Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ The Winner ( Chapter 49 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 49

The Winner

Written By
Mark Moore

Author's note: I wanted to do a bit more with this episode, but my mom and dad (mostly my mom) take up so much of my time, and I'm trying to entertain my visiting nephew. There's one more episode to go. Enjoy the story. Feedback is welcome.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The water from the tidal wave fell, revealing the 2 Gundams.

"Checkmate!" the simulated male voice of Emma's Gundam declared.

Emma's Gundam fell backwards.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!" the simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

"And there you have it. Canada has beaten the United States. It was very close. Canada's win is due to the skill of its pilot, Christina MacKenzie. The United States is out of the competition. Canada has won the First Gundam Tournament. It will control the Earth Federation Government for the next 4 years. There will be more coverage on your evening news. Thank you for joining us."

Emma sat in her cockpit, stunned.

"Christina, you did it! You won!" Miriallia exclaimed.

Christina smiled. "Woo-hoo."

"Come on out, Emma."

At Murrue's request, Emma shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Emma opened the cockpit and got out of it and into the elevator.

Emma rode the elevator down to the ground.

Emma walked out of the elevator.

"Come on out, Christina!"

At Natarle's request, Christina shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Christina opened the cockpit and got out of it and into the elevator.

Christina rode the elevator down to the ground.

Christina walked out of the elevator.

Emma walked over to Christina.

Christina smiled and offered her right hand to Emma. "Good match, Emma."

Emma shook her hand. "Thank you, Christina."

Emma turned and walked over to Murrue.

Murrue frowned. "I'm sorry, sir."

Murrue smiled. "Don't worry about it, Emma. You did your best."

Emma smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"Come with me, everyone."

Murrue walked towards Natarle.

Christina turned and walked over to Natarle.

Natarle smiled. "You won! Great job!"

Christina smiled. "I'm glad."

"You may return to Montreal. We'll handle the Gundam transport."

"Thank you, sir."

"Hang on."

At Murrue's voice, all of the other women looked at her.

Murrue offered her right hand to Natarle. "Congratulations, Natarle."

Natarle shook Murrue's hand. "Thank you, Murrue."

"Please come and have dinner at my house tonight."

Natarle smiled. "We'll be there, Murrue. Thank you."

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw walked through the corridor outside of Murrue's office.

They stopped at a vending machine.

"Want an energy drink?" Relena asked Emma.


Relena took her wallet out of her front-left pants pocket, unzipped the coin purse, and took out some quarters. She zipped the coin purse and put her wallet back into her pocket. She bought 5 regular energy colas.

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw each took 1 can out of the machine, opened them, and took a sip.

"So what do we do now?" Emma asked.

Relena shrugged. "Beats me. Let's see what Murrue wants."

The women walked over to Murrue's office.

Emma knocked on Murrue's office door.

"Come in."

Emma opened the door and walked into the office. Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw followed. Fraw closed the door behind her.

Murrue was sitting behind her desk. Sally, Nina, Lucette, Dorothy, Karen, and Lunamaria were sitting in chairs.

Emma saluted Murrue. "Lieutenant Emma Sheen reporting as ordered, sir."

Relena saluted Murrue. "Ensign Relena Peacecraft reporting as ordered, sir."

"At ease, Lieutenant, Ensign."

Emma and Relena relaxed.

"We recently got back. We'll be accompanying the Canadian team to Canada as a show of support."

Emma could tell from Murrue's facial expression that something was wrong. "There's more."

Murrue felt uncomfortable. "There was a security breach here last night. The technical specifications of our Gundam were copied. We will each be interviewed by an investigator. I expect everyone to cooperate fully."

Emma felt uncomfortable.

"The evening news will be on shortly. I want everyone to watch it."

Murrue pressed a button and turned the television on the back wall on.

The evening news came on.

Peter Jenkins, the lead anchor, was sitting at his desk in New York City.

"Good evening, everyone. The first match of the fifth level of the First Gundam Tournament was held in Tampa this morning. The participants were the United States and Canada. Canada won. Therefore, Canada has won the First Gundam Tournament and will control the Earth Federation Government for the next 4 years. The United States' Gundam team, meanwhile, will be assisting the Canadian Gundam team. We turn to our White House correspondent, Donald Samuelson. Donald, how is the White House reacting to Canada's win and the United States' defeat?"

"Peter, the White House is greatly disappointed that the United States will not be running the Earth Federation Government, but it has promised to assist the Canadian Government in any way that it can."

"What's the mood like over there tonight? Any fears or anticipations?"

"Well, not so much, Peter. Canada is a democracy, and the White House isn't anticipating any major conflicts."

"Interesting. Finally, the closing ceremony has been cancelled out of respect for the families of the slain pilots. The President was looking forward to attending the ceremony. Will he get involved in the formation of the Earth Federation Government?"

"Yes, Peter. The President will be meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada tomorrow."

"All right. Donald Samuelson, many thanks. Now for the day's other news."

Murrue turned off the television.


Emma opened the door and walked out of the office. Sayla, Fraw, Relena, Matilda, Nina, Lucette, Dorothy, Karen, and Lunamaria followed her. Lunamaria closed the door behind her.

Murrue sat in a chair in an office.

A woman was sitting behind the desk. She looked to be in her early 20s and had light brown hair.

"Captain Ramius, are you certain that no one on your team stole the data and shared it with the Canadians."

"I'm absolutely certain, Captain Miller."

"You may call me Alice. What about your pilot, Emma Sheen? From what I gathered, she made a bit of a commotion at a store last night."

"I have complete faith in Emma. The only thing that I wonder about there is whether there was anything more that I should have said to encourage her before the match. Words of wisdom I should have spoken."

"How did you beat the United States' Gundam?" Alice asked Christina.

Christina shrugged. "Just lucky, I guess. Reccoa gave me some tips."

"Did she?"

"Yeah. She gave me the weak spot. She said she got it by looking at the Gundam."

"You gave Christina MacKenzie some pointers. You must be pretty observant."

Reccoa shrugged. "I try to be."

"Yet you lost your first match."

"So I'm not good at putting what I observe into practice."

"You went to practice in the simulator at the base last night."


"Go anywhere else?"

"I went for a drive. I ended up at the Port of Tampa."

"Why'd you go there?"

Emma shrugged. "I just wanted to look over the location prior to the match."

"How familiar are you with Reccoa Londe?"

"We knew each other in our past lives."

Alice raised her left eyebrow in surprise. "Pardon?"

"Yeah, I've been having dreams, and I had visions during the match. We all did. What? You didn't know about the visions?"

"We're done here."

"You are an ally of the United States' Gundam team. How well-guarded are the technical specifications of the Gundam?"

"Very. I don't have access to it without Captain Ramius' or the engineers' permission."

"Lieutenant Joshua, - "

"Flight Lieutenant Joshua."

"Flight Lieutenant Joshua, who else has access to the Gundam's technical specifications?"

"The entire team does."

"Thank you. That will be all."

Karen stood up. "Oh, Captain Miller, quit smoking. It's a disgusting habit."

Alice stared at Karen. "I don't smoke."

Karen stared at Alice. "Yeah, well,...don't start."

Murrue and Natarle walked into the hangar. Murrue was horny, and she couldn't ignore the feeling between her legs any longer.

"What are we doing here?" Natarle asked. "I thought we were going to your place."

"I can't wait until we get home, sweetie. I'm horny, and I need you now."

"Now? Where are we going to find the privacy?"

"What about in the cockpit?"

"The cockpit?"

Murrue smiled. "Sure. Come on. It'll be fun."


Murrue and Natarle walked over to the chest area.

Murrue opened the cockpit.

Natarle climbed into the cockpit.

Murrue climbed into the cockpit and lied on top of Natarle, facing her.

Murrue closed the cockpit.

When their privacy was assured, Murrue kissed Natarle on the lips.

Murrue parted her own lips and shoved her tongue into Natarle's mouth.

After a while, Murrue finished the kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that all day."

Murrue licked Natarle's face repeatedly.

"Mmm, that feels good, sweetie."

Murrue smiled. "I'm glad that you like it. Would you like me to lick lower?"

"Ooh, yes. Please."

"Then you'll have to take off your clothes."

Natarle took off her clothes.

Murrue likewise took off her own clothes.

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Natarle, Christina, Flay, Monique, Miriallia, Chan, Asuna, Catherine, Murrue, Emma, Relena, Matilda, Nina, Lucette, Lunamaria, Lucrezia, Fa, Mirai, Rain, Saeko, Sally, Sayla, Fraw, Dorothy, Karen, Une, Reccoa, and Stella sat at the picnic table in Murrue's backyard.

Wind blew, making their hair blow in the wind.

They each sipped regular cola to warm themselves up between bites of grilled pork.

"What do we do now?" Christina asked Natarle.

Natarle shrugged. "We served our purpose. Let's just sit back, relax, and let the politicians handle the rest."

Miriallia picked up her digital camera, stood up, and walked away from the table. "Hang on. Let me get a picture of this moment for the paper. They love this kind of stuff in the Living section."

Murrue smiled. "Well, this is Florida, Miriallia. I think it's called the Barely Living section, but go on."

Miriallia set the timer on her camera then set her camera on the grill, walked back over to the table, and sat down.

The flash went off, and the picture was taken.

"So...has anyone experienced...visions today?" Emma cautiously asked.

Christina felt immense relief. "I'm glad that I'm not the only one! I had visions during the match!"

"Me, too!" Emma exclaimed. "It was weird. Do all mecha pilots experience shit like that?"

"I thought I was going fucking crazy!" Catherine exclaimed.

Murrue looked at Catherine. "I'm sure that we all felt that way."

Sayla sipped her cola. "It started as dreams for me. Got a dream that calls in the night. My visions must have been the culmination of all of that."

Matilda sipped her cola. "I've been having a feeling of déjà vécu regarding some people. Got a feelin' keeps growin' stronger. The visions are something new entirely."

Relena sipped her cola. "I've had dreams. The visions are new to me, too. I think we're seeing visions of our past lives."

"You think we're recalling moments in our past lives?" Chan asked.


Mirai was confused. "Wait a minute. How could we be in space in our past lives?"

"For that matter, how could we be the same people in our past lives?" Sally asked.

Fraw sipped her cola. "Well, maybe it's not just our past lives. Maybe we lived in another universe as alternate versions of ourselves."

Asuna chuckled. "This is getting fucking ridiculous."

"Why?" Emma asked. "Alternate universes could exist. Assuming reincarnation is a spiritual truth, who's to say that our souls are bound to 1 universe. What if we cross over, living as ourselves over and over again until, well, until we get it right?"

Monique smiled. "Interesting theory, Emma."

Reccoa sipped her cola. "Maybe seeing this final match triggered these visions."

"But what do they mean?" Une asked.

Dorothy sipped her cola. "We don't know what happened before we were born or what happens after we die. I actually find reincarnation as ourselves in different situations with multiple chances at living rewarding lives to be pretty comforting."

Fa thought about that for a moment. "Well, maybe, but...why are we remembering these things now?"

Lucrezia shrugged. "Beats me. Maybe because we're meeting each other again. Maybe because of the emergence of the Gundams in this universe."

Flay sipped her cola. "It would certainly explain my fear of sitting next to the window on an airplane."

Nina sipped her cola. "And my proficiency with the Gundams."

Lucette sipped her cola. "Mine, too."

"So what do we do about it?" Karen asked.

Rain shrugged. "Nothing. Just let ourselves remember."

Lunamaria sipped her cola. "Yeah, that's for the best."

"Anyone else die violently?" Saeko asked.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Stella asked.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 9:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Christina, Flay, Monique, Fa, Mirai, and Reccoa were sitting in the airplane. Christina was sitting by the window, Flay was sitting to Christina's right, and Reccoa was sitting to Flay's right. Monique was sitting by the aisle, across from Reccoa. Fa was sitting to Monique's right, and Mirai was sitting to Fa's right.

They were currently flying back to Canada.

Flay smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

Christina smiled. "Thanks, sweetie. I still can't believe it. How the fuck did I win?"

"Only you can answer that, sweetie, but don't worry about that for now. You made it. That's all that matters. Relax and enjoy your victory."

"You're right."

"Would you like some music?"

"Yes, please."

Flay pressed a button to turn on the stereo.

She selected a song and pressed Play.

"The Winner" by Miki Matsubara started playing.

Christina closed her eyes and relaxed.

Christina knocked on Natarle's office door.

"Come in."

Christina opened the door and walked into the office. Reccoa followed her. Flay followed Reccoa. Monique followed Flay. Fa followed and closed the door behind her.

Natarle was sitting behind her desk. Une, Lucrezia, Sally, Murrue, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Dorothy, Nina, Lucette, Asuna, Mirai, Karen, Lunamaria, and Catherine were sitting in chairs.

Christina saluted Natarle. "Lieutenant Christina MacKenzie reporting as ordered, sir."

Monique saluted Natarle. "Lieutenant Monique Cadillac reporting as ordered, sir."

"At ease, Lieutenants."

Christina and Monique relaxed.

Natarle smiled. "We recently got back. I thought it would be nice to have a little celebration."

Christina smiled. "Cool."

Natarle stood up. Une, Lucrezia, Sally, Murrue, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Dorothy, Nina, Lucette, Asuna, Mirai, Karen, Lunamaria, and Catherine stood up as well.

Natarle opened her small refrigerator and passed out twenty-two cans of regular cola. She also took a can for herself.

The women opened their respective cans.

Natarle raised her can. The other twenty-two women raised their own cans.

Natarle smiled. "I propose a toast - to Christina MacKenzie, a fucking good pilot!"

"To Christina MacKenzie!" Flay, Monique, Fa, Reccoa, Une, Lucrezia, Sally, Murrue, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Dorothy, Nina, Lucette, Asuna, Mirai, Karen, Lunamaria, and Catherine exclaimed.

Christina smiled. "Thanks, everyone."

All twenty-three women took a moment to sip their colas.

"Well, we did it. We won the First Gundam Tournament. I'm proud of all of you. You are all hereby released from your obligations and on leave. Does anyone wish to say anything?"

Each woman silently thought for a moment.

Christina finally looked at Natarle. "I wish to resign."

Natarle was surprised. "Chris!"

"The military isn't for me. I don't fit in."

Natarle gave Christina a weak smile. "Very well. I accept your resignation. Anyone else?"

Monique, Miriallia, Chan, and Asuna raised their right hands.


Emma looked at Murrue. "I wish to resign as well."

Murrue gave Emma a weak smile. "Very well. I accept your resignation. Anyone else?"

Relena, Matilda, and Lunamaria raised their right hands.


Fa looked at Lucrezia. "I wish to resign as well."

Lucrezia gave Fa a weak smile. "Very well. I accept your resignation. Anyone else?"

Mirai and Rain raised their right hands.


Sayla looked at Sally. "I wish to resign as well."

Sally gave Sayla a weak smile. "Very well. I accept your resignation. Anyone else?"

Karen and Rain raised their right hands.


Reccoa looked at Une. "I wish to resign as well."

Une gave Reccoa a weak smile. "Very well. I accept your resignation. Anyone else?"

Stella raised her right hand.


The women finished their colas in silence.

They dropped their cans in the trash basket.

"Well, now that that's settled, I suppose there's nothing left for me to say. Please leave your badges, guns, and visitor's passes on my desk. We'll collect them." Natarle paused for a moment. "Dismissed."

Natarle and Murrue were standing on the platform in the hangar.

Natarle had just finished an inspection of the Gundam. She was exhausted. More than that, she was horny, and she couldn't ignore the feeling between her legs any longer.

"What are we doing here?" Murrue asked. "I thought we were going to your place."

"I can't wait until we get home, sweetie. I'm horny, and I need you now."

"Now? Where are we going to find the privacy?"

"What about in the cockpit?"

"The cockpit?"

Natarle smiled. "Sure. Come on. It'll be fun."


Natarle and Murrue walked over to the chest area.

Natarle opened the cockpit.

Murrue climbed into the cockpit.

Natarle climbed into the cockpit and lied on top of Murrue, facing her.

Natarle closed the cockpit.

When their privacy was assured, Natarle kissed Murrue on the lips.

Natarle parted her own lips and shoved her tongue into Murrue's mouth.

After a while, Natarle finished the kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that all day."

Natarle licked Murrue's face repeatedly.

"Mmm, that feels good, sweetie."

Natarle smiled. "I'm glad that you like it. Would you like me to lick lower?"

"Ooh, yes. Please."

"Then you'll have to take off your clothes."

Murrue took off her clothes.

Natarle likewise took off her own clothes.

Thursday, December 27, 2007, 10:24 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Natarle, Murrue, Lucrezia, Sally, and Une sat on couches in Natarle's living room.

The doorbell rang.

Natarle stood up, walked over to the front door, looked through the peephole, and unlocked and opened the door.

Fa, Rain, and Mirai were standing outside.

Natarle smiled weakly. "Come in."

Fa, Rain, and Mirai walked into Natarle's living room.

Natarle closed and locked the front door.

Fa could tell from Natarle's expression that something was wrong.

"Okay, we're here. What's this about?"

Natarle decided to speak first. "First, we each submitted our resignations to our superior officers this morning. We are no longer in the military."

"Okay, fine. What else?"

Lucrezia felt nervous. She stood up and walked over to Fa.

Fa looked at her.

" moving back to Canada."

Fa was shocked. "What?!"



"I just wanna go back where I belong."

"How do you know you don't belong in Japan?"

"I just never felt completely at home in Japan. Besides, I love Canada."

"Running all the way back home. You coward."

Lucrezia felt hurt. "Fa, please try to understand. Paradise keeps on callin' me back where I belong."

"Paradise?" Fa asked. "Thanks heaps."

"I'll always treasure the time that we spent together. However, there's Natarle and...Relena. There's something about that girl. We were immensely close in our past lives."

"I see. Bitch. Goin' back to paradise." Fa laughed. "Got a long, long way to go."

Fa turned, ran over to the front door, unlocked it, opened it, and ran outside.

Lucrezia sadly watched her go.

Now that the winner of the First Gundam Tournament has been declared, the establishment of the Earth Federation Government goes forward at full speed. However, there are some opposing forces that will not sit idly by and watch.

Next on the final episode of "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":


You will race with the tide.