Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ A Near Miss ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well here it is!!! The next chapter!!! I know that it took me a while to get it out but I have been busy. Well that's enough of that. Hiei-babaa would you do the disclaimer for me? (big puppy eyes)

Hiei: *hmph* Kisei does not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. As a matter of fact she is just a baka ningen that has nothing better to do with her life than sit in front of that little glowing box for an hour and press buttons. All so you people can have something to do as wel~ (covers Hiei's mouth)

Well that is enough out of you now isn't it. ^_^; On with the chapter!!!

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While the girls were eating and discussing the whole "Finding Duo" thing, the group of guys that they had passed on the way in were heading for the arcade with a somewhat similar discussion going on between them.

"I'm telling you guys that one of those girls looked really familiar!!! She was lookin' right at me with a look that clearly said that she recognized me from somewhere!!" The braided one of the group was ranting to the other four about the group of girls they had passed. He was convinced that he knew one of them but he couldn't put his finger on where he knew her from.

"Duo are you telling me that being able to interpret expressions in peoples eyes and on their faces is also one of your many talents?" The only blond in the group was the only one to speak. He knew that If he didn't then Duo would just continue to rant.

" I never said that I could read them. It was just really easy to see the emotion in her eyes. Those big green emeralds. *sigh* She was really hot. I think that I want to go and find her."

"Maxwell, I can't believe that you are turning down lunch and the arcade to go looking for some weak onna! Hell must be freezing over." The Chinese boy in the group cut in. He and Duo were always arguing and it always ended with Wufei chasing Duo with his katana and then Heero, the Japanese boy in the group, shooting off his gun to silence the two.

"I never said that I was going to skip lunch and the arcade Wu-man! What I meant was that after we were done with that I want to see if I can find her. There was just something about her the struck my curiosity. It was almost like I knew her from somewhere but I just can't put my finger on where I know her from." Duo went into deep thought (not something we see to often, ne?). He just couldn't shake the feeling that he knew that girl and he was going to do what he could to find out just who she was.

While all of this was going on in Duo's mind the rest of the group had moved on without him. It was Heero that finally went to drag Duo to the arcade….by his braid.

"ITAI!! Hee~ee-chan!! That hurts! Why you pulling so hard *ouchies* hey STOP!! Heero Yuy I am capable of walking by myself you know. It in not like I need you to pull me along like a lost puppy!"

"Well if I hadn't come back to get you, how long do you think it would have taken you to realize that we had gone on without you? Then you would have been a `lost' puppy. I was just saving time, you know why delay the inevitable?" Heero had a very VERY slight smirk on his face at seeing Duo's frustration. It wasn't everyday that he got to have this much fun teasing the pilot of Deathsythe.

"Well I still say that you didn't have to pull as hard as you did. I mean really, it is not like the braid is not attached to my head." Duo followed Heero silently back to the arcade rubbing his sore skull.

When the pair reached the arcade, the rest of the gang were sitting at the bar talking to Motoki, a friend that worked at the arcade, waiting so that they could order lunch. Heero and Duo walked in and took two seats next to their friends.

"So, what will ya have? The usual?" The boys nodded to Motoki, but Duo just kept his head down in thought. This caught Motoki's attention. "Something wrong Duo?"

"Not really, I was just thinking about this one girl that I passed on the street. She just looks soooo familiar….."

With the mention of a girl, Motoki remembered something that he wanted to tell his friends. " Oh I almost forgot! I have a group of friends that will be visiting from Japan. I used to work at an arcade there and we just kinda got to know each other. When they got the idea to come here for a vacation they called me to see if we could hang out and stuff…" (kk I know that I never mentioned this before butt….the idea came to me and well.. *pokes fingers together* *sigh* oh well)

Wufei cut him off with a question that was full with impatience. " So what does this have to do with us? Why tell us?"

"Well I thought that you guys might want to meet them….seeing that there is 5 of them and that there are 5 of you guys…." Motoki trailed off. He realized the glares that he was getting from Heero, Wufei, and Trowa (yes Trowa is there ^_^). "Well I still think that you should meet them. I mean they are nice girls and they are not hard to get along with. You know what? I think that I'll call them and have them come over here! Yeah! Gimme a sec."

Motoki reached below the counter to retrieve his cell. He quickly dialed Mokoto's number.


" Hey Mako-chan! Where are you guys now?"

"Umm we are just finishing lunch at Joy's Dinner. Why?"

"Well when you guys are done do you want to come to the arcade? It is right down the street, on your left. The names King. Do you think that you can make it?"

"Sure why not. We will be done in like 5 min. so I guess we will see you then."

"Yeah. Bye then Makoto."

"Bai bai!"

Motoki looked at the boys that were sitting down eating. Duo seemed to be eating rather fast almost like he was in a hurry to go somewhere.

"Why the rush Duo?"

Duo looked up from his plate. " Oh there is something that I want to do after I am done eating. So I just wanted to hurry up."

"Well my friends will be here soon. Don't you think that you could wait a bit longer before you went? I'm sure that they will be here very shortly." Motoki gave Duo a pleading look. He had been planning to get the singles sitting in front of him hooked up with the girls that were on their way here. And that wouldn't work if not ALL of the singles where present.

"Sorry Motoki. But there is just something that I have to do. The thought of a group of single gals is very tempting but right now there is only on girl on my mind." Duo stood up and placed his money on the counter. He turned around and headed for the door. As he was leaving he wasn't watching where he was going `cause he bumped into a group of girls as they walked into the arcade. Maybe if he would have been paying attention, he would have stayed just a bit longer. The girls that he had bumped into where….

"Hey Motoki!!!!"

"Oh hey Makoto-chan!!"

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There it is finally finished. (stretches) Man I am going to be tired for tomorrow's scrimmage but oh well. Once I got going there was no way that I was going to stop. Well that is all for now. Till the next ch. Bai Bai!! Oh and please R&R. Domo Arigato *bows*