good morning. Let's eat a quick breakfast, then we can pack."


Christina put a duffel bag on the bed and opened it.

Then she got a clean uniform and put it into the bag.

She also got a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a box of dental floss, a small bottle of mouthwash, a small can of deodorant spray, a small bar of soap, and a small bottle of shampoo from the bathroom and put them into the bag.

Christina zipped the bag closed.

"Is that all that you're taking?" Flay asked.

"We're going there just for the match. We'll be back home by tomorrow evening. Pack just one pair of clothes. It'll be enough."


Flay got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Monique got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Reccoa got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Christina looked at them. "Don't worry about the hygiene stuff. I already packed it."

Flay, Monique, and Reccoa looked at her. "Okay."

Flay got a fresh set of clothes and put it into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Monique got a fresh set of clothes and put it into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Reccoa got a fresh set of clothes and put it into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Christina checked her watch. "We should get to Merquise Air Force Base and board the airplane."

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, and Flay sped down a highway in Christina's yellow convertible. They were listening to "Salva Nos" by Yuriko Kaido on the radio.

They soon arrived at Merquise Air Force Base.

Christina brought her car to a stop by the gate. She and Monique handed their badges to the security guard, and Flay and Reccoa did likewise with their visitor's passes. The guard scanned them and handed them back. Christina, Monique, Reccoa, and Flay handed their duffel bags to the security guard. The guard opened them, inspected them, closed them, and handed them back. Then Christina, Monique, Reccoa, and Flay had to go through thumbprint and retinal scans. Finally, the security guard opened the gate, and Christina drove onto the base.

Christina drove to a runway and parked in the lot near it.

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, and Flay got out of the car and walked over to an airplane. It was a cool Autumn morning. A gentle breeze was blowing.

Christina inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "I love Autumn so much."

Flay inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "I love it, too."

Reccoa inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "I love it, too."

Monique inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "I love it, too."

The pilot saluted Christina and Monique. Christina and Monique saluted him.

The five of them boarded the airplane.

"Do you want the window, Monique, Reccoa?" Christina asked.

"No. Thank you."

"No. Thank you."

Christina sat by the window, Flay sat to her right, and Reccoa sat to her right. Monique sat by the aisle, across from Reccoa. They each buckled their seatbelts.

Soon, the airplane's engines started. The airplane sped down the runway and flew into the sky.

Christina stared out the window.

"Nervous?" Flay asked.

Christina looked at her. "Not particularly."

Flay smiled. "Good. Did you bring anything to read?"

"As a matter of fact, I have."

"Good thinking. It's a long flight. What did you bring?"

Christina unzipped her duffel bag and took out a laptop computer. "I brought my laptop. I figured I'd look over our First Gundam Tournament profiles and those of the Japanese team."

Flay giggled. "How exciting."

What did you bring?" Christina asked.

Flay unzipped her duffel bag and took out a book. "I brought a romance manga."


Christina opened her laptop and turned it on.

After Windows loaded up, Christina looked up the profiles of the Canadian Gundam team. She read the newest entry:

DOB: 03/15/1981
AGE: 26

Japan's and Canada's fourth Gundam match is here. Fa Yuiry and Christina MacKenzie are uncertain of the outcome. Will Japan or Canada win the match?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Level 4, Match 2"

You will race with the tide.