Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ Realization ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey all!!!! Well here is the next chapter. Sry for the wait but I was having a writers block. But I finally got out this one and the next one should be out shortly. I do not own any of the Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing characters. On with the fic!

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Makoto and the girls walked into the arcade and stopped to look at the site in front of them. There sat four *ahem* boys at the bar eating lunch…..kk more like four BISHONEN sitting at the bar and looking over their shoulders at the girls so that all that they could see was one eye….(you know what look I am talking about, ne?) The girls could do nothing more than just stare at the site in front of them.

"You know, only one word comes to mind." stated Mina as she stared at the emerald eyed beauty sitting in front of her.

"And what would that be." Reid was also enjoying the eye-candy. Especially a certain dark haired dark eyed someone that she could not take her eyes off of.

"Damn." All of the girls nodded at Usagi's choice word to answer Mina's question. Makoto seemed to be the only one not really interested. (I know that would never happen but just go with me here)

Meanwhile the boys just sat there staring back at the girls. Similar thoughts were going through their minds as well, even thought none of them would admit it.

"Umm guys…. Do we have something on our faces?" Quatre questioned. He wiped his face with a napkin and then tried to inspect the other boy's faces.

"Hn." Was Hero's only comment (if you can call it that) and he went back to eating his lunch. The rest of the boys did likewise and it was Motoki that snapped the girls back to reality.

"Umm…girls? Would you like to sit down or something?" The group of girls just continued to stare at the boys at the bar. "*sigh* I guess not… Well I guess that I should introduce you all."

At this the girls snapped out of their daze. None of them wanted to miss any information that was about to be given about the new objects of their desire. Walking over to the bar so that Motoki did not have to shout, they took seats at the end of the counter.

"Ladies, these are my four friends, Heero, Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre. There was one more but he left. And guys these are the five girls that I was telling you about, Usagi, Rei, Minako, Ami, and Makoto. I have known them for a while now." None of them made a move to talk to one another so Makoto spoke up.

"Motoki, who was the other one that left? He does have a name right?"

Motoki smiled at his friend. He remembered when she and Usagi had had a crush on him. It was nice to see that she had gotten over her boy craze. "His name is Duo. You might see him later… I mean, it is not like you see too many people with a long braid and purple eyes around here."

Lita felt her heart stop. "What did you say?"

"Umm, I said that it is not like you see too many people with a long braid and purple eyes around here. Why?"

Lita was still in a daze. "And his name is Duo?"

At this point Heero cut in. He was starting to get a little bit annoyed with this girl and her many questions. "Yes his name is Duo. I don't see why that is of any importance though." His voice had been harsh and it cause Lita to give him an evil glare rivaling his own.

"I still have yet another question. Did he used to live on this colony? Like in an orphan gang?"

The pilots just stared at her. None of them wanted to give away any information about their friend without his consent. The only answer that she got was from Motoki.

"Yeah I think that he mentioned that once. He also said something about a girl. As a matter of fact, isn't that where he went? He said that he bumped into someone that reminded him of someone that he knew and he went out to find her." Motoki looked back over to Makoto and saw that she was still in a state of shock. "Umm Makoto? What is wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost?"

Her face became calm as she looked at them all. "Iie, Motoki. I did not see one….just heard of one. I can't believe that he is still alive. Please tell me which way he went?"

"I still don't see why you need to know all of this." Heero was still very annoyed with her. Anyone that knew this much about Duo's past must have been one of the ones who made it a living hell. He was not about to give the whereabouts of his friend to someone that had caused him so much pain.

"I was the one that he bumped into on the street. I thought that I recognized him from somewhere. You see……I'm her."

"Who?" Even Trowa now was starting to get interested. It was not every day that something like this happened.

"The girl from his past." With that she got up and left the arcade to look for her long lost love and friend. Hoping with all of her heart that it was him that she was chasseing.

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Hope that you liked it and sry for it taking so long for me to get this out. It should not be too much longer till the end of the story…maybe like three more chapters. It really depends on if I feel like elaborating on certain points in the story. Well that is all for now. Please R&R. Ja!!
