Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ A Visit To Blood Alley ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well here it is! The next chapter of `Crossing Paths'. We are nearing the end of the story so you know that some juicy stuff is coming up, ne? Well I am not going to blabber on or anything so I will just cut to the chase…I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. I wish that I did but we all know that that will never happen. Enough of my rambling! on with the chapter!

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Lita didn't know just where she was going. She just started walking in whatever direction her heart told her to go in. Unknowingly to her, her friends had also left the arcade to go after their friend. Her sudden interest in the missing boy worried them and her confession just made them curious. After following Lita for about a block or so they decided to make their presence known.

"Hey Mako-chan? How much longer are you going to look? Do you have any idea of where he might be?" Makoto recognized Usagi's voice and turned around. There was a look of shear determination on her face.

"No Usagi, I don't have any idea of where even to start looking. But I must find him…no matter what it takes. You guys don't have to follow me. I know that you all would much rather be back at the arcade looking at those guys." Her voice had turned slightly icy as she said those words and it caused Usagi to snivel. Rei, hearing the sound that her Hime made, made a comment.

"Now you listen here Makoto! You know very well that we would never put boys over a friend in need! Besides they went out to look for this guy as well. They seemed to think that he might to something dangerous if he was left alone too long."

"You're right Rei. I'm sorry for sounding so cold. It is just that it has been so long sine I have seen him. It has be about 11 years now and I want to make sure that he is still alive. I just know that this guy is him. It just has to be him!" Makoto almost wanted to break down in tears but refused to do so.

With her friends by her side, Makoto looked for Duo but they found nothing. After searching all day, the girls decided to do some sight seeing before it got too late. Ami went a grabbed a map and quickly found the closest tourist spot.

"It says here that the closest thing is a historical land mark. It is an alleyway that is called `Blood Alley'. Hmm that sounds interesting. Why don't we go there? It is just down the street from here."

"Umm…..Why is it called `Blood Alley' Ami?" Ami was about to answer Usagi's question when Makoto intervened.

"It is called that because of the massacre that occurred there. A group of young orphans where brutally killed for no reason at all. There was only two survivors." Mako's eyes started to well up with tears. Just remembering Solo along with all of the others brought back that horrible day. She could remember it all very vividly as if it had happened yesterday. "They say that you can still hear the kids screaming. And on hot days and nights like tonight, you can still smell the blood since it was absorbed into the dirt alley."

The rest of the girls just stared at their friend. They were amazed that she knew so much on the topic and the fact that she had unshed tears in her eyes just shocked tem further.

Makoto wiped her eyes and looked back at her friends. "If you guys want to go there then we can. I'll give you a special tour that no one else has ever gotten."

The rest of the girls just nodded their agreement and followed Makoto down the street. When thy arrived at their destination, they saw the large gate that had blocked off the alley to keep from anyone entering it. The only problem was that the gate had been broken open.

Makoto ran to the entrance and stuck her head in. The gate had definitely been forced, but by who….and why? She motioned for the rest of her friends to follow her in and they started to walk to the end of the alley.

"Umm…Mako-chan? Are you sure that we are aloud to be in here? I mean there was a fence up to keep people out." Usagi's worried statement seemed to be what all of the other girls were thinking.

"Don't worry Usa-chan. It is fine. You all can be in here because you are with me. Feel free to look around." Makoto's voice sounded a little bit too cheerful for the current situation. Granted, they don't know when the gate was forced open but that didn't mean that they should drop their guard.

Usagi seemed to have gotten over her little fear and was starting to look around. She found a spot on the wall that seemed to have been filled in. Right above the filled entrance she saw some faded carvings that looked like they said "D + L" and "Duo and Lita Forever". It took her a little bit it figure out that Makoto had said that her English name was `Lita'. Usagi decided that she would call her friends attention to this.

"Hey Makoto? Come over here and look at this."

Hearing her friends call, Makoto walked over to where Usagi stood. When she caught site of the filled in entrance she let out a sigh. It brought back memories of when she and Duo would hide in there, when he gave her her first kiss, and when those people were looking for him……… Makoto shook her head to get rid of the thought. She tried so hard not to remember that day, remember all of that pain and blood. She looked around the entrance and saw the carvings that her friend was pointing to. `Hmm…now that brings back happy memories' Makoto just smiled and began to explaining what the carvings where.

"You see Usa-chan, my boyfriend and I carved those when we were staying with the group of orphans. Since this is an American colony, I had to choose an American name. I had remembered that my neighbor had refered to me as Lita a few times so I decided to use that. That is why it says Lita in the heat."

Usagi seemed to be grasping all of this information and looked like she was about to make a comment when…………


All of the girls whipped around and were confronted with a boy with a long braid and violet eyes.


Well I hope that you all liked this chapter. I think that there should only be 2 more after this and the best is still yet to come!!! I hope that you will all read and review. The next chapter should be out soon!!! Ja!
